The Chukchi are traditionally divided into the Maritime Chukchi, who had settled homes on the coast and lived primarily from sea mammal hunting, and the Reindeer Chukchi, who lived as nomads in the inland tundra region, migrating seasonally with their herds of reindeer. The Russian name "Chukchi" is derived from the Chukchi word Chauchu ("rich in reindeer"), which was used by the 'Reindeer Chukchi' to distinguish themselves from the 'Maritime Chukchi,' called Anqallyt ("the sea people"). Their name for a member of the Chukchi ethnic group as a whole is Luoravetlan (literally 'true person').
harsh life of Chukchi nomads in Arctic. No gadgets no pampers
Just look at this little girl Karina! She is so small and dirty and spent 2 days in a deerskin envelope. Still she is so nice and smiles all the time. She prepares to live in the harshest conditions in the a world on a Chukchee Peninsula
The Chukchi (or Chukchee) are an ancient arctic people who live at the meeting point of two continents, Eurasia and North America. They are also the closest asian relatives of native americans. They live in most difficult climate and nature conditions. But still they don't give up! And their hard life worth seeing by people spoiled by civilization...
published: 14 Jan 2023
chukchi nomads life in most hostile land of Arctic
published: 17 Feb 2024
The Chukchi
Residing in one of the most extreme parts of the Russian Federation, the Chukchi have thrived in the tundra for centuries. Theirs is a legacy deeply tied with expansion, colonialism as well as Soviet restructuring and today face both cultural and economic problems.
published: 19 Sep 2022
The Reindeer Herder Who Invented His Own Writing System - Tenevil (Субтитры) #chukchi
Info Sources
GOAT Source - Елена Давыдова. Письмена Тыневиля: микроисторический анализ одного изобретения. Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого.
(Elena Davydova. Tynevil’s Writing: Micro-historical Analysis of an Invention. Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.) [images taken from here as well]
Т. Н. Дмитриева, Т. И. Щербакова. Животные в Чукотских Связках Семейных Охранителей (по Материалам Коллекции И. П. Лаврова)
Централизованная библиотечная система города Ельца. Народов малых не бывает: Чукчи
Ewan Clayton. A history of writing. British Library.
Чукотское Письмо (
0:00 - Writing: What's up with that?
2:19 - Chukchi & Pictograms
5:32 - The Researchers
7:06 - The man, the myth, the leg...
published: 10 Oct 2022
Swingers of the Far North: why the Chukchi change wives
Swingers of the Far North: why the Chukchi change wives
Every nation living far from civilization has traditions and customs that seem at least strange to uninitiated people. Now, in the era of globalization, the identity of small peoples is rapidly eroding, but some centuries-old foundations still remain. For example, the Chukchi have a very extravagant system of marriage and family relations.
published: 14 Mar 2022
Soviet Invasion of Alaska: The Chukchi-Eskimo War of 1947
In the early years of the Cold War, a little known event occurred across the Bering Strait, a War between Americans and Soviets, but despite how this may sound, it was not between regular armed forces. but between the native inhabitants of the region, the Chukchi and the Eskimos, continuing their ancient conflicts into a new era.
PayPal: [email protected]
Chukchi vs. Maori - WHO will WIN the battle? | HOW IT WAS: Popular History
Chukchi people — fierce warriors of the North who mastered survival in cold tundra climate, kept their neighbours in fear and resisted Russian colonizers for more than a century. Maori people — skilled New Zealandian seafarers who made warfare the centre of their life and didn't let English to force them into reservations.
Chukchi and Maori never met on a battlefield. But what if they did? Who would prevail in combat — tundra's most skilled archers or Oceania's fiercest warriors? What do you think?
Materials used: Alexander Turnbull Library Collections | National Library of New Zealand, American Museum of Natural History, ...
published: 05 Oct 2020
Tracking Pacific Walrus: Expedition to the Shrinking Chukchi Sea Ice
Summer ice retreat in the Chukchi Sea between Alaska and Russia is a significant climate change impact affecting Pacific Walruses, which are being considered for listing as a threatened species. This twelve minute video follows walruses in their summer sea ice habitat and shows how USGS biologists use satellite radio tags to track their movements and behavior. The information identifies areas of special importance to walruses during sparse summer sea ice and as human presence increases in the region from oil drilling and activities such as shipping and tourism now possible with less ice.
More information can be found at:
published: 14 Nov 2012
Exploring Chukotka - the most remote Russian region
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In this video we are embarking on a captivating journey through the Arctic landscapes of Anadyr, Chukotka. I traverse the city and its surroundings, unveiling local architectural wonders, crossing a frozen estuary and showcasing the unique charm of this remote Arctic gem.
We discover the distinctive features of Anadyr's architecture, immerse yourself in the local culture by indulging in authentic Chukotka cuisine, and witness the city's vibrant life against the breathtaking backdrop of snow-covered landscapes.
As we delve into the daily life of Anadyr, I'll take you on a journey through the city's shopping mall, exploring grocery prices and gaining insights into the local economy. At the same time, our adventure doesn't shy away f...
Just look at this little girl Karina! She is so small and dirty and spent 2 days in a deerskin envelope. Still she is so nice and smiles all the time. She prepa...
Just look at this little girl Karina! She is so small and dirty and spent 2 days in a deerskin envelope. Still she is so nice and smiles all the time. She prepares to live in the harshest conditions in the a world on a Chukchee Peninsula
The Chukchi (or Chukchee) are an ancient arctic people who live at the meeting point of two continents, Eurasia and North America. They are also the closest asian relatives of native americans. They live in most difficult climate and nature conditions. But still they don't give up! And their hard life worth seeing by people spoiled by civilization...
Just look at this little girl Karina! She is so small and dirty and spent 2 days in a deerskin envelope. Still she is so nice and smiles all the time. She prepares to live in the harshest conditions in the a world on a Chukchee Peninsula
The Chukchi (or Chukchee) are an ancient arctic people who live at the meeting point of two continents, Eurasia and North America. They are also the closest asian relatives of native americans. They live in most difficult climate and nature conditions. But still they don't give up! And their hard life worth seeing by people spoiled by civilization...
Residing in one of the most extreme parts of the Russian Federation, the Chukchi have thrived in the tundra for centuries. Theirs is a legacy deeply tied with e...
Residing in one of the most extreme parts of the Russian Federation, the Chukchi have thrived in the tundra for centuries. Theirs is a legacy deeply tied with expansion, colonialism as well as Soviet restructuring and today face both cultural and economic problems.
Residing in one of the most extreme parts of the Russian Federation, the Chukchi have thrived in the tundra for centuries. Theirs is a legacy deeply tied with expansion, colonialism as well as Soviet restructuring and today face both cultural and economic problems.
Info Sources
GOAT Source - Елена Давыдова. Письмена Тыневиля: микроисторический анализ одного изобретения. Музей антропологии и этнографии и...
Info Sources
GOAT Source - Елена Давыдова. Письмена Тыневиля: микроисторический анализ одного изобретения. Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого.
(Elena Davydova. Tynevil’s Writing: Micro-historical Analysis of an Invention. Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.) [images taken from here as well]
Т. Н. Дмитриева, Т. И. Щербакова. Животные в Чукотских Связках Семейных Охранителей (по Материалам Коллекции И. П. Лаврова)
Централизованная библиотечная система города Ельца. Народов малых не бывает: Чукчи
Ewan Clayton. A history of writing. British Library.
Чукотское Письмо (
0:00 - Writing: What's up with that?
2:19 - Chukchi & Pictograms
5:32 - The Researchers
7:06 - The man, the myth, the legend
12:59 - By the way
16:20 - ԓыгъоравэтԓьэн йиԓыйиԓ
Info Sources
GOAT Source - Елена Давыдова. Письмена Тыневиля: микроисторический анализ одного изобретения. Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого.
(Elena Davydova. Tynevil’s Writing: Micro-historical Analysis of an Invention. Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.) [images taken from here as well]
Т. Н. Дмитриева, Т. И. Щербакова. Животные в Чукотских Связках Семейных Охранителей (по Материалам Коллекции И. П. Лаврова)
Централизованная библиотечная система города Ельца. Народов малых не бывает: Чукчи
Ewan Clayton. A history of writing. British Library.
Чукотское Письмо (
0:00 - Writing: What's up with that?
2:19 - Chukchi & Pictograms
5:32 - The Researchers
7:06 - The man, the myth, the legend
12:59 - By the way
16:20 - ԓыгъоравэтԓьэн йиԓыйиԓ
Swingers of the Far North: why the Chukchi change wives
Every nation living far from civilization has traditions and customs that seem at least strange to unini...
Swingers of the Far North: why the Chukchi change wives
Every nation living far from civilization has traditions and customs that seem at least strange to uninitiated people. Now, in the era of globalization, the identity of small peoples is rapidly eroding, but some centuries-old foundations still remain. For example, the Chukchi have a very extravagant system of marriage and family relations.
Swingers of the Far North: why the Chukchi change wives
Every nation living far from civilization has traditions and customs that seem at least strange to uninitiated people. Now, in the era of globalization, the identity of small peoples is rapidly eroding, but some centuries-old foundations still remain. For example, the Chukchi have a very extravagant system of marriage and family relations.
In the early years of the Cold War, a little known event occurred across the Bering Strait, a War between Americans and Soviets, but despite how this may sound,...
In the early years of the Cold War, a little known event occurred across the Bering Strait, a War between Americans and Soviets, but despite how this may sound, it was not between regular armed forces. but between the native inhabitants of the region, the Chukchi and the Eskimos, continuing their ancient conflicts into a new era.
In the early years of the Cold War, a little known event occurred across the Bering Strait, a War between Americans and Soviets, but despite how this may sound, it was not between regular armed forces. but between the native inhabitants of the region, the Chukchi and the Eskimos, continuing their ancient conflicts into a new era.
Singing "Ergyron" ensemble.
Ансамбль "Эргырон" с песней "Нунлигран".
Чукотский текст (Chukchi lyrics):
Нак'ам эми типъэйн'элъыт
PayPal: [email protected]
Chukchi vs. Maori - WHO will WIN the battle? | HOW IT WAS: Popular ...
PayPal: [email protected]
Chukchi vs. Maori - WHO will WIN the battle? | HOW IT WAS: Popular History
Chukchi people — fierce warriors of the North who mastered survival in cold tundra climate, kept their neighbours in fear and resisted Russian colonizers for more than a century. Maori people — skilled New Zealandian seafarers who made warfare the centre of their life and didn't let English to force them into reservations.
Chukchi and Maori never met on a battlefield. But what if they did? Who would prevail in combat — tundra's most skilled archers or Oceania's fiercest warriors? What do you think?
Materials used: Alexander Turnbull Library Collections | National Library of New Zealand, American Museum of Natural History, National Library of Norway, National Park Service, David Rumsey Map Collection: Cartography Associates, N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology.
Photographs used: Viktor Zagumyonnov / CC BY-SA 4.0, Kuznecova V.G. / N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology / CC BY-SA 3.0, Shabanov / CC BY-SA 3.0, AlGaman / CC BY-SA 3.0, Andrew Turner / CC BY 2.0, Joanne / CC BY-SA 2.0, ARCHIVES DU 7EME ART / PHOTO12 VIA AFP, MATT KLITSCHER / COLLECTION CHRISTOPHEL VIA AFP.
Video used: «Maori welcome Dutch Royal Couple» from RoyalblogNL channel / YouTube by Creative Commons – Attribution license.
Composition "Dark Mystery" belongs to Audionautix.
License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Composition "Echoes of Time" belongs to Kevin MacLeod.
License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Original version:
PayPal: [email protected]
Chukchi vs. Maori - WHO will WIN the battle? | HOW IT WAS: Popular History
Chukchi people — fierce warriors of the North who mastered survival in cold tundra climate, kept their neighbours in fear and resisted Russian colonizers for more than a century. Maori people — skilled New Zealandian seafarers who made warfare the centre of their life and didn't let English to force them into reservations.
Chukchi and Maori never met on a battlefield. But what if they did? Who would prevail in combat — tundra's most skilled archers or Oceania's fiercest warriors? What do you think?
Materials used: Alexander Turnbull Library Collections | National Library of New Zealand, American Museum of Natural History, National Library of Norway, National Park Service, David Rumsey Map Collection: Cartography Associates, N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology.
Photographs used: Viktor Zagumyonnov / CC BY-SA 4.0, Kuznecova V.G. / N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology / CC BY-SA 3.0, Shabanov / CC BY-SA 3.0, AlGaman / CC BY-SA 3.0, Andrew Turner / CC BY 2.0, Joanne / CC BY-SA 2.0, ARCHIVES DU 7EME ART / PHOTO12 VIA AFP, MATT KLITSCHER / COLLECTION CHRISTOPHEL VIA AFP.
Video used: «Maori welcome Dutch Royal Couple» from RoyalblogNL channel / YouTube by Creative Commons – Attribution license.
Composition "Dark Mystery" belongs to Audionautix.
License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Composition "Echoes of Time" belongs to Kevin MacLeod.
License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Original version:
Summer ice retreat in the Chukchi Sea between Alaska and Russia is a significant climate change impact affecting Pacific Walruses, which are being considered fo...
Summer ice retreat in the Chukchi Sea between Alaska and Russia is a significant climate change impact affecting Pacific Walruses, which are being considered for listing as a threatened species. This twelve minute video follows walruses in their summer sea ice habitat and shows how USGS biologists use satellite radio tags to track their movements and behavior. The information identifies areas of special importance to walruses during sparse summer sea ice and as human presence increases in the region from oil drilling and activities such as shipping and tourism now possible with less ice.
More information can be found at:
Summer ice retreat in the Chukchi Sea between Alaska and Russia is a significant climate change impact affecting Pacific Walruses, which are being considered for listing as a threatened species. This twelve minute video follows walruses in their summer sea ice habitat and shows how USGS biologists use satellite radio tags to track their movements and behavior. The information identifies areas of special importance to walruses during sparse summer sea ice and as human presence increases in the region from oil drilling and activities such as shipping and tourism now possible with less ice.
More information can be found at:
Support me on Patreon:
In this video we are embarking on a captivating journey through the Arctic landscapes of Anadyr, Chuko...
Support me on Patreon:
In this video we are embarking on a captivating journey through the Arctic landscapes of Anadyr, Chukotka. I traverse the city and its surroundings, unveiling local architectural wonders, crossing a frozen estuary and showcasing the unique charm of this remote Arctic gem.
We discover the distinctive features of Anadyr's architecture, immerse yourself in the local culture by indulging in authentic Chukotka cuisine, and witness the city's vibrant life against the breathtaking backdrop of snow-covered landscapes.
As we delve into the daily life of Anadyr, I'll take you on a journey through the city's shopping mall, exploring grocery prices and gaining insights into the local economy. At the same time, our adventure doesn't shy away from the mysterious and abandoned; we'll explore forgotten places, including a former military base that once housed the storage of nuclear weapons, unveiling a piece of Chukotka's complex history.
This video captures the essence of Anadyr, Chukotka, providing a rare and intimate glimpse into a world shaped by Arctic beauty, cultural richness, and historical intrigue. Enjoy!
January 2024
00:00 - Introduction
01:26 - Pervomayskiy, Ugolnyye Kopi - the district of coal miners. Understanding Arctic architecture.
04:47 - Ghost town of Ugolnyye Kopi
09:04 - My Chukotka's accommodation
10:10 - 9 time zones between Chukotka and Moscow
11:35 - Extreme journey to Anadyr across frozen ice
21:26 - Chukotka's museum. Understanding WW2 lend lease
27:45 - The most expensive groceries in Russia. Shopping in Anadyr
32:17 - Recycling in Chukotka
33:03 - Chukchi food
35:36 - Journey to the abandoned military town that housed a storage of nuclear warheads targeted the United States.
You can contribute to the production of new videos via:
PayPal: [email protected]
Donation Alerts:
YouTube Memebrship:
Crypto (Etherium): 0x9931db2f59a333799c99e3b85aacab57b1446cf8
Instagram: @vagafuckabond
Support me on Patreon:
In this video we are embarking on a captivating journey through the Arctic landscapes of Anadyr, Chukotka. I traverse the city and its surroundings, unveiling local architectural wonders, crossing a frozen estuary and showcasing the unique charm of this remote Arctic gem.
We discover the distinctive features of Anadyr's architecture, immerse yourself in the local culture by indulging in authentic Chukotka cuisine, and witness the city's vibrant life against the breathtaking backdrop of snow-covered landscapes.
As we delve into the daily life of Anadyr, I'll take you on a journey through the city's shopping mall, exploring grocery prices and gaining insights into the local economy. At the same time, our adventure doesn't shy away from the mysterious and abandoned; we'll explore forgotten places, including a former military base that once housed the storage of nuclear weapons, unveiling a piece of Chukotka's complex history.
This video captures the essence of Anadyr, Chukotka, providing a rare and intimate glimpse into a world shaped by Arctic beauty, cultural richness, and historical intrigue. Enjoy!
January 2024
00:00 - Introduction
01:26 - Pervomayskiy, Ugolnyye Kopi - the district of coal miners. Understanding Arctic architecture.
04:47 - Ghost town of Ugolnyye Kopi
09:04 - My Chukotka's accommodation
10:10 - 9 time zones between Chukotka and Moscow
11:35 - Extreme journey to Anadyr across frozen ice
21:26 - Chukotka's museum. Understanding WW2 lend lease
27:45 - The most expensive groceries in Russia. Shopping in Anadyr
32:17 - Recycling in Chukotka
33:03 - Chukchi food
35:36 - Journey to the abandoned military town that housed a storage of nuclear warheads targeted the United States.
You can contribute to the production of new videos via:
PayPal: [email protected]
Donation Alerts:
YouTube Memebrship:
Crypto (Etherium): 0x9931db2f59a333799c99e3b85aacab57b1446cf8
Instagram: @vagafuckabond
Just look at this little girl Karina! She is so small and dirty and spent 2 days in a deerskin envelope. Still she is so nice and smiles all the time. She prepares to live in the harshest conditions in the a world on a Chukchee Peninsula
The Chukchi (or Chukchee) are an ancient arctic people who live at the meeting point of two continents, Eurasia and North America. They are also the closest asian relatives of native americans. They live in most difficult climate and nature conditions. But still they don't give up! And their hard life worth seeing by people spoiled by civilization...
Residing in one of the most extreme parts of the Russian Federation, the Chukchi have thrived in the tundra for centuries. Theirs is a legacy deeply tied with expansion, colonialism as well as Soviet restructuring and today face both cultural and economic problems.
Info Sources
GOAT Source - Елена Давыдова. Письмена Тыневиля: микроисторический анализ одного изобретения. Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого.
(Elena Davydova. Tynevil’s Writing: Micro-historical Analysis of an Invention. Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.) [images taken from here as well]
Т. Н. Дмитриева, Т. И. Щербакова. Животные в Чукотских Связках Семейных Охранителей (по Материалам Коллекции И. П. Лаврова)
Централизованная библиотечная система города Ельца. Народов малых не бывает: Чукчи
Ewan Clayton. A history of writing. British Library.
Чукотское Письмо (
0:00 - Writing: What's up with that?
2:19 - Chukchi & Pictograms
5:32 - The Researchers
7:06 - The man, the myth, the legend
12:59 - By the way
16:20 - ԓыгъоравэтԓьэн йиԓыйиԓ
Swingers of the Far North: why the Chukchi change wives
Every nation living far from civilization has traditions and customs that seem at least strange to uninitiated people. Now, in the era of globalization, the identity of small peoples is rapidly eroding, but some centuries-old foundations still remain. For example, the Chukchi have a very extravagant system of marriage and family relations.
In the early years of the Cold War, a little known event occurred across the Bering Strait, a War between Americans and Soviets, but despite how this may sound, it was not between regular armed forces. but between the native inhabitants of the region, the Chukchi and the Eskimos, continuing their ancient conflicts into a new era.
PayPal: [email protected]
Chukchi vs. Maori - WHO will WIN the battle? | HOW IT WAS: Popular History
Chukchi people — fierce warriors of the North who mastered survival in cold tundra climate, kept their neighbours in fear and resisted Russian colonizers for more than a century. Maori people — skilled New Zealandian seafarers who made warfare the centre of their life and didn't let English to force them into reservations.
Chukchi and Maori never met on a battlefield. But what if they did? Who would prevail in combat — tundra's most skilled archers or Oceania's fiercest warriors? What do you think?
Materials used: Alexander Turnbull Library Collections | National Library of New Zealand, American Museum of Natural History, National Library of Norway, National Park Service, David Rumsey Map Collection: Cartography Associates, N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology.
Photographs used: Viktor Zagumyonnov / CC BY-SA 4.0, Kuznecova V.G. / N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology / CC BY-SA 3.0, Shabanov / CC BY-SA 3.0, AlGaman / CC BY-SA 3.0, Andrew Turner / CC BY 2.0, Joanne / CC BY-SA 2.0, ARCHIVES DU 7EME ART / PHOTO12 VIA AFP, MATT KLITSCHER / COLLECTION CHRISTOPHEL VIA AFP.
Video used: «Maori welcome Dutch Royal Couple» from RoyalblogNL channel / YouTube by Creative Commons – Attribution license.
Composition "Dark Mystery" belongs to Audionautix.
License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Composition "Echoes of Time" belongs to Kevin MacLeod.
License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Original version:
Summer ice retreat in the Chukchi Sea between Alaska and Russia is a significant climate change impact affecting Pacific Walruses, which are being considered for listing as a threatened species. This twelve minute video follows walruses in their summer sea ice habitat and shows how USGS biologists use satellite radio tags to track their movements and behavior. The information identifies areas of special importance to walruses during sparse summer sea ice and as human presence increases in the region from oil drilling and activities such as shipping and tourism now possible with less ice.
More information can be found at:
Support me on Patreon:
In this video we are embarking on a captivating journey through the Arctic landscapes of Anadyr, Chukotka. I traverse the city and its surroundings, unveiling local architectural wonders, crossing a frozen estuary and showcasing the unique charm of this remote Arctic gem.
We discover the distinctive features of Anadyr's architecture, immerse yourself in the local culture by indulging in authentic Chukotka cuisine, and witness the city's vibrant life against the breathtaking backdrop of snow-covered landscapes.
As we delve into the daily life of Anadyr, I'll take you on a journey through the city's shopping mall, exploring grocery prices and gaining insights into the local economy. At the same time, our adventure doesn't shy away from the mysterious and abandoned; we'll explore forgotten places, including a former military base that once housed the storage of nuclear weapons, unveiling a piece of Chukotka's complex history.
This video captures the essence of Anadyr, Chukotka, providing a rare and intimate glimpse into a world shaped by Arctic beauty, cultural richness, and historical intrigue. Enjoy!
January 2024
00:00 - Introduction
01:26 - Pervomayskiy, Ugolnyye Kopi - the district of coal miners. Understanding Arctic architecture.
04:47 - Ghost town of Ugolnyye Kopi
09:04 - My Chukotka's accommodation
10:10 - 9 time zones between Chukotka and Moscow
11:35 - Extreme journey to Anadyr across frozen ice
21:26 - Chukotka's museum. Understanding WW2 lend lease
27:45 - The most expensive groceries in Russia. Shopping in Anadyr
32:17 - Recycling in Chukotka
33:03 - Chukchi food
35:36 - Journey to the abandoned military town that housed a storage of nuclear warheads targeted the United States.
You can contribute to the production of new videos via:
PayPal: [email protected]
Donation Alerts:
YouTube Memebrship:
Crypto (Etherium): 0x9931db2f59a333799c99e3b85aacab57b1446cf8
Instagram: @vagafuckabond
[Intro:] Jyea. Shigga shay I need all of y'all to turn your radios up... your speakers up... Right Now cause [Hook:] Shawty makes my head spin a couple hundred rounds So if you thinkin' I'm crazy baby just don't make a sound You know you gotta be with me right now, come to me right now, right na na na na now [Verse 1:] If you a beast on a leash baby you outta control So please don't believe 'em cause you already know And I'm a take ya sky high girl don't be afraid You're so fly shawty you can probably lead a parade So I showed up there and she like who is this It's so damn fair you should call it a business She got a superhead so I call her Karin Have you ridin' like a jockey no Ralph Lauren I ain't got no Gucci Mane but we can share the Spotlight Turn a little cold movie to a hot night I shine all the time so turn the lights down So if you wanna man, holla at me Right Now! [Hook: x2] Shawty makes my head spin a couple hundred rounds So if you thinkin' I'm crazy baby just don't make a sound You know you gotta be with me right now, come to me right now, right na na na na now [Verse 2:] Hussle(hustle) with the music you should call it Nipsey Put your voice with mine and it'd be extra crispy If there ain't space baby we can share the same spot Not Young Money but I, I, I can make ya Bedrock Not picky you can choose whatever place I can make ya go GaGa with a Poker Face The best he can do is poke you on FaceBook Forget about the rest I don't care how they look This is my space babe, this is my night Forget the saga we can make our own Twilight I shine all the time so turn the lights down And if you wanna man holla at me Right Now! [Hook: x2] Shawty makes my head spin a couple hundred rounds So if you thinkin' I'm crazy baby just don't make a sound You know you gotta be with me right now, come to me right now, right na na na na now [Bridge:] If you need man come to me right now... Right now [Hook:] Shawty makes my head spin a couple hundred rounds So if you thinkin' I'm crazy baby just don't make a sound
MOSCOW — The RussianDefense Ministry announced on Sunday that two Tu-95MS strategic bombers of the Aerospace Forces conducted a training flight over the neutral waters of the Chukchi Sea.Accompanied ....
The RussianDefense Ministry said on Sunday that two Tu-95MS strategic bombers of the Aerospace Forces carried out a training flight over the neutral waters of the Chukchi Sea ... 10, the ministry said in a statement ... .
The RussianDefense Ministry announced on Sunday that two Tu-95MS strategic bombers of the Aerospace Forces successfully completed a 10-hour training flight over the neutral waters of the Chukchi Sea ... ....
The majority of the area analyzed is beyond the Chukchi Sea Outer Continental Shelf Planning Area that the U.S ... The Chukchi Sea remains withdrawn from oil and gas leasing ... No petroleum exploration wells have been drilled in the North Chukchi Basin.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Two Russian Tu-95МS strategic missile carriers have carried out an over 12-hour flight over the waters of the Chukchi Sea located between Russia's Chukotka Autonomous Area and the ...
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Two Russian Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers have conducted a planned flight over neutral waters of the Bering and Chukchi seas, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said on Wednesday ....
Two Tu-95MS long-range strategic missile carriers made a scheduled flight above the neutral waters of the Chukchi Sea, reported Russian DefenseMinistry on Friday in the Telegram channel ... .