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Paleness (color)

Paleness of color is the property of being a light or pastel version of another color of the same hue. The paler color has higher luminance, and lower chrominance (or color saturation).

See also

  • Pallor
  • Human skin color

  • Light skin

    Light skin is a naturally occurring human skin color, which has little eumelanin pigmentation and which has been adapted to environments of low UV radiation. Light skin is most commonly found amongst the native populations of Europe as measured through skin reflectance. People with light skin pigmentation are often referred to as white or fair, although these usages can be ambiguous in some countries where it is used to refer specifically to certain ethnic groups or populations.

    It has been hypothesized that dark skin pigmentation was the original condition for the genus Homo, including Homo sapiens. However, as populations migrated away from the tropics between 125,000 and 65,000 years ago into areas of low UV radiation, they developed light skin pigmentation as an evolutionary selection acting against vitamin D depletion. Based on ancient DNA analysis conducted in 2014 on human skeletal remains from western Europe, this change from dark to light skin pigmentation likely occurred only recently for at least some Europeans. Paleogenomics researcher Carles Lalueza-Fox of the Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues observed that a 7,000-year-old hunter-gatherer from the La Braña-Arintero labyrinthine cave in the Cantabrian Mountains possessed the allele for blue eyes but not the European mutations for lighter skin pigmentation.

    Faces (Earth, Wind & Fire album)

    Faces is the tenth studio album, a double-LP by R&B artists Earth, Wind & Fire, released in 1980 on ARC/Columbia Records. The album reached number 2 and number 10 on the Billboard Black and Pop albums charts.

    It has been certified gold in the US by the RIAA. In a 2007 interview when asked which EWF album is his favorite Earth, Wind & Fire leader Maurice White replied "Probably Faces because we were really in tune, playing together and it gave us the opportunity to explore new areas".

    The lead-off single was "Let Me Talk". The songs "You", and "Sparkle" followed as single releases. Unlike previous Earth, Wind and Fire albums, there was no U.S. tour in support of the album. This was also the last Earth Wind and Fire recording with guitarist Al McKay, who left the group the next year. This album is noted for featuring Steve Lukather, guitarist for EWF's label mate Toto, on the songs "Back on the Road" and "You Went Away".

    2 extra interludes have been included as part of the album since the release of the Columbia Master's collection in 2011. The track "Oriental" comes directly before "Faces" while "Pipe Organ" follows it.

    Faces (Star Trek: Voyager)

    "Faces" is the 14th episode of Star Trek: Voyager.


    Lieutenant Paris (now Junior Grade, evinced by the partially filled pip on his collar), Chief Engineer Torres and Ensign Durst fail to return from an away mission to a planet. The away team have been captured by the Vidiians, and a Vidiian scientist has used advanced medical technology to create two forms of Torres from her mixed DNA, one pure Klingon and one pure human. The scientist hopes to create a cure for the Phage, a deadly disease that afflicts his entire race, by studying the unusual resistance that Klingon metabolism has to it. Commander Chakotay takes a team to investigate and discovers that the caves in which the away team were working have shifted. They deduce that the caves are illusions: advanced holography as used by the Vidiians in a previous encounter with the Voyager crew.

    The human version of Torres, meanwhile, is kept imprisoned with Paris and Durst. The Vidiian scientist studying Klingon Torres sees her going through the first symptom of severe agony, but she is fighting off the disease. Meanwhile, Paris, still in the holding cells, finds B'Elanna as a full human. While there, B'Elanna explains her origins, of how her father left when she was five and how she did everything to hide her Klingon heritage as a child. Klingon B'Elanna tries to use her feminine charm to have the scientist release her, but his desire to find a cure overrules his lust. In the holding cells, two guards arrive and take Ensign Durst. The human B'Elanna is scared as opposed to her Klingon half's relentless tenacity. After reviewing what they know from the last time the Vidiians encountered Voyager, the crew begin running simulations on how to get past the Vidiian force fields. In a naive effort to calm his prisoner, the Vidiian scientist kills Durst and uses his face to cover his Phage-ravaged features to try to better impress Klingon B'Elanna.

    Faces (John Berry album)

    Faces is an album released by American country music artist John Berry. It was released in 1996 by Capitol Nashville. It peaked at #9 on the Top Country Albums chart, and was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America. The album's singles "Change My Mind," "She's Taken a Shine" and "I Will, If You Will" all reached Top 20 on the Hot Country Songs charts.

    Track listing

  • "She's Taken a Shine" (Richard Bach, Greg Barnhill) - 3:39
  • "Change My Mind" (Jason Blume, A. J. Masters) - 3:16
  • "I Will, If You Will" (Randy Goodrum, John Barlow Jarvis) - 3:04
  • "He Doesn't Even Know Her" (Michael Bolton, Gary Burr) - 3:25
  • "Faithfully" (Chuck Jones, Pam Rose) - 3:12
  • "Livin' on Love" (Craig Fuller, Gary Nicholson) - 4:12
  • "Time to Be a Man" (John Berry, Nicholson) - 5:07
  • "Forty Again" (John Greenebaum, Troy Seals, Eddie Setser) - 3:21
  • "Love Is Everything" (Barnhill, Jim Daddario) - 3:41
  • "I Give My Heart" (Billy Kirsch, Allen Shamblin) - 3:31
  • Personnel

  • Eddie Bayers - drums
  • Barry BeckettWurlitzer electric piano
  • Podcasts:

    • Manticora- Pale Faces

      Band: Manticora Album: Roots Of Eternity Genre: Progressive Power Metal Members: Lars Larsen: Vocals Kristian H Larsen: Guitar Flemming Schultz: Guitar René S Nielsen: Bass Guitar Jeppe Eg Jensen: Keyboards Mads Volf: Drums All rights belong to Manticora

      published: 23 Aug 2022
    • Pale Faces

      Provided to YouTube by Mighty Music Pale Faces · Manticora · Kristian Larsen · Lars F. Larsen · René S. Nielsen · Flemming Schultz · Mads Volf · Jeppe Eg Jensen · Kristian Larsen · Lars F. Larsen · René S. Nielsen · Flemming Schultz · Mads Volf · Jeppe Eg Jensen · Jacob Hansen Roots Of Eternity ℗ Mighty Music Released on: 1999-08-18 Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 16 Nov 2023
    • Pale - Fearing Faces

      ▽▼ || apalevv@gmail.com || Released by 37 Adventures, 12/08/13 http://www.facebook.com/palemusic http://soundcloud.com/pale-vv https://twitter.com/Palevvv Directed by Charlie & Joe http://www.forever-pictures.com

      published: 12 Aug 2013
    • Manticora- Roots Of Eternity

      Band: Manticora Album: Roots Of Eternity Genre: Progressive Power Metal Members: Lars Larsen: Vocals Kristian H Larsen: Guitar Flemming Schultz: Guitar René S Nielsen: Bass Guitar Jeppe Eg Jensen: Keyboards Mads Volf: Drums All rights belong to Manticora

      published: 23 Aug 2022
    • Manticora- The Saga Of Exiles (Part 1: Nowhere Land)

      Band: Manticora Album: Roots Of Eternity Genre: Progressive Power Metal Members: Lars Larsen: Vocals Kristian H Larsen: Guitar Flemming Schultz: Guitar René S Nielsen: Bass Guitar Jeppe Eg Jensen: Keyboards Mads Volf: Drums All rights belong to Manticora

      published: 23 Aug 2022
    • Manticora - Nowhere Land

      A mind blowing song from Manticora called "Nowhere Land" from the album "Roots of Eternity" (1999). Here are the lyrics: (The timegate is opened...) I'll desecrate your weak beliefs You must feel so old Went out to see another world And found that it had turned so cold Stranded in unknown sourroundings In a place where time has no meaning Cant seem to find my way out of here Trapped in a nowhere land Open my thoughts to the masses The manticore is my illusion Cant seem to open the door out of here Trapped ina a nowhere land Absent but absolutely there Consciousness expanding I know the meaning of it all That's what im thinking Stranded in unknown sourroundings In a place where time has no meaning Cant seem to find my way out of here Trapped in a nowhere la...

      published: 19 Jun 2009
    • Manticora - Echoes Of A Silent Scream

      Produced by Kasper Serup Christensen & Manticora Filming, editing and post production by Kasper Serup Christensen (KSC Productions) - https://kasperserup.wordpress.com From the Album "To Kill To Live To Kill" (2018) 01. Echoes Of A Silent Scream Adrenaline rushing in to keep me strong All strung up, standing in the dark The tension in the air is indescribable Pure destruction of life on my mark Your silent screaming leaves a permanent sight I shall never forget until I die Your body broken and high on adrenaline And your eyes, in desperation, asking why Digging - To keep my sanity Hunting - To find my identity Searching deeper down in history (To keep the nightmares away) Burying the memories of gray So we leave the eerie burial ground In the dying hour of the night Conscience as wh...

      published: 05 Jul 2018
    • Beyond the Wall of Sleep - Chilling Game [2000]

      i don´t need your mendacious flood of words i´m not infected with your black disease when the years and faces forget when the wall falls brick by brick and when dust arises on the horizon we have reached our personal fate when the night is yours only and things to remember all the stars fall down for you behind your back it´s just a cold game that she plays again obsessed and dazed by some souldestroying dust kill your savage pain if a suffering remains free your tortured soul forever and again kill your burning pain when the pleasures fade away free yourself again and... when the moments of lust turn into shadows when the lights of euphoria fade away and when darkness arises on your horizon the cold half of mankind shall be your fate when the night is yours only and thi...

      published: 18 Apr 2012
    • How to Paint a Manticore | Dungeons and Dragons WizKidz Paint Night | Miniature Painting Tutorial

      Today I am painting a Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures Manticore as part of the Wizkids Paint Night event in collaboration with Games of Berkeley. #ad ? Join me as I challenge myself by using just the paints that come in the new paint night kits that Wizkids provides for these events! And if you want you can pick up your very own kit at any participating location. A list of participating locations can be found here: https://wizkids.com/manticorepaintnightevent/ ================================================ ✨✨✨ GAMES OF BERKELEY PAINT NIGHT CONTEST ✨✨✨ You can buy the Wizkids Manticore Paint Night kit from Games of Berkeley here: https://www.gamesofberkeley.com/manticore-paint-night-event-nolzurs-wizkids.html All photos must be submitted to our Discord server here: https://discord.g...

      published: 31 Aug 2020
    • Pick Of John Petrucci.......

      Gelsenkirchen 24/06/09

      published: 26 Jun 2009
    Manticora- Pale Faces

    Manticora- Pale Faces

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:33
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Aug 2022
    • views: 120
    Band: Manticora Album: Roots Of Eternity Genre: Progressive Power Metal Members: Lars Larsen: Vocals Kristian H Larsen: Guitar Flemming Schultz: Guitar René S Nielsen: Bass Guitar Jeppe Eg Jensen: Keyboards Mads Volf: Drums All rights belong to Manticora
    Pale Faces

    Pale Faces

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:36
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Nov 2023
    • views: 117
    Provided to YouTube by Mighty Music Pale Faces · Manticora · Kristian Larsen · Lars F. Larsen · René S. Nielsen · Flemming Schultz · Mads Volf · Jeppe Eg Jensen · Kristian Larsen · Lars F. Larsen · René S. Nielsen · Flemming Schultz · Mads Volf · Jeppe Eg Jensen · Jacob Hansen Roots Of Eternity ℗ Mighty Music Released on: 1999-08-18 Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Pale - Fearing Faces

    Pale - Fearing Faces

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:20
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Aug 2013
    • views: 598936
    ▽▼ || apalevv@gmail.com || Released by 37 Adventures, 12/08/13 http://www.facebook.com/palemusic http://soundcloud.com/pale-vv https://twitter.com/Palevvv Directed by Charlie & Joe http://www.forever-pictures.com
    Manticora- Roots Of Eternity

    Manticora- Roots Of Eternity

    • Order:
    • Duration: 11:45
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Aug 2022
    • views: 423
    Band: Manticora Album: Roots Of Eternity Genre: Progressive Power Metal Members: Lars Larsen: Vocals Kristian H Larsen: Guitar Flemming Schultz: Guitar René S Nielsen: Bass Guitar Jeppe Eg Jensen: Keyboards Mads Volf: Drums All rights belong to Manticora
    Manticora- The Saga Of Exiles (Part 1: Nowhere Land)

    Manticora- The Saga Of Exiles (Part 1: Nowhere Land)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:54
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Aug 2022
    • views: 119
    Band: Manticora Album: Roots Of Eternity Genre: Progressive Power Metal Members: Lars Larsen: Vocals Kristian H Larsen: Guitar Flemming Schultz: Guitar René S Nielsen: Bass Guitar Jeppe Eg Jensen: Keyboards Mads Volf: Drums All rights belong to Manticora
    Manticora - Nowhere Land

    Manticora - Nowhere Land

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:56
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Jun 2009
    • views: 6455
    A mind blowing song from Manticora called "Nowhere Land" from the album "Roots of Eternity" (1999). Here are the lyrics: (The timegate is opened...) I'll desecrate your weak beliefs You must feel so old Went out to see another world And found that it had turned so cold Stranded in unknown sourroundings In a place where time has no meaning Cant seem to find my way out of here Trapped in a nowhere land Open my thoughts to the masses The manticore is my illusion Cant seem to open the door out of here Trapped ina a nowhere land Absent but absolutely there Consciousness expanding I know the meaning of it all That's what im thinking Stranded in unknown sourroundings In a place where time has no meaning Cant seem to find my way out of here Trapped in a nowhere land Open my thoughts to the masses The manticore is my illusion Cant seem to open the door out of here Trapped ina a nowhere land And so we fought...
    Manticora - Echoes Of A Silent Scream

    Manticora - Echoes Of A Silent Scream

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:07
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Jul 2018
    • views: 88583
    Produced by Kasper Serup Christensen & Manticora Filming, editing and post production by Kasper Serup Christensen (KSC Productions) - https://kasperserup.wordpress.com From the Album "To Kill To Live To Kill" (2018) 01. Echoes Of A Silent Scream Adrenaline rushing in to keep me strong All strung up, standing in the dark The tension in the air is indescribable Pure destruction of life on my mark Your silent screaming leaves a permanent sight I shall never forget until I die Your body broken and high on adrenaline And your eyes, in desperation, asking why Digging - To keep my sanity Hunting - To find my identity Searching deeper down in history (To keep the nightmares away) Burying the memories of gray So we leave the eerie burial ground In the dying hour of the night Conscience as white and pale as pristine snow Internally saturated with this might - - Order "To Kill To LIve To Kill” as CD or Digital at: http://smarturl.it/VSP123 - Or the Asian version at: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07D5185V... - Order the novel "To Kill To LIve To Kill” on www.manticora.dk Website: Manticora.dk Facebook: facebook.com/Manticoraband Instagram: @Manticora_dk Manticora is endorsed by Engl amplifiers! Thank you to the following people for your invaluable help: Turf & Lene Nielsen/Fysioterapi & Motion Carsten Skov/Ditlevsen & Skov Brøndby Naturskole Pia Larsen/KUH Peter Vielsted, Rikke Bryde, Meera Natarajan, Peter Bilgrav, Jes Berthelsen, Kim Krooelt
    Beyond the Wall of Sleep - Chilling Game [2000]

    Beyond the Wall of Sleep - Chilling Game [2000]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:10
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Apr 2012
    • views: 282
    i don´t need your mendacious flood of words i´m not infected with your black disease when the years and faces forget when the wall falls brick by brick and when dust arises on the horizon we have reached our personal fate when the night is yours only and things to remember all the stars fall down for you behind your back it´s just a cold game that she plays again obsessed and dazed by some souldestroying dust kill your savage pain if a suffering remains free your tortured soul forever and again kill your burning pain when the pleasures fade away free yourself again and... when the moments of lust turn into shadows when the lights of euphoria fade away and when darkness arises on your horizon the cold half of mankind shall be your fate when the night is yours only and things to remember all the stars fall down for you behind your back it´s just a cold game that she plays again obsessed and dazed by some souldestroying dust kill your savage pain if a suffering remains free your tortured soul forever and again kill your burning pain when the pleasures fade away free yourself again and... #lyrics #gothicrock #goth
    How to Paint a Manticore | Dungeons and Dragons WizKidz Paint Night | Miniature Painting Tutorial

    How to Paint a Manticore | Dungeons and Dragons WizKidz Paint Night | Miniature Painting Tutorial

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    • Duration: 14:37
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Aug 2020
    • views: 5354
    Today I am painting a Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures Manticore as part of the Wizkids Paint Night event in collaboration with Games of Berkeley. #ad ? Join me as I challenge myself by using just the paints that come in the new paint night kits that Wizkids provides for these events! And if you want you can pick up your very own kit at any participating location. A list of participating locations can be found here: https://wizkids.com/manticorepaintnightevent/ ================================================ ✨✨✨ GAMES OF BERKELEY PAINT NIGHT CONTEST ✨✨✨ You can buy the Wizkids Manticore Paint Night kit from Games of Berkeley here: https://www.gamesofberkeley.com/manticore-paint-night-event-nolzurs-wizkids.html All photos must be submitted to our Discord server here: https://discord.gg/RF2c4uC Submissions should be put in the #painting channel please! Make sure to submit you entry by September 14th, 2020 📅 Thanks everyone and I look forward seeing what amazing ways you all paint your Manticores! ================================================ Subscribe to see more, and thank you very much for watching! I will see you all next time. Follow me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/hobby_night/ Follow me on Twitter here: http://www.twitter.com/hobby_night/ ================================================ End Screen Music: A Peaceful Sanctuary by Tristan Lohengrin | https://www.tristanlohengrin.com Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US
    Pick Of John Petrucci.......

    Pick Of John Petrucci.......

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:36
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Jun 2009
    • views: 287
    Gelsenkirchen 24/06/09
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    Paleness (color)

    Paleness of color is the property of being a light or pastel version of another color of the same hue. The paler color has higher luminance, and lower chrominance (or color saturation).

    See also

  • Pallor
  • Human skin color

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