Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof (Polish:Ludwik Łazarz Zamenhof, 15 December[O.S. 3 December]1859– 14 April[O.S. 1 April]1917), usually credited as L. L. Zamenhof, was a Polish physician, inventor, and writer. He is most widely known for creating Esperanto, the most successful constructed language in the world. He grew up fascinated by the idea of a world without war and believed that this could happen with the help of a new international auxiliary language, which he first developed in 1873 while still in school.
Zamenhof was born on 15 December (3 December OS) 1859 in the town of Białystok in the Russian Empire. His parents were of Polish-Lithuanian Jewish descent that inhabited the central part of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He appears to have been natively bilingual in Yiddish and Russian (Polish language was restricted and forbidden in public conversations by the Tsarist authorities), presumably the Belorussian "dialect" of his home town, though it may have been only his father who spoke Russian with him at home. From his father, a teacher of German and French, he learned those languages and Hebrew as well. Despite this he spoke Polish, one of the major languages of Białystok alongside Yiddish, Belarusian, and German, and it was Polish that was to become the native language of his children after settling in the Kingdom of Poland. In school he studied the classical languages: Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. He later learned some English, though in his own words not very well, had an interest in Lithuanian and Italian, and learned Volapük when it came out in 1880, though by that point his international language project was already well developed.
An interpunct ( · ), also known as an interpoint,middle dot, middot, and centered dot (UKcentred dot), is a punctuation mark consisting of a vertically centered dot used for interword separation in ancient Latin script. (Word-separating spaces did not appear until some time between A.D.600 and 800.) It appears in a variety of uses in some modern languages and is present in Unicode as code point U+00B7·MIDDLE DOT (HTML···).
The multiplication dot (U+2219∙BULLET OPERATOR (HTML∙) or U+22C5⋅DOT OPERATOR (HTML⋅·⋅)), whose glyphs are similar or identical to the interpunct, is a multiplication sign optionally used instead of the styled ×: a⋅b is equivalent to a × b or "a times b". The same sign is also used in vector multiplication to discriminate between the scalar product (a⋅b) and the vector cross product (a × b) or exterior product (a ∧ b). As a multiplication operator, it is also encountered in symbols for compound units such as the newton-meter (N∙m or Nm). The multiplication dot is a separate Unicode character (U+22C5), but is often silently replaced by the interpunct or bullet (U+2022•BULLET (HTML•·•)).
In English, ll represents the same sound as single l: /l/. The doubling is used to indicate that the preceding vowel is (historically) short, or for etymological reasons, in latinisms (coming from a gemination).
Digraph, considered from 1754 to 2010 as the fourteenth letter of the Spanish alphabet because of its representation of a palatal lateral articulation consonant phoneme. (definition by the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language)
This is a list of digraphs used in various Latin alphabets. Capitalization involves only the first letter (ch – Ch) unless otherwise stated (ij – IJ).
Letters with diacritics are arranged in alphabetic order according to their base. That is, ⟨å⟩ is alphabetized with ⟨a⟩, not at the end of the alphabet as it would be in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish. Substantially modified letters such as ⟨ſ⟩ (a variant of ⟨s⟩) and ⟨ɔ⟩ (based on ⟨o⟩) are placed at the end.
⟨’b⟩ (capital ⟨’B⟩) is used in the Bari alphabet for /ɓ/.
⟨’d⟩ (capital ⟨’D⟩) is used in the Bari alphabet for /ɗ/.
⟨’y⟩ (capital ⟨’Y⟩) is used in the Bari alphabet for /ʔʲ/. It is also used for this sound in the Hausa language in Nigeria, but in Niger, Hausa ⟨’y⟩ is replaced with ⟨ƴ⟩.
⟨aa⟩ is used in the orthographies of Dutch, Finnish and other languages with phonemic long vowels for /aː/. It was formerly used in Danish and Norwegian (and still is in some proper names) for the sound /ɔ/, now spelled ⟨å⟩.
Anonymus calls him the son of Tas, who was one of the "Seven chieftains of the Magyars", and descendent of Árpád. Most historians agree that there is a mismatch in the timing, so he should be the son of Tas, but the grandson of Árpád.
His dukedom was the Principality of Nitra, whose territory was the Kabarian part. The cities of Alsólelóc and Felsőlelóc kept the name of Lél. The dukedom could refer to the possibility of Lél being a would-be duke.
Lehel led the Nitrian Kabars at the Battle of Lechfeld. The commander was horka Bulcsú, who was not a descendent of the Árpád. The other main military leader was Súr.
L.L. Zamenhof and the Invention of Esperanto This Week in Jewish History Dr. Henry Abramson
L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) was a Polish Jew who invented the world's most successful artificial language, Esperanto. Conceived as a vehicle for world peace, Esperanto is even regarded by the Oomoto religion of Japan as the "language of heaven." IMPORTANT NOTE: I totally blew one part of this video: I was so delighted to find a video clip of Zamenhof himself that I didn't really think about the dates--it's obviously a video of an actor portraying Zamenhof, not the real person. Oy! Still, the video is useful, I think. Thanks to all the viewers who caught this error.
published: 11 Dec 2013
L. L. Zamenhof Speaking Esperanto - Unika video de Zamenhof
" For the phonograph a warmly greet to the Esperantist Group of Barcelona and a warmly greet to..."
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#Esperanto #History
published: 30 Dec 2019
Esperanto: How L.L. Zamenhof Created a Universal Language - Stuff of Genius
L.L. Zamenhof was fascinated by language from a young age. He also believed the majority of human conflict arose from miscommunication. Tune in to learn how Zamenhof used his Stuff of Genius to build a universal language.
Stuff of Genius tells the story behind everyday inventions. From the bikini to super wheat and everything in between. Viewers will learn the stories of unsung inventor heroes and their trials, tribulations and successes.
Check out new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Please subscribe to Stuff of Genius:
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published: 07 May 2013
Esperanto Explained
The history of the artificial language Esperanto and the story behind its creator L.L. Zamenhof.
Learn Esperanto:
Music: “Universal”, “Water Lily” & “Porch Swing Days - Slower” by Kevin MacLeod ( via Creative Commons
Image contribution by Edoardo Nannotti and Eugenio Hansen via Creative Commons
Thanks to reddit users Abeneezer and Terpomo11 for translation help
published: 13 Jul 2017
Esperanto | Short History
We appreciate your likes and subscriptions!
Do you know what is Esperanto? Who is its creator, and what linguistics meant to him? Then watch our video to learn about all these facts!
Friends, you can support our channel by sending donations via these links:
Short history about Esperanto and its creator Ludwik Zamenhof
Text: Igor Isakov, Anastasia Parfeneva
Voice: Amazon Polly
Animation: Igor Kuznetsov
If you liked the video
Esperanto | Short History
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published: 15 Jan 2022
L.L. Zamenhof and the Hope of Esperanto | STUFF YOU MISSED IN HISTORY CLASS
🛎 If You're New Subscribe ►
L.L. Zamenhof and the Hope of Esperanto | STUFF YOU MISSED IN HISTORY CLASS
Esperanto was developed by a Jewish man living in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It’s a story linked to both persecution and profound hope. Zamenhof hoped to bring the world together through a shared second language.
Original Air Date: March 29, 2021
❤️ iHeartRadio »
Join Holly and Tracy as they bring you the great...
published: 15 Apr 2023
Ludwik Zamenhof - creator of Esperanto and Humanism
Nyegosh Dube, a humanist and the editor of Ateismo - the atheist periodical in Esperanto - speaks about Ludwik Zamenhof (born in 1917) a Polish-Jewish medical doctor, inventor, and writer.
He is known as the author of Esperanto, the most successful constructed language in the world, created because Zamenhof cherished the idea of a world without war and believed that a new international auxiliary language would help to bring about lasting peace.
Besides, he is the author of a philosophy called Homaranismo – the term rendered loosely as humanitarianism or humanism: He said of this idea: "It is indeed the object of my whole life. I would give up everything for it."
published: 23 May 2017
Creator of Esperanto; L.L Zamenhof
This short ten second clip is the only live footage of L.L Zamenhof, creator of the Esperanto language. His address took place in Barcelona in 1909.
published: 05 Aug 2022
have you heard of our lord and savior Zamenhof #Esperanto #finavenko #finvenkistoj #finvenkismo
published: 25 Mar 2023
La Vojo - Amira CHUN전경옥 L.L.Zamenhof
길(La Vojo)
에스페란토의 창시자 자멘호프의 대표시 중 하나
어려움을 무릅쓰고 에스페란토가 나아가야할 길을 제시한 시이다.
La vojo
poemo de L.L.Zamenhof
muziko & akompano de NOBUKUNI Hirosi
자멘호프 시 , 노부쿠니 작곡
1.우리가 용기를 내어 가야할 목표가
짙은 어둠 속에서 반짝인다.
밤하늘의 별처럼
그것은 우리에게 방향을 가리킨다.
우리 앞의 길이 명백하고 올곧고 분명해서
야밤의 유령도 운명의 일격도
그리고 세상의 조롱도
우리를 위협하지 못한다.
2.오직 똑바로 용감하게, 비켜서지 말고
우리 목적한 길을 가자
작은 물방울도 끊임없이 두드려
화강암 산을 뚫는다
희망, 고집 그리고 인내
이 징표들의 힘으로, 기나긴 활동 후
한 걸음 한 걸음 걷고 또 걸어
우리는 영광된 목표에 도달하리라
3.미래를 생각하며, 지치지 않고
우리는 씨를 뿌리고 또 뿌린다
백 개의 지앗이 사라져도, 천 개의 씨앗이 사라져도.
우리는 계속해서 씨를 뿌리고 또 뿌린다.
"그만해!” 사람들은 조롱하며 충고한다.
그치지마! 그치지마!” 마음속의 외침,
“끈기있게 계속해! 참고 견디면,
후손들이 고마워할 거야.”
4.오랜 가뭄과 돌풍에
시들어 가는 잎새들이 찢겨나가도
그 바람에 감사하며 깨끗해져서
으리는 새로운 힘을 얻는다.
(두려움 없는 우리 공동체는 결코 죽지 않고
바람도 머무름도 두렵지 않을 것이다.
준비되고 단련된 공동체
근기 있게 한 번 정한 목표를 향해 나간다.)
오직 똑바로 용감하게 비켜서지 ...
L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) was a Polish Jew who invented the world's most successful artificial language, Esperanto. Conceived as a vehicle for world peace, Esp...
L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) was a Polish Jew who invented the world's most successful artificial language, Esperanto. Conceived as a vehicle for world peace, Esperanto is even regarded by the Oomoto religion of Japan as the "language of heaven." IMPORTANT NOTE: I totally blew one part of this video: I was so delighted to find a video clip of Zamenhof himself that I didn't really think about the dates--it's obviously a video of an actor portraying Zamenhof, not the real person. Oy! Still, the video is useful, I think. Thanks to all the viewers who caught this error.
L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) was a Polish Jew who invented the world's most successful artificial language, Esperanto. Conceived as a vehicle for world peace, Esperanto is even regarded by the Oomoto religion of Japan as the "language of heaven." IMPORTANT NOTE: I totally blew one part of this video: I was so delighted to find a video clip of Zamenhof himself that I didn't really think about the dates--it's obviously a video of an actor portraying Zamenhof, not the real person. Oy! Still, the video is useful, I think. Thanks to all the viewers who caught this error.
" For the phonograph a warmly greet to the Esperantist Group of Barcelona and a warmly greet to..."
" For the phonograph a warmly greet to the Esperantist Group of Barcelona and a warmly greet to..."
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#Esperanto #History
" For the phonograph a warmly greet to the Esperantist Group of Barcelona and a warmly greet to..."
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#Esperanto #History
L.L. Zamenhof was fascinated by language from a young age. He also believed the majority of human conflict arose from miscommunication. Tune in to learn how Zam...
L.L. Zamenhof was fascinated by language from a young age. He also believed the majority of human conflict arose from miscommunication. Tune in to learn how Zamenhof used his Stuff of Genius to build a universal language.
Stuff of Genius tells the story behind everyday inventions. From the bikini to super wheat and everything in between. Viewers will learn the stories of unsung inventor heroes and their trials, tribulations and successes.
Check out new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Please subscribe to Stuff of Genius:
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L.L. Zamenhof was fascinated by language from a young age. He also believed the majority of human conflict arose from miscommunication. Tune in to learn how Zamenhof used his Stuff of Genius to build a universal language.
Stuff of Genius tells the story behind everyday inventions. From the bikini to super wheat and everything in between. Viewers will learn the stories of unsung inventor heroes and their trials, tribulations and successes.
Check out new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Please subscribe to Stuff of Genius:
Watch more episodes here:
The history of the artificial language Esperanto and the story behind its creator L.L. Zamenhof.
Learn Esperanto:
The history of the artificial language Esperanto and the story behind its creator L.L. Zamenhof.
Learn Esperanto:
Music: “Universal”, “Water Lily” & “Porch Swing Days - Slower” by Kevin MacLeod ( via Creative Commons
Image contribution by Edoardo Nannotti and Eugenio Hansen via Creative Commons
Thanks to reddit users Abeneezer and Terpomo11 for translation help
The history of the artificial language Esperanto and the story behind its creator L.L. Zamenhof.
Learn Esperanto:
Music: “Universal”, “Water Lily” & “Porch Swing Days - Slower” by Kevin MacLeod ( via Creative Commons
Image contribution by Edoardo Nannotti and Eugenio Hansen via Creative Commons
Thanks to reddit users Abeneezer and Terpomo11 for translation help
We appreciate your likes and subscriptions!
Do you know what is Esperanto? Who is its creator, and what linguistics meant to him? Then watch our video to learn ...
We appreciate your likes and subscriptions!
Do you know what is Esperanto? Who is its creator, and what linguistics meant to him? Then watch our video to learn about all these facts!
Friends, you can support our channel by sending donations via these links:
Short history about Esperanto and its creator Ludwik Zamenhof
Text: Igor Isakov, Anastasia Parfeneva
Voice: Amazon Polly
Animation: Igor Kuznetsov
If you liked the video
Esperanto | Short History
Subscribe to our channel:
We appreciate your likes and subscriptions!
Do you know what is Esperanto? Who is its creator, and what linguistics meant to him? Then watch our video to learn about all these facts!
Friends, you can support our channel by sending donations via these links:
Short history about Esperanto and its creator Ludwik Zamenhof
Text: Igor Isakov, Anastasia Parfeneva
Voice: Amazon Polly
Animation: Igor Kuznetsov
If you liked the video
Esperanto | Short History
Subscribe to our channel:
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L.L. Zamenhof and the Hope of Esperanto | STUFF YOU MISSED IN HISTORY CLASS
Esperanto was develo...
🛎 If You're New Subscribe ►
L.L. Zamenhof and the Hope of Esperanto | STUFF YOU MISSED IN HISTORY CLASS
Esperanto was developed by a Jewish man living in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It’s a story linked to both persecution and profound hope. Zamenhof hoped to bring the world together through a shared second language.
Original Air Date: March 29, 2021
❤️ iHeartRadio »
Join Holly and Tracy as they bring you the greatest and strangest Stuff You Missed In History Class in this podcast by iHeartRadio.
New episodes Monday and Wednesday on iHeartRadio.
#StuffYouMissedInHistoryClass #StuffYouMissedInHistoryClassPodcast #TracyWilson #HollyFrey #StuffYouMissedInHistoryClassPod #HollyFreyPodcast #TracyWilsonPodcast
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L.L. Zamenhof and the Hope of Esperanto | STUFF YOU MISSED IN HISTORY CLASS
Esperanto was developed by a Jewish man living in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It’s a story linked to both persecution and profound hope. Zamenhof hoped to bring the world together through a shared second language.
Original Air Date: March 29, 2021
❤️ iHeartRadio »
Join Holly and Tracy as they bring you the greatest and strangest Stuff You Missed In History Class in this podcast by iHeartRadio.
New episodes Monday and Wednesday on iHeartRadio.
#StuffYouMissedInHistoryClass #StuffYouMissedInHistoryClassPodcast #TracyWilson #HollyFrey #StuffYouMissedInHistoryClassPod #HollyFreyPodcast #TracyWilsonPodcast
Nyegosh Dube, a humanist and the editor of Ateismo - the atheist periodical in Esperanto - speaks about Ludwik Zamenhof (born in 1917) a Polish-Jewish medical d...
Nyegosh Dube, a humanist and the editor of Ateismo - the atheist periodical in Esperanto - speaks about Ludwik Zamenhof (born in 1917) a Polish-Jewish medical doctor, inventor, and writer.
He is known as the author of Esperanto, the most successful constructed language in the world, created because Zamenhof cherished the idea of a world without war and believed that a new international auxiliary language would help to bring about lasting peace.
Besides, he is the author of a philosophy called Homaranismo – the term rendered loosely as humanitarianism or humanism: He said of this idea: "It is indeed the object of my whole life. I would give up everything for it."
Nyegosh Dube, a humanist and the editor of Ateismo - the atheist periodical in Esperanto - speaks about Ludwik Zamenhof (born in 1917) a Polish-Jewish medical doctor, inventor, and writer.
He is known as the author of Esperanto, the most successful constructed language in the world, created because Zamenhof cherished the idea of a world without war and believed that a new international auxiliary language would help to bring about lasting peace.
Besides, he is the author of a philosophy called Homaranismo – the term rendered loosely as humanitarianism or humanism: He said of this idea: "It is indeed the object of my whole life. I would give up everything for it."
길(La Vojo)
에스페란토의 창시자 자멘호프의 대표시 중 하나
어려움을 무릅쓰고 에스페란토가 나아가야할 길을 제시한 시이다.
La vojo
poemo de L.L.Zamenhof
muziko & akompano de NOBUKUNI Hirosi
길(La Vojo)
에스페란토의 창시자 자멘호프의 대표시 중 하나
어려움을 무릅쓰고 에스페란토가 나아가야할 길을 제시한 시이다.
La vojo
poemo de L.L.Zamenhof
muziko & akompano de NOBUKUNI Hirosi
자멘호프 시 , 노부쿠니 작곡
1.우리가 용기를 내어 가야할 목표가
짙은 어둠 속에서 반짝인다.
밤하늘의 별처럼
그것은 우리에게 방향을 가리킨다.
우리 앞의 길이 명백하고 올곧고 분명해서
야밤의 유령도 운명의 일격도
그리고 세상의 조롱도
우리를 위협하지 못한다.
2.오직 똑바로 용감하게, 비켜서지 말고
우리 목적한 길을 가자
작은 물방울도 끊임없이 두드려
화강암 산을 뚫는다
희망, 고집 그리고 인내
이 징표들의 힘으로, 기나긴 활동 후
한 걸음 한 걸음 걷고 또 걸어
우리는 영광된 목표에 도달하리라
3.미래를 생각하며, 지치지 않고
우리는 씨를 뿌리고 또 뿌린다
백 개의 지앗이 사라져도, 천 개의 씨앗이 사라져도.
우리는 계속해서 씨를 뿌리고 또 뿌린다.
"그만해!” 사람들은 조롱하며 충고한다.
그치지마! 그치지마!” 마음속의 외침,
“끈기있게 계속해! 참고 견디면,
후손들이 고마워할 거야.”
4.오랜 가뭄과 돌풍에
시들어 가는 잎새들이 찢겨나가도
그 바람에 감사하며 깨끗해져서
으리는 새로운 힘을 얻는다.
(두려움 없는 우리 공동체는 결코 죽지 않고
바람도 머무름도 두렵지 않을 것이다.
준비되고 단련된 공동체
근기 있게 한 번 정한 목표를 향해 나간다.)
오직 똑바로 용감하게 비켜서지 말고
우리 목적한 길을 가자
작은 물방울도 끊임없이 두드려
화강암 산을 뚫는다
희망, 고집 그리고 인내
이 징표들의 힘으로, 기나긴 활동 후
한 걸음 한 걸음 걷고 또 걸어
우리는 영광된 목표에 도달하리라
(홍성조 역)
길(La Vojo)
에스페란토의 창시자 자멘호프의 대표시 중 하나
어려움을 무릅쓰고 에스페란토가 나아가야할 길을 제시한 시이다.
La vojo
poemo de L.L.Zamenhof
muziko & akompano de NOBUKUNI Hirosi
자멘호프 시 , 노부쿠니 작곡
1.우리가 용기를 내어 가야할 목표가
짙은 어둠 속에서 반짝인다.
밤하늘의 별처럼
그것은 우리에게 방향을 가리킨다.
우리 앞의 길이 명백하고 올곧고 분명해서
야밤의 유령도 운명의 일격도
그리고 세상의 조롱도
우리를 위협하지 못한다.
2.오직 똑바로 용감하게, 비켜서지 말고
우리 목적한 길을 가자
작은 물방울도 끊임없이 두드려
화강암 산을 뚫는다
희망, 고집 그리고 인내
이 징표들의 힘으로, 기나긴 활동 후
한 걸음 한 걸음 걷고 또 걸어
우리는 영광된 목표에 도달하리라
3.미래를 생각하며, 지치지 않고
우리는 씨를 뿌리고 또 뿌린다
백 개의 지앗이 사라져도, 천 개의 씨앗이 사라져도.
우리는 계속해서 씨를 뿌리고 또 뿌린다.
"그만해!” 사람들은 조롱하며 충고한다.
그치지마! 그치지마!” 마음속의 외침,
“끈기있게 계속해! 참고 견디면,
후손들이 고마워할 거야.”
4.오랜 가뭄과 돌풍에
시들어 가는 잎새들이 찢겨나가도
그 바람에 감사하며 깨끗해져서
으리는 새로운 힘을 얻는다.
(두려움 없는 우리 공동체는 결코 죽지 않고
바람도 머무름도 두렵지 않을 것이다.
준비되고 단련된 공동체
근기 있게 한 번 정한 목표를 향해 나간다.)
오직 똑바로 용감하게 비켜서지 말고
우리 목적한 길을 가자
작은 물방울도 끊임없이 두드려
화강암 산을 뚫는다
희망, 고집 그리고 인내
이 징표들의 힘으로, 기나긴 활동 후
한 걸음 한 걸음 걷고 또 걸어
우리는 영광된 목표에 도달하리라
(홍성조 역)
L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) was a Polish Jew who invented the world's most successful artificial language, Esperanto. Conceived as a vehicle for world peace, Esperanto is even regarded by the Oomoto religion of Japan as the "language of heaven." IMPORTANT NOTE: I totally blew one part of this video: I was so delighted to find a video clip of Zamenhof himself that I didn't really think about the dates--it's obviously a video of an actor portraying Zamenhof, not the real person. Oy! Still, the video is useful, I think. Thanks to all the viewers who caught this error.
" For the phonograph a warmly greet to the Esperantist Group of Barcelona and a warmly greet to..."
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#Esperanto #History
L.L. Zamenhof was fascinated by language from a young age. He also believed the majority of human conflict arose from miscommunication. Tune in to learn how Zamenhof used his Stuff of Genius to build a universal language.
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The history of the artificial language Esperanto and the story behind its creator L.L. Zamenhof.
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Music: “Universal”, “Water Lily” & “Porch Swing Days - Slower” by Kevin MacLeod ( via Creative Commons
Image contribution by Edoardo Nannotti and Eugenio Hansen via Creative Commons
Thanks to reddit users Abeneezer and Terpomo11 for translation help
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Do you know what is Esperanto? Who is its creator, and what linguistics meant to him? Then watch our video to learn about all these facts!
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Short history about Esperanto and its creator Ludwik Zamenhof
Text: Igor Isakov, Anastasia Parfeneva
Voice: Amazon Polly
Animation: Igor Kuznetsov
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Esperanto | Short History
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L.L. Zamenhof and the Hope of Esperanto | STUFF YOU MISSED IN HISTORY CLASS
Esperanto was developed by a Jewish man living in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It’s a story linked to both persecution and profound hope. Zamenhof hoped to bring the world together through a shared second language.
Original Air Date: March 29, 2021
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Nyegosh Dube, a humanist and the editor of Ateismo - the atheist periodical in Esperanto - speaks about Ludwik Zamenhof (born in 1917) a Polish-Jewish medical doctor, inventor, and writer.
He is known as the author of Esperanto, the most successful constructed language in the world, created because Zamenhof cherished the idea of a world without war and believed that a new international auxiliary language would help to bring about lasting peace.
Besides, he is the author of a philosophy called Homaranismo – the term rendered loosely as humanitarianism or humanism: He said of this idea: "It is indeed the object of my whole life. I would give up everything for it."
길(La Vojo)
에스페란토의 창시자 자멘호프의 대표시 중 하나
어려움을 무릅쓰고 에스페란토가 나아가야할 길을 제시한 시이다.
La vojo
poemo de L.L.Zamenhof
muziko & akompano de NOBUKUNI Hirosi
자멘호프 시 , 노부쿠니 작곡
1.우리가 용기를 내어 가야할 목표가
짙은 어둠 속에서 반짝인다.
밤하늘의 별처럼
그것은 우리에게 방향을 가리킨다.
우리 앞의 길이 명백하고 올곧고 분명해서
야밤의 유령도 운명의 일격도
그리고 세상의 조롱도
우리를 위협하지 못한다.
2.오직 똑바로 용감하게, 비켜서지 말고
우리 목적한 길을 가자
작은 물방울도 끊임없이 두드려
화강암 산을 뚫는다
희망, 고집 그리고 인내
이 징표들의 힘으로, 기나긴 활동 후
한 걸음 한 걸음 걷고 또 걸어
우리는 영광된 목표에 도달하리라
3.미래를 생각하며, 지치지 않고
우리는 씨를 뿌리고 또 뿌린다
백 개의 지앗이 사라져도, 천 개의 씨앗이 사라져도.
우리는 계속해서 씨를 뿌리고 또 뿌린다.
"그만해!” 사람들은 조롱하며 충고한다.
그치지마! 그치지마!” 마음속의 외침,
“끈기있게 계속해! 참고 견디면,
후손들이 고마워할 거야.”
4.오랜 가뭄과 돌풍에
시들어 가는 잎새들이 찢겨나가도
그 바람에 감사하며 깨끗해져서
으리는 새로운 힘을 얻는다.
(두려움 없는 우리 공동체는 결코 죽지 않고
바람도 머무름도 두렵지 않을 것이다.
준비되고 단련된 공동체
근기 있게 한 번 정한 목표를 향해 나간다.)
오직 똑바로 용감하게 비켜서지 말고
우리 목적한 길을 가자
작은 물방울도 끊임없이 두드려
화강암 산을 뚫는다
희망, 고집 그리고 인내
이 징표들의 힘으로, 기나긴 활동 후
한 걸음 한 걸음 걷고 또 걸어
우리는 영광된 목표에 도달하리라
(홍성조 역)
Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof (Polish:Ludwik Łazarz Zamenhof, 15 December[O.S. 3 December]1859– 14 April[O.S. 1 April]1917), usually credited as L. L. Zamenhof, was a Polish physician, inventor, and writer. He is most widely known for creating Esperanto, the most successful constructed language in the world. He grew up fascinated by the idea of a world without war and believed that this could happen with the help of a new international auxiliary language, which he first developed in 1873 while still in school.
Zamenhof was born on 15 December (3 December OS) 1859 in the town of Białystok in the Russian Empire. His parents were of Polish-Lithuanian Jewish descent that inhabited the central part of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He appears to have been natively bilingual in Yiddish and Russian (Polish language was restricted and forbidden in public conversations by the Tsarist authorities), presumably the Belorussian "dialect" of his home town, though it may have been only his father who spoke Russian with him at home. From his father, a teacher of German and French, he learned those languages and Hebrew as well. Despite this he spoke Polish, one of the major languages of Białystok alongside Yiddish, Belarusian, and German, and it was Polish that was to become the native language of his children after settling in the Kingdom of Poland. In school he studied the classical languages: Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. He later learned some English, though in his own words not very well, had an interest in Lithuanian and Italian, and learned Volapük when it came out in 1880, though by that point his international language project was already well developed.