The Grand Union Canal was also the original name for part of what is now part of the Leicester Line of the modern Grand Union: this latter is now generally referred to as the Old Grand Union Canal to avoid ambiguity.
With competition from the railways having taken a large share of traffic in the second half of the 19th century, improvements in roads and vehicle technology in the early part of the 20th century meant that the lorry was also becoming a threat to the canals. Tolls had been reduced to compete with the railways, but there was little scope for further reduction. The Regent's Canal and the Grand Junction Canal agreed that amalgamation and modernisation were the only way to remain competitive.
The Grand Union Canal in its current form came into being on 1 January 1929, and was further extended in 1932. It was formed from the amalgamation of several different canals, and at 286.3 miles (461km) is by far the longest canal in the UK:
The original name "Grand Union" derived from the fact that it was in effect an extension of the older Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Union Canal (LNU) - or rather a substitute for the southern half of the LNU's originally proposed route. The "Grand Union" name survived until the canal was bought by the Grand Junction in 1894 and became known as the Leicester Line of the Grand Junction. The larger Grand Junction Canal was subsequently bought by the Regent's Canal and from 1 January 1929 the whole network was known as the Grand Union Canal. Where clarity between the two Grand Unions is needed, the original Grand Union Canal is generally referred to as the Old Grand Union.
A grand union is a rail trackjunction where two double-track railway lines cross at grade, often in a street intersection or crossroads. A total of sixteen railroad switches (sets of points) allow streetcars (or in more rare installations, trains) coming from any direction to take any of the three other directions. The same effect may be achieved with two consequent wyes if the location allows for space.
These types of complex junction are expensive to build and expensive to maintain. Special parts, sometimes made of manganese steel, are needed for each location where one rail crossed another (a "frog"); these parts often need to be custom-made and fitted for each single location, depending on the specific angle of crossing of the intersecting streets.
A full grand union junction consists of 88 frogs (where one rail crosses another rail), and 32 switchpoints (point blades) if single-point switches are not used. A tram or train crossing the junction will encounter four or twenty frogs within the space of crossing the junction.
Grand Union Supermarkets, later known as Grand Union Family Markets and often referred to simply as Grand Union, was the name of a chain of grocery stores that did business primarily in the northeastern United States but also operated stores in other areas of the country including the midwestern and southeastern states, as well as internationally in the Caribbean and Canada. The company was originally founded and headquartered in Scranton, Pennsylvania, eventually moving to Brooklyn, New York in the early 20th century. Grand Union moved again to Elmwood Park, New Jersey and finally to Wayne, New Jersey before the original company was forced into Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2001 and sold to C&S Wholesale Grocers.
After C&S bought Grand Union it downscaled most of its operations and exited its primary marketplace, choosing to keep only a number of stores in upstate New York and New England open. The chain was sold to Tops Friendly Markets in 2012, and in 2013 Tops rebranded the remaining stores with their logo and the Grand Union name ceased to exist.
The Union Canal is a canal in Scotland, running from Falkirk to Edinburgh, constructed to bring minerals, especially coal, to the capital. It was opened in 1822 and was initially successful, but the construction of railways, particularly the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, opened in 1842, diminished its value as a transport medium. It fell into slow commercial decline and was closed to commercial traffic in 1933. It was officially closed in 1965. The canal is listed as three individual Scheduled monuments by Historic Scotland according to the three former counties, Midlothian, West Lothian and Stirlingshire, through which it flows.
It shares in the revival of interest in canals generally at the present day, and, as a result of the Millennium Link, was re-opened in 2001 and reconnected to the Forth and Clyde Canal in 2002 by the Falkirk Wheel. It is now in popular use for leisure purposes.
Location and features
The Union Canal, with today's length of 31 miles (50km), was built as a contour canal, following the 240 feet (73m) contour throughout its length, thereby avoiding the delay due to locks, at the expense of some prodigious civil engineering structures. It was originally 32 miles in length, running to Port Hopetoun basin in Edinburgh from the junction at Falkirk. The Edinburgh terminal was a basin in the space between Semple Street and Lothian Road, south of Morrison Street. The final mile has been truncated and the Edinburgh terminal is now at Lochrin Basin in Tollcross, adjacent to Fountainbridge.
Performed by Arthur Beatrice. Directed by Kate Moross. Produced by Studio Moross.
Digital (inc. Remix + Video) - 04.11 / 12" - 04.11
'Grand Union' Single -
Debut album 'Working Out' pre-order -
published: 06 Oct 2013
grand union television commercial 1993 mom and daughter
grand union television commercial 1993 mom and daughter
published: 30 Sep 2019
Grand Union grocery commercial
Catchy commercial for local supermarket Grand Union.
🏡【倫敦Zone 3大型潛力河畔活化項目】🏡 Grand Union
✅Berkeley Group實力打造 ✅鄰近Stonebridge Park站 ✅9分鐘到Webley及龍鳳行
1房 🏠 £46萬起
2房 🏠 £70.5萬起
3房 🏠 £75.5萬起
想喺倫敦住喺河畔地區?今次介紹嘅屋大型屋苑Grand Union一定啱你!位於倫敦Zone 3 River Brent及Grand Union運河交匯處,擁有無遮擋的河畔景緻,而且交通都非常方便,只係步行大概7分鐘就到Stonebridge Park站,擁有雙線Bakerloo Line及Overground優勢,18分鐘到Paddington,25分鐘到Euston,26分鐘到Oxford Circus,迅速穿梭於倫敦市中心。加上屋苑都有足夠配套,有自設咖啡店、餐廳、酒吧、Co-op超市、Twisty Tails幼兒園等等。今次我就同大家去到實地考察,親身去睇一個3房過千呎雙露台單位,價錢仲非常超值,想知多啲,即刻Click入條片,等我帶你哋去睇一睇啦!
💎💎 Grand Union特色💎💎
📍位於倫敦西北區的Alperton,是為The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC)的重點活化計劃區域,緊密連接倫敦市區,屋苑位處River Brent及Grand Union運河的交匯處,坐擁優美河畔景緻。
🚄 步行7分鐘即達Stonebridge Park站,18分鐘即達Paddington站,26分鐘即達Oxford Circus;步行15分鐘即達Piccadilly Line的 Alperton站,同時亦鄰近新高鐵站HS2(HighSpeed2),將成為HS2及Crossrail的交匯點,四通八達。
published: 14 Jun 2023
[開箱片] 西北倫敦 | Grand Union | 河畔生活 | 工作和交通方便 | 高級會所
今次同大家率先開箱介紹 Grand Union全新一期Waterview House showflat,項目位於Grand Union 運河和布倫特河(River Brent)之間位處倫敦Zone 3「黃金三角」的£300億市區重建核心地,預計未來 30 年將創造 65,000 個工作崗位
7 分鐘步程可達Stonebridge Park 站,僅 21分鐘可直達Paddington 及只需 26 分鐘可達 Oxford Circus交通方便,輕鬆抵達倫敦一流大學,包括倫敦大學學院 (UCL) ,帝國理工學院 (Imperial College),倫敦政治經濟學院(LSE)及倫敦國王學院 (King's College London)
尊貴住戶設施包括禮賓服務、保齡球設施、住戶休憩空間、健身室、水邊酒吧和餐廳、超級市場及Twisty Tails幼稚園
999 年業權(由2021)
發展商St George West London
預計 Q4 2024/ Q1 2025 年落成
價格從 £405,000英鎊起
#grandunioncanal #wembley #wembleycentral
Tel: +44 7999 754 484
香港團隊 :
Tel: +852 9703 2532
關注YouTube channel 收看更多英國樓盤信息,不停期更新各區樓盤及信息
published: 09 Feb 2023
【倫敦西北部Alperton|Zone 3|Grand Union】英國著名發展商Berkeley🇬🇧|超大型發展🏗|河畔主題住宅項目🏢|Part I
🇬🇧倫敦 Zone 3 Alperton Grand Union🇬🇧
今次又帶大家一齊嚟到倫敦,介紹英國著名發展商Berkele旗下St. George發展,
座落倫敦Zone 3 Alperton 以河畔作主題超大型地標性發展項目【Grand Union】。
預計整個項目歷時25年並作為The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC)
Grand Union鄰近Underground 分別有步行7分到達Stonebridge Park Station (Bakerloo Line)
及步行約15分鐘到達Alperton Station (Piccadilly Line)
由Grand Union出發到多個交通大站如 - Paddington Station、
Euston Station、Oxford Circus Station亦只需30分鐘即可以到達。
🇭🇰🇬🇧宜居置業英國 (Angus)
#LondonZone3 #Berkeley #GrandUnion
published: 30 Apr 2022
1987 Grand Union Grocery Store "Red Dot" TV Commercial
The commercial was originally aired in March 15th, 1987. It was shown on during the broadcast of "The Thornbirds" on Channel 11 WPIX. WPIX was an independent station in New York NY
If you are interested in more commercials like this search "ewjxn" and what your looking for in the YouTube search box. We have thousands and thousands of more commercials in our archive. We add 5 to 10 new clips a day from the 1970's to the 1990's so be sure to subscribe for your daily trip back in time..
published: 19 Oct 2017
Grand Union canal Walk heading towards Shrewley Horse and Walking tunnel #tunnel #quirky #history
Walking on the Grand Union canal on 01/05/24. Walked from Hatton towards Shrewley Tunnel a very unique tunnel on the Grand Union canal as it has a dual tunnel .One is used for the narrowboats the other back in working boat days was used to untie the horses from the narrowboats and the horses were walked through the tunnel over the village road back over the path and back to the other side of the tunnel for the horses to be reattached to the working narrowboat. Very quirky to see but the canal is full of old sights and relics #tunnel #horses #narrowboats #canals #heritage #history
published: 07 Jun 2024
L2 Shanghai exclusive VIP event for Grand Union
#GrandUnion is one of St George’s latest developments. Situated on the Grand Union Canal and River Brent, Grand Union is a new addition to the thriving community in North-West London. It is adjacent to the Park Royal business district, where more than 1,500 companies employ over 35,000 employees with notable names such as Heinz, BMW, Ocado and more. It is also surrounded by some of the world’s top education institutions, from highly rated private and public schools to well-known colleges and universities.
Join our exclusive VIP event at #Shanghai this weekend (22nd-23rd April). Contact us to book your appointment now!
#GrandUnion 是英国知名开发商伯克利集团的最大项目之一,是为住户提供全新生活方式的双水水景社区。项目紧邻的Park Royal商务区,有超过1,500家企业和超过35,000员工在此工作,比如知名公司亨氏、宝马、Ocado等。周边区域的教育体系完善、资源丰富:从世界著名大学到口碑极好的私校和公立中小学应有尽有。
Performed by Arthur Beatrice. Directed by Kate Moross. Produced by Studio Moross.
Digital (inc. Remix + Video) - 04.11 / 12" - 04.11
'Grand Union' Single - http...
Performed by Arthur Beatrice. Directed by Kate Moross. Produced by Studio Moross.
Digital (inc. Remix + Video) - 04.11 / 12" - 04.11
'Grand Union' Single -
Debut album 'Working Out' pre-order -
Performed by Arthur Beatrice. Directed by Kate Moross. Produced by Studio Moross.
Digital (inc. Remix + Video) - 04.11 / 12" - 04.11
'Grand Union' Single -
Debut album 'Working Out' pre-order -
今次同大家率先開箱介紹 Grand Union全新一期Waterview House showflat,項目位於Grand Union 運河和布倫特河(River Brent)之間位處倫敦Zone 3「黃金三角」的£300億市區重建核心地,預計未來 30 年將創造 65,000 個工作崗位
7 分鐘步程可達Ston...
今次同大家率先開箱介紹 Grand Union全新一期Waterview House showflat,項目位於Grand Union 運河和布倫特河(River Brent)之間位處倫敦Zone 3「黃金三角」的£300億市區重建核心地,預計未來 30 年將創造 65,000 個工作崗位
7 分鐘步程可達Stonebridge Park 站,僅 21分鐘可直達Paddington 及只需 26 分鐘可達 Oxford Circus交通方便,輕鬆抵達倫敦一流大學,包括倫敦大學學院 (UCL) ,帝國理工學院 (Imperial College),倫敦政治經濟學院(LSE)及倫敦國王學院 (King's College London)
尊貴住戶設施包括禮賓服務、保齡球設施、住戶休憩空間、健身室、水邊酒吧和餐廳、超級市場及Twisty Tails幼稚園
999 年業權(由2021)
發展商St George West London
預計 Q4 2024/ Q1 2025 年落成
價格從 £405,000英鎊起
#grandunioncanal #wembley #wembleycentral
Tel: +44 7999 754 484
香港團隊 :
Tel: +852 9703 2532
關注YouTube channel 收看更多英國樓盤信息,不停期更新各區樓盤及信息
🇬🇧倫敦 Zone 3 Alperton Grand Union🇬🇧
今次又帶大家一齊嚟到倫敦,介紹英國著名發展商Berkele旗下St. George發展,
座落倫敦Zone 3 Alperton 以河畔作主題超大型地標性發展項目【Grand Union】。
🇬🇧倫敦 Zone 3 Alperton Grand Union🇬🇧
今次又帶大家一齊嚟到倫敦,介紹英國著名發展商Berkele旗下St. George發展,
座落倫敦Zone 3 Alperton 以河畔作主題超大型地標性發展項目【Grand Union】。
預計整個項目歷時25年並作為The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC)
Grand Union鄰近Underground 分別有步行7分到達Stonebridge Park Station (Bakerloo Line)
及步行約15分鐘到達Alperton Station (Piccadilly Line)
由Grand Union出發到多個交通大站如 - Paddington Station、
Euston Station、Oxford Circus Station亦只需30分鐘即可以到達。
🇭🇰🇬🇧宜居置業英國 (Angus)
#LondonZone3 #Berkeley #GrandUnion
🇬🇧倫敦 Zone 3 Alperton Grand Union🇬🇧
今次又帶大家一齊嚟到倫敦,介紹英國著名發展商Berkele旗下St. George發展,
座落倫敦Zone 3 Alperton 以河畔作主題超大型地標性發展項目【Grand Union】。
預計整個項目歷時25年並作為The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC)
Grand Union鄰近Underground 分別有步行7分到達Stonebridge Park Station (Bakerloo Line)
及步行約15分鐘到達Alperton Station (Piccadilly Line)
由Grand Union出發到多個交通大站如 - Paddington Station、
Euston Station、Oxford Circus Station亦只需30分鐘即可以到達。
🇭🇰🇬🇧宜居置業英國 (Angus)
#LondonZone3 #Berkeley #GrandUnion
The commercial was originally aired in March 15th, 1987. It was shown on during the broadcast of "The Thornbirds" on Channel 11 WPIX. WPIX was an independent st...
The commercial was originally aired in March 15th, 1987. It was shown on during the broadcast of "The Thornbirds" on Channel 11 WPIX. WPIX was an independent station in New York NY
If you are interested in more commercials like this search "ewjxn" and what your looking for in the YouTube search box. We have thousands and thousands of more commercials in our archive. We add 5 to 10 new clips a day from the 1970's to the 1990's so be sure to subscribe for your daily trip back in time..
The commercial was originally aired in March 15th, 1987. It was shown on during the broadcast of "The Thornbirds" on Channel 11 WPIX. WPIX was an independent station in New York NY
If you are interested in more commercials like this search "ewjxn" and what your looking for in the YouTube search box. We have thousands and thousands of more commercials in our archive. We add 5 to 10 new clips a day from the 1970's to the 1990's so be sure to subscribe for your daily trip back in time..
Walking on the Grand Union canal on 01/05/24. Walked from Hatton towards Shrewley Tunnel a very unique tunnel on the Grand Union canal as it has a dual tunnel ....
Walking on the Grand Union canal on 01/05/24. Walked from Hatton towards Shrewley Tunnel a very unique tunnel on the Grand Union canal as it has a dual tunnel .One is used for the narrowboats the other back in working boat days was used to untie the horses from the narrowboats and the horses were walked through the tunnel over the village road back over the path and back to the other side of the tunnel for the horses to be reattached to the working narrowboat. Very quirky to see but the canal is full of old sights and relics #tunnel #horses #narrowboats #canals #heritage #history
Walking on the Grand Union canal on 01/05/24. Walked from Hatton towards Shrewley Tunnel a very unique tunnel on the Grand Union canal as it has a dual tunnel .One is used for the narrowboats the other back in working boat days was used to untie the horses from the narrowboats and the horses were walked through the tunnel over the village road back over the path and back to the other side of the tunnel for the horses to be reattached to the working narrowboat. Very quirky to see but the canal is full of old sights and relics #tunnel #horses #narrowboats #canals #heritage #history
#GrandUnion is one of St George’s latest developments. Situated on the Grand Union Canal and River Brent, Grand Union is a new addition to the thriving communit...
Performed by Arthur Beatrice. Directed by Kate Moross. Produced by Studio Moross.
Digital (inc. Remix + Video) - 04.11 / 12" - 04.11
'Grand Union' Single -
Debut album 'Working Out' pre-order -
🇬🇧倫敦 Zone 3 Alperton Grand Union🇬🇧
今次又帶大家一齊嚟到倫敦,介紹英國著名發展商Berkele旗下St. George發展,
座落倫敦Zone 3 Alperton 以河畔作主題超大型地標性發展項目【Grand Union】。
預計整個項目歷時25年並作為The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC)
Grand Union鄰近Underground 分別有步行7分到達Stonebridge Park Station (Bakerloo Line)
及步行約15分鐘到達Alperton Station (Piccadilly Line)
由Grand Union出發到多個交通大站如 - Paddington Station、
Euston Station、Oxford Circus Station亦只需30分鐘即可以到達。
🇭🇰🇬🇧宜居置業英國 (Angus)
#LondonZone3 #Berkeley #GrandUnion
The commercial was originally aired in March 15th, 1987. It was shown on during the broadcast of "The Thornbirds" on Channel 11 WPIX. WPIX was an independent station in New York NY
If you are interested in more commercials like this search "ewjxn" and what your looking for in the YouTube search box. We have thousands and thousands of more commercials in our archive. We add 5 to 10 new clips a day from the 1970's to the 1990's so be sure to subscribe for your daily trip back in time..
Walking on the Grand Union canal on 01/05/24. Walked from Hatton towards Shrewley Tunnel a very unique tunnel on the Grand Union canal as it has a dual tunnel .One is used for the narrowboats the other back in working boat days was used to untie the horses from the narrowboats and the horses were walked through the tunnel over the village road back over the path and back to the other side of the tunnel for the horses to be reattached to the working narrowboat. Very quirky to see but the canal is full of old sights and relics #tunnel #horses #narrowboats #canals #heritage #history
The Grand Union Canal was also the original name for part of what is now part of the Leicester Line of the modern Grand Union: this latter is now generally referred to as the Old Grand Union Canal to avoid ambiguity.
With competition from the railways having taken a large share of traffic in the second half of the 19th century, improvements in roads and vehicle technology in the early part of the 20th century meant that the lorry was also becoming a threat to the canals. Tolls had been reduced to compete with the railways, but there was little scope for further reduction. The Regent's Canal and the Grand Junction Canal agreed that amalgamation and modernisation were the only way to remain competitive.
The Grand Union Canal in its current form came into being on 1 January 1929, and was further extended in 1932. It was formed from the amalgamation of several different canals, and at 286.3 miles (461km) is by far the longest canal in the UK:
i've walked every street in this city i can't find a way out beyond these walls a clarion call 'find a way out' i have burned every bridge in this city trying to get to you while you are waiting for me by a copper-blue sea