Ramon Pelegero Sanchis, who takes the stage name of Raimon (Valencian pronunciation:[rajˈmon]), is a Spanish singer, one of the most important exponents of the musical style of Nova Cançó and one of the most well-known veteran artists in the Catalan language.
Raimon was born in Xàtiva in the province of Valencia, Spain on December 2, 1940, at el carrer Blanc (White Street), which he references in some songs. In his youth he worked for several years as a radio broadcaster in his hometown, absorbing the music of artists as diverse as Juliette Gréco, The Platters, and Juanito Valderrama.
At age 21, he moved to Valencia in order to study history. It was there that he discovered Catalan culture, and read writers such as Ausiàs March, Salvador Espriu, Josep Pla, and Joan Fuster, among others. Prior to this, however, he had already written his first song, Al vent (To the wind).
In 1962, Raimon made his first public appearance at a literary prize ceremony. A little later, after entering a contest in Castelló, where Els Setze Jutges participated, he sang for them. Josep Maria Espinàs was impressed and invited him to Barcelona for the Fòrum Vergés. His success was immediate. Raimon surprised with the form and content of his songs. His urgent texts spoke of a rebellious existentialism; his style departed from the "French style" of Els Setze Jutges and offered a vision of the world tied not to the life of the Barcelona bourgeois in which musicians like Espinàs, Delfí Abella, and Enric Barbat lived, but rather to the Valencian working classes. His first EP appeared quickly on Catalan record label Edigsa in 1963; it included the songs Al vent, Som, La pedra, and A colps, and became a great sales success.
Palaú is a town in the Mexicanstate of Coahuila. It is located on the eastern boundary of the Chihuahuan Desert, in the municipality of Múzquiz. Temperatures in the summertime can easily reach 45 degrees Celsius and the winters are mild but wet. The main industry is coal mining.
When an Austrian engineer discovered these energy riches in the late 19th century, the northern portion of Coahuila quickly transformed from a sparsely populated region of cattle ranchers to an industrial powerhouse. Thousands of Japanese immigrants came seeking work; some of their descendents, with Japanese surnames, are still here.
Coahuila coal feeds steel mills in Monclova and Monterrey, the country's third-largest city. Two coal-fired electric plants near the U.S. border supply as much as 8 percent of Mexico's electricity.
Population (INEGI 2005): 16,133 (men 8,063; women 8,070)
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
published: 26 Dec 2012
Raimon - Jo vinc d'un silenci
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Cançó inclosa al disc "Raimon 50"
Pots seguir la #músicaenvalencià a:
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- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Totmusicaenvalencia/videos
published: 12 Mar 2013
Al vent - Raimon a TVE (1977)
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes-darxiu/arxiu-tve-catalunya-raimon-1977/6392706/
published: 17 Feb 2023
Raimon - Diguem No
Music video by Raimon performing Diguem No. (C) 2018 PICAP
published: 25 May 2018
Raimon - Veles e Vents
Music video by Raimon performing Veles e Vents. (C) 2018 PICAP
published: 25 May 2018
Raimon vs Northbright || INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road
Story Mode/INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road. A boy who yearns for a world without soccer. Unmei Sasanami A soccer monster who.
#football #food #foryou #inazuma #inazumaeleven #inazumajapan #raimon #endoumamoru #ace #striker #acestriker #inazumaelevenvictoryroad #inazumaelevengame #3ds #gamer #game #games #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #gouenjishuuya
#darksouls #eldenring #fromsoftware #bloodborne #ps #soulsborne #sekiro #darksoulsmemes #gaming #playstation #darksoulsremastered #memes #sekiroshadowsdietwice #gamer #videogames #darksoulscommunity #darksoulsgame #demonsouls #praisethesun #hidetakamiyazaki #demonssouls #ashenone #ds #twitch #darksoulsart #bloodbornememes #twitchstreamer #scholarofthefirstsin #darksoulsboss #soulslike
#recordofreflectivewriting #spinodoubleblaster
#varka #va...
published: 18 Jul 2024
Raimon - Al Meu País la Pluja
Music video by Raimon performing Al Meu País la Pluja. (C) 2018 PICAP
published: 25 May 2018
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: Anime Print
Community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9AVuF8VKlLStmznc0YVdTQ/community
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#Yepp #InazumaEleven #Zeus
CatCrazy AMV
Suzuno AMV:
published: 18 Mar 2021
Inazuma Eleven Strikers Extreme 2013: Battaglia della RAIMON
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
@Ferro2 @Refeez @PowahYT @Lollopollo @BestYT @Xiuder @lollolacustre e molti altri
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30...
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a B...
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Cançó inclosa al disc "Raimon 50"
Pots seguir la #músicaenvalencià a:
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lamusicaenvalencia
- Twitter: @musicaNvalencia https://twitter.com/musicaNvalencia
- La #músicaenvalencià en xarxa: http://www.facebook.com/groups/523691734347660/
- Bloc de la #músicaenvalencià: http://blocdelamusicaenvalencia.blogspot.com/
- Diari de la #músicaenvalencià: http://paper.li/musicaNvalencia/1354655187
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Totmusicaenvalencia/videos
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Cançó inclosa al disc "Raimon 50"
Pots seguir la #músicaenvalencià a:
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lamusicaenvalencia
- Twitter: @musicaNvalencia https://twitter.com/musicaNvalencia
- La #músicaenvalencià en xarxa: http://www.facebook.com/groups/523691734347660/
- Bloc de la #músicaenvalencià: http://blocdelamusicaenvalencia.blogspot.com/
- Diari de la #músicaenvalencià: http://paper.li/musicaNvalencia/1354655187
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Totmusicaenvalencia/videos
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes...
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes-darxiu/arxiu-tve-catalunya-raimon-1977/6392706/
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes-darxiu/arxiu-tve-catalunya-raimon-1977/6392706/
Story Mode/INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road. A boy who yearns for a world without soccer. Unmei Sasanami A soccer monster who.
#football #food #foryou #inazuma #in...
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: A...
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: Anime Print
Community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9AVuF8VKlLStmznc0YVdTQ/community
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/AvzqeTVd3b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YeppAMV
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Yeppico
#Yepp #InazumaEleven #Zeus
CatCrazy AMV
Suzuno AMV:
Artimex 723 AMV:
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use"for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
All copyrights reserved to AraitMultimedia and Televix Entertainment Inc.
NOTE: This high quality edited video composes different scenes from several different scenes of Inazuma Eleven and non-profit. Thanks to the Animation Developers! Yepp Provides Unique value in this AMV by Editing Videos Using multiple Scenes from Different Animations To Create Something Totally Unique.
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: Anime Print
Community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9AVuF8VKlLStmznc0YVdTQ/community
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/AvzqeTVd3b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YeppAMV
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Yeppico
#Yepp #InazumaEleven #Zeus
CatCrazy AMV
Suzuno AMV:
Artimex 723 AMV:
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use"for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
All copyrights reserved to AraitMultimedia and Televix Entertainment Inc.
NOTE: This high quality edited video composes different scenes from several different scenes of Inazuma Eleven and non-profit. Thanks to the Animation Developers! Yepp Provides Unique value in this AMV by Editing Videos Using multiple Scenes from Different Animations To Create Something Totally Unique.
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
@Ferro2 @Refeez @PowahYT @Loll...
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
@Ferro2 @Refeez @PowahYT @Lollopollo @BestYT @Xiuder @lollolacustre e molti altri
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
@Ferro2 @Refeez @PowahYT @Lollopollo @BestYT @Xiuder @lollolacustre e molti altri
Palau is an island paradise standing up to the world
The tiny island of Palau is a remote, beautiful paradise and the rest of the world knows it. But existing in a connected world can put extreme stress on small countries. The nation of just 20,000 people has seen an influx of tourists recently, but that hasn’t necessarily been a good thing.
But visitors arriving by the tens of thousands from such behemoths as Japan, South Korea, and China, put considerable stress on Palau’s environment and economy.
Quartz News travels far into the Pacific to find out how the island nation of Palau is standing up for itself against the world’s superpowers.
Become a member of Quartz, your exclusive guide to the global economy: http://bit.ly/2E7e7jB
published: 24 May 2019
Palau Is NOT What I Expected!
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published: 24 Jul 2023
THIS IS LIFE IN PALAU: The most SECRET Island on Earth?
Subscribe toWanderix just click here: https://bit.ly/3S01dc1 !
🌊🏝️ Discover the Untouched Paradise of Palau! 🏝️🌊 In "This is Life in Palau: The most SECRET Island on earth?", we embark on a breathtaking journey to explore the unparalleled beauty of Palau, a hidden gem in the Pacific Ocean renowned for its pristine beaches, lush tropical landscapes, and vibrant underwater world.
🎥 Dive with us into the heart of Palau, where nature's artistry creates a backdrop so stunning, it must be seen to be believed. From the Rock Islands' emerald waters to the mesmerizing Jellyfish Lake and the rich cultural heritage of its people, Palau offers a glimpse into a world where beauty and harmony reign.
🐠 Experience Palau's Marvels:
Snorkel in crystal-clear waters teeming with colorful marine life and ...
published: 22 Jan 2024
Geography Now! PALAU
It's time to learn Geography.... PALAU!
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published: 31 Jul 2019
City Walks: Exploring KOROR | PALAU 🇵🇼
A first glimpse into Palau, through the gorgeous main populous city of Koror, a gateway into a beautiful nation rich in beauty, tradition & culture.
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published: 05 Nov 2022
He..aku palau(MTV)Jennarino Jeraki
He..aku palau(MTV)Jennarino Jeraki
published: 07 Feb 2018
Palau Travel: 9 Things to do in Palau (From Island Hopping to Swimming with Jellyfish)
How to find cheap flights and travel more: https://travelforalmostfree.com/ref=beforeyougo2 // Here are the best things to do in Palau.
Fired travel agent wants revenge! Here's the secret to cheap flights: https://bit.ly/3da2cED
Palau, a tropical paradise located in the Pacific Ocean, is a destination that should be on every traveler's bucket list. From the crystal-clear waters to the lush jungles, Palau is a place where you can truly escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
In this video, we take a closer look at the many things to do in Palau. From swimming in the famous Jellyfish Lake to exploring the ancient ruins of the Rock Islands, this video will give you a glimpse into the natural beauty and rich culture of Palau.
published: 13 Jan 2023
Palau officially the Republic of Palau and historically Belau, Palaos or Pelew, is an island country in the western Pacific
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published: 26 Apr 2022
El Palau de la Música se abre al Jazz y una beluga ucraniana llega al Oceanogràfic
Valencia en Abierto 19/06/24
published: 19 Jun 2024
Historical Bond Between The Philippines And Palau.
Explore the historical bond between the Philippines and Palau in this video.
Uncovering the facts about the significant relationship between the Philippines and Palau reveals an interesting cultural and historical link. Their cuisine has many similarities, as well as a long history of migration between the two nations.
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The tiny island of Palau is a remote, beautiful paradise and the rest of the world knows it. But existing in a connected world can put extreme stress on small c...
The tiny island of Palau is a remote, beautiful paradise and the rest of the world knows it. But existing in a connected world can put extreme stress on small countries. The nation of just 20,000 people has seen an influx of tourists recently, but that hasn’t necessarily been a good thing.
But visitors arriving by the tens of thousands from such behemoths as Japan, South Korea, and China, put considerable stress on Palau’s environment and economy.
Quartz News travels far into the Pacific to find out how the island nation of Palau is standing up for itself against the world’s superpowers.
Become a member of Quartz, your exclusive guide to the global economy: http://bit.ly/2E7e7jB
Quartz is a digital news outlet dedicated to telling stories at the intersection of the important and the interesting. Visit us at https://qz.com/ to read more.
The tiny island of Palau is a remote, beautiful paradise and the rest of the world knows it. But existing in a connected world can put extreme stress on small countries. The nation of just 20,000 people has seen an influx of tourists recently, but that hasn’t necessarily been a good thing.
But visitors arriving by the tens of thousands from such behemoths as Japan, South Korea, and China, put considerable stress on Palau’s environment and economy.
Quartz News travels far into the Pacific to find out how the island nation of Palau is standing up for itself against the world’s superpowers.
Become a member of Quartz, your exclusive guide to the global economy: http://bit.ly/2E7e7jB
Quartz is a digital news outlet dedicated to telling stories at the intersection of the important and the interesting. Visit us at https://qz.com/ to read more.
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🌊🏝️ Discover the Untouched Paradise of Palau! 🏝️🌊 In "This is Life in Palau: The most SECRET Is...
Subscribe toWanderix just click here: https://bit.ly/3S01dc1 !
🌊🏝️ Discover the Untouched Paradise of Palau! 🏝️🌊 In "This is Life in Palau: The most SECRET Island on earth?", we embark on a breathtaking journey to explore the unparalleled beauty of Palau, a hidden gem in the Pacific Ocean renowned for its pristine beaches, lush tropical landscapes, and vibrant underwater world.
🎥 Dive with us into the heart of Palau, where nature's artistry creates a backdrop so stunning, it must be seen to be believed. From the Rock Islands' emerald waters to the mesmerizing Jellyfish Lake and the rich cultural heritage of its people, Palau offers a glimpse into a world where beauty and harmony reign.
🐠 Experience Palau's Marvels:
Snorkel in crystal-clear waters teeming with colorful marine life and spectacular coral reefs.
Kayak through tranquil lagoons surrounded by lush mangroves.
Discover the ancient stone monoliths and traditional bai meeting houses that tell the story of Palau's rich history and culture.
Witness the conservation efforts that make Palau a leading example of environmental protection and sustainable tourism.
🌿 Join us as we meet the locals who call this paradise home, sharing their stories of life in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Learn how they live in harmony with nature, preserving the beauty and health of their island for generations to come.
👍 If you're captivated by the sheer beauty of our planet and the stories of those who steward its treasures, make sure to Like, Share, and Subscribe. Hit the notification bell to keep up with our journey to the world's most stunning destinations.
💙 Whether you're an adventurer at heart, a lover of nature, or simply in search of the most beautiful places on earth, "This is Life in Palau" invites you to immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of this Pacific island nation.
#Palau #ParadiseOnEarth #NatureBeauty #TravelVlog #ExplorePalau #Conservation
#travel, #traveling, #discovery, #Palau, #traveldocumentary
Subscribe toWanderix just click here: https://bit.ly/3S01dc1 !
🌊🏝️ Discover the Untouched Paradise of Palau! 🏝️🌊 In "This is Life in Palau: The most SECRET Island on earth?", we embark on a breathtaking journey to explore the unparalleled beauty of Palau, a hidden gem in the Pacific Ocean renowned for its pristine beaches, lush tropical landscapes, and vibrant underwater world.
🎥 Dive with us into the heart of Palau, where nature's artistry creates a backdrop so stunning, it must be seen to be believed. From the Rock Islands' emerald waters to the mesmerizing Jellyfish Lake and the rich cultural heritage of its people, Palau offers a glimpse into a world where beauty and harmony reign.
🐠 Experience Palau's Marvels:
Snorkel in crystal-clear waters teeming with colorful marine life and spectacular coral reefs.
Kayak through tranquil lagoons surrounded by lush mangroves.
Discover the ancient stone monoliths and traditional bai meeting houses that tell the story of Palau's rich history and culture.
Witness the conservation efforts that make Palau a leading example of environmental protection and sustainable tourism.
🌿 Join us as we meet the locals who call this paradise home, sharing their stories of life in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Learn how they live in harmony with nature, preserving the beauty and health of their island for generations to come.
👍 If you're captivated by the sheer beauty of our planet and the stories of those who steward its treasures, make sure to Like, Share, and Subscribe. Hit the notification bell to keep up with our journey to the world's most stunning destinations.
💙 Whether you're an adventurer at heart, a lover of nature, or simply in search of the most beautiful places on earth, "This is Life in Palau" invites you to immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of this Pacific island nation.
#Palau #ParadiseOnEarth #NatureBeauty #TravelVlog #ExplorePalau #Conservation
#travel, #traveling, #discovery, #Palau, #traveldocumentary
It's time to learn Geography.... PALAU!
Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you!
We now have a Public mailbox too!...
It's time to learn Geography.... PALAU!
Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you!
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CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: [email protected]
Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.
#Palau #Travel #info #Micronesia
It's time to learn Geography.... PALAU!
Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you!
We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is:
1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432
Los Angeles CA, 90068
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Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY
Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB
Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road.
CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: [email protected]
Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.
#Palau #Travel #info #Micronesia
A first glimpse into Palau, through the gorgeous main populous city of Koror, a gateway into a beautiful nation rich in beauty, tradition & culture.
Don't for...
A first glimpse into Palau, through the gorgeous main populous city of Koror, a gateway into a beautiful nation rich in beauty, tradition & culture.
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A first glimpse into Palau, through the gorgeous main populous city of Koror, a gateway into a beautiful nation rich in beauty, tradition & culture.
Don't forget to subscribe and join me on my voyage around the world! 🌎
🔍You can also find me on:
Check out my Blog - http://www.aperezvoyages.com
Would you like to SUPPORT my voyages & content:
🙏🏼Join me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/aperezvoyages
📷Cameras used in this video:
Sony AX700
Dji Mavic Air 2S
Iphone XS Max
→ Get a discount off of Soundstripe Music - https://soundstripe.com/start/?fpr=aperezvoyages
🗣️ Be sure to use Promo code VOYAGES10
How to find cheap flights and travel more: https://travelforalmostfree.com/ref=beforeyougo2 // Here are the best things to do in Palau.
How to find cheap flights and travel more: https://travelforalmostfree.com/ref=beforeyougo2 // Here are the best things to do in Palau.
Fired travel agent wants revenge! Here's the secret to cheap flights: https://bit.ly/3da2cED
Palau, a tropical paradise located in the Pacific Ocean, is a destination that should be on every traveler's bucket list. From the crystal-clear waters to the lush jungles, Palau is a place where you can truly escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
In this video, we take a closer look at the many things to do in Palau. From swimming in the famous Jellyfish Lake to exploring the ancient ruins of the Rock Islands, this video will give you a glimpse into the natural beauty and rich culture of Palau.
We'll also take you to some of the most secluded beaches and show you the best way to experience the local marine life. So, whether you're a beach lover or an adventure seeker, this video has something for you. Don't miss out on the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Palau.
So, what are you waiting for? Hit the play button and let's explore this tropical paradise together! We'll explain more about the best things to do in Palau in this video.
Music from https://freetousemusic.com
Track: Dreamy Skies by Pufino
How to find cheap flights and travel more: https://travelforalmostfree.com/ref=beforeyougo2 // Here are the best things to do in Palau.
Fired travel agent wants revenge! Here's the secret to cheap flights: https://bit.ly/3da2cED
Palau, a tropical paradise located in the Pacific Ocean, is a destination that should be on every traveler's bucket list. From the crystal-clear waters to the lush jungles, Palau is a place where you can truly escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
In this video, we take a closer look at the many things to do in Palau. From swimming in the famous Jellyfish Lake to exploring the ancient ruins of the Rock Islands, this video will give you a glimpse into the natural beauty and rich culture of Palau.
We'll also take you to some of the most secluded beaches and show you the best way to experience the local marine life. So, whether you're a beach lover or an adventure seeker, this video has something for you. Don't miss out on the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Palau.
So, what are you waiting for? Hit the play button and let's explore this tropical paradise together! We'll explain more about the best things to do in Palau in this video.
Music from https://freetousemusic.com
Track: Dreamy Skies by Pufino
Palau officially the Republic of Palau and historically Belau, Palaos or Pelew, is an island country in the western Pacific
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/...
Palau officially the Republic of Palau and historically Belau, Palaos or Pelew, is an island country in the western Pacific
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/aplaceonearth?sub_confirmation=1
📈 Our another YouTube Video
🎬 THE NETHERLANDS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXiQ4Br_UVs
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Palau officially the Republic of Palau and historically Belau, Palaos or Pelew, is an island country in the western Pacific
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/aplaceonearth?sub_confirmation=1
📈 Our another YouTube Video
🎬 THE NETHERLANDS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXiQ4Br_UVs
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please contact us at:
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Disclaimer - Some contents are used for educational purpose under fair use. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Explore the historical bond between the Philippines and Palau in this video.
Uncovering the facts about the significant relationsh...
Explore the historical bond between the Philippines and Palau in this video.
Uncovering the facts about the significant relationship between the Philippines and Palau reveals an interesting cultural and historical link. Their cuisine has many similarities, as well as a long history of migration between the two nations.
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Explore the historical bond between the Philippines and Palau in this video.
Uncovering the facts about the significant relationship between the Philippines and Palau reveals an interesting cultural and historical link. Their cuisine has many similarities, as well as a long history of migration between the two nations.
If you found this content helpful, give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more.
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Palau, Sardinia, evening summer walking tour in 4k [Italy]
Hello my friend! Let's walk together by Palau!
Palau, north of Sardinia, Italy, July 2022. Evening walk, summer time.
🏨 BEST HOTELS where to stay in Palau 👉 https://www.booking.com/searchresults.es.html?city=-123746&aid=2391611&no_rooms=1&group_adults=2&label=ybitaly
A small town, worth the visit!. You can take the ferry (with or without a car) to La Maddalena main island.
🚶 Best Tours in Italy 👉 https://www.getyourguide.com/italy-l169011?partner_id=VGR13H3&utm_medium=online_publisher&placement=content-middle&cmp=ybmondello
I hope you enjoy the video! 💖⭐️
Enjoy our videos:
☀️ Sardinia ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA09VtahPKg&list=PLBAAQpyOYMr5OGY9wkD6fmksN1VvYnloj&index=1
☀️ Porto Cervo ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYECsexeUyA&list=PLBAAQpyOYMr5OGY9wkD6fmksN1VvYnloj&...
published: 10 Aug 2022
Hello folks, in this video, I'm going to share our experience travelling and spending 3 days in Sardinia, mainly in Costa Smeralda, Palau, Alghero and Olbia. We will also explore the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia!
As always, if you’d like to support our channel, you can book*:
Your accommodation via our Booking com link - https://booking.tp.st/wtHXkIvN
Tours and activities via our Viator (https://viator.tp.st/Bk3l8LBH),GetYourGuide (https://getyourguide.tp.st/nzm9PVpp) or Tripadvisor (https://tripadvisor.tp.st/BJ5A1XvN) links
Car rental via https://rentalcars.tp.st/FyWg6ce5
Flights on Trip.com https://fave.co/48V72NA
*(we would get a small commission at no extra cost to you).
Follow our adventures on our blog Tripsget: https://tripsget.com
published: 25 Aug 2022
Palau | La Maddalena | Sardegna 4K | Italy 2024
My website http://dkvideo.pl
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dktravelvideo
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DKVideoPL
If you need aerial video shots or photos from Poland, Italy, Europe, please contact.
Jeśli potrzebujesz ujęcia video, napisz. Mam ujęcia video i zdjęcia z Polski, Włoch i Europy.
published: 13 Jul 2023
Island World of Palau - Sardinia
In the north of Sardinia, in Gallura, the granite region of the province of Sassari, lies the port town of Palau. It is not only known as a starting point for excursions to the nearby island of La Maddalena. Palau itself also attracts visitors with its beautiful beaches and rugged coastline.
published: 25 Jun 2022
Palau, Sardinia in Autumn. Short Walking Tour
Palau is located in the territorial region of Gallura in the northern cost of Sardinia, close to the Emerald Coast, and its harbour is the main channel of access to the La Maddalena archipelago.
The coastline is jagged and rocky, a large pine forest is located on the old town beach, and another one of equal size lies in the hills above the village. Every beach has thick and rich Mediterranean scrub, which includes olive trees, maritime pine, sea fennel, blueberries, rosemary, fennel, lavender, arbutus, lentisk, sea cistus, helichrysum and many others. Near Punta Sardegna there is Porto Rafael, a large area of Mediterranean maquis where there are a major yacht harbour and many villas owned by famous people.
published: 29 Oct 2023
Sardegna - Palau 4k
Palau (OT) - Maggio 2017 - Sardegna: Palau una città da scoprire.
published: 21 Jan 2019
Top 10 Places To Visit In Sardinia - Travel Guide
Sardinia is one of Europe's most beautiful islands. Enjoy this travel guide of Sardinia's incredible landscapes. From the jaw dropping Baunei Coast, the secluded coves of the Maddalena archipelago, Sardinia has so much waiting to be explored. Where is your favorite place in Sardinia?
Special thanks to @salvatours for helping out with footage. He has some of the most incredible FPV films of Sardinia - https://www.youtube.com/c/salvatours
My relaxation channel - https://www.youtube.com/scenicrelaxationfilms
My Travel Videos:
Top 100 Places in Italy - https://youtu.be/02jQiIkEGh8
Top 10 Places on The Amalfi Coast - https://youtu.be/Mupom-sgjAU
Top 10 Places in Tuscany - https://youtu.be/7aNxp7ybmX8
Top 10 Places in Czechia - https://youtu.be/ErbOZlSukzg
Top 10 Places In Slovenia - h...
published: 17 Apr 2022
Friday Market in Palau - Sardinia - Italy
The Friday market in Palau in Sardina (Sardenga) Italy.
Il mercato del Venerdì a Palau Sardina ( Sardenga ) Italia.
Record date: June 24, 2016.
Venerdì Mercato a Palau
Freitag Markt in Palau
Vendredi marché à Palau
Mercatu di i vennari in Palau
published: 08 Jul 2016
Sardegna 2022 Palau
published: 06 Aug 2022
Sardinia Travel Vlog: La Maddalena Boat Day Palau To Spargi, Budelli, Santa Maria, Tahiti, Day 4
Join me for a fun day trip around the La Maddalena archipelago in Sardinia. We went on a group boat tour - all places mentioned in the video linked below:
Giglio Apartment Rental - Porto Rotondo: https://www.booking.com/hotel/it/giglio-apartment-portorotondo.en.html?aid=7991514&no_rooms=1&group_adults=2
Link to water shoes (aqua socks):
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ICFxxo
Amazon locations outside of UK: https://geni.us/jgwatershoes
Book Tour on Get Your Guide:
Linea delle Isole Tour company:
Places on the tour:
La Maddalena: https://goo.gl/maps/YVMce6yepSV2LkZ...
Hello my friend! Let's walk together by Palau!
Palau, north of Sardinia, Italy, July 2022. Evening walk, summer time.
🏨 BEST HOTELS where to stay in Palau 👉 ht...
Hello folks, in this video, I'm going to share our experience travelling and spending 3 days in Sardinia, mainly in Costa Smeralda, Palau, Alghero and Olbia. We...
Hello folks, in this video, I'm going to share our experience travelling and spending 3 days in Sardinia, mainly in Costa Smeralda, Palau, Alghero and Olbia. We will also explore the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia!
As always, if you’d like to support our channel, you can book*:
Your accommodation via our Booking com link - https://booking.tp.st/wtHXkIvN
Tours and activities via our Viator (https://viator.tp.st/Bk3l8LBH),GetYourGuide (https://getyourguide.tp.st/nzm9PVpp) or Tripadvisor (https://tripadvisor.tp.st/BJ5A1XvN) links
Car rental via https://rentalcars.tp.st/FyWg6ce5
Flights on Trip.com https://fave.co/48V72NA
*(we would get a small commission at no extra cost to you).
Follow our adventures on our blog Tripsget: https://tripsget.com
We are on Instagram: https://instagram.com/lizatripsget
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tripsget
Hello folks, in this video, I'm going to share our experience travelling and spending 3 days in Sardinia, mainly in Costa Smeralda, Palau, Alghero and Olbia. We will also explore the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia!
As always, if you’d like to support our channel, you can book*:
Your accommodation via our Booking com link - https://booking.tp.st/wtHXkIvN
Tours and activities via our Viator (https://viator.tp.st/Bk3l8LBH),GetYourGuide (https://getyourguide.tp.st/nzm9PVpp) or Tripadvisor (https://tripadvisor.tp.st/BJ5A1XvN) links
Car rental via https://rentalcars.tp.st/FyWg6ce5
Flights on Trip.com https://fave.co/48V72NA
*(we would get a small commission at no extra cost to you).
Follow our adventures on our blog Tripsget: https://tripsget.com
We are on Instagram: https://instagram.com/lizatripsget
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tripsget
My website http://dkvideo.pl
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dktravelvideo
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DKVideoPL
If you need aerial video sho...
My website http://dkvideo.pl
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dktravelvideo
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DKVideoPL
If you need aerial video shots or photos from Poland, Italy, Europe, please contact.
Jeśli potrzebujesz ujęcia video, napisz. Mam ujęcia video i zdjęcia z Polski, Włoch i Europy.
My website http://dkvideo.pl
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dktravelvideo
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DKVideoPL
If you need aerial video shots or photos from Poland, Italy, Europe, please contact.
Jeśli potrzebujesz ujęcia video, napisz. Mam ujęcia video i zdjęcia z Polski, Włoch i Europy.
In the north of Sardinia, in Gallura, the granite region of the province of Sassari, lies the port town of Palau. It is not only known as a starting point for e...
In the north of Sardinia, in Gallura, the granite region of the province of Sassari, lies the port town of Palau. It is not only known as a starting point for excursions to the nearby island of La Maddalena. Palau itself also attracts visitors with its beautiful beaches and rugged coastline.
In the north of Sardinia, in Gallura, the granite region of the province of Sassari, lies the port town of Palau. It is not only known as a starting point for excursions to the nearby island of La Maddalena. Palau itself also attracts visitors with its beautiful beaches and rugged coastline.
Palau is located in the territorial region of Gallura in the northern cost of Sardinia, close to the Emerald Coast, and its harbour is the main channel of acces...
Palau is located in the territorial region of Gallura in the northern cost of Sardinia, close to the Emerald Coast, and its harbour is the main channel of access to the La Maddalena archipelago.
The coastline is jagged and rocky, a large pine forest is located on the old town beach, and another one of equal size lies in the hills above the village. Every beach has thick and rich Mediterranean scrub, which includes olive trees, maritime pine, sea fennel, blueberries, rosemary, fennel, lavender, arbutus, lentisk, sea cistus, helichrysum and many others. Near Punta Sardegna there is Porto Rafael, a large area of Mediterranean maquis where there are a major yacht harbour and many villas owned by famous people.
Palau is located in the territorial region of Gallura in the northern cost of Sardinia, close to the Emerald Coast, and its harbour is the main channel of access to the La Maddalena archipelago.
The coastline is jagged and rocky, a large pine forest is located on the old town beach, and another one of equal size lies in the hills above the village. Every beach has thick and rich Mediterranean scrub, which includes olive trees, maritime pine, sea fennel, blueberries, rosemary, fennel, lavender, arbutus, lentisk, sea cistus, helichrysum and many others. Near Punta Sardegna there is Porto Rafael, a large area of Mediterranean maquis where there are a major yacht harbour and many villas owned by famous people.
Sardinia is one of Europe's most beautiful islands. Enjoy this travel guide of Sardinia's incredible landscapes. From the jaw dropping Baunei Coast, the seclude...
Sardinia is one of Europe's most beautiful islands. Enjoy this travel guide of Sardinia's incredible landscapes. From the jaw dropping Baunei Coast, the secluded coves of the Maddalena archipelago, Sardinia has so much waiting to be explored. Where is your favorite place in Sardinia?
Special thanks to @salvatours for helping out with footage. He has some of the most incredible FPV films of Sardinia - https://www.youtube.com/c/salvatours
My relaxation channel - https://www.youtube.com/scenicrelaxationfilms
My Travel Videos:
Top 100 Places in Italy - https://youtu.be/02jQiIkEGh8
Top 10 Places on The Amalfi Coast - https://youtu.be/Mupom-sgjAU
Top 10 Places in Tuscany - https://youtu.be/7aNxp7ybmX8
Top 10 Places in Czechia - https://youtu.be/ErbOZlSukzg
Top 10 Places In Slovenia - https://youtu.be/lqDMR32jb98
Top 30 Places In The Alps - https://youtu.be/7SDF0ZzDHzk
Top 10 Places in Bavaria - https://youtu.be/O8fXfCTRjfA
Top 10 Places in Swiss Alps - https://youtu.be/TE_Gf16EGHA
Top 10 Places In 2022 - https://youtu.be/Hmu4bQxfpDA
Top 100 Places in Europe - https://youtu.be/ixIzimI35SE
Top 10 Villages To Visit - https://youtu.be/uerJQax3VR4
Find me on Tiktok and instagram @shirley.films
Song: Eternal Sunshine by Luke Bergs & LiQWYD
LiQWYD - https://youtu.be/cax-Bat5KoY
Luke Bergs - https://youtu.be/QqFOzpqHPr8
Great Place for Stock footage - https://bit.ly/38b1EJH
Free stock footage, guides & luts - https://sellfy.com/ryanshirley
My Camera Gear - https://www.amazon.com/shop/ryanshirley
0:00 - Intro
0:31 - Baunei Coast
0:54 - Cala Goloritze
1:56 - Cala Mariolu & Cala Luna
2:51 - Pedra Longa
3:38 - Porto Flavia
4:14 - Piscinas & Bosa
4:59 - Alghero & Capo Caccia
5:32 - Spiaggia La Pelosa
5:55 - Cala Spinosa
6:17 - Maddalena Archipelao
6:55 - Spiaggia dei Barraconi
7:34 - Tavolara Island
8:14 - Outro
Thanks for watching :)
Sardinia is one of Europe's most beautiful islands. Enjoy this travel guide of Sardinia's incredible landscapes. From the jaw dropping Baunei Coast, the secluded coves of the Maddalena archipelago, Sardinia has so much waiting to be explored. Where is your favorite place in Sardinia?
Special thanks to @salvatours for helping out with footage. He has some of the most incredible FPV films of Sardinia - https://www.youtube.com/c/salvatours
My relaxation channel - https://www.youtube.com/scenicrelaxationfilms
My Travel Videos:
Top 100 Places in Italy - https://youtu.be/02jQiIkEGh8
Top 10 Places on The Amalfi Coast - https://youtu.be/Mupom-sgjAU
Top 10 Places in Tuscany - https://youtu.be/7aNxp7ybmX8
Top 10 Places in Czechia - https://youtu.be/ErbOZlSukzg
Top 10 Places In Slovenia - https://youtu.be/lqDMR32jb98
Top 30 Places In The Alps - https://youtu.be/7SDF0ZzDHzk
Top 10 Places in Bavaria - https://youtu.be/O8fXfCTRjfA
Top 10 Places in Swiss Alps - https://youtu.be/TE_Gf16EGHA
Top 10 Places In 2022 - https://youtu.be/Hmu4bQxfpDA
Top 100 Places in Europe - https://youtu.be/ixIzimI35SE
Top 10 Villages To Visit - https://youtu.be/uerJQax3VR4
Find me on Tiktok and instagram @shirley.films
Song: Eternal Sunshine by Luke Bergs & LiQWYD
LiQWYD - https://youtu.be/cax-Bat5KoY
Luke Bergs - https://youtu.be/QqFOzpqHPr8
Great Place for Stock footage - https://bit.ly/38b1EJH
Free stock footage, guides & luts - https://sellfy.com/ryanshirley
My Camera Gear - https://www.amazon.com/shop/ryanshirley
0:00 - Intro
0:31 - Baunei Coast
0:54 - Cala Goloritze
1:56 - Cala Mariolu & Cala Luna
2:51 - Pedra Longa
3:38 - Porto Flavia
4:14 - Piscinas & Bosa
4:59 - Alghero & Capo Caccia
5:32 - Spiaggia La Pelosa
5:55 - Cala Spinosa
6:17 - Maddalena Archipelao
6:55 - Spiaggia dei Barraconi
7:34 - Tavolara Island
8:14 - Outro
Thanks for watching :)
The Friday market in Palau in Sardina (Sardenga) Italy.
Il mercato del Venerdì a Palau Sardina ( Sardenga ) Italia.
Record date: June 24, 2016.
Venerdì Mercato...
The Friday market in Palau in Sardina (Sardenga) Italy.
Il mercato del Venerdì a Palau Sardina ( Sardenga ) Italia.
Record date: June 24, 2016.
Venerdì Mercato a Palau
Freitag Markt in Palau
Vendredi marché à Palau
Mercatu di i vennari in Palau
The Friday market in Palau in Sardina (Sardenga) Italy.
Il mercato del Venerdì a Palau Sardina ( Sardenga ) Italia.
Record date: June 24, 2016.
Venerdì Mercato a Palau
Freitag Markt in Palau
Vendredi marché à Palau
Mercatu di i vennari in Palau
Join me for a fun day trip around the La Maddalena archipelago in Sardinia. We went on a group boat tour - all places mentioned in the video linked below:
Join me for a fun day trip around the La Maddalena archipelago in Sardinia. We went on a group boat tour - all places mentioned in the video linked below:
Giglio Apartment Rental - Porto Rotondo: https://www.booking.com/hotel/it/giglio-apartment-portorotondo.en.html?aid=7991514&no_rooms=1&group_adults=2
Link to water shoes (aqua socks):
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ICFxxo
Amazon locations outside of UK: https://geni.us/jgwatershoes
Book Tour on Get Your Guide:
Linea delle Isole Tour company:
Places on the tour:
La Maddalena: https://goo.gl/maps/YVMce6yepSV2LkZ16?coh=178572&entry=tt
Spargi: https://goo.gl/maps/y5vEwLs4PSMuJi1M9?coh=178572&entry=tt
Budelli "pink beach": https://goo.gl/maps/tEzbChcSSUU5QjLDA?coh=178572&entry=tt
Santa Maria: https://goo.gl/maps/hfGnX4xCTYsD6wYC9?coh=178572&entry=tt
Caprera - Cala Coticcio "Little Tahiti": https://goo.gl/maps/LFcck3VZz3PwnDBb6?coh=178572&entry=tt
Other Sardinia YouTube videos:
First Day in Porto Rotondo: https://youtu.be/fg50FtTh2x4
About Me:
I am the founder of The SavvyBostonian, a travel and lifestyle blog. Originally from Boston, I now live in London!
In addition to The SavvyBostonian, I am a marketing consultant and co-author of:
The Power of Visual Storytelling: https://geni.us/tLZIy
The Laws of Brand Storytelling: https://geni.us/brandstorytelling
My vlogs are filmed on a Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II: https://geni.us/W5l9Y
I designed my vlog tiles in Canva (thumbnail): https://www.canva.com/
I edited this vlog in iMovie, which is super easy to do.
For my marketing, and brand storytelling tips, follow my business channel on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ9bmLfIvRnB8JlnVgKMslQ
*This video caption contains affiliate links, which give me a small commission for any items you purchase. It takes a long time to create this content, but if you prefer to not use my links, you can simply search the product names for yourself :).
Join me for a fun day trip around the La Maddalena archipelago in Sardinia. We went on a group boat tour - all places mentioned in the video linked below:
Giglio Apartment Rental - Porto Rotondo: https://www.booking.com/hotel/it/giglio-apartment-portorotondo.en.html?aid=7991514&no_rooms=1&group_adults=2
Link to water shoes (aqua socks):
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ICFxxo
Amazon locations outside of UK: https://geni.us/jgwatershoes
Book Tour on Get Your Guide:
Linea delle Isole Tour company:
Places on the tour:
La Maddalena: https://goo.gl/maps/YVMce6yepSV2LkZ16?coh=178572&entry=tt
Spargi: https://goo.gl/maps/y5vEwLs4PSMuJi1M9?coh=178572&entry=tt
Budelli "pink beach": https://goo.gl/maps/tEzbChcSSUU5QjLDA?coh=178572&entry=tt
Santa Maria: https://goo.gl/maps/hfGnX4xCTYsD6wYC9?coh=178572&entry=tt
Caprera - Cala Coticcio "Little Tahiti": https://goo.gl/maps/LFcck3VZz3PwnDBb6?coh=178572&entry=tt
Other Sardinia YouTube videos:
First Day in Porto Rotondo: https://youtu.be/fg50FtTh2x4
About Me:
I am the founder of The SavvyBostonian, a travel and lifestyle blog. Originally from Boston, I now live in London!
In addition to The SavvyBostonian, I am a marketing consultant and co-author of:
The Power of Visual Storytelling: https://geni.us/tLZIy
The Laws of Brand Storytelling: https://geni.us/brandstorytelling
My vlogs are filmed on a Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II: https://geni.us/W5l9Y
I designed my vlog tiles in Canva (thumbnail): https://www.canva.com/
I edited this vlog in iMovie, which is super easy to do.
For my marketing, and brand storytelling tips, follow my business channel on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ9bmLfIvRnB8JlnVgKMslQ
*This video caption contains affiliate links, which give me a small commission for any items you purchase. It takes a long time to create this content, but if you prefer to not use my links, you can simply search the product names for yourself :).
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Cançó inclosa al disc "Raimon 50"
Pots seguir la #músicaenvalencià a:
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- Diari de la #músicaenvalencià: http://paper.li/musicaNvalencia/1354655187
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Totmusicaenvalencia/videos
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes-darxiu/arxiu-tve-catalunya-raimon-1977/6392706/
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: Anime Print
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CatCrazy AMV
Suzuno AMV:
Artimex 723 AMV:
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use"for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
All copyrights reserved to AraitMultimedia and Televix Entertainment Inc.
NOTE: This high quality edited video composes different scenes from several different scenes of Inazuma Eleven and non-profit. Thanks to the Animation Developers! Yepp Provides Unique value in this AMV by Editing Videos Using multiple Scenes from Different Animations To Create Something Totally Unique.
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
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Ramon Pelegero Sanchis, who takes the stage name of Raimon (Valencian pronunciation:[rajˈmon]), is a Spanish singer, one of the most important exponents of the musical style of Nova Cançó and one of the most well-known veteran artists in the Catalan language.
Raimon was born in Xàtiva in the province of Valencia, Spain on December 2, 1940, at el carrer Blanc (White Street), which he references in some songs. In his youth he worked for several years as a radio broadcaster in his hometown, absorbing the music of artists as diverse as Juliette Gréco, The Platters, and Juanito Valderrama.
At age 21, he moved to Valencia in order to study history. It was there that he discovered Catalan culture, and read writers such as Ausiàs March, Salvador Espriu, Josep Pla, and Joan Fuster, among others. Prior to this, however, he had already written his first song, Al vent (To the wind).
In 1962, Raimon made his first public appearance at a literary prize ceremony. A little later, after entering a contest in Castelló, where Els Setze Jutges participated, he sang for them. Josep Maria Espinàs was impressed and invited him to Barcelona for the Fòrum Vergés. His success was immediate. Raimon surprised with the form and content of his songs. His urgent texts spoke of a rebellious existentialism; his style departed from the "French style" of Els Setze Jutges and offered a vision of the world tied not to the life of the Barcelona bourgeois in which musicians like Espinàs, Delfí Abella, and Enric Barbat lived, but rather to the Valencian working classes. His first EP appeared quickly on Catalan record label Edigsa in 1963; it included the songs Al vent, Som, La pedra, and A colps, and became a great sales success.
The tiny island of Palau is a remote, beautiful paradise and the rest of the world knows it. But existing in a connected world can put extreme stress on small countries. The nation of just 20,000 people has seen an influx of tourists recently, but that hasn’t necessarily been a good thing.
But visitors arriving by the tens of thousands from such behemoths as Japan, South Korea, and China, put considerable stress on Palau’s environment and economy.
Quartz News travels far into the Pacific to find out how the island nation of Palau is standing up for itself against the world’s superpowers.
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🌊🏝️ Discover the Untouched Paradise of Palau! 🏝️🌊 In "This is Life in Palau: The most SECRET Island on earth?", we embark on a breathtaking journey to explore the unparalleled beauty of Palau, a hidden gem in the Pacific Ocean renowned for its pristine beaches, lush tropical landscapes, and vibrant underwater world.
🎥 Dive with us into the heart of Palau, where nature's artistry creates a backdrop so stunning, it must be seen to be believed. From the Rock Islands' emerald waters to the mesmerizing Jellyfish Lake and the rich cultural heritage of its people, Palau offers a glimpse into a world where beauty and harmony reign.
🐠 Experience Palau's Marvels:
Snorkel in crystal-clear waters teeming with colorful marine life and spectacular coral reefs.
Kayak through tranquil lagoons surrounded by lush mangroves.
Discover the ancient stone monoliths and traditional bai meeting houses that tell the story of Palau's rich history and culture.
Witness the conservation efforts that make Palau a leading example of environmental protection and sustainable tourism.
🌿 Join us as we meet the locals who call this paradise home, sharing their stories of life in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Learn how they live in harmony with nature, preserving the beauty and health of their island for generations to come.
👍 If you're captivated by the sheer beauty of our planet and the stories of those who steward its treasures, make sure to Like, Share, and Subscribe. Hit the notification bell to keep up with our journey to the world's most stunning destinations.
💙 Whether you're an adventurer at heart, a lover of nature, or simply in search of the most beautiful places on earth, "This is Life in Palau" invites you to immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of this Pacific island nation.
#Palau #ParadiseOnEarth #NatureBeauty #TravelVlog #ExplorePalau #Conservation
#travel, #traveling, #discovery, #Palau, #traveldocumentary
It's time to learn Geography.... PALAU!
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#Palau #Travel #info #Micronesia
A first glimpse into Palau, through the gorgeous main populous city of Koror, a gateway into a beautiful nation rich in beauty, tradition & culture.
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How to find cheap flights and travel more: https://travelforalmostfree.com/ref=beforeyougo2 // Here are the best things to do in Palau.
Fired travel agent wants revenge! Here's the secret to cheap flights: https://bit.ly/3da2cED
Palau, a tropical paradise located in the Pacific Ocean, is a destination that should be on every traveler's bucket list. From the crystal-clear waters to the lush jungles, Palau is a place where you can truly escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
In this video, we take a closer look at the many things to do in Palau. From swimming in the famous Jellyfish Lake to exploring the ancient ruins of the Rock Islands, this video will give you a glimpse into the natural beauty and rich culture of Palau.
We'll also take you to some of the most secluded beaches and show you the best way to experience the local marine life. So, whether you're a beach lover or an adventure seeker, this video has something for you. Don't miss out on the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Palau.
So, what are you waiting for? Hit the play button and let's explore this tropical paradise together! We'll explain more about the best things to do in Palau in this video.
Music from https://freetousemusic.com
Track: Dreamy Skies by Pufino
Palau officially the Republic of Palau and historically Belau, Palaos or Pelew, is an island country in the western Pacific
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🎬 THE NETHERLANDS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXiQ4Br_UVs
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Explore the historical bond between the Philippines and Palau in this video.
Uncovering the facts about the significant relationship between the Philippines and Palau reveals an interesting cultural and historical link. Their cuisine has many similarities, as well as a long history of migration between the two nations.
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Hello folks, in this video, I'm going to share our experience travelling and spending 3 days in Sardinia, mainly in Costa Smeralda, Palau, Alghero and Olbia. We will also explore the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia!
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In the north of Sardinia, in Gallura, the granite region of the province of Sassari, lies the port town of Palau. It is not only known as a starting point for excursions to the nearby island of La Maddalena. Palau itself also attracts visitors with its beautiful beaches and rugged coastline.
Palau is located in the territorial region of Gallura in the northern cost of Sardinia, close to the Emerald Coast, and its harbour is the main channel of access to the La Maddalena archipelago.
The coastline is jagged and rocky, a large pine forest is located on the old town beach, and another one of equal size lies in the hills above the village. Every beach has thick and rich Mediterranean scrub, which includes olive trees, maritime pine, sea fennel, blueberries, rosemary, fennel, lavender, arbutus, lentisk, sea cistus, helichrysum and many others. Near Punta Sardegna there is Porto Rafael, a large area of Mediterranean maquis where there are a major yacht harbour and many villas owned by famous people.
Sardinia is one of Europe's most beautiful islands. Enjoy this travel guide of Sardinia's incredible landscapes. From the jaw dropping Baunei Coast, the secluded coves of the Maddalena archipelago, Sardinia has so much waiting to be explored. Where is your favorite place in Sardinia?
Special thanks to @salvatours for helping out with footage. He has some of the most incredible FPV films of Sardinia - https://www.youtube.com/c/salvatours
My relaxation channel - https://www.youtube.com/scenicrelaxationfilms
My Travel Videos:
Top 100 Places in Italy - https://youtu.be/02jQiIkEGh8
Top 10 Places on The Amalfi Coast - https://youtu.be/Mupom-sgjAU
Top 10 Places in Tuscany - https://youtu.be/7aNxp7ybmX8
Top 10 Places in Czechia - https://youtu.be/ErbOZlSukzg
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Top 30 Places In The Alps - https://youtu.be/7SDF0ZzDHzk
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Top 10 Villages To Visit - https://youtu.be/uerJQax3VR4
Find me on Tiktok and instagram @shirley.films
Song: Eternal Sunshine by Luke Bergs & LiQWYD
LiQWYD - https://youtu.be/cax-Bat5KoY
Luke Bergs - https://youtu.be/QqFOzpqHPr8
Great Place for Stock footage - https://bit.ly/38b1EJH
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My Camera Gear - https://www.amazon.com/shop/ryanshirley
0:00 - Intro
0:31 - Baunei Coast
0:54 - Cala Goloritze
1:56 - Cala Mariolu & Cala Luna
2:51 - Pedra Longa
3:38 - Porto Flavia
4:14 - Piscinas & Bosa
4:59 - Alghero & Capo Caccia
5:32 - Spiaggia La Pelosa
5:55 - Cala Spinosa
6:17 - Maddalena Archipelao
6:55 - Spiaggia dei Barraconi
7:34 - Tavolara Island
8:14 - Outro
Thanks for watching :)
The Friday market in Palau in Sardina (Sardenga) Italy.
Il mercato del Venerdì a Palau Sardina ( Sardenga ) Italia.
Record date: June 24, 2016.
Venerdì Mercato a Palau
Freitag Markt in Palau
Vendredi marché à Palau
Mercatu di i vennari in Palau
Join me for a fun day trip around the La Maddalena archipelago in Sardinia. We went on a group boat tour - all places mentioned in the video linked below:
Giglio Apartment Rental - Porto Rotondo: https://www.booking.com/hotel/it/giglio-apartment-portorotondo.en.html?aid=7991514&no_rooms=1&group_adults=2
Link to water shoes (aqua socks):
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ICFxxo
Amazon locations outside of UK: https://geni.us/jgwatershoes
Book Tour on Get Your Guide:
Linea delle Isole Tour company:
Places on the tour:
La Maddalena: https://goo.gl/maps/YVMce6yepSV2LkZ16?coh=178572&entry=tt
Spargi: https://goo.gl/maps/y5vEwLs4PSMuJi1M9?coh=178572&entry=tt
Budelli "pink beach": https://goo.gl/maps/tEzbChcSSUU5QjLDA?coh=178572&entry=tt
Santa Maria: https://goo.gl/maps/hfGnX4xCTYsD6wYC9?coh=178572&entry=tt
Caprera - Cala Coticcio "Little Tahiti": https://goo.gl/maps/LFcck3VZz3PwnDBb6?coh=178572&entry=tt
Other Sardinia YouTube videos:
First Day in Porto Rotondo: https://youtu.be/fg50FtTh2x4
About Me:
I am the founder of The SavvyBostonian, a travel and lifestyle blog. Originally from Boston, I now live in London!
In addition to The SavvyBostonian, I am a marketing consultant and co-author of:
The Power of Visual Storytelling: https://geni.us/tLZIy
The Laws of Brand Storytelling: https://geni.us/brandstorytelling
My vlogs are filmed on a Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II: https://geni.us/W5l9Y
I designed my vlog tiles in Canva (thumbnail): https://www.canva.com/
I edited this vlog in iMovie, which is super easy to do.
For my marketing, and brand storytelling tips, follow my business channel on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ9bmLfIvRnB8JlnVgKMslQ
*This video caption contains affiliate links, which give me a small commission for any items you purchase. It takes a long time to create this content, but if you prefer to not use my links, you can simply search the product names for yourself :).