Transformers: Beast Wars is an entertainment franchise from Hasbro, and part of the larger Transformers franchise. The fiction directly follows the Transformers: Generation 1 continuity established by the 1984 series and animated film, while ignoring the continuity established with the Japanese Transformers series, though this franchise would have two exclusive Japanese series of its own. Previous to Beast Wars, Hasbro had attempted to relaunch the original toys and animation as Transformers: Generation 2. Hasbro intended another franchise titled Transtech to follow, combining Beast Wars and Generation 1 characters and aesthetics, but this was cancelled. Instead the franchise began a series of reboots, beginning with the Japanese-produced Transformers: Car Robot series.
Beast Machines
Beast Wars was succeeded by Beast Machines, a new series with a new creative team in charge of production. The Maximals find themselves back on Cybertron, malfunctioning and trapped into their first beast modes (the ones they had at the beginning of Beast Wars) without memory of what happened previously, fighting for survival against mindless drones called Vehicons controlled by Megatron and being reformatted into their technorganic forms. With the whole planet empty and all of the Transformers missing, Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Rattrap and Blackarachnia begin a new crusade, this time to free the entire planet.
Beast Wars II: Super Life-Form Transformers(ビーストウォーズⅡ 超生命体トランスフォーマー,Bīsuto Wōzu Sekando: Chō Seimeitai Toransufōmā) is a 1998 JapaneseTransformers anime series, spawning a movie and a toyline. It was broadcast on TV Tokyo from April 1998 to January 1999, and was the first Transformers anime to be produced by Nihon Ad Systems and animated by the studio Ashi Productions. While its position in the Transformers continuity has previously been unknown, the IDW Publishing comic book mini-series Beast Wars: The Gathering and comments from Transformers writer Simon Furman have shown it is part of the Beast Wars continuity. The series was preceded by Beast Wars, and was followed by Super Life-Form Transformers: Beast Wars Neo. Voices are done by Hozumi Gōda and each episode runs for 30 minutes. This anime was succeeded by Beast Wars Neo.
The series has a much lighter tone and is aimed more towards children, whereas the more accessible Beast Wars was intended for a wider age range. The series also uses conventional animation rather than CGI. With the exceptions of the faction leaders, all of the characters within the series are either re-molds or re-colors of earlier Beast Wars figures or Generation 2/Machine Wars figures.
The game allows you to play as either the Maximals or the Predacons in a series of missions to sabotage the other side's attempts at gaining a tactical advantage in the Beast Wars. There are six playable characters on each side, one unlockable by finding a stasis pod in a specific level and the other only accessible in Rescue missions, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and they all have both a health meter and an Energon tolerance meter that slowly goes down while in Robot mode (staying in Beast Mode slowly refills this meter); once this meter is empty, the player takes damage from the ambient Energon radiation in the air. If the player fails in a mission and gets the character killed, the character can be 'revived' by finding a mini game icon in that same level. The mini game allows the player to take control of Airazor or Terrorsaur to recover the fallen ally.
The Beast WarsTV series was produced by Mainframe Entertainment of Canada; its story editors were Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio. All three seasons are currently available on DVD in the USA and other Region 1 territories. In Australia, to coincide with the show's tenth anniversary in 2006, Madman Entertainment released all three seasons in Region 4 format. These boxsets include "world exclusive" special features, such as commentaries and interviews with the voice actors.
The production designer for the show, Clyde Klotz, won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation in 1997 for his work on Beast Wars.
Opening Titles : Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers : Version 2
Opening titles from "Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers," a Japanese-exclusive Beast Wars offshoot. Version 2.
published: 11 Dec 2016
Opening Titles : Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers : Version 1
Opening titles from "Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers," a Japanese-exclusive Beast Wars offshoot. Version 1.
published: 11 Dec 2016
Beast Wars II MOVIE ENG SUBBED - Lio Convoy's Critical Moment ライオコンボイ危機一髪!
Beast Wars II - Lio Convoy's Critical Moment, takes place outside of the timeline of the TV Series. Many of the characters whom appear in the movie are from episodes 33 and above. Several key differences are the lack of the artificial planet Nemesis, and the Cybertrons' spaceship being able to fly around Planet Gaia.
Translator Notes:
Skywarp uses the expression sutandopuleh (スタンドプレー) or Stand play which is a English sounding Japanese word for showboating or doing a publicity stunt.
published: 03 Apr 2016
Beast Wars II/Neo Transformation Compilation
The Transformations of most characters in Beast Wars II and Neo. The beginning and end has comical edits from our North American Beast Wars. This Land Before Time is weird.
ビーストウォーズネオ 変形集
published: 02 Oct 2021
Beast Wars II - Super Voyager
I do not own this song or the background picture. All rights go to their owners.
published: 08 Mar 2017
From gag dubs to theatrical movies, from beastly 'bots to car robots, from Beast Wars II to Beast Wars Neo - sponsored by patreon supporter Joel Adler, these are The Basics on the Beast Wars franchise's unique journey in Japan!
Watch Beast Wars II and Neo subtitled by @KaryuudoFansubs right here on YouTube!
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Logo by Liam Shalloo:
Background music: Aitech Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
End card music: "Tech Live" Kevin MacLeod (in...
published: 15 May 2021
Opening Titles : Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers
Opening titles from "Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers," the Japanese dub of season 1 of "Beast Wars"
published: 10 Dec 2016
Beast Wars II: Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger (1998) | Maximals vs. MajinZarak
The final fight of the Beast Wars II movie where the Maximals led by Lio Convoy are joined by Optimus Primal (who was summoned to planet Gaia by Magnaboss) in order to defeat MajinZarak.
published: 08 Feb 2022
Opening Titles : Beast Wars Neo: Super Lifeform Transformers : Version 2
Opening titles from "Beast Wars Neo: Super Lifeform Transformers," a Japanese-exclusive Beast Wars offshoot, and sequel to "Beast Wars II." Version 2.
published: 11 Dec 2016
Beast Wars II 01 ENG SUBBED The New Forces Arrive! 新軍団登場!
Translator Notes:
During the Beast Wars series, the Cybertrons and Destrons used Henshin (変身) rather than the traditional Transform command when they changed forms. Henshin literally means metamorphosis, to change one’s outer appearance or to simply transform. Since the Beast Wars II series uses both Henshin and Transform, we wanted to differentiate between them using a different word for the command code. Thus we’re using the term Metamorph for the Cybertron and Insectron transformation sequences. Funny enough though, in the Beast Wars II manga, Henshin (変身) is written, but beside it in katakana characters, they’ve written Transform (トランスフォーム).
When the Destrons are being briefed by Galvatron on why they’re on the planet Gaia, Megastorm repeats what Galvatron has just said and adds dazo...
Beast Wars II - Lio Convoy's Critical Moment, takes place outside of the timeline of the TV Series. Many of the characters whom appear in the movie are from epi...
Beast Wars II - Lio Convoy's Critical Moment, takes place outside of the timeline of the TV Series. Many of the characters whom appear in the movie are from episodes 33 and above. Several key differences are the lack of the artificial planet Nemesis, and the Cybertrons' spaceship being able to fly around Planet Gaia.
Translator Notes:
Skywarp uses the expression sutandopuleh (スタンドプレー) or Stand play which is a English sounding Japanese word for showboating or doing a publicity stunt.
Beast Wars II - Lio Convoy's Critical Moment, takes place outside of the timeline of the TV Series. Many of the characters whom appear in the movie are from episodes 33 and above. Several key differences are the lack of the artificial planet Nemesis, and the Cybertrons' spaceship being able to fly around Planet Gaia.
Translator Notes:
Skywarp uses the expression sutandopuleh (スタンドプレー) or Stand play which is a English sounding Japanese word for showboating or doing a publicity stunt.
The Transformations of most characters in Beast Wars II and Neo. The beginning and end has comical edits from our North American Beast Wars. This Land Before T...
The Transformations of most characters in Beast Wars II and Neo. The beginning and end has comical edits from our North American Beast Wars. This Land Before Time is weird.
ビーストウォーズネオ 変形集
The Transformations of most characters in Beast Wars II and Neo. The beginning and end has comical edits from our North American Beast Wars. This Land Before Time is weird.
ビーストウォーズネオ 変形集
From gag dubs to theatrical movies, from beastly 'bots to car robots, from Beast Wars II to Beast Wars Neo - sponsored by patreon supporter Joel Adler, these ar...
From gag dubs to theatrical movies, from beastly 'bots to car robots, from Beast Wars II to Beast Wars Neo - sponsored by patreon supporter Joel Adler, these are The Basics on the Beast Wars franchise's unique journey in Japan!
Watch Beast Wars II and Neo subtitled by @KaryuudoFansubs right here on YouTube!
Support the show on Patreon:
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Logo by Liam Shalloo:
Background music: Aitech Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
End card music: "Tech Live" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
From gag dubs to theatrical movies, from beastly 'bots to car robots, from Beast Wars II to Beast Wars Neo - sponsored by patreon supporter Joel Adler, these are The Basics on the Beast Wars franchise's unique journey in Japan!
Watch Beast Wars II and Neo subtitled by @KaryuudoFansubs right here on YouTube!
Support the show on Patreon:
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Follow me on Twitter:
Follow me on Tumblr:
Logo by Liam Shalloo:
Background music: Aitech Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
End card music: "Tech Live" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The final fight of the Beast Wars II movie where the Maximals led by Lio Convoy are joined by Optimus Primal (who was summoned to planet Gaia by Magnaboss) in o...
The final fight of the Beast Wars II movie where the Maximals led by Lio Convoy are joined by Optimus Primal (who was summoned to planet Gaia by Magnaboss) in order to defeat MajinZarak.
The final fight of the Beast Wars II movie where the Maximals led by Lio Convoy are joined by Optimus Primal (who was summoned to planet Gaia by Magnaboss) in order to defeat MajinZarak.
Translator Notes:
During the Beast Wars series, the Cybertrons and Destrons used Henshin (変身) rather than the traditional Transform command when they changed f...
Translator Notes:
During the Beast Wars series, the Cybertrons and Destrons used Henshin (変身) rather than the traditional Transform command when they changed forms. Henshin literally means metamorphosis, to change one’s outer appearance or to simply transform. Since the Beast Wars II series uses both Henshin and Transform, we wanted to differentiate between them using a different word for the command code. Thus we’re using the term Metamorph for the Cybertron and Insectron transformation sequences. Funny enough though, in the Beast Wars II manga, Henshin (変身) is written, but beside it in katakana characters, they’ve written Transform (トランスフォーム).
When the Destrons are being briefed by Galvatron on why they’re on the planet Gaia, Megastorm repeats what Galvatron has just said and adds dazo (だぞ) at the end of his sentence. The use of this implies as if a military officer was asking his troops if they were clear about what is being asked of them, or to enforce what the commanding officer has just specified to rally the troops.
The word Angolmois comes from a real-world reference of the most frightening prophecy of the 20th century. Nostradamus, who had predicted a significant event would occur in July of 1999, where a great "King of Terror" would appear in the Middle East to start the battle of Armageddon. This was obviously incorrect as nothing happened. Many experts blamed Nostradamus for this error, and re-translated the scripts as follows.
In the year 1999 and seven months,
From the skies shall come a great and terrible King of Terror.
To raise again the great king of the Mongols,
Before and after, War shall reign at will.
In the year one thousand nine hundred ninety nine, seventh month,
From the sky will come a "grand Roi deffrayeur"
To resurrect the great king of the "Angolmois".
Before and after, war reigns for a good-cause.
Unfortunately, no one was able to successfully translate the French word Angolmois, and who was this "grand Roi deffrayeur" who was going to arrive out of the sky in the month of July? The only word in any known language that is spelled A-N-G-O-L is Angola, a former Portuguese African colony, and the phrase "grand Roi deffrayeur" translates as "great Leader of frightening power."
While Bighorn is working out, he uses a common expression ude ga naru (腕がなる) which means for one to be itching to put one's skills to use.
Scuba makes a metaphor comparing their loss of a Supreme Commander in reference to a game of Shougi which is Japanese chess.
While playing their game of Seibertronian game of chess, Diver says "check!" in Japanese by saying "ōte!" (王手). This is an influence of international chess and is not required in the rules, however, players will say it as a courtesy.
During the Seibertronian game of chess that Tasmanian Kid and Diver play, Tasmanian Kid asks Diver to let him have another chance at winning, but Diver refuses this request by saying that he can’t undo that move.
The way the dialogue is played out is very difficult to translate, since the reference of generosity is related to water that’s fresh vs water that’s old and spoiled.
Tasmanian Kid - Sonna~, mizu kusai (そんなー、水くさい) No way, be more frank with me! / No way, your generosity stinks! / No way, your water stinks!
Diver - Mizu wa kusatte mahen (水は腐ってまへん) Yes, way! / The water hasn't gone spoiled!
Tasmanian Kid uses a common word dasai (ださい) that young kids would use to describe if something was uncool.
When Tasmanian Kid and Diver are on top of Scuba, Tasmanian Kid uses a bad joke Ika nante ika shi teru ze (烏賊なんてイカしてるぜ). This is bad pun using Ika which means squid, and ikasu (いかす) which means for something to be cool or stylish looking.
The term Honbu (本部) in this series refers to HQ or Headquarters. However this term can also be used in the business world as Head Office.
Before the Cybertrons change forms, Tasmanian Kid refers to their robot modes as sentou modo (戦闘モード). In the guidebooks, they have this written in English as battle modes, so we’ve stuck with that since sentou can refer to combat / battle / fight.
Megastorm presents himself as the Prince / Duke koushaku (公爵) of Destruction.
Megastorm mentions to the Cybertrons that they’ve entered into an enemy’s ring thinking they could win. His reference refers to going into a boxing ring to fight an opponent.
Megastorm says iikimida ( いい気味だ) which refers to someone deserving whatever bad happens to them.
Before Starscream and BB retreat, Starscream makes a comment using the term- Taigakusu (退学) which refers to dropping out or quit from something. Sometimes this term is used in expressions when dropping out of school.
Translator Notes:
During the Beast Wars series, the Cybertrons and Destrons used Henshin (変身) rather than the traditional Transform command when they changed forms. Henshin literally means metamorphosis, to change one’s outer appearance or to simply transform. Since the Beast Wars II series uses both Henshin and Transform, we wanted to differentiate between them using a different word for the command code. Thus we’re using the term Metamorph for the Cybertron and Insectron transformation sequences. Funny enough though, in the Beast Wars II manga, Henshin (変身) is written, but beside it in katakana characters, they’ve written Transform (トランスフォーム).
When the Destrons are being briefed by Galvatron on why they’re on the planet Gaia, Megastorm repeats what Galvatron has just said and adds dazo (だぞ) at the end of his sentence. The use of this implies as if a military officer was asking his troops if they were clear about what is being asked of them, or to enforce what the commanding officer has just specified to rally the troops.
The word Angolmois comes from a real-world reference of the most frightening prophecy of the 20th century. Nostradamus, who had predicted a significant event would occur in July of 1999, where a great "King of Terror" would appear in the Middle East to start the battle of Armageddon. This was obviously incorrect as nothing happened. Many experts blamed Nostradamus for this error, and re-translated the scripts as follows.
In the year 1999 and seven months,
From the skies shall come a great and terrible King of Terror.
To raise again the great king of the Mongols,
Before and after, War shall reign at will.
In the year one thousand nine hundred ninety nine, seventh month,
From the sky will come a "grand Roi deffrayeur"
To resurrect the great king of the "Angolmois".
Before and after, war reigns for a good-cause.
Unfortunately, no one was able to successfully translate the French word Angolmois, and who was this "grand Roi deffrayeur" who was going to arrive out of the sky in the month of July? The only word in any known language that is spelled A-N-G-O-L is Angola, a former Portuguese African colony, and the phrase "grand Roi deffrayeur" translates as "great Leader of frightening power."
While Bighorn is working out, he uses a common expression ude ga naru (腕がなる) which means for one to be itching to put one's skills to use.
Scuba makes a metaphor comparing their loss of a Supreme Commander in reference to a game of Shougi which is Japanese chess.
While playing their game of Seibertronian game of chess, Diver says "check!" in Japanese by saying "ōte!" (王手). This is an influence of international chess and is not required in the rules, however, players will say it as a courtesy.
During the Seibertronian game of chess that Tasmanian Kid and Diver play, Tasmanian Kid asks Diver to let him have another chance at winning, but Diver refuses this request by saying that he can’t undo that move.
The way the dialogue is played out is very difficult to translate, since the reference of generosity is related to water that’s fresh vs water that’s old and spoiled.
Tasmanian Kid - Sonna~, mizu kusai (そんなー、水くさい) No way, be more frank with me! / No way, your generosity stinks! / No way, your water stinks!
Diver - Mizu wa kusatte mahen (水は腐ってまへん) Yes, way! / The water hasn't gone spoiled!
Tasmanian Kid uses a common word dasai (ださい) that young kids would use to describe if something was uncool.
When Tasmanian Kid and Diver are on top of Scuba, Tasmanian Kid uses a bad joke Ika nante ika shi teru ze (烏賊なんてイカしてるぜ). This is bad pun using Ika which means squid, and ikasu (いかす) which means for something to be cool or stylish looking.
The term Honbu (本部) in this series refers to HQ or Headquarters. However this term can also be used in the business world as Head Office.
Before the Cybertrons change forms, Tasmanian Kid refers to their robot modes as sentou modo (戦闘モード). In the guidebooks, they have this written in English as battle modes, so we’ve stuck with that since sentou can refer to combat / battle / fight.
Megastorm presents himself as the Prince / Duke koushaku (公爵) of Destruction.
Megastorm mentions to the Cybertrons that they’ve entered into an enemy’s ring thinking they could win. His reference refers to going into a boxing ring to fight an opponent.
Megastorm says iikimida ( いい気味だ) which refers to someone deserving whatever bad happens to them.
Before Starscream and BB retreat, Starscream makes a comment using the term- Taigakusu (退学) which refers to dropping out or quit from something. Sometimes this term is used in expressions when dropping out of school.
Beast Wars II - Lio Convoy's Critical Moment, takes place outside of the timeline of the TV Series. Many of the characters whom appear in the movie are from episodes 33 and above. Several key differences are the lack of the artificial planet Nemesis, and the Cybertrons' spaceship being able to fly around Planet Gaia.
Translator Notes:
Skywarp uses the expression sutandopuleh (スタンドプレー) or Stand play which is a English sounding Japanese word for showboating or doing a publicity stunt.
The Transformations of most characters in Beast Wars II and Neo. The beginning and end has comical edits from our North American Beast Wars. This Land Before Time is weird.
ビーストウォーズネオ 変形集
From gag dubs to theatrical movies, from beastly 'bots to car robots, from Beast Wars II to Beast Wars Neo - sponsored by patreon supporter Joel Adler, these are The Basics on the Beast Wars franchise's unique journey in Japan!
Watch Beast Wars II and Neo subtitled by @KaryuudoFansubs right here on YouTube!
Support the show on Patreon:
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Logo by Liam Shalloo:
Background music: Aitech Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
End card music: "Tech Live" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The final fight of the Beast Wars II movie where the Maximals led by Lio Convoy are joined by Optimus Primal (who was summoned to planet Gaia by Magnaboss) in order to defeat MajinZarak.
Translator Notes:
During the Beast Wars series, the Cybertrons and Destrons used Henshin (変身) rather than the traditional Transform command when they changed forms. Henshin literally means metamorphosis, to change one’s outer appearance or to simply transform. Since the Beast Wars II series uses both Henshin and Transform, we wanted to differentiate between them using a different word for the command code. Thus we’re using the term Metamorph for the Cybertron and Insectron transformation sequences. Funny enough though, in the Beast Wars II manga, Henshin (変身) is written, but beside it in katakana characters, they’ve written Transform (トランスフォーム).
When the Destrons are being briefed by Galvatron on why they’re on the planet Gaia, Megastorm repeats what Galvatron has just said and adds dazo (だぞ) at the end of his sentence. The use of this implies as if a military officer was asking his troops if they were clear about what is being asked of them, or to enforce what the commanding officer has just specified to rally the troops.
The word Angolmois comes from a real-world reference of the most frightening prophecy of the 20th century. Nostradamus, who had predicted a significant event would occur in July of 1999, where a great "King of Terror" would appear in the Middle East to start the battle of Armageddon. This was obviously incorrect as nothing happened. Many experts blamed Nostradamus for this error, and re-translated the scripts as follows.
In the year 1999 and seven months,
From the skies shall come a great and terrible King of Terror.
To raise again the great king of the Mongols,
Before and after, War shall reign at will.
In the year one thousand nine hundred ninety nine, seventh month,
From the sky will come a "grand Roi deffrayeur"
To resurrect the great king of the "Angolmois".
Before and after, war reigns for a good-cause.
Unfortunately, no one was able to successfully translate the French word Angolmois, and who was this "grand Roi deffrayeur" who was going to arrive out of the sky in the month of July? The only word in any known language that is spelled A-N-G-O-L is Angola, a former Portuguese African colony, and the phrase "grand Roi deffrayeur" translates as "great Leader of frightening power."
While Bighorn is working out, he uses a common expression ude ga naru (腕がなる) which means for one to be itching to put one's skills to use.
Scuba makes a metaphor comparing their loss of a Supreme Commander in reference to a game of Shougi which is Japanese chess.
While playing their game of Seibertronian game of chess, Diver says "check!" in Japanese by saying "ōte!" (王手). This is an influence of international chess and is not required in the rules, however, players will say it as a courtesy.
During the Seibertronian game of chess that Tasmanian Kid and Diver play, Tasmanian Kid asks Diver to let him have another chance at winning, but Diver refuses this request by saying that he can’t undo that move.
The way the dialogue is played out is very difficult to translate, since the reference of generosity is related to water that’s fresh vs water that’s old and spoiled.
Tasmanian Kid - Sonna~, mizu kusai (そんなー、水くさい) No way, be more frank with me! / No way, your generosity stinks! / No way, your water stinks!
Diver - Mizu wa kusatte mahen (水は腐ってまへん) Yes, way! / The water hasn't gone spoiled!
Tasmanian Kid uses a common word dasai (ださい) that young kids would use to describe if something was uncool.
When Tasmanian Kid and Diver are on top of Scuba, Tasmanian Kid uses a bad joke Ika nante ika shi teru ze (烏賊なんてイカしてるぜ). This is bad pun using Ika which means squid, and ikasu (いかす) which means for something to be cool or stylish looking.
The term Honbu (本部) in this series refers to HQ or Headquarters. However this term can also be used in the business world as Head Office.
Before the Cybertrons change forms, Tasmanian Kid refers to their robot modes as sentou modo (戦闘モード). In the guidebooks, they have this written in English as battle modes, so we’ve stuck with that since sentou can refer to combat / battle / fight.
Megastorm presents himself as the Prince / Duke koushaku (公爵) of Destruction.
Megastorm mentions to the Cybertrons that they’ve entered into an enemy’s ring thinking they could win. His reference refers to going into a boxing ring to fight an opponent.
Megastorm says iikimida ( いい気味だ) which refers to someone deserving whatever bad happens to them.
Before Starscream and BB retreat, Starscream makes a comment using the term- Taigakusu (退学) which refers to dropping out or quit from something. Sometimes this term is used in expressions when dropping out of school.
Transformers: Beast Wars is an entertainment franchise from Hasbro, and part of the larger Transformers franchise. The fiction directly follows the Transformers: Generation 1 continuity established by the 1984 series and animated film, while ignoring the continuity established with the Japanese Transformers series, though this franchise would have two exclusive Japanese series of its own. Previous to Beast Wars, Hasbro had attempted to relaunch the original toys and animation as Transformers: Generation 2. Hasbro intended another franchise titled Transtech to follow, combining Beast Wars and Generation 1 characters and aesthetics, but this was cancelled. Instead the franchise began a series of reboots, beginning with the Japanese-produced Transformers: Car Robot series.
Beast Machines
Beast Wars was succeeded by Beast Machines, a new series with a new creative team in charge of production. The Maximals find themselves back on Cybertron, malfunctioning and trapped into their first beast modes (the ones they had at the beginning of Beast Wars) without memory of what happened previously, fighting for survival against mindless drones called Vehicons controlled by Megatron and being reformatted into their technorganic forms. With the whole planet empty and all of the Transformers missing, Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Rattrap and Blackarachnia begin a new crusade, this time to free the entire planet.