Danton (1983) English subtitles. Press CC/Box in screen to activate English subtitles
Press CC/Box in screen to activate English subtitles
Action opens in November of 1793, with Danton returning to Paris from his country retreat upon learning that the Committee for Public Safety, under Robespierre's incitement, has begun a series of massive executions, The Terror. Confident in the peoples' support, Danton clashes with his former ally, but calculating Robespierre soon rounds up Danton and his followers, tries them before a revolutionary tribunal and dipatches them to the guillotine.
published: 18 Mar 2016
Danton (1983 Film) [English Dubbed]
Action opens in November of 1793, with Danton returning to Paris from his country retreat upon learning that the Committee for Public Safety, under Robespierre's incitement, has begun a series of massive executions, The Terror. Confident in the people's support, Danton clashes with his former ally, but calculating Robespierre soon rounds up Danton and his followers, tries them before a revolutionary tribunal and dispatches them to the guillotine.
published: 17 May 2017
Execution of Georges Danton and Camille Desmoulins, 5 April 1794
From the film "La Révolution française (1989) Part 2".
Danton, Desmoulins, and many other actual or accused Dantonist associates were tried from April 3 through 5th before the Revolutionary Tribunal. The trial was less criminal in nature than political, and as such unfolded in an irregular fashion. The jury had only seven members, despite the law demanding twelve, as it was deemed that only seven jurors could be relied on returning the required verdict. Danton made lengthy and violent attacks on the Committee of Public Safety and the accused demanded the right to have witnesses appear on their behalf, they had submitted requests for several - including, in Desmoulins' case, Robespierre.[citation needed]. The Court's President, M.J.A. Herman, was unable to control the proceedings until the...
published: 18 Aug 2016
esta estranha mistura do clássico “The Most Dangerous Game” com todos os clones de “Rambo” lançados nos anos 80, um grupo de mercenários treina em sua base secreta, numa selva a alguns quilômetros de Los Angeles, perseguindo e matando civis seqüestrados nas ruas da cidade – supostamente para que os soldaods aprendam táticas de combate e assassinato. Mas os mercenários logo terão um osso duro pela frente: o próximo “civil” que eles seqüestram para servir de isca é ninguém menos que Mike Danton (Ted Prior), uma verdadeira máquina de matar, que foi treinado pelo próprio comandante dos mercenários no Vietnã, e que tem habilidades praticamente sobrenaturais de combate e sobrevivência – basta dizer que ele consegue ficar ...
published: 25 Jun 2017
Danton (1983) Convention Speeches after Danton's Arrest (ENG subs)
From Andrzej Wajda's 1983 movie Danton, about the trial and fall of French Revolutionary leader Georges Danton. In this scene, the National Convention discusses the news of Danton's recent arrest, and Maximilien Robespierre, who serves as the spiritual head of the Committee of Public Safety, must argue in defense of what many suspect will be a sham trial, even though Robespierre himself was once Danton's friend and is wary to send him to the guillotine as his colleagues Louis Saint Just and Georges Couthon urge.
This movie is not mine, I upload this clip in the hope of spreading it, as it is an excellent if slightly biased perspective of one of the most important episodes of the French Revolution.
Movie belongs to ALPA and egeda.
published: 13 Nov 2020
Au coeur de l'Histoire: Georges Jacques Danton (Franck Ferrand)
Repères, archives, invités pour conter les petites et grandes histoires des hommes et des femmes qui ont fait l’Histoire !
Ses invités:
David LAWDAY, Ecrivain, ancien journaliste politique et correspondant de The Economist en France
Philippe SEGUY, historien et journaliste
published: 07 Sep 2020
25 Exécution de Danton
published: 22 Mar 2017
I Dalton | Dove stiamo andando? | Interi episodi in HD
Per abbonarti al canale I Dalton clicca qui : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2GxhRbDKJ8_iN_lsBpLpCw?sub_confirmation=1
Più di episodi : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0MeHo2Nik4
Benvenuto sul canale Youtube ufficiale della serie TV I Dalton !
Abbonati e troverai nuovi video ogni settimana! Scopri i momenti migliori dei Dalton e innumerevoli esclusività: compilation, episodi, making-of… Se ti abboni al canale I Dalton, ti divertirai talmente da non riuscire più a… scappare!
Trova i Dalton anche su queste pagine :
Brutti, sporchi e cattivi, i Dalton sono di ritorno! Prigionieri in un penitenziario in pieno deserto, nel bel mezzo di nessun luogo, hanno un'unica cosa in testa: evade...
published: 31 Jul 2020
DANTON : Messie de la Révolution ou politicien corrompu ❓
Danton est, sans doute, avec Robespierre, l’une des figures les plus marquantes de la Révolution française.
Cependant, son pragmatisme et sa tempérance lui ont permis de se démarquer, grandement, de ce dernier.
Au point d'apparaître comme un sauveur de la Révolution ayant tout tenté afin de mettre un terme à la Terreur.
Pourtant une légende noire lui colle à la peau, celle d'un homme politique avide et corrompu, soupçonné même de trahison envers la patrie.
Un être paradoxal dont la personnalité complexe laisse encore de nos jours planer un mystère sur ses réelles motivations.
Comment un insignifiant avocat de province, a-t-il pu devenir ministre de la Justice ?
Pourquoi est-il resté dans les esprits comme le sauveur de la Révolution et pour quelles raisons l'a- t-on finalement guill...
published: 05 Feb 2021
Danton (1983) English subtitles. Press CC/Box in screen to activate English subtitles
Press CC/Box in screen to activate English subtitles
Action opens in November of 1793, with Danton returning to Paris from his country retreat upon learning tha...
Press CC/Box in screen to activate English subtitles
Action opens in November of 1793, with Danton returning to Paris from his country retreat upon learning that the Committee for Public Safety, under Robespierre's incitement, has begun a series of massive executions, The Terror. Confident in the peoples' support, Danton clashes with his former ally, but calculating Robespierre soon rounds up Danton and his followers, tries them before a revolutionary tribunal and dipatches them to the guillotine.
Press CC/Box in screen to activate English subtitles
Action opens in November of 1793, with Danton returning to Paris from his country retreat upon learning that the Committee for Public Safety, under Robespierre's incitement, has begun a series of massive executions, The Terror. Confident in the peoples' support, Danton clashes with his former ally, but calculating Robespierre soon rounds up Danton and his followers, tries them before a revolutionary tribunal and dipatches them to the guillotine.
- published: 18 Mar 2016
- views: 471024
Danton (1983 Film) [English Dubbed]
Action opens in November of 1793, with Danton returning to Paris from his country retreat upon learning that the Committee for Public Safety, under Robespierre'...
Action opens in November of 1793, with Danton returning to Paris from his country retreat upon learning that the Committee for Public Safety, under Robespierre's incitement, has begun a series of massive executions, The Terror. Confident in the people's support, Danton clashes with his former ally, but calculating Robespierre soon rounds up Danton and his followers, tries them before a revolutionary tribunal and dispatches them to the guillotine.
Action opens in November of 1793, with Danton returning to Paris from his country retreat upon learning that the Committee for Public Safety, under Robespierre's incitement, has begun a series of massive executions, The Terror. Confident in the people's support, Danton clashes with his former ally, but calculating Robespierre soon rounds up Danton and his followers, tries them before a revolutionary tribunal and dispatches them to the guillotine.
- published: 17 May 2017
- views: 416715
Execution of Georges Danton and Camille Desmoulins, 5 April 1794
From the film "La Révolution française (1989) Part 2".
Danton, Desmoulins, and many other actual or accused Dantonist associates were tried from April 3 throug...
From the film "La Révolution française (1989) Part 2".
Danton, Desmoulins, and many other actual or accused Dantonist associates were tried from April 3 through 5th before the Revolutionary Tribunal. The trial was less criminal in nature than political, and as such unfolded in an irregular fashion. The jury had only seven members, despite the law demanding twelve, as it was deemed that only seven jurors could be relied on returning the required verdict. Danton made lengthy and violent attacks on the Committee of Public Safety and the accused demanded the right to have witnesses appear on their behalf, they had submitted requests for several - including, in Desmoulins' case, Robespierre.[citation needed]. The Court's President, M.J.A. Herman, was unable to control the proceedings until the aforementioned decree was passed by the National Convention, preventing the accused from further defending themselves. These facts, together with confusing and often incidental denunciations (for instance, a report that Danton, while engaged in political work in Brussels, had appropriated a carriage filled with several hundred thousand pounds of table linen)[20] and threats made by prosecutor Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville towards members of the jury, ensured a guilty verdict. Danton and the rest of the defendants were condemned to death, and at once led, in company with fourteen others, including Camille Desmoulins and several other members of the Indulgents, to the guillotine. "I leave it all in a frightful welter," he said; "not a man of them has an idea of government. Robespierre will follow me; he is dragged down by me. Ah, better be a poor fisherman than meddle with the government of men!" The phrase 'a poor fisherman' was almost certainly a reference to Saint Peter, Danton having reconciled to Catholicism.
Of the group of fifteen who were guillotined together on April 5, 1794, including Marie Jean Hérault de Séchelles, Philippe Fabre d'Églantine and Pierre Philippeaux, Desmoulins died third, and Danton last.
From the film "La Révolution française (1989) Part 2".
Danton, Desmoulins, and many other actual or accused Dantonist associates were tried from April 3 through 5th before the Revolutionary Tribunal. The trial was less criminal in nature than political, and as such unfolded in an irregular fashion. The jury had only seven members, despite the law demanding twelve, as it was deemed that only seven jurors could be relied on returning the required verdict. Danton made lengthy and violent attacks on the Committee of Public Safety and the accused demanded the right to have witnesses appear on their behalf, they had submitted requests for several - including, in Desmoulins' case, Robespierre.[citation needed]. The Court's President, M.J.A. Herman, was unable to control the proceedings until the aforementioned decree was passed by the National Convention, preventing the accused from further defending themselves. These facts, together with confusing and often incidental denunciations (for instance, a report that Danton, while engaged in political work in Brussels, had appropriated a carriage filled with several hundred thousand pounds of table linen)[20] and threats made by prosecutor Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville towards members of the jury, ensured a guilty verdict. Danton and the rest of the defendants were condemned to death, and at once led, in company with fourteen others, including Camille Desmoulins and several other members of the Indulgents, to the guillotine. "I leave it all in a frightful welter," he said; "not a man of them has an idea of government. Robespierre will follow me; he is dragged down by me. Ah, better be a poor fisherman than meddle with the government of men!" The phrase 'a poor fisherman' was almost certainly a reference to Saint Peter, Danton having reconciled to Catholicism.
Of the group of fifteen who were guillotined together on April 5, 1794, including Marie Jean Hérault de Séchelles, Philippe Fabre d'Églantine and Pierre Philippeaux, Desmoulins died third, and Danton last.
- published: 18 Aug 2016
- views: 222218
esta estranha mistura do clássico “The Most Dangerous Game” com todos os clones de “R...
esta estranha mistura do clássico “The Most Dangerous Game” com todos os clones de “Rambo” lançados nos anos 80, um grupo de mercenários treina em sua base secreta, numa selva a alguns quilômetros de Los Angeles, perseguindo e matando civis seqüestrados nas ruas da cidade – supostamente para que os soldaods aprendam táticas de combate e assassinato. Mas os mercenários logo terão um osso duro pela frente: o próximo “civil” que eles seqüestram para servir de isca é ninguém menos que Mike Danton (Ted Prior), uma verdadeira máquina de matar, que foi treinado pelo próprio comandante dos mercenários no Vietnã, e que tem habilidades praticamente sobrenaturais de combate e sobrevivência – basta dizer que ele consegue ficar completamente invisível na selva apenas amarrando dois galhos de árvore nos ombros, ou ainda atravessar o tórax de um sujeito com um mísero e frágil graveto!
esta estranha mistura do clássico “The Most Dangerous Game” com todos os clones de “Rambo” lançados nos anos 80, um grupo de mercenários treina em sua base secreta, numa selva a alguns quilômetros de Los Angeles, perseguindo e matando civis seqüestrados nas ruas da cidade – supostamente para que os soldaods aprendam táticas de combate e assassinato. Mas os mercenários logo terão um osso duro pela frente: o próximo “civil” que eles seqüestram para servir de isca é ninguém menos que Mike Danton (Ted Prior), uma verdadeira máquina de matar, que foi treinado pelo próprio comandante dos mercenários no Vietnã, e que tem habilidades praticamente sobrenaturais de combate e sobrevivência – basta dizer que ele consegue ficar completamente invisível na selva apenas amarrando dois galhos de árvore nos ombros, ou ainda atravessar o tórax de um sujeito com um mísero e frágil graveto!
- published: 25 Jun 2017
- views: 760033
Danton (1983) Convention Speeches after Danton's Arrest (ENG subs)
From Andrzej Wajda's 1983 movie Danton, about the trial and fall of French Revolutionary leader Georges Danton. In this scene, the National Convention discusses...
From Andrzej Wajda's 1983 movie Danton, about the trial and fall of French Revolutionary leader Georges Danton. In this scene, the National Convention discusses the news of Danton's recent arrest, and Maximilien Robespierre, who serves as the spiritual head of the Committee of Public Safety, must argue in defense of what many suspect will be a sham trial, even though Robespierre himself was once Danton's friend and is wary to send him to the guillotine as his colleagues Louis Saint Just and Georges Couthon urge.
This movie is not mine, I upload this clip in the hope of spreading it, as it is an excellent if slightly biased perspective of one of the most important episodes of the French Revolution.
Movie belongs to ALPA and egeda.
From Andrzej Wajda's 1983 movie Danton, about the trial and fall of French Revolutionary leader Georges Danton. In this scene, the National Convention discusses the news of Danton's recent arrest, and Maximilien Robespierre, who serves as the spiritual head of the Committee of Public Safety, must argue in defense of what many suspect will be a sham trial, even though Robespierre himself was once Danton's friend and is wary to send him to the guillotine as his colleagues Louis Saint Just and Georges Couthon urge.
This movie is not mine, I upload this clip in the hope of spreading it, as it is an excellent if slightly biased perspective of one of the most important episodes of the French Revolution.
Movie belongs to ALPA and egeda.
- published: 13 Nov 2020
- views: 5054
Au coeur de l'Histoire: Georges Jacques Danton (Franck Ferrand)
Repères, archives, invités pour conter les petites et grandes histoires des hommes et des femmes qui ont fait l’Histoire !
Ses invités:
David LAWDAY, Ecrivain...
Repères, archives, invités pour conter les petites et grandes histoires des hommes et des femmes qui ont fait l’Histoire !
Ses invités:
David LAWDAY, Ecrivain, ancien journaliste politique et correspondant de The Economist en France
Philippe SEGUY, historien et journaliste
Repères, archives, invités pour conter les petites et grandes histoires des hommes et des femmes qui ont fait l’Histoire !
Ses invités:
David LAWDAY, Ecrivain, ancien journaliste politique et correspondant de The Economist en France
Philippe SEGUY, historien et journaliste
- published: 07 Sep 2020
- views: 21199
I Dalton | Dove stiamo andando? | Interi episodi in HD
Per abbonarti al canale I Dalton clicca qui : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2GxhRbDKJ8_iN_lsBpLpCw?sub_confirmation=1
Più di episodi : https://www.youtub...
Per abbonarti al canale I Dalton clicca qui : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2GxhRbDKJ8_iN_lsBpLpCw?sub_confirmation=1
Più di episodi : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0MeHo2Nik4
Benvenuto sul canale Youtube ufficiale della serie TV I Dalton !
Abbonati e troverai nuovi video ogni settimana! Scopri i momenti migliori dei Dalton e innumerevoli esclusività: compilation, episodi, making-of… Se ti abboni al canale I Dalton, ti divertirai talmente da non riuscire più a… scappare!
Trova i Dalton anche su queste pagine :
Brutti, sporchi e cattivi, i Dalton sono di ritorno! Prigionieri in un penitenziario in pieno deserto, nel bel mezzo di nessun luogo, hanno un'unica cosa in testa: evadere!!! Possiamo contare su Joe, la "mente" della banda, per escogitare fughe fallimentari! Labirinti di tunnel, dinamite, dirigibili, danza della pioggia… senza dimenticare une galleria di prigionieri uno più pazzo dell'altro pronti ad aiutarli (o no) a tagliare la corda!
Per abbonarti al canale I Dalton clicca qui : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2GxhRbDKJ8_iN_lsBpLpCw?sub_confirmation=1
Più di episodi : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0MeHo2Nik4
Benvenuto sul canale Youtube ufficiale della serie TV I Dalton !
Abbonati e troverai nuovi video ogni settimana! Scopri i momenti migliori dei Dalton e innumerevoli esclusività: compilation, episodi, making-of… Se ti abboni al canale I Dalton, ti divertirai talmente da non riuscire più a… scappare!
Trova i Dalton anche su queste pagine :
Brutti, sporchi e cattivi, i Dalton sono di ritorno! Prigionieri in un penitenziario in pieno deserto, nel bel mezzo di nessun luogo, hanno un'unica cosa in testa: evadere!!! Possiamo contare su Joe, la "mente" della banda, per escogitare fughe fallimentari! Labirinti di tunnel, dinamite, dirigibili, danza della pioggia… senza dimenticare une galleria di prigionieri uno più pazzo dell'altro pronti ad aiutarli (o no) a tagliare la corda!
- published: 31 Jul 2020
- views: 867311
DANTON : Messie de la Révolution ou politicien corrompu ❓
Danton est, sans doute, avec Robespierre, l’une des figures les plus marquantes de la Révolution française.
Cependant, son pragmatisme et sa tempérance lui ont...
Danton est, sans doute, avec Robespierre, l’une des figures les plus marquantes de la Révolution française.
Cependant, son pragmatisme et sa tempérance lui ont permis de se démarquer, grandement, de ce dernier.
Au point d'apparaître comme un sauveur de la Révolution ayant tout tenté afin de mettre un terme à la Terreur.
Pourtant une légende noire lui colle à la peau, celle d'un homme politique avide et corrompu, soupçonné même de trahison envers la patrie.
Un être paradoxal dont la personnalité complexe laisse encore de nos jours planer un mystère sur ses réelles motivations.
Comment un insignifiant avocat de province, a-t-il pu devenir ministre de la Justice ?
Pourquoi est-il resté dans les esprits comme le sauveur de la Révolution et pour quelles raisons l'a- t-on finalement guillotiné ?
Est-il comme on l'a souvent évoqué vénal et corrompu ?
C'est ce que nous allons tenter de découvrir ou de redécouvrir ensemble.
Sources :
-Hervé Leuwers:
La Révolution française.
-Michel Biard:
Danton - Le mythe et l'Histoire: Le mythe et l'Histoire.
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matériel :
Microphone Bird-UM1
Les vidéos sont utilisées à des fins éducatives et de vulgarisation en lien avec l'article L.122-5 du Code de propriété
vidéo :
Réalisation : Andrzej Wajda
Scénario : Jean-Claude Carrière, avec la collaboration de Andrzej Wajda, Agnieszka Holland, Bolesław Michałek et Jacek Gąsiorowski, d’après L'Affaire Danton de Stanisława Przybyszewska
Production : Gaumont - TF1 Films Production - S.F.P.C. - T.M.
avec la participation du Ministère de la Culture, Paris et Film Polski
Producteur : Emmanuel Schlumberger ; Margaret Menegoz pour les Films du Losange ; avec la collaboration du Group de Production X Varsovie (Barbara Pec-Šlesicka)
Image : Igor Luther
Décors : Allan Starski
avec la collaboration de Gilles Vaster
Costumes : Yvonne Sassinot de Nesle (réalisés par Tirelli-Rome)
Musique : Jean Prodromidès
avec l'Orchestre philharmonique de Varsovie, sous la direction de Jan Pruszak
Son : Jean-Pierre Ruh, Dominique Hennequin, Piotr Zawadzki
Montage : Halina Prugar-Ketling
Directeur de production : Alain Depardieu
Langue : français
Format : Couleurs — 1,66:1 — son monophonique — 35 mm
Genre : Film historique
Durée : 136 minutes (2 h 16)
Tournage : 21 avril 1982 au 17 juillet 1982.
Dates de sortie : 12 janvier 1983 (France), 31 janvier 1983 (Pologne)
Gérard Depardieu : Danton
Wojciech Pszoniak (doublé en français par Gérard Desarthe)[1] : Robespierre
Anne Alvaro : Éléonore Duplay
Patrice Chéreau : Camille Desmoulins
Lucien Melki : Fabre
Angela Winkler : Lucile Desmoulins
Serge Merlin : Philippeaux
Roland Blanche : Jean-François Delacroix dit « Lacroix d’Eure-et-Loir »
Alain Macé : Héron
Bogusław Linda : Saint-Just
Roger Planchon : Fouquier-Tinville
Krzysztof Globisz : Amar
Marian Kociniak : Lindet
Stéphane Jobert : Panis
Jacques Villeret : Westermann
Wladimir Yordanoff : le chef des gardes
Jean-Loup Wolff : Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles
Emmanuelle Debever : Louison Danton
Jerzy Trela : Billaud-Varenne
Czesław Wołłejko : Vadier
Franciszek Starowieyski : David
Erwin Nowiaszek : Collot d'Herbois
Ronald Guttman : Herman
Gérard Hardy : Tallien, président de la Convention nationale
Tadeusz Huk : Couthon
Marek Kondrat : Barère de Vieuzac
Bernard Maître : Legendre
Leonard Pietraszak : Carnot
Andrzej Seweryn : Bourdon
Szymon Zaleski : Le Bas
musiques :
Impending Boom de Kevin MacLeod fait l'objet d'une licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source : http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100198
Artiste : http://incompetech.com/
Faceoff by Kevin MacLeod
Faceoff de Kevin MacLeod fait l'objet d'une licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source : http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100403
Artiste : http://incompetech.com/
#danton #robespierre #revolution #france #française #guillotine #morts #decapitator #video #docu #documentaire #histoire #youtube
Danton est, sans doute, avec Robespierre, l’une des figures les plus marquantes de la Révolution française.
Cependant, son pragmatisme et sa tempérance lui ont permis de se démarquer, grandement, de ce dernier.
Au point d'apparaître comme un sauveur de la Révolution ayant tout tenté afin de mettre un terme à la Terreur.
Pourtant une légende noire lui colle à la peau, celle d'un homme politique avide et corrompu, soupçonné même de trahison envers la patrie.
Un être paradoxal dont la personnalité complexe laisse encore de nos jours planer un mystère sur ses réelles motivations.
Comment un insignifiant avocat de province, a-t-il pu devenir ministre de la Justice ?
Pourquoi est-il resté dans les esprits comme le sauveur de la Révolution et pour quelles raisons l'a- t-on finalement guillotiné ?
Est-il comme on l'a souvent évoqué vénal et corrompu ?
C'est ce que nous allons tenter de découvrir ou de redécouvrir ensemble.
Sources :
-Hervé Leuwers:
La Révolution française.
-Michel Biard:
Danton - Le mythe et l'Histoire: Le mythe et l'Histoire.
Pour me suivre:
Lien page FB: https://www.facebook.com/HeroDoc/
Lien compte FB:
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Email :
[email protected]
Site internet :
Pour me soutenir :
Compte Tipeee:
matériel :
Microphone Bird-UM1
Les vidéos sont utilisées à des fins éducatives et de vulgarisation en lien avec l'article L.122-5 du Code de propriété
vidéo :
Réalisation : Andrzej Wajda
Scénario : Jean-Claude Carrière, avec la collaboration de Andrzej Wajda, Agnieszka Holland, Bolesław Michałek et Jacek Gąsiorowski, d’après L'Affaire Danton de Stanisława Przybyszewska
Production : Gaumont - TF1 Films Production - S.F.P.C. - T.M.
avec la participation du Ministère de la Culture, Paris et Film Polski
Producteur : Emmanuel Schlumberger ; Margaret Menegoz pour les Films du Losange ; avec la collaboration du Group de Production X Varsovie (Barbara Pec-Šlesicka)
Image : Igor Luther
Décors : Allan Starski
avec la collaboration de Gilles Vaster
Costumes : Yvonne Sassinot de Nesle (réalisés par Tirelli-Rome)
Musique : Jean Prodromidès
avec l'Orchestre philharmonique de Varsovie, sous la direction de Jan Pruszak
Son : Jean-Pierre Ruh, Dominique Hennequin, Piotr Zawadzki
Montage : Halina Prugar-Ketling
Directeur de production : Alain Depardieu
Langue : français
Format : Couleurs — 1,66:1 — son monophonique — 35 mm
Genre : Film historique
Durée : 136 minutes (2 h 16)
Tournage : 21 avril 1982 au 17 juillet 1982.
Dates de sortie : 12 janvier 1983 (France), 31 janvier 1983 (Pologne)
Gérard Depardieu : Danton
Wojciech Pszoniak (doublé en français par Gérard Desarthe)[1] : Robespierre
Anne Alvaro : Éléonore Duplay
Patrice Chéreau : Camille Desmoulins
Lucien Melki : Fabre
Angela Winkler : Lucile Desmoulins
Serge Merlin : Philippeaux
Roland Blanche : Jean-François Delacroix dit « Lacroix d’Eure-et-Loir »
Alain Macé : Héron
Bogusław Linda : Saint-Just
Roger Planchon : Fouquier-Tinville
Krzysztof Globisz : Amar
Marian Kociniak : Lindet
Stéphane Jobert : Panis
Jacques Villeret : Westermann
Wladimir Yordanoff : le chef des gardes
Jean-Loup Wolff : Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles
Emmanuelle Debever : Louison Danton
Jerzy Trela : Billaud-Varenne
Czesław Wołłejko : Vadier
Franciszek Starowieyski : David
Erwin Nowiaszek : Collot d'Herbois
Ronald Guttman : Herman
Gérard Hardy : Tallien, président de la Convention nationale
Tadeusz Huk : Couthon
Marek Kondrat : Barère de Vieuzac
Bernard Maître : Legendre
Leonard Pietraszak : Carnot
Andrzej Seweryn : Bourdon
Szymon Zaleski : Le Bas
musiques :
Impending Boom de Kevin MacLeod fait l'objet d'une licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source : http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100198
Artiste : http://incompetech.com/
Faceoff by Kevin MacLeod
Faceoff de Kevin MacLeod fait l'objet d'une licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source : http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100403
Artiste : http://incompetech.com/
#danton #robespierre #revolution #france #française #guillotine #morts #decapitator #video #docu #documentaire #histoire #youtube
- published: 05 Feb 2021
- views: 1836