The ruffed grouse is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a "partridge", an unrelated phasianid, and occasionally confused with the grey partridge, a bird of open areas rather than woodlands.
Bonasa umbellus was first described by Linnaeus who classified it as Tetrao umbellus, placing it in a subfamily with Eurasian grouse. The subfamily Bonasa was applied by British naturalist John Francis Stephens in 1819. Ruffed grouse is the preferred common name because it applies only to this species. Misleading vernacular names abound, however, and it is often called partridge (sometimes rendered pa'tridge, or shortened to pat), pheasant, or prairie chicken, all of which are properly applied to other birds. Other nicknames for ruffed grouse include drummer or thunder-chicken.
This week’s #BirdOfTheWeek gives us an inside look at the wildlife that relies on the riparian habitat at our Darlin Creek Preserve. This beautiful bird is a ruffed grouse. About 22 seconds in, you can watch the grouse perform his “drum display” by rapidly beating his wings through the air. In the grouse world, this display is used to attract a mate. When you hear the noise in person it sounds more like a low, rapid-fire bass noise. Keep your ears open as you walk the trails at Darlin Creek Preserve for his low-frequency drumming sounds!
The spring season inspired us to create fun short clips featuring western Washington birds and their songs and calls. Be on the lookout every Friday on our social media accounts and YouTube for the latest Bird of the Week. We hope you enjoy learning ...
published: 02 Apr 2021
Voices: Ruffed Grouse
Listen as Macaulay Library Audio Archivist Martha Fischer describes listening to the drum of a male Ruffed Grouse.
Learn more about Ruffed Grouse on All About Birds:
Audio recordings by Jonathan R. Storm. Photographs by Marie Read. To explore more audio recordings visit the Macaulay Library:
#birds #birdwatching #birding #nature
published: 24 May 2010
I stalked this Ruffed Grouse with my camera to capture his "drumming" display. The low WHUP-WHUP-WHUP sound of its wings beating the air is characteristic of the woods surrounding my cabin.
Video and editing by Luke Gibson. Follow me!
published: 27 Nov 2013
Ruffed Grouse drumming and presenting/displaying
Newaygo County, Michigan
#ruffedgrouse, #michiganwildlife, #trailcam
published: 06 Apr 2021
The Ruffed Grouse | Drummer Bird
One of 10 species of grouse native to North America, seeing the secretive Ruffed grouse, can be a little difficult. In fall though you may spot one balancing on limbs of alders as they forage buds or you may hear one in the morning drumming. The name “ruffed” comes from the long, shiny, black or chocolate colored neck feathers that are most prominent on the male.
00:00:28 Appearance
00:01:54 Distribution
00:02:28 Habitat
00:03:25 Diet
00:04:09 Drumming
00:05:33 Behavior
00:06:57 Breeding
00:08:03 Population
Photos, Videos and Audio provided by the following:
Bob Carlyle
Woodlands of Canada
published: 26 Sep 2021
Pennsylvania Ruffed Grouse
2018 Association for Conservation Information 3rd Place, Video Long
2018 Outdoor Film Festival & Tour Official Selection
2018 NatureTrack Film Festival Official Selection
2017 The University of Idaho Fish & Wildlife Film Festival Official Selection
2017 FINN Film Festival Official Selection
2017 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival Official Selection
2017 American Conservation Film Festival Official Selection
Between the periods of 2001-05 the ruffed grouse population suffered a 63% decline statewide. No one was sure why but in 2015 and through 2016 it has been confirmed that our state bird is suffering losses due to West Nile Virus (WNV) infection. Lisa Williams, Pennsylvania Game Commission ruffed grouse biologist, managed to create a network to look for ruffed grouse eggs in the wild, c...
published: 24 Jan 2017
Ruffed Grouse Displaying and Drumming
Using a well-placed trail camera, VTFWD's Outreach Specialist Chris Ingram captured a ruffed grouse displaying and drumming during its spring mating ritual in April 2020.
published: 20 May 2020
The Ruffed Grouse Display by Scout-N-Hunt
See two male ruffed grouse drumming for a female grouse @scout-n-hunt2279 Stomping the ground, shaking his head, tail fanned out and strutting a sight to behold. This is a courtship dance of each grouse trying to dominate the attraction of the female grouse.
published: 04 May 2022
Ruffed Grouse Hunting - Adventure Awaits - A Project Upland Original Film
Ruffed grouse hunting is considered the pursuit of the "king of the birds" in the upland bird hunting community. This is the story of the passion of the grouse woods.
Jerry Havel is owner and operator of Pineridge Grouse Camp in Remer Minnesota. He is a passionate bird hunter, lover of Parker shotguns, and breeder of English Pointers. His camp at Pineridge has become known for the pursuit of the two wild upland game species of the North, the American Woodcock and Ruffed Grouse.
This is a Project Upland Original Film to find out more about our films or bird hunting magazine check out:
To find out more about grouse hunting at Pineridge Grouse Camp check out:
Project Upland is a Northwoods Collective brand: https://www.northw...
This week’s #BirdOfTheWeek gives us an inside look at the wildlife that relies on the riparian habitat at our Darlin Creek Preserve. This beautiful bird is a ru...
This week’s #BirdOfTheWeek gives us an inside look at the wildlife that relies on the riparian habitat at our Darlin Creek Preserve. This beautiful bird is a ruffed grouse. About 22 seconds in, you can watch the grouse perform his “drum display” by rapidly beating his wings through the air. In the grouse world, this display is used to attract a mate. When you hear the noise in person it sounds more like a low, rapid-fire bass noise. Keep your ears open as you walk the trails at Darlin Creek Preserve for his low-frequency drumming sounds!
The spring season inspired us to create fun short clips featuring western Washington birds and their songs and calls. Be on the lookout every Friday on our social media accounts and YouTube for the latest Bird of the Week. We hope you enjoy learning about the amazing diversity of feathered friends benefitting from local land conservation!
#BirdsOfWashington #BirdsOfPugetSound #CLTBirds #CLTBirdOfTheWeek #BirdConservation #Conservation #PugetSound #BirdingByEar #RuffedGrouse #DarlinCreekPreserve
This week’s #BirdOfTheWeek gives us an inside look at the wildlife that relies on the riparian habitat at our Darlin Creek Preserve. This beautiful bird is a ruffed grouse. About 22 seconds in, you can watch the grouse perform his “drum display” by rapidly beating his wings through the air. In the grouse world, this display is used to attract a mate. When you hear the noise in person it sounds more like a low, rapid-fire bass noise. Keep your ears open as you walk the trails at Darlin Creek Preserve for his low-frequency drumming sounds!
The spring season inspired us to create fun short clips featuring western Washington birds and their songs and calls. Be on the lookout every Friday on our social media accounts and YouTube for the latest Bird of the Week. We hope you enjoy learning about the amazing diversity of feathered friends benefitting from local land conservation!
#BirdsOfWashington #BirdsOfPugetSound #CLTBirds #CLTBirdOfTheWeek #BirdConservation #Conservation #PugetSound #BirdingByEar #RuffedGrouse #DarlinCreekPreserve
Listen as Macaulay Library Audio Archivist Martha Fischer describes listening to the drum of a male Ruffed Grouse.
Learn more about Ruffed Grouse on All About ...
Listen as Macaulay Library Audio Archivist Martha Fischer describes listening to the drum of a male Ruffed Grouse.
Learn more about Ruffed Grouse on All About Birds:
Audio recordings by Jonathan R. Storm. Photographs by Marie Read. To explore more audio recordings visit the Macaulay Library:
#birds #birdwatching #birding #nature
Listen as Macaulay Library Audio Archivist Martha Fischer describes listening to the drum of a male Ruffed Grouse.
Learn more about Ruffed Grouse on All About Birds:
Audio recordings by Jonathan R. Storm. Photographs by Marie Read. To explore more audio recordings visit the Macaulay Library:
#birds #birdwatching #birding #nature
I stalked this Ruffed Grouse with my camera to capture his "drumming" display. The low WHUP-WHUP-WHUP sound of its wings bea...
I stalked this Ruffed Grouse with my camera to capture his "drumming" display. The low WHUP-WHUP-WHUP sound of its wings beating the air is characteristic of the woods surrounding my cabin.
Video and editing by Luke Gibson. Follow me!
I stalked this Ruffed Grouse with my camera to capture his "drumming" display. The low WHUP-WHUP-WHUP sound of its wings beating the air is characteristic of the woods surrounding my cabin.
Video and editing by Luke Gibson. Follow me!
One of 10 species of grouse native to North America, seeing the secretive Ruffed grouse, can be a little difficult. In fall though you may spot one balancing ...
One of 10 species of grouse native to North America, seeing the secretive Ruffed grouse, can be a little difficult. In fall though you may spot one balancing on limbs of alders as they forage buds or you may hear one in the morning drumming. The name “ruffed” comes from the long, shiny, black or chocolate colored neck feathers that are most prominent on the male.
00:00:28 Appearance
00:01:54 Distribution
00:02:28 Habitat
00:03:25 Diet
00:04:09 Drumming
00:05:33 Behavior
00:06:57 Breeding
00:08:03 Population
Photos, Videos and Audio provided by the following:
Bob Carlyle
Woodlands of Canada
Craig Cooper
(no links)
Young Forest Photo
By ---=XEON=--- via Wikimedia Commons
CC BY 3.0
Ruffed Grouse Nest with Eggs by Dennis Dalton via Flickr
Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Ruffed Grouse Drumming audio only
Peter Ward and Ken Hall, XC603746. Accessible at
Clip was shortened and background noise removed
Ruffed Grouse, Algonquin, Ontario By Bob Hilscher via
Photos and videos from free use websites:
The individuals' names can be found on their respective photo/video
Other ways to Support LesleytheBirdNerd
Merchandise from
Merchandise from
Donate via Paypal
Also, find LesleytheBirdNerd here:
Facebook Page
If you have a sick or injured bird in your possession I can not help this bird in any way it is strongly advised to contact a local vet or wildlife official before any decisions are made. It is very easy to do more harm than good when handling any wildlife.
For business inquiries or Post Office Box information
please contact Jamie at [email protected]
#LesleytheBirdNerd #LittleDrummerBird #Ruffed Grouse
One of 10 species of grouse native to North America, seeing the secretive Ruffed grouse, can be a little difficult. In fall though you may spot one balancing on limbs of alders as they forage buds or you may hear one in the morning drumming. The name “ruffed” comes from the long, shiny, black or chocolate colored neck feathers that are most prominent on the male.
00:00:28 Appearance
00:01:54 Distribution
00:02:28 Habitat
00:03:25 Diet
00:04:09 Drumming
00:05:33 Behavior
00:06:57 Breeding
00:08:03 Population
Photos, Videos and Audio provided by the following:
Bob Carlyle
Woodlands of Canada
Craig Cooper
(no links)
Young Forest Photo
By ---=XEON=--- via Wikimedia Commons
CC BY 3.0
Ruffed Grouse Nest with Eggs by Dennis Dalton via Flickr
Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Ruffed Grouse Drumming audio only
Peter Ward and Ken Hall, XC603746. Accessible at
Clip was shortened and background noise removed
Ruffed Grouse, Algonquin, Ontario By Bob Hilscher via
Photos and videos from free use websites:
The individuals' names can be found on their respective photo/video
Other ways to Support LesleytheBirdNerd
Merchandise from
Merchandise from
Donate via Paypal
Also, find LesleytheBirdNerd here:
Facebook Page
If you have a sick or injured bird in your possession I can not help this bird in any way it is strongly advised to contact a local vet or wildlife official before any decisions are made. It is very easy to do more harm than good when handling any wildlife.
For business inquiries or Post Office Box information
please contact Jamie at [email protected]
#LesleytheBirdNerd #LittleDrummerBird #Ruffed Grouse
2018 Association for Conservation Information 3rd Place, Video Long
2018 Outdoor Film Festival & Tour Official Selection
2018 NatureTrack Film Festival Official...
2018 Association for Conservation Information 3rd Place, Video Long
2018 Outdoor Film Festival & Tour Official Selection
2018 NatureTrack Film Festival Official Selection
2017 The University of Idaho Fish & Wildlife Film Festival Official Selection
2017 FINN Film Festival Official Selection
2017 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival Official Selection
2017 American Conservation Film Festival Official Selection
Between the periods of 2001-05 the ruffed grouse population suffered a 63% decline statewide. No one was sure why but in 2015 and through 2016 it has been confirmed that our state bird is suffering losses due to West Nile Virus (WNV) infection. Lisa Williams, Pennsylvania Game Commission ruffed grouse biologist, managed to create a network to look for ruffed grouse eggs in the wild, collect those eggs, find a propagator with a quarintine facility, and get those eggs all the way to that facility in Idaho via a volunteer force. Once hatched, the propagator then volunteered to drive the young chicks to the lab where the challenge study was carried out. Chicks were innoculated with WNV and within the first week 40% of the chicks died. After two weeks, an additional 40% of the chicks showed so much organ damage that they probably would not have survived in the wild.
After the challenge study was completed the findings in the lab were then tested on wild grouse in Pennsylvania. This type of study is very rare in the wildlife sciences: where lab findings are then tested in wild populations. Lisa rallied hundreds of hunters across the state to send in blood samples when they harvested a grouse.
By incorporating these findings into habitat management planning, the Game Commission and partners hope to direct habitat management efforts to areas where grouse populations have the best chance of responding.
The Ruffed Grouse is Pennsylvania's State Bird and makes a low-pitched drumming sound to advertise their territory. Males do this by drawing their wings toward their chest and create little sonic booms.
Cinematography: Tracy A. Graziano & Hal Korber
Video Editing: Tracy A. Graziano
#habitat #education #research #wildlife #birdbanding #nature #science #biology #pagamecommission #pgc #pennsylvania #pennsylvaniagamecommission #conservation #bird #ruffedgrouse #WestNileVirus #WestNile #statebird
2018 Association for Conservation Information 3rd Place, Video Long
2018 Outdoor Film Festival & Tour Official Selection
2018 NatureTrack Film Festival Official Selection
2017 The University of Idaho Fish & Wildlife Film Festival Official Selection
2017 FINN Film Festival Official Selection
2017 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival Official Selection
2017 American Conservation Film Festival Official Selection
Between the periods of 2001-05 the ruffed grouse population suffered a 63% decline statewide. No one was sure why but in 2015 and through 2016 it has been confirmed that our state bird is suffering losses due to West Nile Virus (WNV) infection. Lisa Williams, Pennsylvania Game Commission ruffed grouse biologist, managed to create a network to look for ruffed grouse eggs in the wild, collect those eggs, find a propagator with a quarintine facility, and get those eggs all the way to that facility in Idaho via a volunteer force. Once hatched, the propagator then volunteered to drive the young chicks to the lab where the challenge study was carried out. Chicks were innoculated with WNV and within the first week 40% of the chicks died. After two weeks, an additional 40% of the chicks showed so much organ damage that they probably would not have survived in the wild.
After the challenge study was completed the findings in the lab were then tested on wild grouse in Pennsylvania. This type of study is very rare in the wildlife sciences: where lab findings are then tested in wild populations. Lisa rallied hundreds of hunters across the state to send in blood samples when they harvested a grouse.
By incorporating these findings into habitat management planning, the Game Commission and partners hope to direct habitat management efforts to areas where grouse populations have the best chance of responding.
The Ruffed Grouse is Pennsylvania's State Bird and makes a low-pitched drumming sound to advertise their territory. Males do this by drawing their wings toward their chest and create little sonic booms.
Cinematography: Tracy A. Graziano & Hal Korber
Video Editing: Tracy A. Graziano
#habitat #education #research #wildlife #birdbanding #nature #science #biology #pagamecommission #pgc #pennsylvania #pennsylvaniagamecommission #conservation #bird #ruffedgrouse #WestNileVirus #WestNile #statebird
Using a well-placed trail camera, VTFWD's Outreach Specialist Chris Ingram captured a ruffed grouse displaying and drumming during its spring mating ritual in A...
Using a well-placed trail camera, VTFWD's Outreach Specialist Chris Ingram captured a ruffed grouse displaying and drumming during its spring mating ritual in April 2020.
Using a well-placed trail camera, VTFWD's Outreach Specialist Chris Ingram captured a ruffed grouse displaying and drumming during its spring mating ritual in April 2020.
See two male ruffed grouse drumming for a female grouse @scout-n-hunt2279 Stomping the ground, shaking his head, tail fanned out and strutting a sight to behold...
See two male ruffed grouse drumming for a female grouse @scout-n-hunt2279 Stomping the ground, shaking his head, tail fanned out and strutting a sight to behold. This is a courtship dance of each grouse trying to dominate the attraction of the female grouse.
See two male ruffed grouse drumming for a female grouse @scout-n-hunt2279 Stomping the ground, shaking his head, tail fanned out and strutting a sight to behold. This is a courtship dance of each grouse trying to dominate the attraction of the female grouse.
Ruffed grouse hunting is considered the pursuit of the "king of the birds" in the upland bird hunting community. This is the story of the passion of the grouse ...
Ruffed grouse hunting is considered the pursuit of the "king of the birds" in the upland bird hunting community. This is the story of the passion of the grouse woods.
Jerry Havel is owner and operator of Pineridge Grouse Camp in Remer Minnesota. He is a passionate bird hunter, lover of Parker shotguns, and breeder of English Pointers. His camp at Pineridge has become known for the pursuit of the two wild upland game species of the North, the American Woodcock and Ruffed Grouse.
This is a Project Upland Original Film to find out more about our films or bird hunting magazine check out:
To find out more about grouse hunting at Pineridge Grouse Camp check out:
Project Upland is a Northwoods Collective brand:
Ruffed grouse hunting is considered the pursuit of the "king of the birds" in the upland bird hunting community. This is the story of the passion of the grouse woods.
Jerry Havel is owner and operator of Pineridge Grouse Camp in Remer Minnesota. He is a passionate bird hunter, lover of Parker shotguns, and breeder of English Pointers. His camp at Pineridge has become known for the pursuit of the two wild upland game species of the North, the American Woodcock and Ruffed Grouse.
This is a Project Upland Original Film to find out more about our films or bird hunting magazine check out:
To find out more about grouse hunting at Pineridge Grouse Camp check out:
Project Upland is a Northwoods Collective brand:
This week’s #BirdOfTheWeek gives us an inside look at the wildlife that relies on the riparian habitat at our Darlin Creek Preserve. This beautiful bird is a ruffed grouse. About 22 seconds in, you can watch the grouse perform his “drum display” by rapidly beating his wings through the air. In the grouse world, this display is used to attract a mate. When you hear the noise in person it sounds more like a low, rapid-fire bass noise. Keep your ears open as you walk the trails at Darlin Creek Preserve for his low-frequency drumming sounds!
The spring season inspired us to create fun short clips featuring western Washington birds and their songs and calls. Be on the lookout every Friday on our social media accounts and YouTube for the latest Bird of the Week. We hope you enjoy learning about the amazing diversity of feathered friends benefitting from local land conservation!
#BirdsOfWashington #BirdsOfPugetSound #CLTBirds #CLTBirdOfTheWeek #BirdConservation #Conservation #PugetSound #BirdingByEar #RuffedGrouse #DarlinCreekPreserve
Listen as Macaulay Library Audio Archivist Martha Fischer describes listening to the drum of a male Ruffed Grouse.
Learn more about Ruffed Grouse on All About Birds:
Audio recordings by Jonathan R. Storm. Photographs by Marie Read. To explore more audio recordings visit the Macaulay Library:
#birds #birdwatching #birding #nature
I stalked this Ruffed Grouse with my camera to capture his "drumming" display. The low WHUP-WHUP-WHUP sound of its wings beating the air is characteristic of the woods surrounding my cabin.
Video and editing by Luke Gibson. Follow me!
One of 10 species of grouse native to North America, seeing the secretive Ruffed grouse, can be a little difficult. In fall though you may spot one balancing on limbs of alders as they forage buds or you may hear one in the morning drumming. The name “ruffed” comes from the long, shiny, black or chocolate colored neck feathers that are most prominent on the male.
00:00:28 Appearance
00:01:54 Distribution
00:02:28 Habitat
00:03:25 Diet
00:04:09 Drumming
00:05:33 Behavior
00:06:57 Breeding
00:08:03 Population
Photos, Videos and Audio provided by the following:
Bob Carlyle
Woodlands of Canada
Craig Cooper
(no links)
Young Forest Photo
By ---=XEON=--- via Wikimedia Commons
CC BY 3.0
Ruffed Grouse Nest with Eggs by Dennis Dalton via Flickr
Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Ruffed Grouse Drumming audio only
Peter Ward and Ken Hall, XC603746. Accessible at
Clip was shortened and background noise removed
Ruffed Grouse, Algonquin, Ontario By Bob Hilscher via
Photos and videos from free use websites:
The individuals' names can be found on their respective photo/video
Other ways to Support LesleytheBirdNerd
Merchandise from
Merchandise from
Donate via Paypal
Also, find LesleytheBirdNerd here:
Facebook Page
If you have a sick or injured bird in your possession I can not help this bird in any way it is strongly advised to contact a local vet or wildlife official before any decisions are made. It is very easy to do more harm than good when handling any wildlife.
For business inquiries or Post Office Box information
please contact Jamie at [email protected]
#LesleytheBirdNerd #LittleDrummerBird #Ruffed Grouse
2018 Association for Conservation Information 3rd Place, Video Long
2018 Outdoor Film Festival & Tour Official Selection
2018 NatureTrack Film Festival Official Selection
2017 The University of Idaho Fish & Wildlife Film Festival Official Selection
2017 FINN Film Festival Official Selection
2017 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival Official Selection
2017 American Conservation Film Festival Official Selection
Between the periods of 2001-05 the ruffed grouse population suffered a 63% decline statewide. No one was sure why but in 2015 and through 2016 it has been confirmed that our state bird is suffering losses due to West Nile Virus (WNV) infection. Lisa Williams, Pennsylvania Game Commission ruffed grouse biologist, managed to create a network to look for ruffed grouse eggs in the wild, collect those eggs, find a propagator with a quarintine facility, and get those eggs all the way to that facility in Idaho via a volunteer force. Once hatched, the propagator then volunteered to drive the young chicks to the lab where the challenge study was carried out. Chicks were innoculated with WNV and within the first week 40% of the chicks died. After two weeks, an additional 40% of the chicks showed so much organ damage that they probably would not have survived in the wild.
After the challenge study was completed the findings in the lab were then tested on wild grouse in Pennsylvania. This type of study is very rare in the wildlife sciences: where lab findings are then tested in wild populations. Lisa rallied hundreds of hunters across the state to send in blood samples when they harvested a grouse.
By incorporating these findings into habitat management planning, the Game Commission and partners hope to direct habitat management efforts to areas where grouse populations have the best chance of responding.
The Ruffed Grouse is Pennsylvania's State Bird and makes a low-pitched drumming sound to advertise their territory. Males do this by drawing their wings toward their chest and create little sonic booms.
Cinematography: Tracy A. Graziano & Hal Korber
Video Editing: Tracy A. Graziano
#habitat #education #research #wildlife #birdbanding #nature #science #biology #pagamecommission #pgc #pennsylvania #pennsylvaniagamecommission #conservation #bird #ruffedgrouse #WestNileVirus #WestNile #statebird
Using a well-placed trail camera, VTFWD's Outreach Specialist Chris Ingram captured a ruffed grouse displaying and drumming during its spring mating ritual in April 2020.
See two male ruffed grouse drumming for a female grouse @scout-n-hunt2279 Stomping the ground, shaking his head, tail fanned out and strutting a sight to behold. This is a courtship dance of each grouse trying to dominate the attraction of the female grouse.
Ruffed grouse hunting is considered the pursuit of the "king of the birds" in the upland bird hunting community. This is the story of the passion of the grouse woods.
Jerry Havel is owner and operator of Pineridge Grouse Camp in Remer Minnesota. He is a passionate bird hunter, lover of Parker shotguns, and breeder of English Pointers. His camp at Pineridge has become known for the pursuit of the two wild upland game species of the North, the American Woodcock and Ruffed Grouse.
This is a Project Upland Original Film to find out more about our films or bird hunting magazine check out:
To find out more about grouse hunting at Pineridge Grouse Camp check out:
Project Upland is a Northwoods Collective brand:
The ruffed grouse is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a "partridge", an unrelated phasianid, and occasionally confused with the grey partridge, a bird of open areas rather than woodlands.
Bonasa umbellus was first described by Linnaeus who classified it as Tetrao umbellus, placing it in a subfamily with Eurasian grouse. The subfamily Bonasa was applied by British naturalist John Francis Stephens in 1819. Ruffed grouse is the preferred common name because it applies only to this species. Misleading vernacular names abound, however, and it is often called partridge (sometimes rendered pa'tridge, or shortened to pat), pheasant, or prairie chicken, all of which are properly applied to other birds. Other nicknames for ruffed grouse include drummer or thunder-chicken.
... for wild turkeys, badgers, bald eagle nests, barn owls, black bears, bobcats, feral swine, fishers, gray foxes, porcupines, river otters, ruffed grouse, sandhill cranes, snowshoe hares and weasels.
GAYLORD — Otsego County will officially celebrate its sesquicentennial on March 12, marking 150 years since its establishment ... "We looked at all 150 years ... A ... He spent a long weekend hunting ruffed grouse in the Pigeon RiverCountryState Forest.
If you have the antler, you know he is still around ... In the same period, a proliferation of second-growth habitat from forestry and abandoned farms, the same second-growth that created havens for ruffed grouse, also benefited the whitetail deer ... 1 ... 2 ... 3.
BRAINERD — For wildlife photographers a portion of their time is spent sitting idly in a blind, waiting for some unsuspecting critter to show. So, we often have a lot of time to think ... The year was 1981 ... Feb 8 ... Ruffed grouse — shapeshifter of the north ... .
The meat is sourced from a variety of outlets ... (Tracy A ... Squirrel, bobwhite quail, ruffed grouse, cottontail rabbit, pheasant, snowshoe hares, mink, muskrat, fox, opossum, raccoon, striped skunk and weasel can be added to the menu starting in the fall.
Information about all legal hunting was provided by the DNR from pheasants, ruffed grouse, muskrat, raccoon, and foxes to waterfowl and deer, the two areas that were of most interest to hunters and conservationists in southeast Iowa... 31-Dec ... .
ST. MARYS — Straub Brewery will be the host site for the Ruffed Grouse Society (RGS) Birds “N” Brews on Saturday, March 1, from 6-9 p.m. at the Straub Brew House at Straub Tap House, 444 Brusselles St. in St ....
WESTFARGO – I don’t need my kids, wife or you to tell me I’m old. I know it. I embrace it. I’ll argue there are a few things done the old-fashioned way, which still works just fine for me ... ADVERTISEMENT ... 6 ... 3 ... Aug ... 1.Sharptail, Hun, Ruffed Grouse, Squirrel.