Gorontalo (Indonesian:Gorontalo) is a province of Indonesia. It is located in the northern tip of the island of Sulawesi on the Minahassa Peninsula. The province's population was 1,040,164 at the 2010 census, and the latest estimate (for January 2014) is 1,134,498; its capital is the city of Gorontalo.
The province was established in December 2000 being split off from the province of North Sulawesi.
There are several hypothesis about the etymology of the name Gorontalo.:
from Hulontalangio, the name of a tribe that resided in the area
from Hua Lolontalango, which means cavemen who used to walk back and forth
from Hulutalangi, which means nobler
from Huluo Lo Tola, which means a place where snakehead fish breed
from Pongolatalo or Pohulatalo, which means: a waiting place
from Gunung Telu, which means three mountains
from Hunto, which means a place that is always flowed by water
Gorontalo lies on the northern Sulawesi arm, known as the Gorontalo Peninsula. The province has an elongated shape area, stretching from west to east almost horizontally on a map, with total area of 11,257.07km2 (4,346.38sqmi). To the north and the south of the province are the Sulawesi Sea and the Gulf of Gorontalo or known as Gulf of Tomini, respectively. Prior to 2000, Gorontalo province was part of North Sulawesi province which lies on the eastern border. The western border of the province is Central Sulawesi province.
16 facts about Gorontalo Province in Indonesia| Your Geography Teacher
16 facts about Gorontalo Province in Indonesia| Your Geography Teacher
published: 13 Jun 2021
Beautiful of gorontalo city,gorontalo province
published: 20 Jun 2020
Video by : https://youtu.be/59jmw2P1ibA
Picture by :
Sound by :
published: 22 Dec 2019
PINOGU VILLAGE Aerial Drone, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia
Indonesian's Nature
One Pinogu is administratively included in the territory of Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. The area of Pinogu District is 406.78 km2 which is divided into five villages, namely Pinogu Induk, Bangiyo, Pinogu Permai, Dataran Hijau, and Tilongibila. The Pinogu people live simply and far from the city with access to Pinogu Village which is quite difficult which can be reached on foot through the Boganinani Wartabone National Park (TNBNW) area for approximately 10 hours or using a motorized vehicle with a distance of about 40 km from Tulabolo Village. .
#Arcomedia #DjiMavic #GorontaloDrone #WorldAerial #villageatmosphere
published: 19 May 2022
Facts About Gorontalo Province
published: 04 Mar 2024
Gorontalo Province short view
Video singkat trip ke provinsi Gorontalo akhir tahun 2019.
- Desa Olele
- Desa Torosiaje
- Pulau Lahe
- dan lain lain
published: 08 Jan 2020
Final Gen - Gorontalo Province
Gorontalo province.
Gorontalo is one of the provinces on the island of Sulawesi. Gorontalo has many tourist attractions to visit as well as diverse uniqueness. this video will explain about human geography and physical geography in the Gorontalo province.
published: 25 Dec 2019
Gorontalo Modern Broadband Province
Telkom berkomitmen terus membangun masyarakat digital Indonesia dan mendukung kemajuan ekonomi digital nasional melalui penyediaan infrastruktur dan konektivitas yang merata, bukan hanya di wilayah perkotaan, tetapi juga di wilayah terdepan, terluar, dan tertinggal. Hal ini sebagai upaya mengakselerasi kemajuan ekonomi digital Indonesia, sejalan dengan cita-cita pemerintah untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai kekuatan ekonomi digital terbesar di Asia Tenggara.
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) berhasil melakukan modernisasi infrastruktur telekomunikasi di provinsi Gorontalo. Gorontalo Modern Broadband Province akan menggunakan berbagai pemanfaatan Information and Communication Technology (ICT) yang menjadikan Gorontalo sebagai Modern Broadband Province pertama di Kawasan Timur Ind...
published: 17 Feb 2020
Gorontalo province
Tugas bahasa Inggris
SMA Satu Padu Boarding School Tiga Juhar
published: 07 Aug 2020
Had a couple of sorties visiting Gorontalo for business trip. Made this video out of drone and handphone footages. Wonderful Gorontalo, Wonderful Indonesia.
Gorontalo is a capital city of Gorontalo province. A relatively new province in Indonesia which established in 2000.
Shot & Produced by: Edwin R.
social media: https://www.instagram.com/edwinrosadi/
-Copyrights NOTICE:
Video ini adalah kekayaan intelektual. Hak Cipta video dilindungi Undang-Undang. Barang siapa yang menggunakan, menyiarkan, menampilkan video tanpa izin dapat diancam pidana.
Copyrights reserved.
Video by : https://youtu.be/59jmw2P1ibA
Video by : https://youtu.be/59jmw2P1ibA
Picture by :
Sound by :
Video by : https://youtu.be/59jmw2P1ibA
Picture by :
Sound by :
Indonesian's Nature
One Pinogu is administratively included in the territory of Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. The area of Pinogu District is 406.7...
Indonesian's Nature
One Pinogu is administratively included in the territory of Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. The area of Pinogu District is 406.78 km2 which is divided into five villages, namely Pinogu Induk, Bangiyo, Pinogu Permai, Dataran Hijau, and Tilongibila. The Pinogu people live simply and far from the city with access to Pinogu Village which is quite difficult which can be reached on foot through the Boganinani Wartabone National Park (TNBNW) area for approximately 10 hours or using a motorized vehicle with a distance of about 40 km from Tulabolo Village. .
#Arcomedia #DjiMavic #GorontaloDrone #WorldAerial #villageatmosphere
Indonesian's Nature
One Pinogu is administratively included in the territory of Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. The area of Pinogu District is 406.78 km2 which is divided into five villages, namely Pinogu Induk, Bangiyo, Pinogu Permai, Dataran Hijau, and Tilongibila. The Pinogu people live simply and far from the city with access to Pinogu Village which is quite difficult which can be reached on foot through the Boganinani Wartabone National Park (TNBNW) area for approximately 10 hours or using a motorized vehicle with a distance of about 40 km from Tulabolo Village. .
#Arcomedia #DjiMavic #GorontaloDrone #WorldAerial #villageatmosphere
Gorontalo province.
Gorontalo is one of the provinces on the island of Sulawesi. Gorontalo has many tourist attractions to visit as well as diverse uniqueness....
Gorontalo province.
Gorontalo is one of the provinces on the island of Sulawesi. Gorontalo has many tourist attractions to visit as well as diverse uniqueness. this video will explain about human geography and physical geography in the Gorontalo province.
Gorontalo province.
Gorontalo is one of the provinces on the island of Sulawesi. Gorontalo has many tourist attractions to visit as well as diverse uniqueness. this video will explain about human geography and physical geography in the Gorontalo province.
Telkom berkomitmen terus membangun masyarakat digital Indonesia dan mendukung kemajuan ekonomi digital nasional melalui penyediaan infrastruktur dan konektivit...
Telkom berkomitmen terus membangun masyarakat digital Indonesia dan mendukung kemajuan ekonomi digital nasional melalui penyediaan infrastruktur dan konektivitas yang merata, bukan hanya di wilayah perkotaan, tetapi juga di wilayah terdepan, terluar, dan tertinggal. Hal ini sebagai upaya mengakselerasi kemajuan ekonomi digital Indonesia, sejalan dengan cita-cita pemerintah untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai kekuatan ekonomi digital terbesar di Asia Tenggara.
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) berhasil melakukan modernisasi infrastruktur telekomunikasi di provinsi Gorontalo. Gorontalo Modern Broadband Province akan menggunakan berbagai pemanfaatan Information and Communication Technology (ICT) yang menjadikan Gorontalo sebagai Modern Broadband Province pertama di Kawasan Timur Indonesia.
#SelaluAda #UntukIndonesia #BUMNHadiruntukNegeri
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Website: http://www.telkom.co.id
Telkom berkomitmen terus membangun masyarakat digital Indonesia dan mendukung kemajuan ekonomi digital nasional melalui penyediaan infrastruktur dan konektivitas yang merata, bukan hanya di wilayah perkotaan, tetapi juga di wilayah terdepan, terluar, dan tertinggal. Hal ini sebagai upaya mengakselerasi kemajuan ekonomi digital Indonesia, sejalan dengan cita-cita pemerintah untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai kekuatan ekonomi digital terbesar di Asia Tenggara.
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) berhasil melakukan modernisasi infrastruktur telekomunikasi di provinsi Gorontalo. Gorontalo Modern Broadband Province akan menggunakan berbagai pemanfaatan Information and Communication Technology (ICT) yang menjadikan Gorontalo sebagai Modern Broadband Province pertama di Kawasan Timur Indonesia.
#SelaluAda #UntukIndonesia #BUMNHadiruntukNegeri
Follow dan Subscribe Telkom Indonesia:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TelkomIndonesia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/telkomindone...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/telkomindon...
Website: http://www.telkom.co.id
Had a couple of sorties visiting Gorontalo for business trip. Made this video out of drone and handphone footages. Wonderful Gorontalo, Wonderful Indonesia.
Had a couple of sorties visiting Gorontalo for business trip. Made this video out of drone and handphone footages. Wonderful Gorontalo, Wonderful Indonesia.
Gorontalo is a capital city of Gorontalo province. A relatively new province in Indonesia which established in 2000.
Shot & Produced by: Edwin R.
social media: https://www.instagram.com/edwinrosadi/
-Copyrights NOTICE:
Video ini adalah kekayaan intelektual. Hak Cipta video dilindungi Undang-Undang. Barang siapa yang menggunakan, menyiarkan, menampilkan video tanpa izin dapat diancam pidana.
Copyrights reserved.
Had a couple of sorties visiting Gorontalo for business trip. Made this video out of drone and handphone footages. Wonderful Gorontalo, Wonderful Indonesia.
Gorontalo is a capital city of Gorontalo province. A relatively new province in Indonesia which established in 2000.
Shot & Produced by: Edwin R.
social media: https://www.instagram.com/edwinrosadi/
-Copyrights NOTICE:
Video ini adalah kekayaan intelektual. Hak Cipta video dilindungi Undang-Undang. Barang siapa yang menggunakan, menyiarkan, menampilkan video tanpa izin dapat diancam pidana.
Copyrights reserved.
Video by : https://youtu.be/59jmw2P1ibA
Picture by :
Sound by :
Indonesian's Nature
One Pinogu is administratively included in the territory of Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. The area of Pinogu District is 406.78 km2 which is divided into five villages, namely Pinogu Induk, Bangiyo, Pinogu Permai, Dataran Hijau, and Tilongibila. The Pinogu people live simply and far from the city with access to Pinogu Village which is quite difficult which can be reached on foot through the Boganinani Wartabone National Park (TNBNW) area for approximately 10 hours or using a motorized vehicle with a distance of about 40 km from Tulabolo Village. .
#Arcomedia #DjiMavic #GorontaloDrone #WorldAerial #villageatmosphere
Gorontalo province.
Gorontalo is one of the provinces on the island of Sulawesi. Gorontalo has many tourist attractions to visit as well as diverse uniqueness. this video will explain about human geography and physical geography in the Gorontalo province.
Telkom berkomitmen terus membangun masyarakat digital Indonesia dan mendukung kemajuan ekonomi digital nasional melalui penyediaan infrastruktur dan konektivitas yang merata, bukan hanya di wilayah perkotaan, tetapi juga di wilayah terdepan, terluar, dan tertinggal. Hal ini sebagai upaya mengakselerasi kemajuan ekonomi digital Indonesia, sejalan dengan cita-cita pemerintah untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai kekuatan ekonomi digital terbesar di Asia Tenggara.
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) berhasil melakukan modernisasi infrastruktur telekomunikasi di provinsi Gorontalo. Gorontalo Modern Broadband Province akan menggunakan berbagai pemanfaatan Information and Communication Technology (ICT) yang menjadikan Gorontalo sebagai Modern Broadband Province pertama di Kawasan Timur Indonesia.
#SelaluAda #UntukIndonesia #BUMNHadiruntukNegeri
Follow dan Subscribe Telkom Indonesia:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TelkomIndonesia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/telkomindone...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/telkomindon...
Website: http://www.telkom.co.id
Had a couple of sorties visiting Gorontalo for business trip. Made this video out of drone and handphone footages. Wonderful Gorontalo, Wonderful Indonesia.
Gorontalo is a capital city of Gorontalo province. A relatively new province in Indonesia which established in 2000.
Shot & Produced by: Edwin R.
social media: https://www.instagram.com/edwinrosadi/
-Copyrights NOTICE:
Video ini adalah kekayaan intelektual. Hak Cipta video dilindungi Undang-Undang. Barang siapa yang menggunakan, menyiarkan, menampilkan video tanpa izin dapat diancam pidana.
Copyrights reserved.
Gorontalo (Indonesian:Gorontalo) is a province of Indonesia. It is located in the northern tip of the island of Sulawesi on the Minahassa Peninsula. The province's population was 1,040,164 at the 2010 census, and the latest estimate (for January 2014) is 1,134,498; its capital is the city of Gorontalo.
The province was established in December 2000 being split off from the province of North Sulawesi.
There are several hypothesis about the etymology of the name Gorontalo.:
from Hulontalangio, the name of a tribe that resided in the area
from Hua Lolontalango, which means cavemen who used to walk back and forth
from Hulutalangi, which means nobler
from Huluo Lo Tola, which means a place where snakehead fish breed
from Pongolatalo or Pohulatalo, which means: a waiting place
from Gunung Telu, which means three mountains
from Hunto, which means a place that is always flowed by water
Gorontalo lies on the northern Sulawesi arm, known as the Gorontalo Peninsula. The province has an elongated shape area, stretching from west to east almost horizontally on a map, with total area of 11,257.07km2 (4,346.38sqmi). To the north and the south of the province are the Sulawesi Sea and the Gulf of Gorontalo or known as Gulf of Tomini, respectively. Prior to 2000, Gorontalo province was part of North Sulawesi province which lies on the eastern border. The western border of the province is Central Sulawesi province.