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Romaine Fielding

Romaine Fielding (May 22, 1867 – December 15, 1927), was an American actor, screenwriter and silent film director known for his dramatic westerns.


Fielding was born William Grant Blandin in Iowa. Although without medical training, at one time he ran a medical practice in Kansas City, Missouri. He prospected for gold in Alaska, where he made friends with Jack London and Rex Beach, both of whom would influence his work in films. He also worked as a travel agent, machinist and railway engineer before becoming an actor under the name of Romaine Fielding. He married Mabel van Valkenburg in 1907 but divorced ten years later. He worked and acted in live theatre for a number of years. Fielding worked for the Solax Company of New York before joining Philadelphia-based Lubin Studios in November 1911 at the age of forty-four. Despite his age, he could easily portray much younger characters.

In June 1912 Siegmund Lubin placed Fielding in charge of the Lubin Southwest Company as director, despite the fact that until now he had only acted. This was the start of a rapid rise to fame, where Fielding would write and direct films as well as starring. He broke with convention, challenging stereotypical casting of Indians and Mexicans as villains. His films often ended unexpectedly on a downbeat note. His work was praised in the trade press for its visual beauty combined with realism.


  • Romaine Fielding

    If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon. https://www.amazon.com/?tag=wiki-audio-20 Romaine Fielding =======Image-Copyright-Info======= Image is in public domain Author-Info: Motion Picture Magazine Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Romaine_Fielding_001.jpg =======Image-Copyright-Info======== ☆Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video

    published: 02 Jan 2016
  • THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY - Romaine Fielding recites ?

    Recounts heavyweight championship flight between Jack Johnson and "Big Jim" Flynn, "The Fireman", in Las Vegas, New Mexico July, 1912 (see fight footage). Re-created Romaine Fielding recitation features Marcus Gottschalk​ Original fight footage on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFWA5xjJ0-4 and elsewhere... Series website: www.TentaclesFilm.com Recitation footage at Historic Plaza Hotel​, Las Vegas,. NM

    published: 14 Apr 2016
  • A Mexican Courtship

    Director: Wilbert Melville | Production Country: United States | Year: 1912 | Production Company: Lubin Manufacturing Company (United States) | FLM42537 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/ Juan and Dolores are in love, but the parents of Dolores want her to marry her a matador. The matador turns up drunk when he is supposed to fight a bull. Juan takes his place, and wins. Now Juan can marry his Dolores. Cast: Romaine Fielding, Edna Payne, Burton King. This film is from the Jean Desmet Collection at EYE. Jean Desmet (1875-1956) was one of the leading cinema operators and film distributors in the Netherlands from 1907 – 1916. The Jean Desmet Collection at EYE has more than 900 films, and is included UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. https://ww...

    published: 23 Jun 2016
  • THE NEAR-DEAD CANDIDATE - Romaine Fielding recitation?

    1916 recitation / recreation featuring silent star / director Romaine Fielding, portrayed by Marcus Gottschalk, at Historic Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, New Mexico. This story included in the film, THE BRILL BUILDING MOVIE https://youtu.be/t2Ns0zdrTzk (c) Jim Terr 2015 THE NEAR-DEAD CANDIDATE The suffrage of the silliest folk Has made a circus of the popular vote. Even in the President’s race In 1920, when our story takes place. “Talkies” were now on the silver screen. The biggest stars were rarely seen Except in front of dazzled crowds In “movies” with actors speaking aloud. No surprise, then, that a group of barons Chose a film star, Whitey Aarons, To cut as presidential timber: A jaw so firm, a walk so limber That the men took note and the ladies swooned When he leapt and das...

    published: 29 Jul 2016
  • Romaine Fielding recites "The Quickening" 1916 ?

    Featuring Marcus Gottschalk at Historic Plaza Hotel, Las Vegas, NM At the Historic Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, New Mexico. http://plazahotellvnm.com/ www.TentaclesFilm.com (c) 1916 (c) 2016 Jim Terr

    published: 08 Mar 2016
  • INTERVIEW about the "Tentacles" / Romaine Fielding project

    Rough draft of interview January 10, 2017, about film & TV properties project http://www.tentaclesfilm.com

    published: 11 Apr 2017
  • "THE VAPOURS" mystery recited by Romaine Fielding ? 1916

    From a series of "found wax recordings" possibly recited by silent film star and director Romaine Fielding, as "pitches" for film stories. Re-creation at Historic Plaza Hotel​ in Las Vegas, NM, featuring Marcus Gottschalk​ . (C) Jim Terr http://www.TentaclesFilm.com THE VAPOURS Wax cylinder transcription by Jim Terr © 2015 “The poor girl had the Vapours”: Often said to diagnose A state of Freud’s “hysteria” or something fairly close. And often said to mock the fairer, so-called “weaker sex” When suffering from unexpected emotional effects. A strange case of The Vapours was recorded not far back, As notable for fine detail preserved as for the lack. The doctor’s journal offers lessons useful in this life Because, you see, the patient was the poor physician’s wife. “Exp...

    published: 29 Apr 2016
  • How to pronounce Romaine Fielding (American English/US) - PronounceNames.com

    Audio and video pronunciation of Romaine Fielding brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Romaine Fielding

    published: 06 Feb 2015
  • Romaine Fielding ? recites "The President's Mother" 1916

    Silent star Romaine Fielding as he may have recited this George Washington piece. From a forthcoming "Chautauqua" stage presentation. At the Historic Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, New Mexico. http://plazahotellvnm.com/ Featuring Marcus Gottschalk. Jim Terr (c) www.TentaclesFilm.com

    published: 24 Mar 2016
  • Romaine Fielding ? recites "MEADOW CITY RADIO"

    OK, science geeks 9 to 90, is this POSSIBLE??? Another "Romaine Fielding 1916 recitation", filmed at Historic Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, NM. Featuring Marcus Gottschalk Jim Terr (c) www.TentaclesFilm.com

    published: 28 Mar 2016
Romaine Fielding

Romaine Fielding

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:26
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Jan 2016
  • views: 99
If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon. https://www.amazon.com/?tag=wiki-audio-20 Romaine Fielding =======Image-Copyright-Info======= Image is in public domain Author-Info: Motion Picture Magazine Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Romaine_Fielding_001.jpg =======Image-Copyright-Info======== ☆Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video
THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY - Romaine Fielding recites ?

THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY - Romaine Fielding recites ?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:57
  • Uploaded Date: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 211
Recounts heavyweight championship flight between Jack Johnson and "Big Jim" Flynn, "The Fireman", in Las Vegas, New Mexico July, 1912 (see fight footage). Re-created Romaine Fielding recitation features Marcus Gottschalk​ Original fight footage on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFWA5xjJ0-4 and elsewhere... Series website: www.TentaclesFilm.com Recitation footage at Historic Plaza Hotel​, Las Vegas,. NM
A Mexican Courtship

A Mexican Courtship

  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:56
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Jun 2016
  • views: 1048
Director: Wilbert Melville | Production Country: United States | Year: 1912 | Production Company: Lubin Manufacturing Company (United States) | FLM42537 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/ Juan and Dolores are in love, but the parents of Dolores want her to marry her a matador. The matador turns up drunk when he is supposed to fight a bull. Juan takes his place, and wins. Now Juan can marry his Dolores. Cast: Romaine Fielding, Edna Payne, Burton King. This film is from the Jean Desmet Collection at EYE. Jean Desmet (1875-1956) was one of the leading cinema operators and film distributors in the Netherlands from 1907 – 1916. The Jean Desmet Collection at EYE has more than 900 films, and is included UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. https://www.eyefilm.nl/en/collection/the-desmet-dossier Interested in licensing? For more information about this film and other items from our collection please contact sales@eyefilm.nl phone +31 (0)20 5891 426 mobile +31 (0)6 4118 9635 https://www.eyefilm.nl/en/film-sales
THE NEAR-DEAD CANDIDATE - Romaine Fielding recitation?

THE NEAR-DEAD CANDIDATE - Romaine Fielding recitation?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:12
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Jul 2016
  • views: 105
1916 recitation / recreation featuring silent star / director Romaine Fielding, portrayed by Marcus Gottschalk, at Historic Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, New Mexico. This story included in the film, THE BRILL BUILDING MOVIE https://youtu.be/t2Ns0zdrTzk (c) Jim Terr 2015 THE NEAR-DEAD CANDIDATE The suffrage of the silliest folk Has made a circus of the popular vote. Even in the President’s race In 1920, when our story takes place. “Talkies” were now on the silver screen. The biggest stars were rarely seen Except in front of dazzled crowds In “movies” with actors speaking aloud. No surprise, then, that a group of barons Chose a film star, Whitey Aarons, To cut as presidential timber: A jaw so firm, a walk so limber That the men took note and the ladies swooned When he leapt and dashed and spoke and crooned. He knew little of treaties and navies and boats, But his manner so strong would inspire the vote! And so, after mounting a strong campaign In the press and on radio and screen, in the main, As momentum built up in both city and town, A stroke of the brain pulled our candidate down! A coma would clearly disqualify But not in his financial backers’ eyes! For, having invested in a winning hand, They were not about to abandon their man! Could a man good as dead go the final mile? Well, as long as his face could be formed in a smile And his public announcements well crafted and neat, They still felt their candidate might not be beat. Could such a scenario really prevail? Well, that is the substance and meat of our tale! All stories at http://www.tentaclesfilm.com Also on Facebook, here: https://www.facebook.com/jim.terr/videos/vb.1067727381/10208933392466545/?type=2&theater
Romaine Fielding recites "The Quickening" 1916 ?

Romaine Fielding recites "The Quickening" 1916 ?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:01
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Mar 2016
  • views: 86
Featuring Marcus Gottschalk at Historic Plaza Hotel, Las Vegas, NM At the Historic Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, New Mexico. http://plazahotellvnm.com/ www.TentaclesFilm.com (c) 1916 (c) 2016 Jim Terr
INTERVIEW about the "Tentacles" / Romaine Fielding project

INTERVIEW about the "Tentacles" / Romaine Fielding project

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:03
  • Uploaded Date: 11 Apr 2017
  • views: 61
Rough draft of interview January 10, 2017, about film & TV properties project http://www.tentaclesfilm.com
"THE VAPOURS" mystery recited by Romaine Fielding ? 1916

"THE VAPOURS" mystery recited by Romaine Fielding ? 1916

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:07
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Apr 2016
  • views: 86
From a series of "found wax recordings" possibly recited by silent film star and director Romaine Fielding, as "pitches" for film stories. Re-creation at Historic Plaza Hotel​ in Las Vegas, NM, featuring Marcus Gottschalk​ . (C) Jim Terr http://www.TentaclesFilm.com THE VAPOURS Wax cylinder transcription by Jim Terr © 2015 “The poor girl had the Vapours”: Often said to diagnose A state of Freud’s “hysteria” or something fairly close. And often said to mock the fairer, so-called “weaker sex” When suffering from unexpected emotional effects. A strange case of The Vapours was recorded not far back, As notable for fine detail preserved as for the lack. The doctor’s journal offers lessons useful in this life Because, you see, the patient was the poor physician’s wife. “Experiencing delusions” was a typical notation, Observed the doctor as if from a far distant location. “Responding well to treatment” was the entry June 19th. “Increase frequency and dosage” was written just beneath. “TREATMENT FOR THE VAPOURS” was the title of the journal. Much raw deceit was drawn therein, but of the truth, a kernel. For one might wonder now if this young man of medicine Was not perhaps a rattlesnake who’d not yet shed his skin. The son of a poor farmer, educated by sheer grit, Qualified in medicine and awfully proud of it, He courted and wed the daughter of a banker, wealth untold, A beauty, kind and sensitive, just 17 years old. Almost at once her various symptoms started to appear: A fantasy, a fainting spell, a stumble there or here. The doctor tended to his wife as only a husband could: A drop of tincture on a cloth might do the patient good! The vapour from the handkerchief, it had an acrid smell. But after all, the sole intent was just to make her well, To give her ease so she could wake and feel more stable later Upon arising from this bout of what they call The Vapours. The method of the cure, however, seemed in some ways worse: Her spinning mind became a nearly constant, nagging curse. More treatment, sequestration, for “The patient quaked and shook,” The doctor one day noted in the pages of his book. Things worked out quite sadly, there is little need to say. The doctor’s efforts came to naught; the patient passed away. He now lives lonely in the house that was their wedding gift, Except when he is comforted by his widow’s younger Sis.
How to pronounce Romaine Fielding (American English/US)  - PronounceNames.com

How to pronounce Romaine Fielding (American English/US) - PronounceNames.com

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:37
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Feb 2015
  • views: 235
Audio and video pronunciation of Romaine Fielding brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Romaine Fielding
Romaine Fielding ? recites "The President's Mother" 1916

Romaine Fielding ? recites "The President's Mother" 1916

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:46
  • Uploaded Date: 24 Mar 2016
  • views: 85
Silent star Romaine Fielding as he may have recited this George Washington piece. From a forthcoming "Chautauqua" stage presentation. At the Historic Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, New Mexico. http://plazahotellvnm.com/ Featuring Marcus Gottschalk. Jim Terr (c) www.TentaclesFilm.com
Romaine Fielding ? recites "MEADOW CITY RADIO"

Romaine Fielding ? recites "MEADOW CITY RADIO"

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:13
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Mar 2016
  • views: 55
OK, science geeks 9 to 90, is this POSSIBLE??? Another "Romaine Fielding 1916 recitation", filmed at Historic Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, NM. Featuring Marcus Gottschalk Jim Terr (c) www.TentaclesFilm.com
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  • INTERVIEW about the
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  • 3:07
    "THE VAPOURS" mystery recited by Romaine Fielding ? 1916remove from playlist
  • How to pronounce Romaine Fielding (American English/US)  - PronounceNames.com
    How to pronounce Romaine Fielding (American English/US) - PronounceNames.comremove from playlist
  • Romaine Fielding ? recites
    Romaine Fielding ? recites "The President's Mother" 1916remove from playlist
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Romaine Fielding

If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon. https://www.amazon.com/?tag=wiki-audio-20 Romaine Fielding =======Image-Copyright-Info======= Image is in public domain Author-Info: Motion Picture Magazine Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Romaine_Fielding_001.jpg =======Image-Copyright-Info======== ☆Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video
Romaine Fielding
If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon. https:/...
published: 02 Jan 2016
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THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY - Romaine Fielding recites ?
Recounts heavyweight championship flight between Jack Johnson and "Big Jim" Flynn, "The Fi...
published: 14 Apr 2016
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A Mexican Courtship
Director: Wilbert Melville | Production Country: United States | Year: 1912 | Production ...
published: 23 Jun 2016
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THE NEAR-DEAD CANDIDATE - Romaine Fielding recitation?
1916 recitation / recreation featuring silent star / director Romaine Fielding, portrayed ...
published: 29 Jul 2016
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Romaine Fielding recites "The Quickening" 1916 ?
Featuring Marcus Gottschalk at Historic Plaza Hotel, Las Vegas, NM At the Historic Plaza ...
published: 08 Mar 2016
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INTERVIEW about the "Tentacles" / Romaine Fielding project
Rough draft of interview January 10, 2017, about film & TV properties project http://www.t...
published: 11 Apr 2017
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"THE VAPOURS" mystery recited by Romaine Fielding ? 1916
From a series of "found wax recordings" possibly recited by silent film star and director ...
published: 29 Apr 2016
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How to pronounce Romaine Fielding (American English/US) - PronounceNames.com
Audio and video pronunciation of Romaine Fielding brought to you by Pronounce Names (http:...
published: 06 Feb 2015
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Romaine Fielding ? recites "The President's Mother" 1916
Silent star Romaine Fielding as he may have recited this George Washington piece. From a f...
published: 24 Mar 2016
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Romaine Fielding ? recites "MEADOW CITY RADIO"
OK, science geeks 9 to 90, is this POSSIBLE??? Another "Romaine Fielding 1916 recitation"...
published: 28 Mar 2016
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Romaine Fielding

Romaine Fielding (May 22, 1867 – December 15, 1927), was an American actor, screenwriter and silent film director known for his dramatic westerns.


Fielding was born William Grant Blandin in Iowa. Although without medical training, at one time he ran a medical practice in Kansas City, Missouri. He prospected for gold in Alaska, where he made friends with Jack London and Rex Beach, both of whom would influence his work in films. He also worked as a travel agent, machinist and railway engineer before becoming an actor under the name of Romaine Fielding. He married Mabel van Valkenburg in 1907 but divorced ten years later. He worked and acted in live theatre for a number of years. Fielding worked for the Solax Company of New York before joining Philadelphia-based Lubin Studios in November 1911 at the age of forty-four. Despite his age, he could easily portray much younger characters.

In June 1912 Siegmund Lubin placed Fielding in charge of the Lubin Southwest Company as director, despite the fact that until now he had only acted. This was the start of a rapid rise to fame, where Fielding would write and direct films as well as starring. He broke with convention, challenging stereotypical casting of Indians and Mexicans as villains. His films often ended unexpectedly on a downbeat note. His work was praised in the trade press for its visual beauty combined with realism.

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