Poland A and B (Polish:Polska "A" i "B") refers to the historical, political and cultural distinction between the western and the eastern part of the country, with Poland "A" (west of the Vistula river) being significantly more economically developed and growing faster than Poland "B", to the east of the river. The General Secretary of Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza Marek Kłoczko, said in his 2007 interview that the divisions are more spread out and forming three separate categories, Poland "A" are the metropolitan cities, Poland "B" is the rest of the country, and Poland "C" are the plains and the landscape parks east of Vistula (Poland "Z", according to Kłoczko) which require a different treatment.
On the other hand, current unemployment statistics for Poland in general fail to show this distinction but instead, indicate an opposite trend in recent years with the north-western part of the country reporting rates of unemployment higher than east-central Poland. In 2014 among the highest in the nation ranked the Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Zachodniopomorskie (compare historic railroad map and administrative map: right, with the 2014 unemployment map made available by business portal eGospodarka.pl); while among the lowest in the country was the east-central Mazowieckie.
Poland is a historical novel written by James A. Michener and published in 1983 detailing the times and tribulations of three Polish families (the Lubonski family, the Bukowski family, and the Buk family) across eight centuries, ending in the then-present day (1981).
Michener was hired by a television company to travel to a foreign country to shoot a documentary. He was offered support to go anywhere in the world and Michener decided to make the trip to Poland. Following this, Michener made several trips back to Poland and conducted extensive study of Poland's history and culture. He began writing the book in 1979 and it was published four years later.
Like Michener's other works, he includes an acknowledgments section at the beginning of the book; however due to the political turmoil in Poland at the time, Michener decided not to include the names of the people he traveled with for fear of persecutions against them. He writes: "Normally, as I have done in my other novels, I would list their names, their impressive occupations, their achievements in research and scholarship, but I cannot ascertain whether in the present climate this would hurt or help them."
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Channel membership contains the older videos, because money
published: 26 Apr 2021
Poland is divided
WB data: https://wbdata.pl/category/wybory/
published: 22 May 2020
Based Poland 2.0 | Edit
(This video is not intended to incite any violence or hatred)
“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” - G.K. Chesterton
If you want to support me: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NicklasS
“Let the Spirit descend and renew the face of the earth. This earth.” - Saint John Paul II
He said these words at a special moment – during the first address as a Polish pope to his compatriots on the Polish land.
published: 23 Feb 2023
Ukraine B@mbs Poland & Blames Russia
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(Also available on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favorite podcast player.)
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published: 17 Nov 2022
Happy birthday POLAND II CH (Reichtangle) II Music by Oomph! (Augen auf)
published: 26 Jul 2019
2 US B-1B Lancer Arrived in Poland Prepare Missile to Ukrainian War
2 US B-1B Lancer Arrived in Poland Prepare Missile to Ukrainian War
A U.S. B-1B Lancer from the 7th Bomb Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, flew a Bomber Task Force mission to Powidz, Poland.
published: 27 Mar 2023
Lil Yachty - Poland (Directed by Cole Bennett)- REACTION w/ Lil Yachty
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published: 13 Oct 2022
Driving Licence Theory Exam Category B and C English in Poland. Questions and Answers 2022
Hi, here is the Preparation Exam for Category B or C English version in Poland. You can buy access to this website where you can practice the exam for 3 months. For me was enough 3 weeks. Questions are exactly the same as on the REAL exam.
Website: https://www.testynaprawojazdy.eu/
If you would like more details about How to make a Driving Licence in Poland in English leave a comment below. I will try to make another step-by-step video.
Not sure regarding Extra 12 Questions as it is especially connected for category C.
Exam duration 25 minutes
It is a single choice test
The questions have assigned weights, i.e. score values depending on the significance of the question
For answers "yes" "no" there are 20 seconds, to read the question and 15 seconds give the answer
For answers A , B...
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Countryball Explained Instagram:
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Channel membership contains the older videos, because money
Hope you enjoyed the video!
Feel free to comment below on what you think about this topic!
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Countryball Explained Instagram:
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Channel membership contains the older videos, because money
(This video is not intended to incite any violence or hatred)
“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” - G.K. Chesterto...
(This video is not intended to incite any violence or hatred)
“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” - G.K. Chesterton
If you want to support me: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NicklasS
“Let the Spirit descend and renew the face of the earth. This earth.” - Saint John Paul II
He said these words at a special moment – during the first address as a Polish pope to his compatriots on the Polish land.
(This video is not intended to incite any violence or hatred)
“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” - G.K. Chesterton
If you want to support me: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NicklasS
“Let the Spirit descend and renew the face of the earth. This earth.” - Saint John Paul II
He said these words at a special moment – during the first address as a Polish pope to his compatriots on the Polish land.
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About The Jimmy Dore Show:
#TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. The show is also broadcast on Pacifica Radio Network stations throughout the country.
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(Also available on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favorite podcast player.)
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Jimmy Dore on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jimmy_Dore
Stef Zamorano on Twitter: https://twitter.com/miserablelib
About The Jimmy Dore Show:
#TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. The show is also broadcast on Pacifica Radio Network stations throughout the country.
2 US B-1B Lancer Arrived in Poland Prepare Missile to Ukrainian War
A U.S. B-1B Lancer from the 7th Bomb Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, flew a Bomber Task ...
2 US B-1B Lancer Arrived in Poland Prepare Missile to Ukrainian War
A U.S. B-1B Lancer from the 7th Bomb Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, flew a Bomber Task Force mission to Powidz, Poland.
2 US B-1B Lancer Arrived in Poland Prepare Missile to Ukrainian War
A U.S. B-1B Lancer from the 7th Bomb Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, flew a Bomber Task Force mission to Powidz, Poland.
Subscribe to the 2nd channel- http://bit.ly/2s3jkmT
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Use code ZIAS for $20 off. https://seatgeek.onelink.me/...
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Use code ZIAS for $20 off. https://seatgeek.onelink.me/RrnK/ZIAS
#poland #lilyachty #zias
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Subscribe to the 2nd channel- http://bit.ly/2s3jkmT
ORDER SOME OF MY WINGS- http://popchew.link/WINGSZN1
Use code ZIAS for $20 off. https://seatgeek.onelink.me/RrnK/ZIAS
#poland #lilyachty #zias
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New reaction videos EVERY DAY!
Original link to video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9PzYuVwCSE
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Business email: [email protected]
Hi, here is the Preparation Exam for Category B or C English version in Poland. You can buy access to this website where you can practice the exam for 3 months....
Hi, here is the Preparation Exam for Category B or C English version in Poland. You can buy access to this website where you can practice the exam for 3 months. For me was enough 3 weeks. Questions are exactly the same as on the REAL exam.
Website: https://www.testynaprawojazdy.eu/
If you would like more details about How to make a Driving Licence in Poland in English leave a comment below. I will try to make another step-by-step video.
Not sure regarding Extra 12 Questions as it is especially connected for category C.
Exam duration 25 minutes
It is a single choice test
The questions have assigned weights, i.e. score values depending on the significance of the question
For answers "yes" "no" there are 20 seconds, to read the question and 15 seconds give the answer
For answers A , B , C , there are 50 seconds give the answer
There is no possibility to return to a question and answer again
The maximum number of points required 74 , to pass the exam is no less than 68 points
Questions and Answers in Video:
1. Can you refrain from exercising extra caution in this situation? Y
2. Are you allowed to stop in the section of the roadway in front of this sign? N
3. If you go straight, do you have the right of way over a vehicle approaching from the left? Y
4. You intend to change the lane. Are you obliged to use an indicator? Y
5. Do you have the right of way over the vehicle approaching from the left in this situation? N
6. You intend to go straight ahead, and the driver of the oncoming vehicle intends to turn left. Are you obliged to yield the right of way to him? N
7. Are you allowed, in the presented situation, to enter the narrowed part of the road if it does not force the oncoming vehicle to stop? Y
8. Is the distance between the warning sign and the dangerous spot in the presented situation between 150 and 300 m.? N
9. Are you allowed to turn left from the lane you are taking at the nearest intersection? Y
10. Is it reasonable to use the horn repeatedly instead of stopping the vehicle? N * Here i make mistake. UPS
11. Is overtaking forbidden in this situation? Y
12. If you park your car at night on an unlit road, are you obliged to use position or parking lights? Y
13. Are you allowed to overtake the articulated vehicle in this situation? Y
14. In this situation, are you obliged to give way to a pedestrian? N
15. In this situation, can you drive through the railway crossing without stopping? Y
16. Are you obliged in this situation to reduce your speed? N
17. If you have stopped your vehicle on an expressway due to a breakdown, must you switch on your emergency lights, and if the vehicle is not so equipped, your position lights? Y
18. Does the plate under the warning sign indicate an unexpected change in the driving direction? Y
19. If you're involved in a car accident, are you obliged to provide the details of the car owner at the request of another person involved in such accident? Y
20. Is it forbidden to perform a reverse maneuver on a single-lane expressway? Y
Plus 12 questions connected with safety and category C. with A. B. or C answer. only one correct.
1. What factors may obstruct a truck driver's field of vision? B. (Flashing lights with the name of the driver placed on the windscreen).
2. What is the minimum distance you must maintain from the vehicle in front of you when driving a 6-tonne lorry at the maximum permitted speed on this road? B (40 m.)
3. What’s the maximum permissible load on a single drive axle of a vehicle travelling on public roads? B (11.5 tonnes.)
4. Can a liquid cargo in partly-filled containers or cisterns affect the stability of the vehicle? C (YES)
5. With overheating of the brakes the braking performance: B (may decrease.)
6. What type of driver's activity does supervision of unloading constitute? B (Other type of work.)
7. While driving a truck, when do you have to turn off the rear anti-fog lights? C (When visibility increases to 60 m.) Another my mistake
8. What may be the effect of too low oil level in the combustion engine? B ( Wear of the crankshaft, pistons and valves.)
9. What should you do if some foreign matter has impaled itself into a passenger's forearm? B (Seal the edges of the wound with a dressing and do not remove the foreign matter from the wound.)
10. What may be the cause of an extended braking distance of a truck? C ( Contamination of the friction elements of the braking system with oil or lubricant.)
11. Who issues category I authorizations for passage of non-standard vehicles? A ( The administrator of the road on which the vehicle will drive.)
12. In what circumstance will the driving license not be withheld for exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 km/h in a built-up area? A (If the driver of the vehicle has committed an infringement in order to ward off an imminent danger to an asset protected by law.)
30 Days Music from Video: https://bit.ly/3K5n4IS
Music: https://bit.ly/3K5n4IS
Hi, here is the Preparation Exam for Category B or C English version in Poland. You can buy access to this website where you can practice the exam for 3 months. For me was enough 3 weeks. Questions are exactly the same as on the REAL exam.
Website: https://www.testynaprawojazdy.eu/
If you would like more details about How to make a Driving Licence in Poland in English leave a comment below. I will try to make another step-by-step video.
Not sure regarding Extra 12 Questions as it is especially connected for category C.
Exam duration 25 minutes
It is a single choice test
The questions have assigned weights, i.e. score values depending on the significance of the question
For answers "yes" "no" there are 20 seconds, to read the question and 15 seconds give the answer
For answers A , B , C , there are 50 seconds give the answer
There is no possibility to return to a question and answer again
The maximum number of points required 74 , to pass the exam is no less than 68 points
Questions and Answers in Video:
1. Can you refrain from exercising extra caution in this situation? Y
2. Are you allowed to stop in the section of the roadway in front of this sign? N
3. If you go straight, do you have the right of way over a vehicle approaching from the left? Y
4. You intend to change the lane. Are you obliged to use an indicator? Y
5. Do you have the right of way over the vehicle approaching from the left in this situation? N
6. You intend to go straight ahead, and the driver of the oncoming vehicle intends to turn left. Are you obliged to yield the right of way to him? N
7. Are you allowed, in the presented situation, to enter the narrowed part of the road if it does not force the oncoming vehicle to stop? Y
8. Is the distance between the warning sign and the dangerous spot in the presented situation between 150 and 300 m.? N
9. Are you allowed to turn left from the lane you are taking at the nearest intersection? Y
10. Is it reasonable to use the horn repeatedly instead of stopping the vehicle? N * Here i make mistake. UPS
11. Is overtaking forbidden in this situation? Y
12. If you park your car at night on an unlit road, are you obliged to use position or parking lights? Y
13. Are you allowed to overtake the articulated vehicle in this situation? Y
14. In this situation, are you obliged to give way to a pedestrian? N
15. In this situation, can you drive through the railway crossing without stopping? Y
16. Are you obliged in this situation to reduce your speed? N
17. If you have stopped your vehicle on an expressway due to a breakdown, must you switch on your emergency lights, and if the vehicle is not so equipped, your position lights? Y
18. Does the plate under the warning sign indicate an unexpected change in the driving direction? Y
19. If you're involved in a car accident, are you obliged to provide the details of the car owner at the request of another person involved in such accident? Y
20. Is it forbidden to perform a reverse maneuver on a single-lane expressway? Y
Plus 12 questions connected with safety and category C. with A. B. or C answer. only one correct.
1. What factors may obstruct a truck driver's field of vision? B. (Flashing lights with the name of the driver placed on the windscreen).
2. What is the minimum distance you must maintain from the vehicle in front of you when driving a 6-tonne lorry at the maximum permitted speed on this road? B (40 m.)
3. What’s the maximum permissible load on a single drive axle of a vehicle travelling on public roads? B (11.5 tonnes.)
4. Can a liquid cargo in partly-filled containers or cisterns affect the stability of the vehicle? C (YES)
5. With overheating of the brakes the braking performance: B (may decrease.)
6. What type of driver's activity does supervision of unloading constitute? B (Other type of work.)
7. While driving a truck, when do you have to turn off the rear anti-fog lights? C (When visibility increases to 60 m.) Another my mistake
8. What may be the effect of too low oil level in the combustion engine? B ( Wear of the crankshaft, pistons and valves.)
9. What should you do if some foreign matter has impaled itself into a passenger's forearm? B (Seal the edges of the wound with a dressing and do not remove the foreign matter from the wound.)
10. What may be the cause of an extended braking distance of a truck? C ( Contamination of the friction elements of the braking system with oil or lubricant.)
11. Who issues category I authorizations for passage of non-standard vehicles? A ( The administrator of the road on which the vehicle will drive.)
12. In what circumstance will the driving license not be withheld for exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 km/h in a built-up area? A (If the driver of the vehicle has committed an infringement in order to ward off an imminent danger to an asset protected by law.)
30 Days Music from Video: https://bit.ly/3K5n4IS
Music: https://bit.ly/3K5n4IS
Hope you enjoyed the video!
Feel free to comment below on what you think about this topic!
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Countryball Explained Instagram:
Countryballs Explained reddit:
Channel membership contains the older videos, because money
(This video is not intended to incite any violence or hatred)
“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” - G.K. Chesterton
If you want to support me: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NicklasS
“Let the Spirit descend and renew the face of the earth. This earth.” - Saint John Paul II
He said these words at a special moment – during the first address as a Polish pope to his compatriots on the Polish land.
Become a Premium Member: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/join
Go to a Live Show: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/tour
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The Jimmy Dore Show Website: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/
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Videos: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/watch
Podcasts: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/podcasts
(Also available on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favorite podcast player.)
Become a Premium Member: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/join
Make a Donation: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/donate
Buy Official Merch (Tees, Sweatshirts, Hats, Bags): https://jimmydorecomedy.com/store
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Jimmy Dore on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jimmy_Dore
Stef Zamorano on Twitter: https://twitter.com/miserablelib
About The Jimmy Dore Show:
#TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. The show is also broadcast on Pacifica Radio Network stations throughout the country.
2 US B-1B Lancer Arrived in Poland Prepare Missile to Ukrainian War
A U.S. B-1B Lancer from the 7th Bomb Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, flew a Bomber Task Force mission to Powidz, Poland.
Subscribe to the 2nd channel- http://bit.ly/2s3jkmT
ORDER SOME OF MY WINGS- http://popchew.link/WINGSZN1
Use code ZIAS for $20 off. https://seatgeek.onelink.me/RrnK/ZIAS
#poland #lilyachty #zias
Subscribe for more entertaining - http://bit.ly/2eLOclg
Follow my Spotify playlist- http://spoti.fi/2xoVAYW
New reaction videos EVERY DAY!
Original link to video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9PzYuVwCSE
Follow me on Twitter/Snapchat/Instagram
Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustZik
Snapchat - https://www.snapchat.com/add/JustZik
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/justzik1
Follow B.Lou on IG
Business email: [email protected]
Hi, here is the Preparation Exam for Category B or C English version in Poland. You can buy access to this website where you can practice the exam for 3 months. For me was enough 3 weeks. Questions are exactly the same as on the REAL exam.
Website: https://www.testynaprawojazdy.eu/
If you would like more details about How to make a Driving Licence in Poland in English leave a comment below. I will try to make another step-by-step video.
Not sure regarding Extra 12 Questions as it is especially connected for category C.
Exam duration 25 minutes
It is a single choice test
The questions have assigned weights, i.e. score values depending on the significance of the question
For answers "yes" "no" there are 20 seconds, to read the question and 15 seconds give the answer
For answers A , B , C , there are 50 seconds give the answer
There is no possibility to return to a question and answer again
The maximum number of points required 74 , to pass the exam is no less than 68 points
Questions and Answers in Video:
1. Can you refrain from exercising extra caution in this situation? Y
2. Are you allowed to stop in the section of the roadway in front of this sign? N
3. If you go straight, do you have the right of way over a vehicle approaching from the left? Y
4. You intend to change the lane. Are you obliged to use an indicator? Y
5. Do you have the right of way over the vehicle approaching from the left in this situation? N
6. You intend to go straight ahead, and the driver of the oncoming vehicle intends to turn left. Are you obliged to yield the right of way to him? N
7. Are you allowed, in the presented situation, to enter the narrowed part of the road if it does not force the oncoming vehicle to stop? Y
8. Is the distance between the warning sign and the dangerous spot in the presented situation between 150 and 300 m.? N
9. Are you allowed to turn left from the lane you are taking at the nearest intersection? Y
10. Is it reasonable to use the horn repeatedly instead of stopping the vehicle? N * Here i make mistake. UPS
11. Is overtaking forbidden in this situation? Y
12. If you park your car at night on an unlit road, are you obliged to use position or parking lights? Y
13. Are you allowed to overtake the articulated vehicle in this situation? Y
14. In this situation, are you obliged to give way to a pedestrian? N
15. In this situation, can you drive through the railway crossing without stopping? Y
16. Are you obliged in this situation to reduce your speed? N
17. If you have stopped your vehicle on an expressway due to a breakdown, must you switch on your emergency lights, and if the vehicle is not so equipped, your position lights? Y
18. Does the plate under the warning sign indicate an unexpected change in the driving direction? Y
19. If you're involved in a car accident, are you obliged to provide the details of the car owner at the request of another person involved in such accident? Y
20. Is it forbidden to perform a reverse maneuver on a single-lane expressway? Y
Plus 12 questions connected with safety and category C. with A. B. or C answer. only one correct.
1. What factors may obstruct a truck driver's field of vision? B. (Flashing lights with the name of the driver placed on the windscreen).
2. What is the minimum distance you must maintain from the vehicle in front of you when driving a 6-tonne lorry at the maximum permitted speed on this road? B (40 m.)
3. What’s the maximum permissible load on a single drive axle of a vehicle travelling on public roads? B (11.5 tonnes.)
4. Can a liquid cargo in partly-filled containers or cisterns affect the stability of the vehicle? C (YES)
5. With overheating of the brakes the braking performance: B (may decrease.)
6. What type of driver's activity does supervision of unloading constitute? B (Other type of work.)
7. While driving a truck, when do you have to turn off the rear anti-fog lights? C (When visibility increases to 60 m.) Another my mistake
8. What may be the effect of too low oil level in the combustion engine? B ( Wear of the crankshaft, pistons and valves.)
9. What should you do if some foreign matter has impaled itself into a passenger's forearm? B (Seal the edges of the wound with a dressing and do not remove the foreign matter from the wound.)
10. What may be the cause of an extended braking distance of a truck? C ( Contamination of the friction elements of the braking system with oil or lubricant.)
11. Who issues category I authorizations for passage of non-standard vehicles? A ( The administrator of the road on which the vehicle will drive.)
12. In what circumstance will the driving license not be withheld for exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 km/h in a built-up area? A (If the driver of the vehicle has committed an infringement in order to ward off an imminent danger to an asset protected by law.)
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Poland A and B (Polish:Polska "A" i "B") refers to the historical, political and cultural distinction between the western and the eastern part of the country, with Poland "A" (west of the Vistula river) being significantly more economically developed and growing faster than Poland "B", to the east of the river. The General Secretary of Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza Marek Kłoczko, said in his 2007 interview that the divisions are more spread out and forming three separate categories, Poland "A" are the metropolitan cities, Poland "B" is the rest of the country, and Poland "C" are the plains and the landscape parks east of Vistula (Poland "Z", according to Kłoczko) which require a different treatment.
On the other hand, current unemployment statistics for Poland in general fail to show this distinction but instead, indicate an opposite trend in recent years with the north-western part of the country reporting rates of unemployment higher than east-central Poland. In 2014 among the highest in the nation ranked the Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Zachodniopomorskie (compare historic railroad map and administrative map: right, with the 2014 unemployment map made available by business portal eGospodarka.pl); while among the lowest in the country was the east-central Mazowieckie.
) Top diplomats of Poland and Slovakia meet ... As eastern flank countries, Poland and Slovakia feel the impact of challenges and threats linked to the war in Ukraine ... Poland's top diplomat emphasised how ...
Gdansk — BNP Paribas BP, the Polish unit of lender BNP Paribas, reported a bigger increase in earnings than expected on Thursday, supported by excess banking sector liquidity and persistently high interest rates ... Reuters .
ULAN BATOR, March 14 (Xinhua) -- Mongolia and Poland have signed several cooperation documents to enhance bilateral ties, according to the Mongolian presidential office website on Friday ... of Poland.
Cemex has signed an agreement with EDPEnergiaPoland to build solar installations at several Cemex plants in Poland, with a total capacity of over 14 MWp ... .
Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images... deploying nuclear weapons to Poland, all but ruling out a suggestion from Polish President Andrzej Duda ... Duda has sparked debate over whether Poland, a NATO member, should host U.S. nukes to deter future Russian aggression.
Nukes are becoming a big issue for Poland...President Andrzej Duda has revealed he recently discussed locating American tactical nukes in Poland with Keith Kellogg, the US special envoy for Ukraine.