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Joe Trohman

Joseph Mark "Joe" Trohman (born September 1, 1984) is an American musician, songwriter, composer, singer, and record producer. He is best known as the lead guitarist and backing vocalist of the American rock band Fall Out Boy, as well as the lead and rhythm guitarist for heavy metal supergroup The Damned Things. Fall Out Boy began as Trohman and Pete Wentz's side project from the hardcore punk scene they were involved with, and the band has scored three number one albums on the US Billboard 200.

With Damned Things on hiatus, Trohman and Josh Newton formed With Knives and the duo released their debut EP "Schadenfreude" in April 2012 with Trohman on lead vocals and guitar. It was released through Son Of Man, the label he co-owns with Newton. With Knives played a few dates in the US before becoming quiet and announced the project was on a break. On February 4, 2013, Fall Out Boy announced a comeback with a new album, tour and single.

Fall Out Boy

Fall Out Boy is an American rock band formed in Wilmette, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, in 2001. The band consists of vocalist and guitarist Patrick Stump, bassist Pete Wentz, guitarist Joe Trohman, and drummer Andy Hurley. The band originated from Chicago's hardcore punk scene, with which Wentz was heavily involved. The group was formed by Wentz and Trohman as a pop punk side project of their respective hardcore bands, and Stump joined shortly thereafter. The group went through a succession of drummers before landing Hurley and recording their debut album, Take This to Your Grave (2003). The album became an underground success and helped the band gain a dedicated fanbase through heavy touring, as well as some moderate commercial success.


  • Prime Playlist: Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on falling into fame

    ABC News' Phil Lipof sat down with Fall Out Boy lead guitarist and backing vocalist Joe Trohman about his family hardships, personal battles and growth. #abcnews #joetrohman #falloutboy

    published: 14 Sep 2022
  • joe trohman singing compilation || fall out boy

    i do not own any of the clips shown in this video, just wanted to show this boye singing.

    published: 20 Jan 2018
  • Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman talk about Patrick Stump's voice

    A video clip of a radio interview of Pete and Joe talking about Patrick's voice. Source: https://twitter.com/dearrgrvity/status/1674825829887639553?s=46&t=6sffa225F5ytaB3JvVazoA

    published: 30 Jun 2023
  • Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on his Signature Squier Tele | Fender

    "I think the guitar is a cooler guitar than I am a person," jokes Fall Out Boy guitarist Joe Trohman in this video interview about his Squier signature Telecaster. Find out why he is so pleased with this instrument, and how it has become his go-to guitar during the band's recent tour in support of new album "Save Rock & Roll." SUBSCRIBE NOW: http://bit.ly/FenderSubscribe SHOP NOW: bit.ly/ShopFender About Fender: Fender Musical Instruments Corporation is the world’s foremost manufacturer of guitars, basses, amplifiers and related equipment. With an illustrious history dating back to 1946, Fender has touched and transformed music worldwide and in nearly every genre: rock ‘n’ roll, country and western, jazz, rhythm and blues, and many others. Connect with Fender: Vi...

    published: 22 Aug 2013
  • Joe Trohman's Most Memorable Guitars | MTV Cribs

    Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman takes us through his modern home in Chicago, Illinois. He shows us his moss-covered walls, vinyl record collection, quirky art, fancy appliances, backyard sanctuary, lushes ‘Barbie-hair' rug, favourite guitars, Star Wars toys and his most prized possession. Subscribe to MTV Rewind for more throwback videos from your favourite show! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjnfXh2I3u0GAAHHrPe_PKw/featured

    published: 23 Aug 2019
  • Fall Out Boy Rig Rundown with Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman & Pete Wentz Guitar & Bass Gear Tour

    Andy Hurley Drum Rundown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLCiHZl7C4o Full Rig Info: https://www.premierguitar.com/videos/rig-rundown/fall-out-boy-2024 Back in March, Chicago’s Fall Out Boy blasted through Birmingham, Alabama, in the middle of a year-long tour supporting their 2023 release, So Much (for) Stardust. It was their first solo headline tour since 2018, and they brought along loads of new noisemakers for the occasion. Frontman Patrick Stump has moved on from his trademark Gretsch electrics, guitarist Joe Trohman scored an Explorer that may or may not remind us of a certain purple McDonald’s character, and Pete Wentz packs some basses that bring both ice and fire to the gig. And while tube amps still reign supreme in the studio, including the recording of So Much (for) Stardust,...

    published: 17 Jul 2024
  • Fallout Boy’s Joe Trohman Looks Back at Past Struggles With Mental Illness & Addiction

    Co-founder of the iconic alternative band Fall Out Boy and guitarist extraordinaire Joe Trohman stops by our episode titled, “Stop the Shaming.” Joe shines a light on how he overcame his battles with drug addiction and depression in his memoir, “None of This Rocks.” He continues the conversation with Tamron Hall explaining that many of his adulthood struggles started when he was a child. He’s now using his platform to break the stigmas around addiction and mental health, with the help of the #TamFam. Subscribe to Tamron Hall Show: http://bit.ly/2QAZSuD FIND YOUR TIME AND CHANNEL: https://www.tamronhallshow.com [Put in your zip code in the top portion of the website] FOLLOW US: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/TamronHallS... Twitter: https://twitter.com/TamronHallShow Facebook: htt...

    published: 07 Oct 2022
  • learn how to play fob songs from Joe


    published: 08 May 2007
  • Joe Trohman from Fall Out Bo

    Joe Trohman from Fall Out Boy and The Damned Things on Record Store Day...

    published: 18 Apr 2011
  • Joe Trohman solo Beat it Fall out Boy

    Joe Trohman solo guitar Beat it Fall out Boy.

    published: 28 Mar 2021
Prime Playlist: Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on falling into fame

Prime Playlist: Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on falling into fame

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:18
  • Uploaded Date: 14 Sep 2022
  • views: 49604
ABC News' Phil Lipof sat down with Fall Out Boy lead guitarist and backing vocalist Joe Trohman about his family hardships, personal battles and growth. #abcnews #joetrohman #falloutboy
joe trohman singing compilation || fall out boy

joe trohman singing compilation || fall out boy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Jan 2018
  • views: 17545
i do not own any of the clips shown in this video, just wanted to show this boye singing.
Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman talk about Patrick Stump's voice

Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman talk about Patrick Stump's voice

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:28
  • Uploaded Date: 30 Jun 2023
  • views: 2465
A video clip of a radio interview of Pete and Joe talking about Patrick's voice. Source: https://twitter.com/dearrgrvity/status/1674825829887639553?s=46&t=6sffa225F5ytaB3JvVazoA
Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on his Signature Squier Tele | Fender

Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on his Signature Squier Tele | Fender

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:03
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Aug 2013
  • views: 125989
"I think the guitar is a cooler guitar than I am a person," jokes Fall Out Boy guitarist Joe Trohman in this video interview about his Squier signature Telecaster. Find out why he is so pleased with this instrument, and how it has become his go-to guitar during the band's recent tour in support of new album "Save Rock & Roll." SUBSCRIBE NOW: http://bit.ly/FenderSubscribe SHOP NOW: bit.ly/ShopFender About Fender: Fender Musical Instruments Corporation is the world’s foremost manufacturer of guitars, basses, amplifiers and related equipment. With an illustrious history dating back to 1946, Fender has touched and transformed music worldwide and in nearly every genre: rock ‘n’ roll, country and western, jazz, rhythm and blues, and many others. Connect with Fender: Visit FENDER WEBSITE: https://www.fender.com Like FENDER on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/fender Follow FENDER on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/fender Follow FENDER on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/fender Follow FENDER on TUMBLR: http://officialfender.tumblr.com Follow FENDER on SNAPCHAT: https://www.snapchat.com/add/fender Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on his Signature Squier Tele | Fender https://www.youtube.com/fender
Joe Trohman's Most Memorable Guitars | MTV Cribs

Joe Trohman's Most Memorable Guitars | MTV Cribs

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:25
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Aug 2019
  • views: 6810
Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman takes us through his modern home in Chicago, Illinois. He shows us his moss-covered walls, vinyl record collection, quirky art, fancy appliances, backyard sanctuary, lushes ‘Barbie-hair' rug, favourite guitars, Star Wars toys and his most prized possession. Subscribe to MTV Rewind for more throwback videos from your favourite show! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjnfXh2I3u0GAAHHrPe_PKw/featured
Fall Out Boy Rig Rundown with Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman & Pete Wentz Guitar & Bass Gear Tour

Fall Out Boy Rig Rundown with Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman & Pete Wentz Guitar & Bass Gear Tour

  • Order:
  • Duration: 52:11
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Jul 2024
  • views: 97890
Andy Hurley Drum Rundown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLCiHZl7C4o Full Rig Info: https://www.premierguitar.com/videos/rig-rundown/fall-out-boy-2024 Back in March, Chicago’s Fall Out Boy blasted through Birmingham, Alabama, in the middle of a year-long tour supporting their 2023 release, So Much (for) Stardust. It was their first solo headline tour since 2018, and they brought along loads of new noisemakers for the occasion. Frontman Patrick Stump has moved on from his trademark Gretsch electrics, guitarist Joe Trohman scored an Explorer that may or may not remind us of a certain purple McDonald’s character, and Pete Wentz packs some basses that bring both ice and fire to the gig. And while tube amps still reign supreme in the studio, including the recording of So Much (for) Stardust, the band goes digital and speaker-free on the road. Shop Fall Out Boy's Gear: DiMarzio Super Distortion Humbucker - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/5g6D03 Seymour Duncan Little ’59 (neck) - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/k0e123 Seymour Duncan Dimebucker (bridge) - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/eK95ZX Sterling by Music Man Pete Wentz StingRay - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/anq9Go Neural DSP Quad Cortex - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/5gmox9 Radial JX44 - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/anmJnQ Line 6 HX Stomp - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/3e3z7n Andy Hurley Drum Rundown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLCiHZl7C4o Full Rig Info: https://www.premierguitar.com/videos/rig-rundown/fall-out-boy-2024 Subscribe to PG's Channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribePGYouTube Win Guitar Gear: https://bit.ly/GiveawaysPG Don't Miss a Rundown: http://bit.ly/RIgRundownENL Merch & Magazines: https://shop.premierguitar.com PG's Facebook: https://facebook.com/premierguitar PG's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/premierguitar/ PG's Twitter: https://twitter.com/premierguitar PG's Threads: https://threads.net/@premierguitar PG's TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@premierguitar [Brought to you by D’Addario: https://ddar.io/wykyk-rr] 0:00 - D'Addario Strings 0:15 - Chris Kies Intro 1:30 - Patrick Stump Intro 1:57 - Patrick Stump's Vintage Guild S-60D Guitars 9:08 - Patrick Stump on Moving to Neural DSP Quad Cortex 11:19 - Patrick Stump on TV Scoring vs Fall Out Boy 13:10 - Patrick Stump on Quiet Stages 19:44 - Patrick Stump's Halo Guitar 21:48 - Patrick Stump's Martin X Series acoustic 24:13 - D'Addario & Rig Rundown Team 24:37 - Joe Trohman's Zemaitis The Portrait Hisashi Signature 27:20 - Joe Trohman on Switching to Digital Modelers 30:02 - Joe Trohman on In-Ear Monitors & No Speakers 31:16 - Joe Trohman on Playing Surprise Song Each Night 35:52 - Joe Trohman's ’80s Gibson Custom Shop Explorer 40:33 - Joe Trohman's Squier Telecaster Signature 43:10 - Pete Wentz's Sterling By Music Man StingRay Basses 46:40 - Pete Wentz's Flamethrower StingRay Bass 49:48 - Pete Wentz's Line 6 HX Stomps 51:26 - Yvette Young & D'Addario Strings © Copyright Gearhead Communications LLC, 2024 #guitar #rigrundown #falloutboy #guitarist #guitarplayer #guitargear
Fallout Boy’s Joe Trohman Looks Back at Past Struggles With Mental Illness & Addiction

Fallout Boy’s Joe Trohman Looks Back at Past Struggles With Mental Illness & Addiction

  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:23
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Oct 2022
  • views: 15707
Co-founder of the iconic alternative band Fall Out Boy and guitarist extraordinaire Joe Trohman stops by our episode titled, “Stop the Shaming.” Joe shines a light on how he overcame his battles with drug addiction and depression in his memoir, “None of This Rocks.” He continues the conversation with Tamron Hall explaining that many of his adulthood struggles started when he was a child. He’s now using his platform to break the stigmas around addiction and mental health, with the help of the #TamFam. Subscribe to Tamron Hall Show: http://bit.ly/2QAZSuD FIND YOUR TIME AND CHANNEL: https://www.tamronhallshow.com [Put in your zip code in the top portion of the website] FOLLOW US: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/TamronHallS... Twitter: https://twitter.com/TamronHallShow Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TamronHall/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tamronhalls... JOIN OUR SHOW: https://www.tamronhallshow.com/be-on-... From the deeply moving to the purely fun, “Tamron Hall” is a daily destination for all things topical and a platform for viewers to connect with the people who are shaping our world through meaningful, engaging, and entertaining conversations. As a new mom, a newlywed, and a survivor who is proving you can accomplish anything at any age, Tamron Hall brings a refreshing, relatable, unpredictable, and unstoppable voice to television. Broadcast from New York City featuring a dynamic mix of live and taped shows, “Tamron Hall” airs across the country in national syndication.
learn how to play fob songs from Joe

learn how to play fob songs from Joe

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:19
  • Uploaded Date: 08 May 2007
  • views: 54185
Joe Trohman from Fall Out Bo

Joe Trohman from Fall Out Bo

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:40
  • Uploaded Date: 18 Apr 2011
  • views: 2601
Joe Trohman from Fall Out Boy and The Damned Things on Record Store Day...
Joe Trohman solo Beat it Fall out Boy

Joe Trohman solo Beat it Fall out Boy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:41
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Mar 2021
  • views: 1097
Joe Trohman solo guitar Beat it Fall out Boy.
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Prime Playlist: Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on falling into fame

ABC News' Phil Lipof sat down with Fall Out Boy lead guitarist and backing vocalist Joe Trohman about his family hardships, personal battles and growth. #abcnews #joetrohman #falloutboy
Prime Playlist: Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on falling into fame
ABC News' Phil Lipof sat down with Fall Out Boy lead guitarist and backing vocalist Joe Tr...
published: 14 Sep 2022
Play in Full Screen
joe trohman singing compilation || fall out boy
i do not own any of the clips shown in this video, just wanted to show this boye singing.
published: 20 Jan 2018
Play in Full Screen
Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman talk about Patrick Stump's voice
A video clip of a radio interview of Pete and Joe talking about Patrick's voice. Source: ...
published: 30 Jun 2023
Play in Full Screen
Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman on his Signature Squier Tele | Fender
"I think the guitar is a cooler guitar than I am a person," jokes Fall Out Boy guitarist J...
published: 22 Aug 2013
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Joe Trohman's Most Memorable Guitars | MTV Cribs
Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman takes us through his modern home in Chicago, Illinois. He shows...
published: 23 Aug 2019
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Fall Out Boy Rig Rundown with Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman & Pete Wentz Guitar & Bass Gear Tour
Andy Hurley Drum Rundown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLCiHZl7C4o Full Rig Info: https...
published: 17 Jul 2024
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Fallout Boy’s Joe Trohman Looks Back at Past Struggles With Mental Illness & Addiction
Co-founder of the iconic alternative band Fall Out Boy and guitarist extraordinaire Joe Tr...
published: 07 Oct 2022
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learn how to play fob songs from Joe
published: 08 May 2007
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Joe Trohman from Fall Out Bo
Joe Trohman from Fall Out Boy and The Damned Things on Record Store Day...
published: 18 Apr 2011
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Joe Trohman solo Beat it Fall out Boy
Joe Trohman solo guitar Beat it Fall out Boy.
published: 28 Mar 2021
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Joe Trohman

Joseph Mark "Joe" Trohman (born September 1, 1984) is an American musician, songwriter, composer, singer, and record producer. He is best known as the lead guitarist and backing vocalist of the American rock band Fall Out Boy, as well as the lead and rhythm guitarist for heavy metal supergroup The Damned Things. Fall Out Boy began as Trohman and Pete Wentz's side project from the hardcore punk scene they were involved with, and the band has scored three number one albums on the US Billboard 200.

With Damned Things on hiatus, Trohman and Josh Newton formed With Knives and the duo released their debut EP "Schadenfreude" in April 2012 with Trohman on lead vocals and guitar. It was released through Son Of Man, the label he co-owns with Newton. With Knives played a few dates in the US before becoming quiet and announced the project was on a break. On February 4, 2013, Fall Out Boy announced a comeback with a new album, tour and single.

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