The Eastern Front of World War II was a theatre of conflict between the European Axis powers and co-belligerentFinland against the Soviet Union, Poland and other allies, which encompassed Northern, Southern and Central and Eastern Europe from 22 June 1941 to 9 May 1945. It has been known as the Great Patriotic War (Russian:Великая Отечественная Война, Velikaya Otechestvennaya Voyna) in the former Soviet Union and in modern Russia, while in Germany it was called the Eastern Front (German:die Ostfront), the Eastern Campaign (der Ostfeldzug) or the Russian Campaign (der Rußlandfeldzug).
The battles on the Eastern Front constituted the largest military confrontation in history. They were characterized by unprecedented ferocity, wholesale destruction, mass deportations, and immense loss of life due to combat, starvation, exposure, disease, and massacres. The Eastern Front, as the site of nearly all extermination camps, death marches, ghettos, and the majority of pogroms, was central to the Holocaust. Of the estimated 70 million deaths attributed to World War II, over 30 million, many of them civilian, occurred on the Eastern Front. The Eastern Front was decisive in determining the outcome of World War II, eventually serving as the main reason for Germany's defeat. It resulted in the destruction of the Third Reich, the partition of Germany for nearly half a century and the rise of the Soviet Union as a military and industrial superpower.
The Great Patriotic War is commemorated on 11 May 1945 so as to also include the end of the Prague Offensive.
The term "Patriotic War" refers to the Russian resistance to the French invasion of Russia under Napoleon I, which became known as the Patriotic War of 1812. In Russian, the term "отечественная война" originally referred to a war on one's own territory (insideotechestvo, "the fatherland"), as opposed to a campaign abroad (заграничная война), and later was reinterpreted as a war for the fatherland, i.e. a defensive war for one's homeland. Sometimes the Patriotic War of 1812 was also referred to as the Great Patriotic War (Великая отечественная война); the phrase first appeared no later than 1844 and became popular on the eve of the centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
⭐Great Patriotic Sacred War | Великая Отечественная война
Сталинградская битва(1949); Падения Берлина(1949); Рядовой Александр Матросов(1947); Два бойца(1943).
Разгром немецких войск под Москвой (1942); Ленинград в борьбе(1942).
00:00 Invasion 1941
1:47 Stalin speech
2:24 Motivation
2:40 Counterattack 1942-1945
3:37 Berlin 1945
3:58 Victory parade 24 june 1945
4:21 - Славься/Slavsya.mp3 (Stalin era lyrics)
4:54 M.A.D.E.S. - Return.mp3
published: 09 May 2020
WW2 - The Great Patriotic War [Real Footage in Colour]
Support me on Partreon -
Eastern Front of the Second World War
published: 18 Nov 2018
Great Patriotic Sacred War Battle of Moscow / Soviet edit
Video about Battle of Moscow, about heroic and important part of Great Patriotic War and World War 2
First big strategic victory against German invaders. In this video you can see Soviet army and equipment in late 1941 and early 1942 PPSh-41 PPD-40, KV-1 BT-5 BT-7 T-26, DS-39 MG, LaGG-3 MiG-3 il-2(early) and others
No Step Back Comrades! Moscow behind US!
00:00 Moscow
00:05 Stalin Speech
00:15 Preparation for battle
00:47 Air Force MiG-3, Il-2(early), YaK-7, LaGG-3, Li-2, Il-4(DB-3)
01:04 Soviet Paratroopers
01:08 Soviet Force Attack
01:22 Pe-2
01:26 DS-39 MG(rare)
01:33 Soviet Force
01:54 Armor Force strike T-34
02:00 T-35
02:02 KV-1(1941)
02:04 Valentine Mk.II
02:06 Infantry
02:43 ...
03:04 End of Occupation
03:40 titles/source/song name
source B...
published: 23 Nov 2021
WW2 | The Great Patriotic War | #ussr #sovietunion #shorts #best #ww2 #germany
published: 18 Dec 2022
Вели́кая Оте́чественная война́ - The Great Patriotic War
The Great Patriotic War was a term used by the Soviet Union during the Second World War in 1941 till 1945.
The term was originally used by the Russian Empire during the Franco-Russian War of 1812, it was first name as "Patriotic War".
The term Great Patriotic War was seen as a significant and a remarkable term that it became common in the Soviet Union during the Second World War, the term was not recognizable in Western Countries as they instead call it the 'Second World War', but to the Soviets, it was recognizable.
Over 20 Million Soviet Soldiers and Citizens died under the 4 years of intense war between the conflict of the Soviet Union and Germany.
This video includes various known famously battles that are being shown, Battle of Moscow, 1941, Battle of Stalingrad 1942 and the Battle...
published: 05 Jul 2019
World War II - Eastern Front (1941-1945) - Every Day
Группа ВК:
Day of June 22 changed the world forever. At 4 o'clock in the morning German troops invaded the territory of USSR. Largest conflict in the human history began. The war lasted almost 4 years and ended with surrender of Germany, Hitler's suicide and the fall of Third Reich.
Confrontation between Soviet Union and Nazi Germany is the part of World War II. The conflict is known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia, while in Germany and Western World it is called the Eastern Front or the German-Soviet War.
This video will show the whole chronology of hostilities on the map from 22 June 1941 to May 9 1945 - Every Day.
1. Bring Forth the Tanks (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
2. Operation Barbarossa (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
published: 29 Mar 2020
"Священная война" - Soviet Patriotic Song (The Sacred War)
My channel is dedicated to anthems, hymns and patriotic songs, here is the link to our discord server:
published: 25 Feb 2021
The "Great Patriotic War" (1941-1945)
"Russia won the war despite, not because of, some of Stalin’s actions (such as his decimation of the officer corps through repeated purges, his secret deal with Hitler, and his manifest lack of preparedness). Nor did the student seem to be aware of Stalin’s persecution of vast numbers of courageous Soviet troops after the war’s end"
published: 09 May 2015
【和訳付】大祖国戦争軍歌メドレー / Great Patriotic War Song Medley【ソ連軍歌】
Rus:Песня Великая Отечественная война попурри
Eng:Great Patriotic War Song Medley
0:00 ~ 聖なる戦い/Священная война
1:08 ~ ともしび/Огонёк
3:13 ~ ポーリュシカ・ポーレ/Полюшко-поле
4:21 ~ さらば恋人よ/Bella ciao (イタリアパルチザン歌)
5:21 ~ 進め!/ В путь!
6:04 ~ ソビエト陸軍の歌/Песня о советской армии
聖なる戦い、ともしび、ポーリュシカ・ポーレ、ソビエト陸軍の歌: より引用
さらば恋人よ: Wikipediaより引用
・イタリアのBella ciaoはソ連軍歌ではないもののの、反ファシスト歌として広く歌われているためこのメドレーに含まれたのだと思います。
Сталинградская битва(1949); Падения Берлина(1949); Рядовой Александр Матросов(1947); Два бойца(1943).
Разгром немецких войск под Москвой (1942)...
Сталинградская битва(1949); Падения Берлина(1949); Рядовой Александр Матросов(1947); Два бойца(1943).
Разгром немецких войск под Москвой (1942); Ленинград в борьбе(1942).
00:00 Invasion 1941
1:47 Stalin speech
2:24 Motivation
2:40 Counterattack 1942-1945
3:37 Berlin 1945
3:58 Victory parade 24 june 1945
4:21 - Славься/Slavsya.mp3 (Stalin era lyrics)
4:54 M.A.D.E.S. - Return.mp3
Сталинградская битва(1949); Падения Берлина(1949); Рядовой Александр Матросов(1947); Два бойца(1943).
Разгром немецких войск под Москвой (1942); Ленинград в борьбе(1942).
00:00 Invasion 1941
1:47 Stalin speech
2:24 Motivation
2:40 Counterattack 1942-1945
3:37 Berlin 1945
3:58 Victory parade 24 june 1945
4:21 - Славься/Slavsya.mp3 (Stalin era lyrics)
4:54 M.A.D.E.S. - Return.mp3
Video about Battle of Moscow, about heroic and important part of Great Patriotic War and World War 2
First big strategic victory against German invaders. In thi...
Video about Battle of Moscow, about heroic and important part of Great Patriotic War and World War 2
First big strategic victory against German invaders. In this video you can see Soviet army and equipment in late 1941 and early 1942 PPSh-41 PPD-40, KV-1 BT-5 BT-7 T-26, DS-39 MG, LaGG-3 MiG-3 il-2(early) and others
No Step Back Comrades! Moscow behind US!
00:00 Moscow
00:05 Stalin Speech
00:15 Preparation for battle
00:47 Air Force MiG-3, Il-2(early), YaK-7, LaGG-3, Li-2, Il-4(DB-3)
01:04 Soviet Paratroopers
01:08 Soviet Force Attack
01:22 Pe-2
01:26 DS-39 MG(rare)
01:33 Soviet Force
01:54 Armor Force strike T-34
02:00 T-35
02:02 KV-1(1941)
02:04 Valentine Mk.II
02:06 Infantry
02:43 ...
03:04 End of Occupation
03:40 titles/source/song name
source Battle of Moscow 1942
Video about Battle of Moscow, about heroic and important part of Great Patriotic War and World War 2
First big strategic victory against German invaders. In this video you can see Soviet army and equipment in late 1941 and early 1942 PPSh-41 PPD-40, KV-1 BT-5 BT-7 T-26, DS-39 MG, LaGG-3 MiG-3 il-2(early) and others
No Step Back Comrades! Moscow behind US!
00:00 Moscow
00:05 Stalin Speech
00:15 Preparation for battle
00:47 Air Force MiG-3, Il-2(early), YaK-7, LaGG-3, Li-2, Il-4(DB-3)
01:04 Soviet Paratroopers
01:08 Soviet Force Attack
01:22 Pe-2
01:26 DS-39 MG(rare)
01:33 Soviet Force
01:54 Armor Force strike T-34
02:00 T-35
02:02 KV-1(1941)
02:04 Valentine Mk.II
02:06 Infantry
02:43 ...
03:04 End of Occupation
03:40 titles/source/song name
source Battle of Moscow 1942
The Great Patriotic War was a term used by the Soviet Union during the Second World War in 1941 till 1945.
The term was originally used by the Russian Empire du...
The Great Patriotic War was a term used by the Soviet Union during the Second World War in 1941 till 1945.
The term was originally used by the Russian Empire during the Franco-Russian War of 1812, it was first name as "Patriotic War".
The term Great Patriotic War was seen as a significant and a remarkable term that it became common in the Soviet Union during the Second World War, the term was not recognizable in Western Countries as they instead call it the 'Second World War', but to the Soviets, it was recognizable.
Over 20 Million Soviet Soldiers and Citizens died under the 4 years of intense war between the conflict of the Soviet Union and Germany.
This video includes various known famously battles that are being shown, Battle of Moscow, 1941, Battle of Stalingrad 1942 and the Battle of Berlin, 1945.
Note: I do not own any of the footage nor the music that is being shown in this video. All credits goes to its original owner which the link is being given down below.
Panfilov's 28 Men
Battle of Stalingrad (2013)
A Woman in Berlin
Battle of Moscow (1985)
Music: (HOI4 - Great Patriotic War)
Section 107 of the Copyright of 1976 issue
Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
The Great Patriotic War was a term used by the Soviet Union during the Second World War in 1941 till 1945.
The term was originally used by the Russian Empire during the Franco-Russian War of 1812, it was first name as "Patriotic War".
The term Great Patriotic War was seen as a significant and a remarkable term that it became common in the Soviet Union during the Second World War, the term was not recognizable in Western Countries as they instead call it the 'Second World War', but to the Soviets, it was recognizable.
Over 20 Million Soviet Soldiers and Citizens died under the 4 years of intense war between the conflict of the Soviet Union and Germany.
This video includes various known famously battles that are being shown, Battle of Moscow, 1941, Battle of Stalingrad 1942 and the Battle of Berlin, 1945.
Note: I do not own any of the footage nor the music that is being shown in this video. All credits goes to its original owner which the link is being given down below.
Panfilov's 28 Men
Battle of Stalingrad (2013)
A Woman in Berlin
Battle of Moscow (1985)
Music: (HOI4 - Great Patriotic War)
Section 107 of the Copyright of 1976 issue
Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Группа ВК:
Day of June 22 changed the world forever. At 4 o'clock in the morning German troops invaded the territory of USSR....
Группа ВК:
Day of June 22 changed the world forever. At 4 o'clock in the morning German troops invaded the territory of USSR. Largest conflict in the human history began. The war lasted almost 4 years and ended with surrender of Germany, Hitler's suicide and the fall of Third Reich.
Confrontation between Soviet Union and Nazi Germany is the part of World War II. The conflict is known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia, while in Germany and Western World it is called the Eastern Front or the German-Soviet War.
This video will show the whole chronology of hostilities on the map from 22 June 1941 to May 9 1945 - Every Day.
1. Bring Forth the Tanks (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
2. Operation Barbarossa (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
3. The Might of Soviet Union (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
4. Allies war the royal airforce (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
5. Allies peace morning of D-day (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
Группа ВК:
Day of June 22 changed the world forever. At 4 o'clock in the morning German troops invaded the territory of USSR. Largest conflict in the human history began. The war lasted almost 4 years and ended with surrender of Germany, Hitler's suicide and the fall of Third Reich.
Confrontation between Soviet Union and Nazi Germany is the part of World War II. The conflict is known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia, while in Germany and Western World it is called the Eastern Front or the German-Soviet War.
This video will show the whole chronology of hostilities on the map from 22 June 1941 to May 9 1945 - Every Day.
1. Bring Forth the Tanks (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
2. Operation Barbarossa (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
3. The Might of Soviet Union (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
4. Allies war the royal airforce (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
5. Allies peace morning of D-day (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
"Russia won the war despite, not because of, some of Stalin’s actions (such as his decimation of the officer corps through repeated purges, his secret deal with...
"Russia won the war despite, not because of, some of Stalin’s actions (such as his decimation of the officer corps through repeated purges, his secret deal with Hitler, and his manifest lack of preparedness). Nor did the student seem to be aware of Stalin’s persecution of vast numbers of courageous Soviet troops after the war’s end"
"Russia won the war despite, not because of, some of Stalin’s actions (such as his decimation of the officer corps through repeated purges, his secret deal with Hitler, and his manifest lack of preparedness). Nor did the student seem to be aware of Stalin’s persecution of vast numbers of courageous Soviet troops after the war’s end"
Сталинградская битва(1949); Падения Берлина(1949); Рядовой Александр Матросов(1947); Два бойца(1943).
Разгром немецких войск под Москвой (1942); Ленинград в борьбе(1942).
00:00 Invasion 1941
1:47 Stalin speech
2:24 Motivation
2:40 Counterattack 1942-1945
3:37 Berlin 1945
3:58 Victory parade 24 june 1945
4:21 - Славься/Slavsya.mp3 (Stalin era lyrics)
4:54 M.A.D.E.S. - Return.mp3
Video about Battle of Moscow, about heroic and important part of Great Patriotic War and World War 2
First big strategic victory against German invaders. In this video you can see Soviet army and equipment in late 1941 and early 1942 PPSh-41 PPD-40, KV-1 BT-5 BT-7 T-26, DS-39 MG, LaGG-3 MiG-3 il-2(early) and others
No Step Back Comrades! Moscow behind US!
00:00 Moscow
00:05 Stalin Speech
00:15 Preparation for battle
00:47 Air Force MiG-3, Il-2(early), YaK-7, LaGG-3, Li-2, Il-4(DB-3)
01:04 Soviet Paratroopers
01:08 Soviet Force Attack
01:22 Pe-2
01:26 DS-39 MG(rare)
01:33 Soviet Force
01:54 Armor Force strike T-34
02:00 T-35
02:02 KV-1(1941)
02:04 Valentine Mk.II
02:06 Infantry
02:43 ...
03:04 End of Occupation
03:40 titles/source/song name
source Battle of Moscow 1942
The Great Patriotic War was a term used by the Soviet Union during the Second World War in 1941 till 1945.
The term was originally used by the Russian Empire during the Franco-Russian War of 1812, it was first name as "Patriotic War".
The term Great Patriotic War was seen as a significant and a remarkable term that it became common in the Soviet Union during the Second World War, the term was not recognizable in Western Countries as they instead call it the 'Second World War', but to the Soviets, it was recognizable.
Over 20 Million Soviet Soldiers and Citizens died under the 4 years of intense war between the conflict of the Soviet Union and Germany.
This video includes various known famously battles that are being shown, Battle of Moscow, 1941, Battle of Stalingrad 1942 and the Battle of Berlin, 1945.
Note: I do not own any of the footage nor the music that is being shown in this video. All credits goes to its original owner which the link is being given down below.
Panfilov's 28 Men
Battle of Stalingrad (2013)
A Woman in Berlin
Battle of Moscow (1985)
Music: (HOI4 - Great Patriotic War)
Section 107 of the Copyright of 1976 issue
Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Группа ВК:
Day of June 22 changed the world forever. At 4 o'clock in the morning German troops invaded the territory of USSR. Largest conflict in the human history began. The war lasted almost 4 years and ended with surrender of Germany, Hitler's suicide and the fall of Third Reich.
Confrontation between Soviet Union and Nazi Germany is the part of World War II. The conflict is known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia, while in Germany and Western World it is called the Eastern Front or the German-Soviet War.
This video will show the whole chronology of hostilities on the map from 22 June 1941 to May 9 1945 - Every Day.
1. Bring Forth the Tanks (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
2. Operation Barbarossa (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
3. The Might of Soviet Union (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
4. Allies war the royal airforce (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
5. Allies peace morning of D-day (Soundtrack from Hearts of Iron IV)
"Russia won the war despite, not because of, some of Stalin’s actions (such as his decimation of the officer corps through repeated purges, his secret deal with Hitler, and his manifest lack of preparedness). Nor did the student seem to be aware of Stalin’s persecution of vast numbers of courageous Soviet troops after the war’s end"
The Eastern Front of World War II was a theatre of conflict between the European Axis powers and co-belligerentFinland against the Soviet Union, Poland and other allies, which encompassed Northern, Southern and Central and Eastern Europe from 22 June 1941 to 9 May 1945. It has been known as the Great Patriotic War (Russian:Великая Отечественная Война, Velikaya Otechestvennaya Voyna) in the former Soviet Union and in modern Russia, while in Germany it was called the Eastern Front (German:die Ostfront), the Eastern Campaign (der Ostfeldzug) or the Russian Campaign (der Rußlandfeldzug).
The battles on the Eastern Front constituted the largest military confrontation in history. They were characterized by unprecedented ferocity, wholesale destruction, mass deportations, and immense loss of life due to combat, starvation, exposure, disease, and massacres. The Eastern Front, as the site of nearly all extermination camps, death marches, ghettos, and the majority of pogroms, was central to the Holocaust. Of the estimated 70 million deaths attributed to World War II, over 30 million, many of them civilian, occurred on the Eastern Front. The Eastern Front was decisive in determining the outcome of World War II, eventually serving as the main reason for Germany's defeat. It resulted in the destruction of the Third Reich, the partition of Germany for nearly half a century and the rise of the Soviet Union as a military and industrial superpower.
... plans related to a hypothetical war with China, calling Musk a “great patriot” and saying that Musk’s business dealings with China would be a reason not to show him something like that. .
). Journalist accreditation is processed exclusively through the official website ... The accreditation deadline is March 31, 2025, at 5.00 PM MSK ... Submission of an application does not guarantee accreditation ... Email ... Great Patriotic War Media.
... an invitation by the Russian president and “will attend the anniversary events to be held in Moscow on May 9—and dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.” .
“I would be glad to see you in Moscow at celebrations on the occasion of May 9, the 80th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War,” Putin said during a video call with Maduro, ...
... EAEU member states devoted to a common theme - the 80th anniversary of the GreatVictory in the Great Patriotic War.</p><p>Each day of the fair will celebrate a member state of the EAEU.
). Journalist accreditation is processed exclusively through the official website ... The accreditation deadline is March 31, 2025, at 5.00 PM MSK. Accreditation quotas for media representatives.. 1. Print media ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... Email ... Great Patriotic War.