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Mexican may refer to:

  • Related to, from, or connected to Mexico, a country in North America
  • Related to the capital Mexico City
  • Related to the State of Mexico
  • Mexican people, inhabitants of the country Mexico and their descendants
  • Culture of Mexico
  • Mexica, ancient indigenous people of the Valley of Mexico
  • Nahuatl, language of the Nahua people (including the Mexica)
  • USS Mexican (ID-1655), United States Navy ship
  • The Mexican, 2001 film starring Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts
  • The Mexican (1955 film), 1955 Soviet film by Vladimir Kaplunovsky based on the Jack London story, starring Georgy Vitsin
  • "The Mexican" (song), by the band Babe Ruth
  • "The Mexican" (short story), by Jack London
  • Mexican cuisine
  • Tex-Mex, commonly incorrectly called Mexican
  • See also

  • Mexicano (disambiguation)
  • Mexico

    Coordinates: 23°N 102°W / 23°N 102°W / 23; -102

    Mexico (i/ˈmɛksk/; Spanish: México [ˈmexiko]), officially the United Mexican States (Spanish: Estados Unidos Mexicanos,  listen ), is a federal republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico. Covering almost two million square kilometres (over 760,000 sq mi), Mexico is the fifth largest country in the Americas by total area and the 13th largest independent nation in the world. With an estimated population of over 120 million, it is the eleventh most populous country and the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world and the second most populous country in Latin America. Mexico is a federation comprising thirty-two states, including Mexico City, its capital and largest city, which is also a state.

    Liar's dice

    Liar's dice is a class of dice games for two or more players requiring the ability to deceive and detect an opponent's deception. The genre has its roots in South America, with games there being known as Dudo, Cachito, Perudo or Dadinho; other names include "pirate's dice," "deception dice" and "diception."

    In "common hand" liar's dice games, each player has a set of dice, all players roll once, and the bids relate to the dice each player can see (their hand) plus all the concealed dice (the other players' hands). In "individual hand" games, there is one set of dice which is passed from player to player. The bids relate to the dice as they are in front of the bidder after selected dice have been re-rolled. The drinking game version is sometimes called Mexicali or Mexican in the United States; the latter term may be a corruption of Mäxchen ("Little Max"), the name by which a similar game, Mia, is known in Germany, while Liar's dice is known in Germany as Bluff. It is known by various names in Asia.


    Courtship is the period in a couple's relationship which precedes their engagement and marriage, or establishment of an agreed relationship of a more enduring kind. During courtship, a couple get to know each other and decide if there will be an engagement or other such agreement. A courtship may be an informal and private matter between two people or may be a public affair, or a formal arrangement with family approval. Traditionally, in the case of a formal engagement, it has been perceived that it is the role of a male to actively "court" or "woo" a female, thus encouraging her to understand him and her receptiveness to a proposal of marriage.


    The average duration of courtship varies considerably throughout the world. Furthermore, there is vast individual variation between couples. Courtship may be completely omitted, as in cases of some arranged marriages where the couple do not meet before the wedding.

    In the United Kingdom, a poll of 3,000 engaged or married couples resulted in an average duration between first meeting and accepted proposal of marriage of 2 years and 11 months, with the women feeling ready to accept at an average of 2 years and 7 months. Regarding duration between proposal and wedding, the UK poll above gave an average of 2 years and 3 months.

    Law & Order: Criminal Intent (season 7)

    The seventh season of Law & Order: Criminal Intent premiered on USA Network on October 4, 2007, and ended on August 24, 2008.

    The first ten episodes of the seventh season aired on Thursday night's at 10:00PM/9:00PM (Central), filling a slot previously occupied by the first season of Burn Notice. The season then took a "fall finale" with the episode "Senseless," coinciding with the 2007 Writers Guild of America strike where show runner/executive producer Warren Leight and the rest of the writing staff participated in the work stoppage; the first ten episodes of the season being the only ones produced. The remaining twelve episodes resumed airing Sunday night's at 9:00PM/8:00PM (Central) leading in In Plain Sight starting June 8, 2008.

    Network change and production

    During the 2006-2007 network TV season, both Law & Order: Criminal Intent and the original Law & Order series began to falter in the ratings on NBC; president at the time Jeff Zucker was in a telephone interview with creator Dick Wolf when he renewed both series, Mr. Zucker said the plan to move original episodes of Criminal Intent to USA Network, with the repeats then set to play "shortly thereafter" on NBC, represented "a new paradigm for network TV." Wolf said he was thrilled with the deal because "my stated goal has been to keep all three shows (L&O, CI, & SVU) up and running." Both the original series and Criminal Intent won full 22-episode orders, although most series for cable channels do not produce more than 13. Mr. Wolf said that he had found some budgetary savings to make the deal more viable, but that "none of them are going to be apparent to viewers."

    Courtship display

    A courtship display is a set of behaviors in which an animal attempts to attract a mate and exhibit their desire to copulate. These behaviors often include ritualized movement ("dances"), vocalizations, mechanical sound production, or displays of beauty, strength, or agonistic ability.

    Male display

    In general, males are often the sex which initiate courtship displays in response to pre-copulatory sexual selection. Performing a display allows the male to present his traits or abilities to a female. Mate choice, in this context, is driven by females. Direct or indirect benefits are often key deciding factors in which males get to copulate and which don't.

    Direct benefits can be seen due to the expression of preference. Females can raise their own fitness if they prefer to respond to particular types of signals, independent of costs and certain benefits associated with mating. For example, choosing to mate with males that produce more localized signals would incur less of an energetic investment for a female as she searches for a mate. On the other hand, females can put in more energy towards this process and still attain a higher fitness if they mate with only particular types of males. With this, the males being chosen may impose lower costs on the female or even provide more in terms of material or offspring contributions.



      Hoy exploramos una de las noticias más inquietantes en la geopolítica reciente: el Congreso de Estados Unidos ha aprobado un plan que permite a Trump avanzar en sus ambiciones imperialistas. Este proyecto incluye Groenlandia, Panamá, el Golfo de México, e incluso Canadá, en un intento por expandir el control estadounidense. Analizaremos los detalles de este plan, las implicaciones globales y cómo estas acciones podrían reconfigurar el equilibrio de poder mundial. Desde los recursos estratégicos de Groenlandia hasta la presión sobre México y América Latina, este episodio expone las jugadas políticas más polémicas. ¿Estamos frente a una nueva era de colonialismo disfrazado de seguridad nacional? Vamos a desmenuzar lo que significa esta estrategia para América Latina y el mundo. ¡No te lo p...

      published: 15 Jan 2025
    • Mexican City Declares Emergency as Trump's Return Threatens Mass Deportations | Firstpost America

      Mexican City Declares Emergency as Trump's Return Threatens Mass Deportations | Firstpost America The Mexican city of Tijuana has declared an emergency due to US President-elect Donald Trump’s threat of mass deportations. Trump has vowed to deport millions of undocumented immigrants and end birthright citizenship in the next four years. The latest emergency measure will free up local funds for a possible influx of migrants arriving in Tijuana if the president-elect fulfils his campaign promise. The city's mayor says the funds will allow him to hire more personnel and pay for shelter and legal services. This will ensure dignified treatment of deported migrants in the city home to more than two million people. Earlier this month, Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum opened the possibility of...

      published: 15 Jan 2025

      Hoy exploramos cómo Donald Trump está transformando la política global incluso antes de asumir el cargo. Desde su advertencia contundente a Netanyahu hasta su presión sobre Hamás, analizamos cómo el "efecto Trump" podría cambiar el curso de la guerra en Gaza y forzar un cese al fuego histórico. Contrastamos su enfoque con el de Joe Biden, quien durante meses intentó sin éxito detener el conflicto. Trump, por otro lado, no negocia con guantes; exige resultados, y ambos lados parecen entender que no es una amenaza vacía. ¿Es este el inicio de una nueva era en Medio Oriente? También abordaremos las repercusiones políticas de este movimiento en Estados Unidos y el mundo, y lo que esto significa para el futuro de las relaciones internacionales bajo un posible nuevo mandato de Trump.

      published: 15 Jan 2025
    • Mexican President responds to Trump’s remarks about changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico

      Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum responded to President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks about changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to “Gulf of America.” CNN's Boris Sanchez speaks to Sen. Pete Ricketts (R-NE) to get his reaction. #CNN #News

      published: 08 Jan 2025
    • WATCH: Rubio won't rule out military force against Mexican cartels | Trump confirmation hearings

      Secretary of state nominee Sen. Marc Rubio on Wednesday refused to rule out the use of military force against Mexican cartels, saying it would be an option available to President-elect Donald Trump. “That's an option the president has at his disposal,” Rubio said at his confirmation hearing held by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. “President Trump is someone that never publicly discusses his options and leaves himself the flexibility to act. I think there's a lot we can and will continue to do in close partnership with our allies in Mexico.” Rubio, the senior senator from Florida, was also a one-time Republican presidential hopeful who ran against Trump. A former member of the Senate panel holding his confirmation hearing, Rubio also serves on the Select Committee on Intelligen...

      published: 15 Jan 2025
    • 'Why don't we call it Mexican America?': Claudia Sheinbaum hits back at Trump

      Mexico's president, Claudia Sheinbaum, has suggested North America could be renamed 'Mexican America' in response to Donald Trump's pledge to rename the Gulf of Mexico the 'Gulf of America'. Sheinbaum used a map from 1607 to demonstrate an early portrayal of North America, including the United States. The comments came after Trump talked about a broad expansionist agenda that could include taking control of the Panama canal, Greenland and Canada US Politics live – latest updates 'We need them': Trump vows to take Panama Canal and Greenland

      published: 08 Jan 2025
    • Mexican Yoshi


      published: 16 Mar 2023
    • 3 Ways To Know If You Live In A Hispanic Household:

      published: 03 Sep 2023
    • Mexican Cartels' Most Brutal Livestreams Ever Recorded

      Mexican Cartels' Most Brutal Livestreams Ever Recorded #history #truestory #educationalpurposes Disclaimer: Our videos consist of a real human voice, scripts written and checked by real humans & edits and checks done by real humans. This video does not glorify violence. Violent words are bleeped or not included. No harmful actions are explained nor covered in details. All sensitive events are explained in an informational context for the documentary without being exploitative nor dismissive. The history of drug trafficking is explained in an educational context. Our documentaries are strictly made for educational and informational purposes and do not in any way endorse this channels' views. We thoroughly research every video, do our own editing and narrating. --------------------------...

      published: 11 Jan 2025
    • NUEKI, TOLCHONOV - Mexican Phonk Eki (Brazilian Funk + Phonk, Tik Tok Remix Viral 2023)

      Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/586x98q1tY2vlDlhN1BwQM?si=14a9e41165f745b0 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nueki1/ (NUEKI) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tolchonov/ (TOLCHONOV) AD: tolchonovdima@gmail.com NUEKI, TOLCHONOV - Mexican Phonk Eki (Brazilian Funk + Phonk, Tik Tok Remix Viral 2023) #MEXICAN #PHONK #FUNK

      published: 24 Jun 2023


    • Order:
    • Duration: 22:49
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Jan 2025
    • views: 175195
    Hoy exploramos una de las noticias más inquietantes en la geopolítica reciente: el Congreso de Estados Unidos ha aprobado un plan que permite a Trump avanzar en sus ambiciones imperialistas. Este proyecto incluye Groenlandia, Panamá, el Golfo de México, e incluso Canadá, en un intento por expandir el control estadounidense. Analizaremos los detalles de este plan, las implicaciones globales y cómo estas acciones podrían reconfigurar el equilibrio de poder mundial. Desde los recursos estratégicos de Groenlandia hasta la presión sobre México y América Latina, este episodio expone las jugadas políticas más polémicas. ¿Estamos frente a una nueva era de colonialismo disfrazado de seguridad nacional? Vamos a desmenuzar lo que significa esta estrategia para América Latina y el mundo. ¡No te lo pierdas!
    Mexican City Declares Emergency as Trump's Return Threatens Mass Deportations | Firstpost America

    Mexican City Declares Emergency as Trump's Return Threatens Mass Deportations | Firstpost America

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:47
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Jan 2025
    • views: 24969
    Mexican City Declares Emergency as Trump's Return Threatens Mass Deportations | Firstpost America The Mexican city of Tijuana has declared an emergency due to US President-elect Donald Trump’s threat of mass deportations. Trump has vowed to deport millions of undocumented immigrants and end birthright citizenship in the next four years. The latest emergency measure will free up local funds for a possible influx of migrants arriving in Tijuana if the president-elect fulfils his campaign promise. The city's mayor says the funds will allow him to hire more personnel and pay for shelter and legal services. This will ensure dignified treatment of deported migrants in the city home to more than two million people. Earlier this month, Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum opened the possibility of hosting non-Mexican migrants deported by the United States. This was a u-turn from her previous stance, where she refused to receive migrants of other countries from the US. --- Mexican City | Emergency | Donald Trump | Mass Deportation | United States | Firstpost America | Eric Ham | War | Geopolitics | Global Economy | Firstpost | World News | Latest News | Global News | International News | Trending News #mexicancity #emergency #donaldtrump #massdeportation #firstpostamerica #ericham #war #geopolitics #economy #firstpost #worldnews #latestnews #globalnews #internationalnews #trendingnews Firstpost is an Indian news and media website. Get all the incisive opinions, in-depth analyses and other visual stories that matter to you and the world right here on this channel. Subscribe to Firstpost channel and press the bell icon to get notified when we go live. https://www.youtube.com/@Firstpost Follow Firstpost on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/firstpost/ Follow Firstpost on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/firstpostin/ Follow Firstpost on Twitter: https://twitter.com/firstpost Follow Firstpost on WhatsApp: https://www.whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va6zOIrEQIamseyg762V


    • Order:
    • Duration: 27:02
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Jan 2025
    • views: 247152
    Hoy exploramos cómo Donald Trump está transformando la política global incluso antes de asumir el cargo. Desde su advertencia contundente a Netanyahu hasta su presión sobre Hamás, analizamos cómo el "efecto Trump" podría cambiar el curso de la guerra en Gaza y forzar un cese al fuego histórico. Contrastamos su enfoque con el de Joe Biden, quien durante meses intentó sin éxito detener el conflicto. Trump, por otro lado, no negocia con guantes; exige resultados, y ambos lados parecen entender que no es una amenaza vacía. ¿Es este el inicio de una nueva era en Medio Oriente? También abordaremos las repercusiones políticas de este movimiento en Estados Unidos y el mundo, y lo que esto significa para el futuro de las relaciones internacionales bajo un posible nuevo mandato de Trump.
    Mexican President responds to Trump’s remarks about changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico

    Mexican President responds to Trump’s remarks about changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico

    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:20
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Jan 2025
    • views: 680917
    Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum responded to President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks about changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to “Gulf of America.” CNN's Boris Sanchez speaks to Sen. Pete Ricketts (R-NE) to get his reaction. #CNN #News
    WATCH: Rubio won't rule out military force against Mexican cartels | Trump confirmation hearings

    WATCH: Rubio won't rule out military force against Mexican cartels | Trump confirmation hearings

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:13
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Jan 2025
    • views: 9504
    Secretary of state nominee Sen. Marc Rubio on Wednesday refused to rule out the use of military force against Mexican cartels, saying it would be an option available to President-elect Donald Trump. “That's an option the president has at his disposal,” Rubio said at his confirmation hearing held by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. “President Trump is someone that never publicly discusses his options and leaves himself the flexibility to act. I think there's a lot we can and will continue to do in close partnership with our allies in Mexico.” Rubio, the senior senator from Florida, was also a one-time Republican presidential hopeful who ran against Trump. A former member of the Senate panel holding his confirmation hearing, Rubio also serves on the Select Committee on Intelligence. Watch PBS News for daily, breaking and live news, plus special coverage. We are home to PBS News Hour, ranked the most credible and objective TV news show. Newsletters: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/subscribe PBS News podcasts: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/podcasts Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: https://to.pbs.org/2Jb8twG Find more from PBS News at https://www.pbs.org/newshour Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/2HfsCD6 Follow us: TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pbsnews X: http://www.twitter.com/newshour Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/newshour Facebook: http://www.pbs.org/newshour
    'Why don't we call it Mexican America?': Claudia Sheinbaum hits back at Trump

    'Why don't we call it Mexican America?': Claudia Sheinbaum hits back at Trump

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:42
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Jan 2025
    • views: 85428
    Mexico's president, Claudia Sheinbaum, has suggested North America could be renamed 'Mexican America' in response to Donald Trump's pledge to rename the Gulf of Mexico the 'Gulf of America'. Sheinbaum used a map from 1607 to demonstrate an early portrayal of North America, including the United States. The comments came after Trump talked about a broad expansionist agenda that could include taking control of the Panama canal, Greenland and Canada US Politics live – latest updates 'We need them': Trump vows to take Panama Canal and Greenland
    Mexican Yoshi

    Mexican Yoshi

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:23
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Mar 2023
    • views: 7023699
    3 Ways To Know If You Live In A Hispanic Household:

    3 Ways To Know If You Live In A Hispanic Household:

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:14
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Sep 2023
    • views: 20100405
    Mexican Cartels' Most Brutal Livestreams Ever Recorded

    Mexican Cartels' Most Brutal Livestreams Ever Recorded

    • Order:
    • Duration: 23:18
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Jan 2025
    • views: 178314
    Mexican Cartels' Most Brutal Livestreams Ever Recorded #history #truestory #educationalpurposes Disclaimer: Our videos consist of a real human voice, scripts written and checked by real humans & edits and checks done by real humans. This video does not glorify violence. Violent words are bleeped or not included. No harmful actions are explained nor covered in details. All sensitive events are explained in an informational context for the documentary without being exploitative nor dismissive. The history of drug trafficking is explained in an educational context. Our documentaries are strictly made for educational and informational purposes and do not in any way endorse this channels' views. We thoroughly research every video, do our own editing and narrating. ------------------------------------------------ Welcome to Crime Dynasty where we inform and educate you about the most infamous cartel lords, most notorious prisoners, most infamous serial k*llers, and everything in between! If you're a fan of TV Shows like Narcos or true story documentaries, be sure to subscribe to the channel!
    NUEKI, TOLCHONOV -  Mexican Phonk Eki (Brazilian Funk + Phonk, Tik Tok Remix Viral 2023)

    NUEKI, TOLCHONOV - Mexican Phonk Eki (Brazilian Funk + Phonk, Tik Tok Remix Viral 2023)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:39
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Jun 2023
    • views: 5269358
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/586x98q1tY2vlDlhN1BwQM?si=14a9e41165f745b0 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nueki1/ (NUEKI) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tolchonov/ (TOLCHONOV) AD: tolchonovdima@gmail.com NUEKI, TOLCHONOV - Mexican Phonk Eki (Brazilian Funk + Phonk, Tik Tok Remix Viral 2023) #MEXICAN #PHONK #FUNK
    • ‘COULD HAPPEN!’: Trump Threatens WAR With Mexico On DAY ONE | The Kyle Kulinski Show

      Support The Show On Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/seculartalk Subscribe to Krystal Kyle & Friends On Substack!: https://krystalkyleandfriends.substack.com Follow Kyle on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kylekulinski "The first time I ever really listened to Kyle Kulinski’s show was in the back of a cab last summer. The driver had his phone hooked up through the stereo and was pumping out an episode through the car speakers — loudly, as if looking to convert a captive audience. “Do you like Kyle Kulinski?” The driver, Ahmed, was a recent immigrant and apparently a die-hard fan of Secular Talk, the political talk show that Kulinski broadcasts on YouTube. I told him, yes, in fact. I do like Kulinski, had come across his show several years ago, and, all things considered, he seemed pre...

      published: 23 Jan 2025
    • Migrants Are Stuck At U.S.-Mexico Border In Huixtla After President Trump Ends CBP One App

      Migrants are stuck at the U.S.-Mexico border in Huixtla after President Trump ends the CBP One app. Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlimited access to premium journalism, including breaking news, groundbreaking in-depth reported stories, daily digests and more. Plus, members get a front-row seat at members-only events with leading thinkers and doers, access to premium video that can help you get ahead, an ad-light experience, early access to select products including NFT drops and more: https://account.forbes.com/membership/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=growth_non-sub_paid_subscribe_ytdescript Stay Connected Forbes on Facebook: http://fb.com/forbes Forbes Video on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/forbes Forbes Video on Instagram: http://instagram.com/forbes Mo...

      published: 22 Jan 2025
    • After Trump Drops Bombshell, Mexico Takes Big Border Action | U.S. Immigration Crisis

      Mexico braces for influx of migrants deported from the US - The Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez is bracing for thousands of people to arrive after the Trump administration promised to crack down on illegal immigration. The situation is tense as existing migrant shelters won’t be enough to take masses of people in. #Mexico #USImmigration #MigrantCrisis #CiudadJuarez #TrumpPolicy #BorderIssues #Deportation #ImmigrationCrackdown #HumanRights #Migration Times Of India (TOI) Is The Largest Selling English Daily In The World. Times Of India Videos Bring You Global News, Views And Sharp Analysis. We Track India's Global Rise, Her Increasing Engagement With The World, The Changing Geopolitical Landscape Amid Conflicts And Wars And The Emerging World Order. INTERNATIONAL NEWS | GLOBAL...

      published: 23 Jan 2025
    • Mexico’s president says it's important to keep 'cool head' as Trump signs executive orders

      Claudia Sheinbaum stressed Tuesday the need to keep “cool heads” and look at the wording of what U.S. President Donald Trump signs, rather than listen to the discourse surrounding it. (AP Video: Martin Silva and Raúl Mendoza). Read more: https://bit.ly/3ClJ0At #trump #news #mexico #donaldtrump Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress Read more: https://apnews.com​ This video may be available for archive licensing via https://newsroom.ap.org/home

      published: 22 Jan 2025
    • Mexico builds shelters in preparation for mass deportations

      US President Donald Trump continues to clear obstacles for the mass deportations he has long promised. New orders coming from the White House now make it easier to round up undocumented immigrants. Trump is also beefing up US military presence at the southern border with Mexico. Andy Roesgen has the latest. Subscribe: http://trt.world/subscribe Livestream: http://trt.world/ytlive Facebook: http://trt.world/facebook Twitter: http://trt.world/twitter Instagram: http://trt.world/instagram Visit our website: http://trt.world

      published: 23 Jan 2025
    • Shotgun Willy x Yung Craka - Mexico (Official Music Video)

      Stream/Download: https://lnk.to/GetMexico Keep up with me here https://hoo.be/shotgunwilly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shotgunwilly TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRcMo1VT/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaspyBoi Yung Craka: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQJJKNjy-t_Yqf5w7M2D3PA Follow Bad Realm Records: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRcMKTmc/ Costume Design: https://www.instagram.com/alicias_costumes/?hl=en Prod. CallMeG

      published: 01 Oct 2021
    • Migrantes siguen llegando a México pese a deportaciones de Trump

      Cada día llegan a Tapachula alrededor de 500 migrantes para sumarse a los más de 300 mil que ya están en México y que se quedaron varados ante la cancelación del CBP One ordenado por Donald Trump. Giovanni Lepri, representante de la ACNUR México asegura que el 55 por ciento de los migrantes sale por violencia y persecución de sus países de origen. El reporte de Marco Silva. Grupo Fórmula #AbriendoLaConversación ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube! http://goo.gl/NAKFkj Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/50b69SNmvSnVolhfx4K5J8 Mantente informado minuto a minuto en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook-----http://goo.gl/5UHZOQ Twitter----------http://goo.gl/nEXxVF Canal sugerido http://goo.gl/hst33f Sigue nuestra transmisión en vivo: https://bit.ly/3rDc3aJ Descarga nue...

      published: 23 Jan 2025
    • Por Mi Mexico Remix 🇲🇽 - Lefty SM, Santa Fe Klan, Dharius, C-Kan, MC Davo & Neto Peña

      Escucha a #LeftySM #SantaFeKlan #Dharius #CKan #MCDavo & #NetoPeña Lefty SM Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6eXHRfK9Ad3IpMpSAqvcDf Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/mx/artist/lefty-sm/1380827747 Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com.mx/artists/B07CVMLKBF/lefty-sm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leftysm_/ #Alzada Mezcla: River Master: Alan Ledesma Beatmaker: AGW Beats Director: Omar Amaro Camara 1: Andrés Rivera DP - Camara 2: Victor Preciado Asistente de Cámara: Cesar Parra. Productor: Baruch Vazquez Coordinación de producción - AD: René Morales 1er Asist Prod: Yael Razo 2do Asist Prod: Full THM 3do Asist Prod: Shainy Gaffer 01: Many Mex Gaffer 02: Carlos Cruz Coordinación de Casting: Joel Ruiz Coordinación de Casting: Leonardo Hernandez Coordinación Artis...

      published: 26 Aug 2023
    • 🥑AvOcaDos✨ from ✨MEXICO✨

      🥑🥑🥑 Hi! Do you like avocados? 😂🤣

      published: 06 Sep 2021
    • Bill O’Reilly: Mexico officials America's ‘enemy' for cartel response | Cuomo

      Stephen A. Smith and Bill O’Reilly join “CUOMO” to discuss President Donald Trump’s immigration plans and whether anything will change under new leadership. O’Reilly said he believes Mexico City’s government is an “enemy of America” for allowing cartels to have so much influence. #Mexico #Trump #Cartels Chris Cuomo hosts "CUOMO," a no-nonsense show featuring the day's most important news from all perspectives. "CUOMO" airs weeknights at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT on NewsNation. #CUOMO NewsNation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all America. More from NewsNation: https://www.newsnationnow.com/ Get our app: https://trib.al/TBXgYpp Find us on cable: https://trib.al/YDOpGyG How to watch on TV or streaming: https://trib.al/Vu0Ikij

      published: 22 Jan 2025
    ‘COULD HAPPEN!’: Trump Threatens WAR With Mexico On DAY ONE | The Kyle Kulinski Show

    ‘COULD HAPPEN!’: Trump Threatens WAR With Mexico On DAY ONE | The Kyle Kulinski Show

    • Order:
    • Duration: 9:12
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jan 2025
    • views: 115333
    Support The Show On Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/seculartalk Subscribe to Krystal Kyle & Friends On Substack!: https://krystalkyleandfriends.substack.com Follow Kyle on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kylekulinski "The first time I ever really listened to Kyle Kulinski’s show was in the back of a cab last summer. The driver had his phone hooked up through the stereo and was pumping out an episode through the car speakers — loudly, as if looking to convert a captive audience. “Do you like Kyle Kulinski?” The driver, Ahmed, was a recent immigrant and apparently a die-hard fan of Secular Talk, the political talk show that Kulinski broadcasts on YouTube. I told him, yes, in fact. I do like Kulinski, had come across his show several years ago, and, all things considered, he seemed pretty good. “He understands what we’re up against,” Ahmed said. “Like Bernie.” But I was surprised to hear Kulinski’s name mentioned in the same breath as Bernie Sanders, particularly with such adoration. Because what I did remember about Kulinski’s show struck me as mostly capital-P “progressive” takes on the news — the left wing of the Netroots crowd more than the democratic socialism Sanders has popularized. It’s an impression that wasn’t entirely incorrect. “I have no time for philosophical, airy bullshit,” Kulinski tells me from his home in Westchester, New York. “I don’t want to hear about Lenin. I don’t want to hear about Marx. I just want a super plainspoken, straightforward agenda with a straightforward way of selling it.” With over 800,000 subscribers and nearly 670 million total views on YouTube, selling a progressive agenda is clearly something Kulinski knows how to do — even Democracy Now, the long-standing flagship of progressive media, cannot match his reach on the platform. Chapo Trap House can certainly boast a wildly devoted fan base (and a not insignificant degree of media influence), but their audience is roughly half the size of Kulinski’s. While Secular Talk might be more likely to be looped in with the progressive networks around Air America and Pacifica alums like Sam Seder than the more resolutely socialist world, Kulinski’s fiery rhetoric, razor-sharp class instincts, and knack for withering takedowns sets him apart from his peers. Judging by his rhetoric alone, he’s closer to a Eugene Debs than a Chris Hayes. But unlike Hayes, Amy Goodman, or his friend Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks — who began airing Secular Talk on his web network seven years ago — the thirty-two-year-old Kulinski is virtually invisible in the mainstream media. Despite his enormous fan base, his show has never once been mentioned in the obligatory trend pieces on “the Millennial Left” pumped out by the prestige media. Nor has Kulinski’s name ever popped up at all in the New York Times, Vox, the New Yorker, New York Magazine, or the Washington Post, despite his leading role in cofounding Justice Democrats, the organization widely credited with sweeping Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of “the Squad” to power. Just last week, his Wikipedia page was deleted. The reason? “There is very simply no [reliable source] coverage of this person,” according to one moderator. In new media, he’s king — the Sean Hannity of the Berniecrat left. In old media, he’s nobody. I suspect there are a few reasons for that. There is nothing “cool” about Kulinski’s show. (As a friend put it, “‘Welcome to Secular Talk’ sounds like something you’d hear on Egyptian radio.”) His no-nonsense social-democratic politics won’t get him much cred with the Full Communism crowd. He records his show not in Brooklyn or Los Angeles, but in a studio he built himself in his modest Westchester home. His hair is too groomed and his taste in clothes too preppy to qualify as “Dirtbag Left.” Nor has he ever attended an n+1 release party. “Not only have I not attended one,” he says, “I have no idea what that means.” And yet he’s astonishingly plugged-in for a young man in the suburbs. Wondering how Sanders ended up on the Joe Rogan Experience? Kulinski, a frequent guest on Rogan’s wildly popular show, introduced them. “You make the most sense to me,” Rogan told Kulinski on a recent episode. “You’re a normal person.” Much like Sanders himself, Kulinski’s show has a massive audience that just doesn’t compute with our media’s understanding of “what the kids want” or even “what the left-wing kids want.” It’s probably for the best — the very woke and very WASP-ish decorum haunting much of the media world is nowhere to be found in Secular Talk. “Corporate Democrats over-focus on identity as a trick to divert you from the issues that unite us all — class issues,” he said on a recent episode. Read More Here!: https://jacobinmag.com/2020/03/kyle-kulinski-bernie-bros-secular-talk-joe-rogan-youtube #KyleKulinski #SecularTalk #news #politics #youtube #biden #economics #left #progressive #viral
    Migrants Are Stuck At U.S.-Mexico Border In Huixtla After President Trump Ends CBP One App

    Migrants Are Stuck At U.S.-Mexico Border In Huixtla After President Trump Ends CBP One App

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:03
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Jan 2025
    • views: 507614
    Migrants are stuck at the U.S.-Mexico border in Huixtla after President Trump ends the CBP One app. Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlimited access to premium journalism, including breaking news, groundbreaking in-depth reported stories, daily digests and more. Plus, members get a front-row seat at members-only events with leading thinkers and doers, access to premium video that can help you get ahead, an ad-light experience, early access to select products including NFT drops and more: https://account.forbes.com/membership/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=growth_non-sub_paid_subscribe_ytdescript Stay Connected Forbes on Facebook: http://fb.com/forbes Forbes Video on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/forbes Forbes Video on Instagram: http://instagram.com/forbes More From Forbes: http://forbes.com
    After Trump Drops Bombshell, Mexico Takes Big Border Action | U.S. Immigration Crisis

    After Trump Drops Bombshell, Mexico Takes Big Border Action | U.S. Immigration Crisis

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:01
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jan 2025
    • views: 35500
    Mexico braces for influx of migrants deported from the US - The Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez is bracing for thousands of people to arrive after the Trump administration promised to crack down on illegal immigration. The situation is tense as existing migrant shelters won’t be enough to take masses of people in. #Mexico #USImmigration #MigrantCrisis #CiudadJuarez #TrumpPolicy #BorderIssues #Deportation #ImmigrationCrackdown #HumanRights #Migration Times Of India (TOI) Is The Largest Selling English Daily In The World. Times Of India Videos Bring You Global News, Views And Sharp Analysis. We Track India's Global Rise, Her Increasing Engagement With The World, The Changing Geopolitical Landscape Amid Conflicts And Wars And The Emerging World Order. INTERNATIONAL NEWS | GLOBAL CONFLICTS | MIDDLE EAST WAR | CHANGING WORLD ORDER #TOILive | #TOIVideos Subscribe to the Times Of India YT channel and press the bell icon to get notified when we go live. Visit our website https://www.timesofindia.com/ Follow us on X/ @timesofindia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimesofIndia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timesofindia/ Download the app: http://toi.in/3SLUCa80 Follow the TOI WhatsApp channel: https://bit.ly/3RYl0J9 For daily news & updates and exclusive stories, follow the Times of India
    Mexico’s president says it's important to keep 'cool head' as Trump signs executive orders

    Mexico’s president says it's important to keep 'cool head' as Trump signs executive orders

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:57
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Jan 2025
    • views: 12407
    Claudia Sheinbaum stressed Tuesday the need to keep “cool heads” and look at the wording of what U.S. President Donald Trump signs, rather than listen to the discourse surrounding it. (AP Video: Martin Silva and Raúl Mendoza). Read more: https://bit.ly/3ClJ0At #trump #news #mexico #donaldtrump Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress Read more: https://apnews.com​ This video may be available for archive licensing via https://newsroom.ap.org/home
    Mexico builds shelters in preparation for mass deportations

    Mexico builds shelters in preparation for mass deportations

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:23
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jan 2025
    • views: 36735
    US President Donald Trump continues to clear obstacles for the mass deportations he has long promised. New orders coming from the White House now make it easier to round up undocumented immigrants. Trump is also beefing up US military presence at the southern border with Mexico. Andy Roesgen has the latest. Subscribe: http://trt.world/subscribe Livestream: http://trt.world/ytlive Facebook: http://trt.world/facebook Twitter: http://trt.world/twitter Instagram: http://trt.world/instagram Visit our website: http://trt.world
    Shotgun Willy x Yung Craka - Mexico (Official Music Video)

    Shotgun Willy x Yung Craka - Mexico (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:56
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Oct 2021
    • views: 12280602
    Stream/Download: https://lnk.to/GetMexico Keep up with me here https://hoo.be/shotgunwilly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shotgunwilly TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRcMo1VT/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaspyBoi Yung Craka: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQJJKNjy-t_Yqf5w7M2D3PA Follow Bad Realm Records: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRcMKTmc/ Costume Design: https://www.instagram.com/alicias_costumes/?hl=en Prod. CallMeG
    Migrantes siguen llegando a México pese a deportaciones de Trump

    Migrantes siguen llegando a México pese a deportaciones de Trump

    • Order:
    • Duration: 17:44
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jan 2025
    • views: 80079
    Cada día llegan a Tapachula alrededor de 500 migrantes para sumarse a los más de 300 mil que ya están en México y que se quedaron varados ante la cancelación del CBP One ordenado por Donald Trump. Giovanni Lepri, representante de la ACNUR México asegura que el 55 por ciento de los migrantes sale por violencia y persecución de sus países de origen. El reporte de Marco Silva. Grupo Fórmula #AbriendoLaConversación ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube! http://goo.gl/NAKFkj Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/50b69SNmvSnVolhfx4K5J8 Mantente informado minuto a minuto en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook-----http://goo.gl/5UHZOQ Twitter----------http://goo.gl/nEXxVF Canal sugerido http://goo.gl/hst33f Sigue nuestra transmisión en vivo: https://bit.ly/3rDc3aJ Descarga nuestra App: iOS: https://apple.co/3rANPOj Android: https://bit.ly/3gu8dKF Para dudas, comentarios o sugerencias ponte en contacto con nosotros a través de la dirección: comentarios@radioformula.com.mx
    Por Mi Mexico Remix 🇲🇽 - Lefty SM, Santa Fe Klan, Dharius, C-Kan, MC Davo & Neto Peña

    Por Mi Mexico Remix 🇲🇽 - Lefty SM, Santa Fe Klan, Dharius, C-Kan, MC Davo & Neto Peña

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:45
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Aug 2023
    • views: 330991034
    Escucha a #LeftySM #SantaFeKlan #Dharius #CKan #MCDavo & #NetoPeña Lefty SM Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6eXHRfK9Ad3IpMpSAqvcDf Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/mx/artist/lefty-sm/1380827747 Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com.mx/artists/B07CVMLKBF/lefty-sm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leftysm_/ #Alzada Mezcla: River Master: Alan Ledesma Beatmaker: AGW Beats Director: Omar Amaro Camara 1: Andrés Rivera DP - Camara 2: Victor Preciado Asistente de Cámara: Cesar Parra. Productor: Baruch Vazquez Coordinación de producción - AD: René Morales 1er Asist Prod: Yael Razo 2do Asist Prod: Full THM 3do Asist Prod: Shainy Gaffer 01: Many Mex Gaffer 02: Carlos Cruz Coordinación de Casting: Joel Ruiz Coordinación de Casting: Leonardo Hernandez Coordinación Artistas: Edwin Tzolkin. Foto Fija: Donovhan Gutierrez BTS : Alvis Cruz Documental/Foto : Sofia Ptacnik Camping: Omar Valdéz Camping: Brandón Galán Runner: Juan Rosales Director Ejecutivo: Alan Rodrigo Ledesma Rios, Daniel Takenaga. Contrataciones: booking@alzada.mx Contacto: contacto@alzada.mx Únete al grupo de Facebook Oficial del Alzada: https://found.ee/JPbpu Todos los derechos reservados 2023.
    🥑AvOcaDos✨ from ✨MEXICO✨

    🥑AvOcaDos✨ from ✨MEXICO✨

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:12
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Sep 2021
    • views: 214543087
    🥑🥑🥑 Hi! Do you like avocados? 😂🤣
    Bill O’Reilly: Mexico officials America's ‘enemy' for cartel response | Cuomo

    Bill O’Reilly: Mexico officials America's ‘enemy' for cartel response | Cuomo

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:03
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Jan 2025
    • views: 284258
    Stephen A. Smith and Bill O’Reilly join “CUOMO” to discuss President Donald Trump’s immigration plans and whether anything will change under new leadership. O’Reilly said he believes Mexico City’s government is an “enemy of America” for allowing cartels to have so much influence. #Mexico #Trump #Cartels Chris Cuomo hosts "CUOMO," a no-nonsense show featuring the day's most important news from all perspectives. "CUOMO" airs weeknights at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT on NewsNation. #CUOMO NewsNation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all America. More from NewsNation: https://www.newsnationnow.com/ Get our app: https://trib.al/TBXgYpp Find us on cable: https://trib.al/YDOpGyG How to watch on TV or streaming: https://trib.al/Vu0Ikij
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:33:27


    Hoy exploramos una de las noticias más inquietantes en la geopolítica reciente: el Congreso de Estados Unidos ha aprobado un plan que permite a Trump avanzar en sus ambiciones imperialistas. Este proyecto incluye Groenlandia, Panamá, el Golfo de México, e incluso Canadá, en un intento por expandir el control estadounidense. Analizaremos los detalles de este plan, las implicaciones globales y cómo estas acciones podrían reconfigurar el equilibrio de poder mundial. Desde los recursos estratégicos de Groenlandia hasta la presión sobre México y América Latina, este episodio expone las jugadas políticas más polémicas. ¿Estamos frente a una nueva era de colonialismo disfrazado de seguridad nacional? Vamos a desmenuzar lo que significa esta estrategia para América Latina y el mundo. ¡No te lo pierdas!
    Hoy exploramos una de las noticias más inquietantes en la geopolítica reciente: el Congres...
    published: 15 Jan 2025
    Play in Full Screen
    Mexican City Declares Emergency as Trump's Return Threatens Mass Deportations | Firstpost America
    Mexican City Declares Emergency as Trump's Return Threatens Mass Deportations | Firstpost ...
    published: 15 Jan 2025
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    Hoy exploramos cómo Donald Trump está transformando la política global incluso antes de as...
    published: 15 Jan 2025
    Play in Full Screen
    Mexican President responds to Trump’s remarks about changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico
    Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum responded to President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks ab...
    published: 08 Jan 2025
    Play in Full Screen
    WATCH: Rubio won't rule out military force against Mexican cartels | Trump confirmation hearings
    Secretary of state nominee Sen. Marc Rubio on Wednesday refused to rule out the use of mil...
    published: 15 Jan 2025
    Play in Full Screen
    'Why don't we call it Mexican America?': Claudia Sheinbaum hits back at Trump
    Mexico's president, Claudia Sheinbaum, has suggested North America could be renamed 'Mexic...
    published: 08 Jan 2025
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    Mexican Yoshi
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    3 Ways To Know If You Live In A Hispanic Household:
    published: 03 Sep 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Mexican Cartels' Most Brutal Livestreams Ever Recorded
    Mexican Cartels' Most Brutal Livestreams Ever Recorded #history #truestory #educationalpur...
    published: 11 Jan 2025
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    NUEKI, TOLCHONOV - Mexican Phonk Eki (Brazilian Funk + Phonk, Tik Tok Remix Viral 2023)
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/586x98q1tY2vlDlhN1BwQM?si=14a9e41165f745b0 Instag...
    published: 24 Jun 2023
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    Mexican may refer to:

  • Related to, from, or connected to Mexico, a country in North America
  • Related to the capital Mexico City
  • Related to the State of Mexico
  • Mexican people, inhabitants of the country Mexico and their descendants
  • Culture of Mexico
  • Mexica, ancient indigenous people of the Valley of Mexico
  • Nahuatl, language of the Nahua people (including the Mexica)
  • USS Mexican (ID-1655), United States Navy ship
  • The Mexican, 2001 film starring Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts
  • The Mexican (1955 film), 1955 Soviet film by Vladimir Kaplunovsky based on the Jack London story, starring Georgy Vitsin
  • "The Mexican" (song), by the band Babe Ruth
  • "The Mexican" (short story), by Jack London
  • Mexican cuisine
  • Tex-Mex, commonly incorrectly called Mexican
  • See also

  • Mexicano (disambiguation)
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    ‘COULD HAPPEN!’: Trump Threatens WAR With Mexico On DAY ONE | The Kyle Kulinski Show

    Support The Show On Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/seculartalk Subscribe to Krystal Kyle & Friends On Substack!: https://krystalkyleandfriends.substack.com Follow Kyle on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kylekulinski "The first time I ever really listened to Kyle Kulinski’s show was in the back of a cab last summer. The driver had his phone hooked up through the stereo and was pumping out an episode through the car speakers — loudly, as if looking to convert a captive audience. “Do you like Kyle Kulinski?” The driver, Ahmed, was a recent immigrant and apparently a die-hard fan of Secular Talk, the political talk show that Kulinski broadcasts on YouTube. I told him, yes, in fact. I do like Kulinski, had come across his show several years ago, and, all things considered, he seemed pretty good. “He understands what we’re up against,” Ahmed said. “Like Bernie.” But I was surprised to hear Kulinski’s name mentioned in the same breath as Bernie Sanders, particularly with such adoration. Because what I did remember about Kulinski’s show struck me as mostly capital-P “progressive” takes on the news — the left wing of the Netroots crowd more than the democratic socialism Sanders has popularized. It’s an impression that wasn’t entirely incorrect. “I have no time for philosophical, airy bullshit,” Kulinski tells me from his home in Westchester, New York. “I don’t want to hear about Lenin. I don’t want to hear about Marx. I just want a super plainspoken, straightforward agenda with a straightforward way of selling it.” With over 800,000 subscribers and nearly 670 million total views on YouTube, selling a progressive agenda is clearly something Kulinski knows how to do — even Democracy Now, the long-standing flagship of progressive media, cannot match his reach on the platform. Chapo Trap House can certainly boast a wildly devoted fan base (and a not insignificant degree of media influence), but their audience is roughly half the size of Kulinski’s. While Secular Talk might be more likely to be looped in with the progressive networks around Air America and Pacifica alums like Sam Seder than the more resolutely socialist world, Kulinski’s fiery rhetoric, razor-sharp class instincts, and knack for withering takedowns sets him apart from his peers. Judging by his rhetoric alone, he’s closer to a Eugene Debs than a Chris Hayes. But unlike Hayes, Amy Goodman, or his friend Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks — who began airing Secular Talk on his web network seven years ago — the thirty-two-year-old Kulinski is virtually invisible in the mainstream media. Despite his enormous fan base, his show has never once been mentioned in the obligatory trend pieces on “the Millennial Left” pumped out by the prestige media. Nor has Kulinski’s name ever popped up at all in the New York Times, Vox, the New Yorker, New York Magazine, or the Washington Post, despite his leading role in cofounding Justice Democrats, the organization widely credited with sweeping Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of “the Squad” to power. Just last week, his Wikipedia page was deleted. The reason? “There is very simply no [reliable source] coverage of this person,” according to one moderator. In new media, he’s king — the Sean Hannity of the Berniecrat left. In old media, he’s nobody. I suspect there are a few reasons for that. There is nothing “cool” about Kulinski’s show. (As a friend put it, “‘Welcome to Secular Talk’ sounds like something you’d hear on Egyptian radio.”) His no-nonsense social-democratic politics won’t get him much cred with the Full Communism crowd. He records his show not in Brooklyn or Los Angeles, but in a studio he built himself in his modest Westchester home. His hair is too groomed and his taste in clothes too preppy to qualify as “Dirtbag Left.” Nor has he ever attended an n+1 release party. “Not only have I not attended one,” he says, “I have no idea what that means.” And yet he’s astonishingly plugged-in for a young man in the suburbs. Wondering how Sanders ended up on the Joe Rogan Experience? Kulinski, a frequent guest on Rogan’s wildly popular show, introduced them. “You make the most sense to me,” Rogan told Kulinski on a recent episode. “You’re a normal person.” Much like Sanders himself, Kulinski’s show has a massive audience that just doesn’t compute with our media’s understanding of “what the kids want” or even “what the left-wing kids want.” It’s probably for the best — the very woke and very WASP-ish decorum haunting much of the media world is nowhere to be found in Secular Talk. “Corporate Democrats over-focus on identity as a trick to divert you from the issues that unite us all — class issues,” he said on a recent episode. Read More Here!: https://jacobinmag.com/2020/03/kyle-kulinski-bernie-bros-secular-talk-joe-rogan-youtube #KyleKulinski #SecularTalk #news #politics #youtube #biden #economics #left #progressive #viral
    ‘COULD HAPPEN!’: Trump Threatens WAR With Mexico On DAY ONE | The Kyle Kulinski Show
    Support The Show On Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/seculartalk Subscribe to Krystal Ky...
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