Frankenstein (1910, 1080p HD 2017 restoration)
I believe this is the oldest, or earliest known Frankenstein film. Restored in 2017 by the Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, with new music by Donald Sosin (posted here with permission from the composer). Video in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. https://www.loc.gov/item/2017600664/
Details on the restoration: https://blogs.loc.gov/loc/2018/11/the-first-film-version-of-frankenstein-newly-restored/
published: 06 Nov 2018
The first film adaptation of the often filmed Mary Shelley story. This film was originally released on March 18 1910.
Originally released
18 March 1910
Thomas A Edison, Inc.
Written and Directed by
J Searle Dawley
From the novel by
Mary Shelley
Augustus Phillips
Mary Fuller
Charles Ogle
Make-up designed by
Charles Ogle
Produced in New York by
Thomas A Edison
Remastering and New inter-titles
© 2012 The Video Cellar
"Danse Macabre" (Saint-Seans)
Recorded by Kevin Macleod
published: 16 Feb 2012
Frankenstein (1910) [Silent Movie]
"Frankenstein" is a 1910 silent movie made by Edison Studios that was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley. It was the first motion picture adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The unbilled cast included Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as the Monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.
Directed by J. Searle Dawley, written by Mary Shelley (novel) and J. Searle Dawley (screenplay), starring Augustus Phillips, Charles Ogle and Mary Fuller.
Source: "Frankenstein (1910 film)" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 10 June 2012. Web. 9 July 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenstein_(1910).
If you like this movie and our channel, please subscribe: https://goo.gl/0qDmXe
published: 09 Jul 2012
Frankenstein (1910) James Searle Dawley
_*Frankenstein*_ è un film del 1910 di https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLue4rhsHxp6_rk8Hro-yNu2meoPAcilvk La pellicola risulta essere il primo adattamento cinematografico del romanzo _Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus_ di *Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley* ; la sceneggiatura è opera dello stesso *James Searle Dawley* che in alcuni punti ha sviluppato la storia divergendo dallo scritto originale, in modo da limare gli aspetti più raccapriccianti del romanzo e, inoltre, per permettere alla linea narrativa di concentrarsi sui risvolti psicologici.
Uscì nelle sale il 18 marzo del 1910. *Frankenstein* si colloca tra i primi film ad avere incluso un elenco di tracce audio da eseguire in determinati punti della pellicola. Tuttavia, nella presente copia, abbiamo ricostruito una nuova colonna s...
published: 18 Mar 2021
Frankenstein (1910) (Full Film Restored) (The Original Footage is very damaged)
Frankenstein is a 1910 American short silent horror film produced by Edison Studios. It was directed by J. Searle Dawley, who also wrote the one-reeler's screenplay, broadly basing his "scenario" on Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.[4] This short motion picture is generally recognized by film historians as the first screen adaptation of Shelley's work. The small cast, who are not credited in the surviving 1910 print of the film, includes Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as Frankenstein's monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.
Directed by J. Searle Dawley
Written by J. Searle Dawley
Based on Frankenstein (1818 novel)
by Mary Shelley
Produced by Thomas Edison
Starring Augustus Phillips, Charles Ogle,
Mary Fuller
published: 28 Jan 2023
Frankenstein - 1910 Silent Horror Film
The earliest surviving film based on Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein, this silent liberal adaptation de-emphasises the horrific aspects of the book and instead focuses on the novel's more psychological nature. This it achieves with some very impressive special effects for it's time; Dr. Frankenstein seeing the monster in his own reflection.
Thought to be a lost film, it's existence was confirmed in 1963 after it was found listed, along with stills and a synopsis, in a copy of The Edison Kinetogram, a print was found in the mid-1970s by Alois F. Dettlaff, a Wisconsin film collector.
The monster looks very different than how it always seems to appear in later films, thanks to Boris Karloff's 1931 performance in Universal's Frankenstein. The novel is very sketchy on the monster''s appe...
published: 10 Apr 2015
Frankenstein 1910 Thomas Edison Early Silent Film
Frankenstein 1910 Thomas Edison Early Silent Film.
Frankenstein is a 1910 film made by Edison Studios that was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley.
It was the first motion picture adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The unbilled cast included Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as the Monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.
Shot in three days, it was filmed at the Edison Studios in the Bronx, New York City. Although some sources credit Thomas Edison as the producer, he in fact played no direct part in the activities of the motion picture company that bore his name.
published: 20 Mar 2011
Frankenstein 1910 (Full Movie)
A one hundred year old silent movie.
Think about it - 100 years ago there were no cell phones in theatres.
published: 03 Feb 2011
Frankenstein (1910 - Horror) Full Movie (Short)
IMDB: Frankenstein, a young medical student, trying to create the perfect human being, instead creates a misshapen monster. Made ill by what he has done, Frankenstein is comforted by his fiancée but on his wedding night he is visited by the monster. A fight ensues but the monster, seeing himself in a mirror, is horrified and runs away. He later returns, entering the new bride's room, and finds her alone.
J. Searle Dawley
Mary Shelley (novel), J. Searle Dawley
Mary Fuller, Charles Ogle, Augustus Phillips
Help us caption & translate this video!
Donate for our restoration project of historic material: http://www.leetchi.com/c/pool-von-interpathe-16620838
Please watch: "THE LAST MAN ON EARTH"
published: 20 Mar 2015
Frankenstein (1910, 1080p HD 2017 restoration)
I believe this is the oldest, or earliest known Frankenstein film. Restored in 2017 by the Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, with n...
I believe this is the oldest, or earliest known Frankenstein film. Restored in 2017 by the Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, with new music by Donald Sosin (posted here with permission from the composer). Video in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. https://www.loc.gov/item/2017600664/
Details on the restoration: https://blogs.loc.gov/loc/2018/11/the-first-film-version-of-frankenstein-newly-restored/
I believe this is the oldest, or earliest known Frankenstein film. Restored in 2017 by the Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, with new music by Donald Sosin (posted here with permission from the composer). Video in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. https://www.loc.gov/item/2017600664/
Details on the restoration: https://blogs.loc.gov/loc/2018/11/the-first-film-version-of-frankenstein-newly-restored/
- published: 06 Nov 2018
- views: 142203
The first film adaptation of the often filmed Mary Shelley story. This film was originally released on March 18 1910.
Originally released
18 March 1910
The first film adaptation of the often filmed Mary Shelley story. This film was originally released on March 18 1910.
Originally released
18 March 1910
Thomas A Edison, Inc.
Written and Directed by
J Searle Dawley
From the novel by
Mary Shelley
Augustus Phillips
Mary Fuller
Charles Ogle
Make-up designed by
Charles Ogle
Produced in New York by
Thomas A Edison
Remastering and New inter-titles
© 2012 The Video Cellar
"Danse Macabre" (Saint-Seans)
Recorded by Kevin Macleod
The first film adaptation of the often filmed Mary Shelley story. This film was originally released on March 18 1910.
Originally released
18 March 1910
Thomas A Edison, Inc.
Written and Directed by
J Searle Dawley
From the novel by
Mary Shelley
Augustus Phillips
Mary Fuller
Charles Ogle
Make-up designed by
Charles Ogle
Produced in New York by
Thomas A Edison
Remastering and New inter-titles
© 2012 The Video Cellar
"Danse Macabre" (Saint-Seans)
Recorded by Kevin Macleod
- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 578777
Frankenstein (1910) [Silent Movie]
"Frankenstein" is a 1910 silent movie made by Edison Studios that was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley. It was the first motion picture adaptation of Ma...
"Frankenstein" is a 1910 silent movie made by Edison Studios that was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley. It was the first motion picture adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The unbilled cast included Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as the Monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.
Directed by J. Searle Dawley, written by Mary Shelley (novel) and J. Searle Dawley (screenplay), starring Augustus Phillips, Charles Ogle and Mary Fuller.
Source: "Frankenstein (1910 film)" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 10 June 2012. Web. 9 July 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenstein_(1910).
If you like this movie and our channel, please subscribe: https://goo.gl/0qDmXe
"Frankenstein" is a 1910 silent movie made by Edison Studios that was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley. It was the first motion picture adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The unbilled cast included Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as the Monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.
Directed by J. Searle Dawley, written by Mary Shelley (novel) and J. Searle Dawley (screenplay), starring Augustus Phillips, Charles Ogle and Mary Fuller.
Source: "Frankenstein (1910 film)" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 10 June 2012. Web. 9 July 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenstein_(1910).
If you like this movie and our channel, please subscribe: https://goo.gl/0qDmXe
- published: 09 Jul 2012
- views: 232104
Frankenstein (1910) James Searle Dawley
_*Frankenstein*_ è un film del 1910 di https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLue4rhsHxp6_rk8Hro-yNu2meoPAcilvk La pellicola risulta essere il primo adattamento cin...
_*Frankenstein*_ è un film del 1910 di https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLue4rhsHxp6_rk8Hro-yNu2meoPAcilvk La pellicola risulta essere il primo adattamento cinematografico del romanzo _Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus_ di *Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley* ; la sceneggiatura è opera dello stesso *James Searle Dawley* che in alcuni punti ha sviluppato la storia divergendo dallo scritto originale, in modo da limare gli aspetti più raccapriccianti del romanzo e, inoltre, per permettere alla linea narrativa di concentrarsi sui risvolti psicologici.
Uscì nelle sale il 18 marzo del 1910. *Frankenstein* si colloca tra i primi film ad avere incluso un elenco di tracce audio da eseguire in determinati punti della pellicola. Tuttavia, nella presente copia, abbiamo ricostruito una nuova colonna sonora con brani di *Kevin MacLeod* .
00:00 - Titoli
00:08 - Il giovane Frankenstein
00:27 - Il segreto della vita e della morte
01:13 - Ambizioni
02:08 - Il mostro
06:11 - Ritorno a casa
06:56 - Inseguendo il suo creatore
08:57 - La notte di nozze
11:01 - Il mostro vede se stesso
_Sinossi_ . (00:08) Il giovane Frankenstein parte per il college salutato dall’affetto dei genitori e della fidanzata e, trascorsi soli due anni, riesce a scoprire la il segreto della vita e della morte (00:27); egli decide perciò di tentare un esperimento, nonostante gli innumerevoli dubbi sulla giustezza della sua ricerca. Il novello dottore scrive immediatamente alla propria amata (01:36), promettendole di prenderla in moglie non appena l’esperimento sarà riuscito, e si mette all’opera (02:08): il risultato dei suoi sforzi, però, non è l’essere umano perfetto, bensì un mostro orrendo, alla vista del quale il suo creatore fugge via (05:07). Frankenstein cade svenuto sul proprio letto mentre la sua Creatura, prima di scappare, fa capolino da dietro le tende; infine giunge un domestico che fa rinvenire il suo padrone ancora molto agitato.
(06:11) Il giovane dottore torna finalmente alla casa paterna dopo un periodo trascorso in balia di strane febbri, ma il mostro decide di seguirlo (06:46), geloso della felicità del suo creatore: mentre Frankenstein si intrattiene amorevolmente con la sua fidanzata, dallo specchio egli vede entrare la Creatura che, lontano dagli occhi della fanciulla, distrugge il fiore donatogli dall’amata e poi si nasconde dietro una tenda proprio prima che rientri la donna. Frankenstein decide di mandare via la ragazza così da non farle scoprire il suo esperimento; il mostro aggredisce allora il dottore, ma si ferma proprio nel momento in cui si guarda per la prima volta in uno specchio e, terrorizzato, fugge via.
(08:57) Giunge la notte delle nozze di Frankenstein, il mostro non visto fa irruzione dentro casa, spaventando a morte la novella sposa che cade svenuta, poi lotta con il dottore e infine riesce di nuovo a scappare rincorso dal suo creatore. (11:01) Il mostro finisce per trovarsi ancora davanti all’enorme specchio e la sua figura inizia a scomparire, lasciando solamente il suo riflesso: quando Frankenstein raggiunge la Creatura, egli si ritrova a specchiarsi nella figura stessa del suo esperimento, cha all’improvviso scompare rendendolo così un uomo libero.
#Dawley #Edison #Frankenstein
Leggi di più su
_*Breve Storia del Cinema - Nascita e sviluppo della cinematografia americana*_
I brani musicali _End of the Era_ , _Mary Celeste_ , _Keystone Deluge_, _Evening Fall Piano_ e _Despair and Triumph_ di *Kevin MacLeod* sono concessi sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribution 4.0:
Fonte: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100452
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
_*Frankenstein*_ è un film del 1910 di https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLue4rhsHxp6_rk8Hro-yNu2meoPAcilvk La pellicola risulta essere il primo adattamento cinematografico del romanzo _Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus_ di *Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley* ; la sceneggiatura è opera dello stesso *James Searle Dawley* che in alcuni punti ha sviluppato la storia divergendo dallo scritto originale, in modo da limare gli aspetti più raccapriccianti del romanzo e, inoltre, per permettere alla linea narrativa di concentrarsi sui risvolti psicologici.
Uscì nelle sale il 18 marzo del 1910. *Frankenstein* si colloca tra i primi film ad avere incluso un elenco di tracce audio da eseguire in determinati punti della pellicola. Tuttavia, nella presente copia, abbiamo ricostruito una nuova colonna sonora con brani di *Kevin MacLeod* .
00:00 - Titoli
00:08 - Il giovane Frankenstein
00:27 - Il segreto della vita e della morte
01:13 - Ambizioni
02:08 - Il mostro
06:11 - Ritorno a casa
06:56 - Inseguendo il suo creatore
08:57 - La notte di nozze
11:01 - Il mostro vede se stesso
_Sinossi_ . (00:08) Il giovane Frankenstein parte per il college salutato dall’affetto dei genitori e della fidanzata e, trascorsi soli due anni, riesce a scoprire la il segreto della vita e della morte (00:27); egli decide perciò di tentare un esperimento, nonostante gli innumerevoli dubbi sulla giustezza della sua ricerca. Il novello dottore scrive immediatamente alla propria amata (01:36), promettendole di prenderla in moglie non appena l’esperimento sarà riuscito, e si mette all’opera (02:08): il risultato dei suoi sforzi, però, non è l’essere umano perfetto, bensì un mostro orrendo, alla vista del quale il suo creatore fugge via (05:07). Frankenstein cade svenuto sul proprio letto mentre la sua Creatura, prima di scappare, fa capolino da dietro le tende; infine giunge un domestico che fa rinvenire il suo padrone ancora molto agitato.
(06:11) Il giovane dottore torna finalmente alla casa paterna dopo un periodo trascorso in balia di strane febbri, ma il mostro decide di seguirlo (06:46), geloso della felicità del suo creatore: mentre Frankenstein si intrattiene amorevolmente con la sua fidanzata, dallo specchio egli vede entrare la Creatura che, lontano dagli occhi della fanciulla, distrugge il fiore donatogli dall’amata e poi si nasconde dietro una tenda proprio prima che rientri la donna. Frankenstein decide di mandare via la ragazza così da non farle scoprire il suo esperimento; il mostro aggredisce allora il dottore, ma si ferma proprio nel momento in cui si guarda per la prima volta in uno specchio e, terrorizzato, fugge via.
(08:57) Giunge la notte delle nozze di Frankenstein, il mostro non visto fa irruzione dentro casa, spaventando a morte la novella sposa che cade svenuta, poi lotta con il dottore e infine riesce di nuovo a scappare rincorso dal suo creatore. (11:01) Il mostro finisce per trovarsi ancora davanti all’enorme specchio e la sua figura inizia a scomparire, lasciando solamente il suo riflesso: quando Frankenstein raggiunge la Creatura, egli si ritrova a specchiarsi nella figura stessa del suo esperimento, cha all’improvviso scompare rendendolo così un uomo libero.
#Dawley #Edison #Frankenstein
Leggi di più su
_*Breve Storia del Cinema - Nascita e sviluppo della cinematografia americana*_
I brani musicali _End of the Era_ , _Mary Celeste_ , _Keystone Deluge_, _Evening Fall Piano_ e _Despair and Triumph_ di *Kevin MacLeod* sono concessi sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribution 4.0:
Fonte: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100452
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
- published: 18 Mar 2021
- views: 7832
Frankenstein (1910) (Full Film Restored) (The Original Footage is very damaged)
Frankenstein is a 1910 American short silent horror film produced by Edison Studios. It was directed by J. Searle Dawley, who also wrote the one-reeler's screen...
Frankenstein is a 1910 American short silent horror film produced by Edison Studios. It was directed by J. Searle Dawley, who also wrote the one-reeler's screenplay, broadly basing his "scenario" on Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.[4] This short motion picture is generally recognized by film historians as the first screen adaptation of Shelley's work. The small cast, who are not credited in the surviving 1910 print of the film, includes Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as Frankenstein's monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.
Directed by J. Searle Dawley
Written by J. Searle Dawley
Based on Frankenstein (1818 novel)
by Mary Shelley
Produced by Thomas Edison
Starring Augustus Phillips, Charles Ogle,
Mary Fuller
Cinematography by James White
Production company :
Edison Manufacturing Company
Distributed by Edison Manufacturing Company
Release date
March 18, 1910
Running time
16 minutes
(1 reel, 975 feet)CountryUnited StatesLanguageSilent with English with intertitles.
Frankenstein is a 1910 American short silent horror film produced by Edison Studios. It was directed by J. Searle Dawley, who also wrote the one-reeler's screenplay, broadly basing his "scenario" on Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.[4] This short motion picture is generally recognized by film historians as the first screen adaptation of Shelley's work. The small cast, who are not credited in the surviving 1910 print of the film, includes Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as Frankenstein's monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.
Directed by J. Searle Dawley
Written by J. Searle Dawley
Based on Frankenstein (1818 novel)
by Mary Shelley
Produced by Thomas Edison
Starring Augustus Phillips, Charles Ogle,
Mary Fuller
Cinematography by James White
Production company :
Edison Manufacturing Company
Distributed by Edison Manufacturing Company
Release date
March 18, 1910
Running time
16 minutes
(1 reel, 975 feet)CountryUnited StatesLanguageSilent with English with intertitles.
- published: 28 Jan 2023
- views: 447
Frankenstein - 1910 Silent Horror Film
The earliest surviving film based on Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein, this silent liberal adaptation de-emphasises the horrific aspects of the book and i...
The earliest surviving film based on Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein, this silent liberal adaptation de-emphasises the horrific aspects of the book and instead focuses on the novel's more psychological nature. This it achieves with some very impressive special effects for it's time; Dr. Frankenstein seeing the monster in his own reflection.
Thought to be a lost film, it's existence was confirmed in 1963 after it was found listed, along with stills and a synopsis, in a copy of The Edison Kinetogram, a print was found in the mid-1970s by Alois F. Dettlaff, a Wisconsin film collector.
The monster looks very different than how it always seems to appear in later films, thanks to Boris Karloff's 1931 performance in Universal's Frankenstein. The novel is very sketchy on the monster''s appearance however, so it is interesting to see a less common depiction.
Donate for our restoration project of historic material: http://www.leetchi.com/c/pool-von-interpathe-16620838
Please watch: "THE LAST MAN ON EARTH"
The earliest surviving film based on Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein, this silent liberal adaptation de-emphasises the horrific aspects of the book and instead focuses on the novel's more psychological nature. This it achieves with some very impressive special effects for it's time; Dr. Frankenstein seeing the monster in his own reflection.
Thought to be a lost film, it's existence was confirmed in 1963 after it was found listed, along with stills and a synopsis, in a copy of The Edison Kinetogram, a print was found in the mid-1970s by Alois F. Dettlaff, a Wisconsin film collector.
The monster looks very different than how it always seems to appear in later films, thanks to Boris Karloff's 1931 performance in Universal's Frankenstein. The novel is very sketchy on the monster''s appearance however, so it is interesting to see a less common depiction.
Donate for our restoration project of historic material: http://www.leetchi.com/c/pool-von-interpathe-16620838
Please watch: "THE LAST MAN ON EARTH"
- published: 10 Apr 2015
- views: 5431
Frankenstein 1910 Thomas Edison Early Silent Film
Frankenstein 1910 Thomas Edison Early Silent Film.
Frankenstein is a 1910 film made by Edison Studios that was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley.
Frankenstein 1910 Thomas Edison Early Silent Film.
Frankenstein is a 1910 film made by Edison Studios that was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley.
It was the first motion picture adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The unbilled cast included Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as the Monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.
Shot in three days, it was filmed at the Edison Studios in the Bronx, New York City. Although some sources credit Thomas Edison as the producer, he in fact played no direct part in the activities of the motion picture company that bore his name.
Frankenstein 1910 Thomas Edison Early Silent Film.
Frankenstein is a 1910 film made by Edison Studios that was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley.
It was the first motion picture adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The unbilled cast included Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as the Monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.
Shot in three days, it was filmed at the Edison Studios in the Bronx, New York City. Although some sources credit Thomas Edison as the producer, he in fact played no direct part in the activities of the motion picture company that bore his name.
- published: 20 Mar 2011
- views: 21003
Frankenstein 1910 (Full Movie)
A one hundred year old silent movie.
Think about it - 100 years ago there were no cell phones in theatres.
A one hundred year old silent movie.
Think about it - 100 years ago there were no cell phones in theatres.
A one hundred year old silent movie.
Think about it - 100 years ago there were no cell phones in theatres.
- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 1123
Frankenstein (1910 - Horror) Full Movie (Short)
IMDB: Frankenstein, a young medical student, trying to create the perfect human being, instead creates a misshapen monster. Made ill by what he has done, Frank...
IMDB: Frankenstein, a young medical student, trying to create the perfect human being, instead creates a misshapen monster. Made ill by what he has done, Frankenstein is comforted by his fiancée but on his wedding night he is visited by the monster. A fight ensues but the monster, seeing himself in a mirror, is horrified and runs away. He later returns, entering the new bride's room, and finds her alone.
J. Searle Dawley
Mary Shelley (novel), J. Searle Dawley
Mary Fuller, Charles Ogle, Augustus Phillips
Help us caption & translate this video!
Donate for our restoration project of historic material: http://www.leetchi.com/c/pool-von-interpathe-16620838
Please watch: "THE LAST MAN ON EARTH"
IMDB: Frankenstein, a young medical student, trying to create the perfect human being, instead creates a misshapen monster. Made ill by what he has done, Frankenstein is comforted by his fiancée but on his wedding night he is visited by the monster. A fight ensues but the monster, seeing himself in a mirror, is horrified and runs away. He later returns, entering the new bride's room, and finds her alone.
J. Searle Dawley
Mary Shelley (novel), J. Searle Dawley
Mary Fuller, Charles Ogle, Augustus Phillips
Help us caption & translate this video!
Donate for our restoration project of historic material: http://www.leetchi.com/c/pool-von-interpathe-16620838
Please watch: "THE LAST MAN ON EARTH"
- published: 20 Mar 2015
- views: 942