Ramon Pelegero Sanchis, who takes the stage name of Raimon (Valencian pronunciation:[rajˈmon]), is a Spanish singer, one of the most important exponents of the musical style of Nova Cançó and one of the most well-known veteran artists in the Catalan language.
Raimon was born in Xàtiva in the province of Valencia, Spain on December 2, 1940, at el carrer Blanc (White Street), which he references in some songs. In his youth he worked for several years as a radio broadcaster in his hometown, absorbing the music of artists as diverse as Juliette Gréco, The Platters, and Juanito Valderrama.
At age 21, he moved to Valencia in order to study history. It was there that he discovered Catalan culture, and read writers such as Ausiàs March, Salvador Espriu, Josep Pla, and Joan Fuster, among others. Prior to this, however, he had already written his first song, Al vent (To the wind).
In 1962, Raimon made his first public appearance at a literary prize ceremony. A little later, after entering a contest in Castelló, where Els Setze Jutges participated, he sang for them. Josep Maria Espinàs was impressed and invited him to Barcelona for the Fòrum Vergés. His success was immediate. Raimon surprised with the form and content of his songs. His urgent texts spoke of a rebellious existentialism; his style departed from the "French style" of Els Setze Jutges and offered a vision of the world tied not to the life of the Barcelona bourgeois in which musicians like Espinàs, Delfí Abella, and Enric Barbat lived, but rather to the Valencian working classes. His first EP appeared quickly on Catalan record label Edigsa in 1963; it included the songs Al vent, Som, La pedra, and A colps, and became a great sales success.
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
published: 26 Dec 2012
Raimon - Jo vinc d'un silenci
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Cançó inclosa al disc "Raimon 50"
Pots seguir la #músicaenvalencià a:
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lamusicaenvalencia
- Twitter: @musicaNvalencia https://twitter.com/musicaNvalencia
- La #músicaenvalencià en xarxa: http://www.facebook.com/groups/523691734347660/
- Bloc de la #músicaenvalencià: http://blocdelamusicaenvalencia.blogspot.com/
- Diari de la #músicaenvalencià: http://paper.li/musicaNvalencia/1354655187
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Totmusicaenvalencia/videos
published: 12 Mar 2013
Al vent - Raimon a TVE (1977)
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes-darxiu/arxiu-tve-catalunya-raimon-1977/6392706/
published: 17 Feb 2023
Raimon - Diguem No
Music video by Raimon performing Diguem No. (C) 2018 PICAP
published: 25 May 2018
Raimon - Veles e Vents
Music video by Raimon performing Veles e Vents. (C) 2018 PICAP
published: 25 May 2018
Raimon vs Northbright || INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road
Story Mode/INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road. A boy who yearns for a world without soccer. Unmei Sasanami A soccer monster who.
#football #food #foryou #inazuma #inazumaeleven #inazumajapan #raimon #endoumamoru #ace #striker #acestriker #inazumaelevenvictoryroad #inazumaelevengame #3ds #gamer #game #games #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #gouenjishuuya
#darksouls #eldenring #fromsoftware #bloodborne #ps #soulsborne #sekiro #darksoulsmemes #gaming #playstation #darksoulsremastered #memes #sekiroshadowsdietwice #gamer #videogames #darksoulscommunity #darksoulsgame #demonsouls #praisethesun #hidetakamiyazaki #demonssouls #ashenone #ds #twitch #darksoulsart #bloodbornememes #twitchstreamer #scholarofthefirstsin #darksoulsboss #soulslike
#recordofreflectivewriting #spinodoubleblaster
#varka #va...
published: 18 Jul 2024
Raimon - Al Meu País la Pluja
Music video by Raimon performing Al Meu País la Pluja. (C) 2018 PICAP
published: 25 May 2018
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: Anime Print
Community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9AVuF8VKlLStmznc0YVdTQ/community
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/AvzqeTVd3b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YeppAMV
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Yeppico
#Yepp #InazumaEleven #Zeus
CatCrazy AMV
Suzuno AMV:
published: 18 Mar 2021
Inazuma Eleven Strikers Extreme 2013: Battaglia della RAIMON
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
@Ferro2 @Refeez @PowahYT @Lollopollo @BestYT @Xiuder @lollolacustre e molti altri
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30...
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a B...
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Cançó inclosa al disc "Raimon 50"
Pots seguir la #músicaenvalencià a:
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lamusicaenvalencia
- Twitter: @musicaNvalencia https://twitter.com/musicaNvalencia
- La #músicaenvalencià en xarxa: http://www.facebook.com/groups/523691734347660/
- Bloc de la #músicaenvalencià: http://blocdelamusicaenvalencia.blogspot.com/
- Diari de la #músicaenvalencià: http://paper.li/musicaNvalencia/1354655187
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Totmusicaenvalencia/videos
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Cançó inclosa al disc "Raimon 50"
Pots seguir la #músicaenvalencià a:
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lamusicaenvalencia
- Twitter: @musicaNvalencia https://twitter.com/musicaNvalencia
- La #músicaenvalencià en xarxa: http://www.facebook.com/groups/523691734347660/
- Bloc de la #músicaenvalencià: http://blocdelamusicaenvalencia.blogspot.com/
- Diari de la #músicaenvalencià: http://paper.li/musicaNvalencia/1354655187
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Totmusicaenvalencia/videos
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes...
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes-darxiu/arxiu-tve-catalunya-raimon-1977/6392706/
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes-darxiu/arxiu-tve-catalunya-raimon-1977/6392706/
Story Mode/INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road. A boy who yearns for a world without soccer. Unmei Sasanami A soccer monster who.
#football #food #foryou #inazuma #in...
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: A...
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: Anime Print
Community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9AVuF8VKlLStmznc0YVdTQ/community
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/AvzqeTVd3b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YeppAMV
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Yeppico
#Yepp #InazumaEleven #Zeus
CatCrazy AMV
Suzuno AMV:
Artimex 723 AMV:
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use"for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
All copyrights reserved to AraitMultimedia and Televix Entertainment Inc.
NOTE: This high quality edited video composes different scenes from several different scenes of Inazuma Eleven and non-profit. Thanks to the Animation Developers! Yepp Provides Unique value in this AMV by Editing Videos Using multiple Scenes from Different Animations To Create Something Totally Unique.
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: Anime Print
Community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9AVuF8VKlLStmznc0YVdTQ/community
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/AvzqeTVd3b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YeppAMV
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Yeppico
#Yepp #InazumaEleven #Zeus
CatCrazy AMV
Suzuno AMV:
Artimex 723 AMV:
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use"for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
All copyrights reserved to AraitMultimedia and Televix Entertainment Inc.
NOTE: This high quality edited video composes different scenes from several different scenes of Inazuma Eleven and non-profit. Thanks to the Animation Developers! Yepp Provides Unique value in this AMV by Editing Videos Using multiple Scenes from Different Animations To Create Something Totally Unique.
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
@Ferro2 @Refeez @PowahYT @Loll...
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
@Ferro2 @Refeez @PowahYT @Lollopollo @BestYT @Xiuder @lollolacustre e molti altri
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
@Ferro2 @Refeez @PowahYT @Lollopollo @BestYT @Xiuder @lollolacustre e molti altri
Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
"Jo vinc d'un silenci". Del concert de Raimon al Gran Teatre del Liceu, en commemoració els cinquanta anys del seu debut a Barcelona.
El recital tingué lloc a Barcelona el divendres 30 de novembre de 2012
Cançó inclosa al disc "Raimon 50"
Pots seguir la #músicaenvalencià a:
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lamusicaenvalencia
- Twitter: @musicaNvalencia https://twitter.com/musicaNvalencia
- La #músicaenvalencià en xarxa: http://www.facebook.com/groups/523691734347660/
- Bloc de la #músicaenvalencià: http://blocdelamusicaenvalencia.blogspot.com/
- Diari de la #músicaenvalencià: http://paper.li/musicaNvalencia/1354655187
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Totmusicaenvalencia/videos
Raimon fent 'Al Vent' a TVE, en la seua primera aparició a la televisió el 29/03/1977
Font: Arxiu TVE Catalunya https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/altres-programes-darxiu/arxiu-tve-catalunya-raimon-1977/6392706/
Program To Edit: Sony Vegas
Music: NateWantsToBattle - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Original Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ZylR0iNi8
Original Image Link: Anime Print
Community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9AVuF8VKlLStmznc0YVdTQ/community
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/AvzqeTVd3b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YeppAMV
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Yeppico
#Yepp #InazumaEleven #Zeus
CatCrazy AMV
Suzuno AMV:
Artimex 723 AMV:
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use"for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
All copyrights reserved to AraitMultimedia and Televix Entertainment Inc.
NOTE: This high quality edited video composes different scenes from several different scenes of Inazuma Eleven and non-profit. Thanks to the Animation Developers! Yepp Provides Unique value in this AMV by Editing Videos Using multiple Scenes from Different Animations To Create Something Totally Unique.
Al raggiungimento dei 1000 iscritti andrò a fare collaborazioni con altri YouTuber per fare qualche video insieme a loro:
@Ferro2 @Refeez @PowahYT @Lollopollo @BestYT @Xiuder @lollolacustre e molti altri
Ramon Pelegero Sanchis, who takes the stage name of Raimon (Valencian pronunciation:[rajˈmon]), is a Spanish singer, one of the most important exponents of the musical style of Nova Cançó and one of the most well-known veteran artists in the Catalan language.
Raimon was born in Xàtiva in the province of Valencia, Spain on December 2, 1940, at el carrer Blanc (White Street), which he references in some songs. In his youth he worked for several years as a radio broadcaster in his hometown, absorbing the music of artists as diverse as Juliette Gréco, The Platters, and Juanito Valderrama.
At age 21, he moved to Valencia in order to study history. It was there that he discovered Catalan culture, and read writers such as Ausiàs March, Salvador Espriu, Josep Pla, and Joan Fuster, among others. Prior to this, however, he had already written his first song, Al vent (To the wind).
In 1962, Raimon made his first public appearance at a literary prize ceremony. A little later, after entering a contest in Castelló, where Els Setze Jutges participated, he sang for them. Josep Maria Espinàs was impressed and invited him to Barcelona for the Fòrum Vergés. His success was immediate. Raimon surprised with the form and content of his songs. His urgent texts spoke of a rebellious existentialism; his style departed from the "French style" of Els Setze Jutges and offered a vision of the world tied not to the life of the Barcelona bourgeois in which musicians like Espinàs, Delfí Abella, and Enric Barbat lived, but rather to the Valencian working classes. His first EP appeared quickly on Catalan record label Edigsa in 1963; it included the songs Al vent, Som, La pedra, and A colps, and became a great sales success.
Nunca habia sentido algo asi La vida me mantuvo siempre en paz Llegaste abrir las puertas del dolor Y a regarlarme soledad Tu piel enveneno mi corazon Dejando en completa oscuridad Y asi en lugar de olvidarte yo Te fui queriendo mucho mas Y ahora estas aqui Viendome sufrir Dime Como debo hacer para olvidarme de tus besos Y sacarte para siempre De Mi De Mi... De Mi... De Mi... Lo supe en el momento en que te vi Quererte iba a dolerme de verdad Pero volvi a mirarte y comprendi Que iria contigo hasta el final Y ahora estas aqui Viendome sufrir Dime Como debo hacer para olvidarme de tus besos Y borrar tu nombre De mi... De mi De mi De mi Intente alejarme No pensarte mas No pensarte mas Me dolio entregarme Como nunca lo hice jamas mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm De Mi De Mi De Mi