20.000 Meilen unter den Meeren - Jules Verne - Hörspiel (2003)
Im Jahr 1866 beunruhigt eine sonderbare Naturerscheinung die Gemüter nicht nur der Seeleute, bei der es sich allem Anschein nach um einen Wal - oder eine Art See-Einhorn - von bis dahin unbekannter Größe und Kraft handeln muss. So sticht im Herbst 1867 von New York aus die bestens ausgerüstete Fregatte "Abraham Lincoln" in See, um das gefährliche Riesentier unschädlich zu machen. Mit an Bord sind der französische Professor Aronnax, der soeben ein zweibändiges Kompendium "Geheimnisse der Meerestiefen" veröffentlich hat, und sein Diener Conseil, außerdem der Kanadier Ned-Land, ein erfahrener Walfänger. Am 5. November und zweihundert Meilen vor der japanischen Küste bekommen sie das seltsame Wesen zum ersten Mal zu Gesicht - und kurze Zeit später treibt die "Abraham Lincoln" manövrierunfähig ...
published: 22 Sep 2022
Learn Easy Slow German Eyes Free 20 000 leagues under the sea audiobook Jules Verne
published: 25 Mar 2022
Hörspiel - 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meeren - Jules Vernes - Roman
Hörspiel: 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meeren.
Deutsch ca. 142 Minuten.
Regel auf diesen Kanal:
Ein respektvoller Umgang ist die Grundlage für sachliche Dialoge und für das Lösen von Konflikten. Geht respektvoll miteinander um.
published: 26 Apr 2024
From the Earth to the Moon 1958 (Adventure, Sci-Fi) Joseph Cotten, George Sanders, Debra Paget
The amazing story of the boldest adventure dared by man!
In 1868, American inventor Victor Barbicane develops a powerful military explosive that he also uses as fuel for a moon-bound rocket manned by himself and a motley crew.
Director: Byron Haskin
Writers: Jules Verne, Robert Blees, James Leicester
Stars: Joseph Cotten, George Sanders, Debra Paget
Genres: Literary, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
00:00 Full Movie (with subtitles)
01:12 A secret armament club unveils a weapon powerful enough to reach the Moon.
12:07 A daring mission is launched to destroy a dangerous invention, sparking conflict.
16:06 American scientists race to build a Moon-bound cannon as international pressure mounts.
28:11 A government official pressures a scientist to stop the project, fearing global catastrophe.
published: 22 Apr 2024
Rare Photos Not Appropriate for History Books
History is a strange thing. In many cases, the only things we know about history are things that have been captured in photos or in books. While written history can be manipulated, photos seem to be the only things that can truthfully inform us of the past.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Introduction
00:56 - Salvador Dali (1953)
02:27 - The Titanic (1912)
05:38 - Montana (1901)
06:02 - Giza (1870s)
08:59 - Zero Gravity (1958)
10:18 -La Tour Eiffel (1932)
10:41 - Going for a Stroll (1938)
11:28 - Audrey Hepburn (1958)
12:40 - Space Chimp (1961)
13:05 - Swimsuits (1922)
13:30 - Military Tradition (1952)
14:30 - Read All About it (1912)
14:52 - Elvis Presley (1958)
Like this content? Subscribe here:
Or, watch more videos here:
published: 20 Oct 2019
PARIS 2024: what to do in the Olympic City - Ep 1
The Paris Olympics are just around the corner, and in this series, you'll discover what you can do in Paris - whether during the Olympics or whenever you travel here. Paris is timeless! 😍 We start this first episode with the river Seine and its iconic bridges, where the Opening Ceremony will take place. We also go for a stroll around Île de la Cité to see the Notre Dame Cathedral, Sainte-Chapelle, and Conciergerie, then head to the Latin Quarter and Le Marais. It's a beautiful walking tour around the oldest parts of Paris.
► Previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNrXI23hgFw (flying Air New Zealand business class)
Most of our international flights (including business class) are free, as we book them with points earned through credit cards. These...
published: 30 Jun 2024
Learn german TEIL1. KAPITEL4. 20.000 Meilen unterm Meer Jules Verne Learn German with subtitles
Learn german TEIL1. KAPITEL4. 20.000 Meilen unterm Meer Jules Verne Learn German with subtitles
Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvQabR5HiK33yMVxCiGRxJ0Z5pFRyzhBi
Русско-немецкий разговорник http://ch.place-info.ru/russko-nemeckij-razgovornik
Русско-немецкий разговорник http://ch.place-info.ru/russko-nemeckij-razgovornik
published: 17 May 2017
The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952) Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner | Adventure, Drama
His Adventures . . . Like His Loves . . . Were Great and Exciting !
Writer Harry Street reflects on his life as he lies dying from an infection while on safari in the shadow of Mount Kilamanjaro.
Original title: The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952)
Directors: Henry KingRoy Ward Baker
Writers: Casey Robinson, Ernest Hemingway (short story)
Stars: Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, Ava Gardner
Genres: Classics, Adventure, Drama, Romance, War
published: 11 Mar 2023
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published: 26 Jul 2023
Things to do in USHUAIA, Argentina 🇦🇷 | Ushuaia Travel Guide - the City at the End of the World! 🐧
Hello and greetings from Ushuaia, Argentina where we'll cover the top things to do in this Ushuaia travel guide from this fascinating city at the end of the world! Today we’re going to be visiting the southernmost city in the world, located in the province of Tierra del Fuego at the very bottom of Argentina.
This was the final stop of our massive trip across Patagonia and we’ll be sharing some of the best things to do in Ushuaia during your visit. Join us as we cruise the Beagle Channel, ride the train to the end of the world, send a postcard from the southernmost post office, tour a former prison-turned museum, explore the city via double-decker bus, and more!
The following is our Ushuaia travel guide! We hope this video gives you a few ideas of the many tours, attractions and experienc...
published: 04 Sep 2021
20.000 Meilen unter den Meeren - Jules Verne - Hörspiel (2003)
Im Jahr 1866 beunruhigt eine sonderbare Naturerscheinung die Gemüter nicht nur der Seeleute, bei der es sich allem Anschein nach um einen Wal - oder eine Art Se...
Im Jahr 1866 beunruhigt eine sonderbare Naturerscheinung die Gemüter nicht nur der Seeleute, bei der es sich allem Anschein nach um einen Wal - oder eine Art See-Einhorn - von bis dahin unbekannter Größe und Kraft handeln muss. So sticht im Herbst 1867 von New York aus die bestens ausgerüstete Fregatte "
Abraham Lincoln" in See, um das gefährliche Riesentier unschädlich zu machen. Mit an Bord sind der französische Professor Aronnax, der soeben ein zweibändiges Kompendium "Geheimnisse der Meerestiefen" veröffentlich hat, und sein Diener Conseil, außerdem der Kanadier Ned-Land, ein erfahrener Walfänger. Am 5. November und zweihundert Meilen vor der japanischen Küste bekommen sie das seltsame Wesen zum ersten Mal zu Gesicht - und kurze Zeit später treibt die "Abraham Lincoln" manövrierunfähig im Stillen Ozean; Aronnax, Conseil und Ned-Land aber hat es von Bord geschleudert... Ausgerechnet das Untier wird ihre Rettung, denn es erweist sich als ein Unterseeboot, wie es kein zweites auf der Welt gibt, in seiner an ein Wunder grenzenden Technik seiner Zeit um mindestens hundert Jahre voraus.
An Bord dieser "Nautilus" nun, mit deren Hilfe der rätselhafte Kapitän Nemo und seine Getreuen der verabscheuten Zivilisation entsagt und sich in ihr eigenes Unterwasser-Reich zurückgezogen haben, erleben die drei unfreiwilligen Expeditionsteilnehmer die unbekannten Abenteuer und Gefahren der Tiefsee, in die noch nie ein Mensch eingedrungen zu sein schien, tauchen sie unter der Meerenge von Suez hindurch (während oben am Kanal gebaut wird) und unterqueren sie den Südpol, immer hin und her gerissen zwischen ihrer Neugier und der Sorge, als Eingeweihte in die Geheimnisse der "Nautilus" nie mehr auf die Erde "da oben" zurückzugelangen. Könnte ihnen eines Tages, unter glücklichen Umständen, die Flucht gelingen? Oder ist es vielleicht doch möglich, in Kapitän Nemos gepanzertes Herz einzudringen und ihn für die Rückkehr zur menschlichen Gesellschaft zu gewinnen, deren Entwicklung er mit einem Schlage in nie gekanntem Maße voranbringen würde?
"Die Produktion von Jules Vernes "20.000 Meilen unter den Meeren" ist das erste Hörspiel in 5.1-Dolby-Digital Technik, das in Deutschland über eine Hörbuch - DVD einem breiten Publikum zugänglich sein wird. Der Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk hat [...] medientechnisches Neuland betreten und eine hochrangig besetzte Hörspiel-Inszenierung im Surround-Ton-Verfahren mit einem ganzen Paket von akustischen und visuellen Zugaben auf den Markt gebracht.
Neue akustische Möglichkeiten also, die eine Kunst wie das Hörspiel natürlich außerordentlich reizen müssen, auch wenn das Radio - auch in der "Lesezeit" auf MDR Kultur übrigens - sich noch auf absehbare Zeit mit Stereo-Austrahlungen begnügen muss." (mdr-Pressemitteilung)
0:00:00 Teil 1
1:08:30 Teil 2
20.000 Meilen unter den Meeren
Jules Verne
Walter Adler
Komponist(en): Pierre Oser
Ton: Holger König
Aronnax Gottfried John
Nemo Ernst Jacobi
Conseil Hermann Lause
Ned-Land Peter Gavajda
Farragut Hans-Jürgen Hürrig
Offizier Götz Schulte
J.B. Hobson Peter W. Bachmann
Ausrufer Steffen Schult
Deutsche Stimme Lars Jung
Stimme 1 Marcello Blasco
Stimme 2 Christopher Lohsfeld
Stimme 3 Rachel Hardison
Stimme 4 Jorge Diaz
Im Jahr 1866 beunruhigt eine sonderbare Naturerscheinung die Gemüter nicht nur der Seeleute, bei der es sich allem Anschein nach um einen Wal - oder eine Art See-Einhorn - von bis dahin unbekannter Größe und Kraft handeln muss. So sticht im Herbst 1867 von New York aus die bestens ausgerüstete Fregatte "
Abraham Lincoln" in See, um das gefährliche Riesentier unschädlich zu machen. Mit an Bord sind der französische Professor Aronnax, der soeben ein zweibändiges Kompendium "Geheimnisse der Meerestiefen" veröffentlich hat, und sein Diener Conseil, außerdem der Kanadier Ned-Land, ein erfahrener Walfänger. Am 5. November und zweihundert Meilen vor der japanischen Küste bekommen sie das seltsame Wesen zum ersten Mal zu Gesicht - und kurze Zeit später treibt die "Abraham Lincoln" manövrierunfähig im Stillen Ozean; Aronnax, Conseil und Ned-Land aber hat es von Bord geschleudert... Ausgerechnet das Untier wird ihre Rettung, denn es erweist sich als ein Unterseeboot, wie es kein zweites auf der Welt gibt, in seiner an ein Wunder grenzenden Technik seiner Zeit um mindestens hundert Jahre voraus.
An Bord dieser "Nautilus" nun, mit deren Hilfe der rätselhafte Kapitän Nemo und seine Getreuen der verabscheuten Zivilisation entsagt und sich in ihr eigenes Unterwasser-Reich zurückgezogen haben, erleben die drei unfreiwilligen Expeditionsteilnehmer die unbekannten Abenteuer und Gefahren der Tiefsee, in die noch nie ein Mensch eingedrungen zu sein schien, tauchen sie unter der Meerenge von Suez hindurch (während oben am Kanal gebaut wird) und unterqueren sie den Südpol, immer hin und her gerissen zwischen ihrer Neugier und der Sorge, als Eingeweihte in die Geheimnisse der "Nautilus" nie mehr auf die Erde "da oben" zurückzugelangen. Könnte ihnen eines Tages, unter glücklichen Umständen, die Flucht gelingen? Oder ist es vielleicht doch möglich, in Kapitän Nemos gepanzertes Herz einzudringen und ihn für die Rückkehr zur menschlichen Gesellschaft zu gewinnen, deren Entwicklung er mit einem Schlage in nie gekanntem Maße voranbringen würde?
"Die Produktion von Jules Vernes "20.000 Meilen unter den Meeren" ist das erste Hörspiel in 5.1-Dolby-Digital Technik, das in Deutschland über eine Hörbuch - DVD einem breiten Publikum zugänglich sein wird. Der Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk hat [...] medientechnisches Neuland betreten und eine hochrangig besetzte Hörspiel-Inszenierung im Surround-Ton-Verfahren mit einem ganzen Paket von akustischen und visuellen Zugaben auf den Markt gebracht.
Neue akustische Möglichkeiten also, die eine Kunst wie das Hörspiel natürlich außerordentlich reizen müssen, auch wenn das Radio - auch in der "Lesezeit" auf MDR Kultur übrigens - sich noch auf absehbare Zeit mit Stereo-Austrahlungen begnügen muss." (mdr-Pressemitteilung)
0:00:00 Teil 1
1:08:30 Teil 2
20.000 Meilen unter den Meeren
Jules Verne
Walter Adler
Komponist(en): Pierre Oser
Ton: Holger König
Aronnax Gottfried John
Nemo Ernst Jacobi
Conseil Hermann Lause
Ned-Land Peter Gavajda
Farragut Hans-Jürgen Hürrig
Offizier Götz Schulte
J.B. Hobson Peter W. Bachmann
Ausrufer Steffen Schult
Deutsche Stimme Lars Jung
Stimme 1 Marcello Blasco
Stimme 2 Christopher Lohsfeld
Stimme 3 Rachel Hardison
Stimme 4 Jorge Diaz
- published: 22 Sep 2022
- views: 12991
Hörspiel - 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meeren - Jules Vernes - Roman
Hörspiel: 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meeren.
Deutsch ca. 142 Minuten.
Regel auf diesen Kanal:
Ein respektvoller Umgang ist die Grundlage für sachliche Dialoge un...
Hörspiel: 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meeren.
Deutsch ca. 142 Minuten.
Regel auf diesen Kanal:
Ein respektvoller Umgang ist die Grundlage für sachliche Dialoge und für das Lösen von Konflikten. Geht respektvoll miteinander um.
Hörspiel: 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meeren.
Deutsch ca. 142 Minuten.
Regel auf diesen Kanal:
Ein respektvoller Umgang ist die Grundlage für sachliche Dialoge und für das Lösen von Konflikten. Geht respektvoll miteinander um.
- published: 26 Apr 2024
- views: 1056
From the Earth to the Moon 1958 (Adventure, Sci-Fi) Joseph Cotten, George Sanders, Debra Paget
The amazing story of the boldest adventure dared by man!
In 1868, American inventor Victor Barbicane develops a powerful military explosive that he also uses as...
The amazing story of the boldest adventure dared by man!
In 1868, American inventor Victor Barbicane develops a powerful military explosive that he also uses as fuel for a moon-bound rocket manned by himself and a motley crew.
Director: Byron Haskin
Writers: Jules Verne, Robert Blees, James Leicester
Stars: Joseph Cotten, George Sanders, Debra Paget
Genres: Literary, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
00:00 Full Movie (with subtitles)
01:12 A secret armament club unveils a weapon powerful enough to reach the Moon.
12:07 A daring mission is launched to destroy a dangerous invention, sparking conflict.
16:06 American scientists race to build a Moon-bound cannon as international pressure mounts.
28:11 A government official pressures a scientist to stop the project, fearing global catastrophe.
35:19 A new energy source revives the Moon project, and a top scientist is recruited for the mission.
42:50 Preparations for a groundbreaking space mission begin, with uncertainty looming.
1:01:30 The Moon mission faces sabotage, putting the crew’s lives in peril.
1:06:19 High-stakes drama as the crew confronts life-threatening danger in space.
1:16:39 Mysterious challenges emerge as the crew nears the Moon.
1:24:29 Tragedy strikes the Moon mission, as unforeseen obstacles arise.
1:31:40 The journey ends in mystery, with signals exchanged and rumors of a hoax swirling.
The amazing story of the boldest adventure dared by man!
In 1868, American inventor Victor Barbicane develops a powerful military explosive that he also uses as fuel for a moon-bound rocket manned by himself and a motley crew.
Director: Byron Haskin
Writers: Jules Verne, Robert Blees, James Leicester
Stars: Joseph Cotten, George Sanders, Debra Paget
Genres: Literary, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
00:00 Full Movie (with subtitles)
01:12 A secret armament club unveils a weapon powerful enough to reach the Moon.
12:07 A daring mission is launched to destroy a dangerous invention, sparking conflict.
16:06 American scientists race to build a Moon-bound cannon as international pressure mounts.
28:11 A government official pressures a scientist to stop the project, fearing global catastrophe.
35:19 A new energy source revives the Moon project, and a top scientist is recruited for the mission.
42:50 Preparations for a groundbreaking space mission begin, with uncertainty looming.
1:01:30 The Moon mission faces sabotage, putting the crew’s lives in peril.
1:06:19 High-stakes drama as the crew confronts life-threatening danger in space.
1:16:39 Mysterious challenges emerge as the crew nears the Moon.
1:24:29 Tragedy strikes the Moon mission, as unforeseen obstacles arise.
1:31:40 The journey ends in mystery, with signals exchanged and rumors of a hoax swirling.
- published: 22 Apr 2024
- views: 690623
Rare Photos Not Appropriate for History Books
History is a strange thing. In many cases, the only things we know about history are things that have been captured in photos or in books. While written history...
History is a strange thing. In many cases, the only things we know about history are things that have been captured in photos or in books. While written history can be manipulated, photos seem to be the only things that can truthfully inform us of the past.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Introduction
00:56 - Salvador Dali (1953)
02:27 - The Titanic (1912)
05:38 - Montana (1901)
06:02 - Giza (1870s)
08:59 - Zero Gravity (1958)
10:18 -La Tour Eiffel (1932)
10:41 - Going for a Stroll (1938)
11:28 - Audrey Hepburn (1958)
12:40 - Space Chimp (1961)
13:05 - Swimsuits (1922)
13:30 - Military Tradition (1952)
14:30 - Read All About it (1912)
14:52 - Elvis Presley (1958)
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You'll see many of these photos in history books. However, some of these photos are NOT appropriate for history books, and as a result, you may never see them. Until today! We've found the inappropriate photos from history and we're going to show you them and discuss why they are not found in history books.
Rare Photos Not Appropriate for History Books
History is a strange thing. In many cases, the only things we know about history are things that have been captured in photos or in books. While written history can be manipulated, photos seem to be the only things that can truthfully inform us of the past.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Introduction
00:56 - Salvador Dali (1953)
02:27 - The Titanic (1912)
05:38 - Montana (1901)
06:02 - Giza (1870s)
08:59 - Zero Gravity (1958)
10:18 -La Tour Eiffel (1932)
10:41 - Going for a Stroll (1938)
11:28 - Audrey Hepburn (1958)
12:40 - Space Chimp (1961)
13:05 - Swimsuits (1922)
13:30 - Military Tradition (1952)
14:30 - Read All About it (1912)
14:52 - Elvis Presley (1958)
Like this content? Subscribe here:
Or, watch more videos here:
You'll see many of these photos in history books. However, some of these photos are NOT appropriate for history books, and as a result, you may never see them. Until today! We've found the inappropriate photos from history and we're going to show you them and discuss why they are not found in history books.
Rare Photos Not Appropriate for History Books
- published: 20 Oct 2019
- views: 7757077
PARIS 2024: what to do in the Olympic City - Ep 1
The Paris Olympics are just around the corner, and in this series, you'll discover what you can do in Paris - whether during the Olympics or whenever you travel...
The Paris Olympics are just around the corner, and in this series, you'll discover what you can do in Paris - whether during the Olympics or whenever you travel here. Paris is timeless! 😍 We start this first episode with the river Seine and its iconic bridges, where the Opening Ceremony will take place. We also go for a stroll around Île de la Cité to see the Notre Dame Cathedral, Sainte-Chapelle, and Conciergerie, then head to the Latin Quarter and Le Marais. It's a beautiful walking tour around the oldest parts of Paris.
► Previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNrXI23hgFw (flying Air New Zealand business class)
Most of our international flights (including business class) are free, as we book them with points earned through credit cards. These are our fave cards to earn & redeem points:
Chase: https://www.referyourchasecard.com/19n/F2HK8RFYDN
Capital One: https://i.capitalone.com/GilnBagG4
You can also earn cashback via Rakuten to offset other costs: www.rakuten.com/r/RENATA4450?eeid=28187 (this link gives you extra 10% cashback)
SUBSCRIBE to discover the world with us ► http://bit.ly/Renata_YouTube
#RenataInFrance #RenataInEurope #parisolympics #paris2024 #parisolympics2024
Paris, France - vlog 01:
00:00 The excitement for the Paris 2024 Olympics
01:16 Departing point for the walking tour: Paris City Hall
02:17 The river Seine and the charming bridges of Paris
05:56 Ile de la Cite: where Paris was born
06:30 Notre-Dame cathedral
08:11 The first Royal Palace of Paris and the lovely chapel
10:13 Conciergerie: from a royal residence to a prison
11:54 The Latin Quarter: from Shakespeare to Sorbonne
14:35 The Latin Quarter: Pantheon and the Roman settlement
16:02 Ile Saint Louis: the island where celebrities live
16:32 Le Marais: the well-preserved gem of Paris
Want to travel and create videos? Some services we use and recommend:
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- Get 'Can't Hold Us (feat. Ray Dalton)' by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
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- Get 'Petit Bisous Petit Baisers 3 (60)' by Ann De Renais (License ID: BK3WNQLbVoN, https://t.lickd.co/XQWn9o1RJPJ),
- Get 'Valse Parisienne' by Ian Hughes (License ID: onMymgz3MlK, https://t.lickd.co/akeMvkw2WB9),
- Get 'Je t'aime Paris' by Christian Marsac (License ID: 4Okgbgwwd5j, https://t.lickd.co/lBjkmDWmya1),
- Get 'Je t'aime Paris 6 (Sting)' by Christian Marsac (License ID: Q4Al03jeAMB, https://t.lickd.co/19mVke6rBJ2),
- Get 'La Vie En Paris' by Emily Lim and over 1M mainstream tracks here: https://go.lickd.co/Music (License ID: qR6mj4dBN0r, https://t.lickd.co/mvjnode94x1)
Try Lickd FREE for 14 days for unlimited stock music and get 50% off your first mainstream track: https://app.lickd.co/r/c93360b5541b48a48bdf16540a190592
✔️ YouTube keyword research and batch processing: Tubebuddy - https://www.tubebuddy.com/renata
✔️ Phone/internet worldwide (if you spend less than 3 months abroad at a time): Google Fi - Here's $20 in credit: https://g.co/fi/r/CDXK91
✔️ eSIM cards worldwide: Airalo - https://ref.airalo.com/kB1Z - Get $3 off with code RENATA6528
This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/renatapereiraEN.
Liked it? Share it ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfyYpASKTxQ
After watching, please take a minute to leave a comment or subscribe. I'm a travel vlogger, and I really appreciate it! :)
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I am a Brazilian-American journalist living in Florida. After traveling the world working with sports, news, and events for over 15 years, I realized that what I really love is the travel part of it all. So I exchanged life in the newsrooms and stadiums for the daily challenge of being an independent content producer. I created this channel to share the beauties of the world... stuff that, for so long, I only kept to myself. Also to help people planning similar trips and to inspire more people to venture out and enjoy life!
P.S.: The funny guy who appears in the vlogs is my husband, Gordon. He is Canadian-American, and he's actually camera-shy. That's why he's behind the camera most of the time 😉
NEW VIDEO ►►► https://goo.gl/rhM6Pw
The Paris Olympics are just around the corner, and in this series, you'll discover what you can do in Paris - whether during the Olympics or whenever you travel here. Paris is timeless! 😍 We start this first episode with the river Seine and its iconic bridges, where the Opening Ceremony will take place. We also go for a stroll around Île de la Cité to see the Notre Dame Cathedral, Sainte-Chapelle, and Conciergerie, then head to the Latin Quarter and Le Marais. It's a beautiful walking tour around the oldest parts of Paris.
► Previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNrXI23hgFw (flying Air New Zealand business class)
Most of our international flights (including business class) are free, as we book them with points earned through credit cards. These are our fave cards to earn & redeem points:
Chase: https://www.referyourchasecard.com/19n/F2HK8RFYDN
Capital One: https://i.capitalone.com/GilnBagG4
You can also earn cashback via Rakuten to offset other costs: www.rakuten.com/r/RENATA4450?eeid=28187 (this link gives you extra 10% cashback)
SUBSCRIBE to discover the world with us ► http://bit.ly/Renata_YouTube
#RenataInFrance #RenataInEurope #parisolympics #paris2024 #parisolympics2024
Paris, France - vlog 01:
00:00 The excitement for the Paris 2024 Olympics
01:16 Departing point for the walking tour: Paris City Hall
02:17 The river Seine and the charming bridges of Paris
05:56 Ile de la Cite: where Paris was born
06:30 Notre-Dame cathedral
08:11 The first Royal Palace of Paris and the lovely chapel
10:13 Conciergerie: from a royal residence to a prison
11:54 The Latin Quarter: from Shakespeare to Sorbonne
14:35 The Latin Quarter: Pantheon and the Roman settlement
16:02 Ile Saint Louis: the island where celebrities live
16:32 Le Marais: the well-preserved gem of Paris
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✔️ Phone/internet worldwide (if you spend less than 3 months abroad at a time): Google Fi - Here's $20 in credit: https://g.co/fi/r/CDXK91
✔️ eSIM cards worldwide: Airalo - https://ref.airalo.com/kB1Z - Get $3 off with code RENATA6528
This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/renatapereiraEN.
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I am a Brazilian-American journalist living in Florida. After traveling the world working with sports, news, and events for over 15 years, I realized that what I really love is the travel part of it all. So I exchanged life in the newsrooms and stadiums for the daily challenge of being an independent content producer. I created this channel to share the beauties of the world... stuff that, for so long, I only kept to myself. Also to help people planning similar trips and to inspire more people to venture out and enjoy life!
P.S.: The funny guy who appears in the vlogs is my husband, Gordon. He is Canadian-American, and he's actually camera-shy. That's why he's behind the camera most of the time 😉
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Learn german TEIL1. KAPITEL4. 20.000 Meilen unterm Meer Jules Verne Learn German with subtitles
Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvQabR5HiK33yMVxCiGRxJ0Z5pFRyzhBi
Русско-немецкий разговорник http://ch.place-info.ru/russko-nemeckij-razgovornik
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The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952) Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner | Adventure, Drama
His Adventures . . . Like His Loves . . . Were Great and Exciting !
Writer Harry Street reflects on his life as he lies dying from an infection while on safari ...
His Adventures . . . Like His Loves . . . Were Great and Exciting !
Writer Harry Street reflects on his life as he lies dying from an infection while on safari in the shadow of Mount Kilamanjaro.
Original title: The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952)
Directors: Henry KingRoy Ward Baker
Writers: Casey Robinson, Ernest Hemingway (short story)
Stars: Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, Ava Gardner
Genres: Classics, Adventure, Drama, Romance, War
His Adventures . . . Like His Loves . . . Were Great and Exciting !
Writer Harry Street reflects on his life as he lies dying from an infection while on safari in the shadow of Mount Kilamanjaro.
Original title: The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952)
Directors: Henry KingRoy Ward Baker
Writers: Casey Robinson, Ernest Hemingway (short story)
Stars: Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, Ava Gardner
Genres: Classics, Adventure, Drama, Romance, War
- published: 11 Mar 2023
- views: 3472135
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- published: 26 Jul 2023
- views: 5106
Things to do in USHUAIA, Argentina 🇦🇷 | Ushuaia Travel Guide - the City at the End of the World! 🐧
Hello and greetings from Ushuaia, Argentina where we'll cover the top things to do in this Ushuaia travel guide from this fascinating city at the end of the wor...
Hello and greetings from Ushuaia, Argentina where we'll cover the top things to do in this Ushuaia travel guide from this fascinating city at the end of the world! Today we’re going to be visiting the southernmost city in the world, located in the province of Tierra del Fuego at the very bottom of Argentina.
This was the final stop of our massive trip across Patagonia and we’ll be sharing some of the best things to do in Ushuaia during your visit. Join us as we cruise the Beagle Channel, ride the train to the end of the world, send a postcard from the southernmost post office, tour a former prison-turned museum, explore the city via double-decker bus, and more!
The following is our Ushuaia travel guide! We hope this video gives you a few ideas of the many tours, attractions and experiences you can enjoy here!
🇦🇷 Things to do in Ushuaia, Argentina 🇦🇷
1) Cruise the Beagle Channel
This is a great opportunity to see some wildlife like cormorants, penguins and sea lions! Bring your passport on the cruise because you can get a Beagle Channel stamp.
2) See the Lighthouse and End of the World
Often attributed as Jules Verne's lighthouse at the end of the world, this lighthouse's real name is Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse.
3) Admire the Penguins on Hammer Island
Not all tour operators are allowed to disembark at the penguin rookery, so in our case, we just admired them from the boat!
4) Go on a Double-Decker Bus Tour of Ushuaia
Picture an old-fashioned double-decker bus painted bright blue, and then get ready to be transported back through time as you set step aboard. Over the course of the tour you’ll get to learn about Ushuaia’s history and hear fun anecdotes, with a bit of tango music in between.
5) Visit the Prison at the End of the World
Ushuaia was founded as a penal colony and this prison was in operation between 1902 to 1947. Today, it houses multiple museums including the Prison Museum, the Maritime Museum, the Antarctic Museum, the Art Museum, and the Art Gallery.
6) Tour the Themed Gallery of Fuegian History
This is a museum featuring dioramas and lifelike figures that showcase the history of the province of Tierra del Fuego. The visit is done as a self-guided tour with an audio guide, so you can go at your own pace.
7) Visit the End of the World Museum
This museum deals with local history and natural history. The displays here focus on local wildlife and shipwreck remains.
8) Visit the Former Government House + Botanical Garden
Set in the former Government House, this museum has a couple of displays relating to its history, as well as a small botanical garden.
9) Sample the Local Cuisine
Ushuaia has lots of unique seafood dishes and the thing to try is the king crab!
10) Go on a Walk along the Harbour
Another thing we’d recommend doing in Ushuaia is walking along the Costanera, which is the boardwalk along the waterfront. You can see all sorts of vessels in the harbour, including cruises departing for Antarctica.
11) See the Saint Christopher
Once known as the HMS Justice, this was a Royal Navy ship classified as a rescue tug and it served at the Normandy landings during World War 2. After the war, the ship was sold and renamed Saint Christopher, where it was chartered for salvage operations in Beagle Channel.
12) Take a photo at the Ushuaia City Sign
This is an iconic photo-op to show you made it to the end of the world.
13) Hike in Tierra del Fuego National Park
This is a very easy day trip from Ushuaia seeing as the park is located just 12 kilometres west of the city. This park consists of subantarctic forest and boasts some dramatic landscapes featuring snow-capped mountains, forests, lagoons and pebbly coves. One of our favourite hikes was Senda Costera, which is the coastal trail along the Beagle Channel.
14) Visit Lapataia Bay
This part of the national park features 6 mini trails that are between 400 meters and 2 kilometres in length. They are very short hikes and easy.
15) Send mail from the Southernmost Post Office
This tiny post office sits atop a pier on the shores of the Beagle Channel and it’s the last chance to send mail before reaching Antarctica.
16) Ride the Train at the End of the World
Once upon a time, this was known as the train of prisoners, but today, the train has been developed into a heritage train and it’s considered the southernmost functioning railway in the world.
17) Take a Day trip to Tolhuin
This is a small town located an hour and a half away from Ushuaia. The main draw to this town is its famous bakery, where you can enjoy all sorts of pastries, empanadas, and even artisanal chocolates. Aside from that, there is a beautiful lake and a few hiking trails.
That concludes our Ushuaia travel guide! We hope you enjoyed getting to see the southernmost city in the world. Ushuaia has plenty of unique attractions and fun excursions to offer visitors; it’s well worth adding to your Argentina itinerary if you’re planning to travel in Patagonia!
Hello and greetings from Ushuaia, Argentina where we'll cover the top things to do in this Ushuaia travel guide from this fascinating city at the end of the world! Today we’re going to be visiting the southernmost city in the world, located in the province of Tierra del Fuego at the very bottom of Argentina.
This was the final stop of our massive trip across Patagonia and we’ll be sharing some of the best things to do in Ushuaia during your visit. Join us as we cruise the Beagle Channel, ride the train to the end of the world, send a postcard from the southernmost post office, tour a former prison-turned museum, explore the city via double-decker bus, and more!
The following is our Ushuaia travel guide! We hope this video gives you a few ideas of the many tours, attractions and experiences you can enjoy here!
🇦🇷 Things to do in Ushuaia, Argentina 🇦🇷
1) Cruise the Beagle Channel
This is a great opportunity to see some wildlife like cormorants, penguins and sea lions! Bring your passport on the cruise because you can get a Beagle Channel stamp.
2) See the Lighthouse and End of the World
Often attributed as Jules Verne's lighthouse at the end of the world, this lighthouse's real name is Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse.
3) Admire the Penguins on Hammer Island
Not all tour operators are allowed to disembark at the penguin rookery, so in our case, we just admired them from the boat!
4) Go on a Double-Decker Bus Tour of Ushuaia
Picture an old-fashioned double-decker bus painted bright blue, and then get ready to be transported back through time as you set step aboard. Over the course of the tour you’ll get to learn about Ushuaia’s history and hear fun anecdotes, with a bit of tango music in between.
5) Visit the Prison at the End of the World
Ushuaia was founded as a penal colony and this prison was in operation between 1902 to 1947. Today, it houses multiple museums including the Prison Museum, the Maritime Museum, the Antarctic Museum, the Art Museum, and the Art Gallery.
6) Tour the Themed Gallery of Fuegian History
This is a museum featuring dioramas and lifelike figures that showcase the history of the province of Tierra del Fuego. The visit is done as a self-guided tour with an audio guide, so you can go at your own pace.
7) Visit the End of the World Museum
This museum deals with local history and natural history. The displays here focus on local wildlife and shipwreck remains.
8) Visit the Former Government House + Botanical Garden
Set in the former Government House, this museum has a couple of displays relating to its history, as well as a small botanical garden.
9) Sample the Local Cuisine
Ushuaia has lots of unique seafood dishes and the thing to try is the king crab!
10) Go on a Walk along the Harbour
Another thing we’d recommend doing in Ushuaia is walking along the Costanera, which is the boardwalk along the waterfront. You can see all sorts of vessels in the harbour, including cruises departing for Antarctica.
11) See the Saint Christopher
Once known as the HMS Justice, this was a Royal Navy ship classified as a rescue tug and it served at the Normandy landings during World War 2. After the war, the ship was sold and renamed Saint Christopher, where it was chartered for salvage operations in Beagle Channel.
12) Take a photo at the Ushuaia City Sign
This is an iconic photo-op to show you made it to the end of the world.
13) Hike in Tierra del Fuego National Park
This is a very easy day trip from Ushuaia seeing as the park is located just 12 kilometres west of the city. This park consists of subantarctic forest and boasts some dramatic landscapes featuring snow-capped mountains, forests, lagoons and pebbly coves. One of our favourite hikes was Senda Costera, which is the coastal trail along the Beagle Channel.
14) Visit Lapataia Bay
This part of the national park features 6 mini trails that are between 400 meters and 2 kilometres in length. They are very short hikes and easy.
15) Send mail from the Southernmost Post Office
This tiny post office sits atop a pier on the shores of the Beagle Channel and it’s the last chance to send mail before reaching Antarctica.
16) Ride the Train at the End of the World
Once upon a time, this was known as the train of prisoners, but today, the train has been developed into a heritage train and it’s considered the southernmost functioning railway in the world.
17) Take a Day trip to Tolhuin
This is a small town located an hour and a half away from Ushuaia. The main draw to this town is its famous bakery, where you can enjoy all sorts of pastries, empanadas, and even artisanal chocolates. Aside from that, there is a beautiful lake and a few hiking trails.
That concludes our Ushuaia travel guide! We hope you enjoyed getting to see the southernmost city in the world. Ushuaia has plenty of unique attractions and fun excursions to offer visitors; it’s well worth adding to your Argentina itinerary if you’re planning to travel in Patagonia!
- published: 04 Sep 2021
- views: 232669