FROM TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY - A History of Arab Nationalism
Join me as we dive into the tumultuous #history of #Arab #nationalism from the mid 20th century onwards. Discover the highs and lows, #triumphs and #tragedies and the four major factors that eventually led to its demise. How did the #Arabs get it so wrong when they had so much going for them immediately after #WWII? Is there an opportunity for its #rebirth? Or is it lost forever in the annals of time?
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3jCXuCw:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/tareqkandari
Twitter: www.twitter.com/tareqkandari
“1958-02-03 First US Satellite Launched.ogv”
“1958-07-24 Mid East Crisis.ogv”
“1956-07-30 Suez Canal Seized.ogv”
“1967-06-13 Cease-Fire.ogv”
“1956-04-12 Full Scale War Looms.ogv”
Previous 5 videos attributed to Universal City Studios, Public Domain
“Oil Rich Libya.ogv”
“Sadat ...
published: 09 Apr 2023
Why Didn't the Arab World Unite? (Short Animated Documentary)
When so many other groups of people were united into single nations, why didn't the Arab world do the same? Were there any attempts to do so and since they clearly didn't succeed in the long term, what happened? Find out in this short and simple animated history documentary.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tenminhistory
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
Special Thanks to the following Patrons for their support on Patreon:
Chris Fatta
Kevin Sanders
Stefan Møller
Gregory - The Bittersteel
Richard Wolfe
D. Mahlik
Qi Xiao
Ian Jensen
Andrew Miraut
Ariadni Voulgari
Jason Martins
Paul McGee
Mitchell Wildoer
Andrew Niedbala
John Garcia
Bernardo Santos
Nathan Perlman
Danny Anstess
Christopher Go...
published: 04 Mar 2020
Pan-Arab Nationalism
“International Relations in the Middle East“ is an online course on Janux. Learn more at http://janux.ou.edu.
Created by the University of Oklahoma, Janux is an interactive learning community that gives learners direct connections to courses, education resources, faculty, and each other. Janux courses are freely available or may be taken for college credit by enrolled OU students.
Joshua Landis Ph.D. Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Middle East Studies in the College of International Studies
Video by NextThought (http://nextthought.com).
Copyright © 2000-2017 The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, All Rights Reserved.
published: 30 Mar 2017
Nasser, Nationalism and the Arab Super State - Cold War DOCUMENTARY
⚔️ Season X: Highlanders is bringing Scottish might to Conqueror’s Blade. Play and get 7 days of
premium time FREE here: https://bit.ly/3E28u0y
Our historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on how the president of Egypt Gamel Abdel Nasser brought the Pan-Arabic Nationalism to the forefront of politics of the era and his attempts to create an Arab Super State
What Happened to the German and Japanese POWs?: https://youtu.be/JLK1xQV9B84
Operation Paperclip: https://youtu.be/17cNgMpBiWw
German Expulsions: https://youtu.be/zyWx4p4hiaY
Soviet Education System: https://youtu.be/AD_JwbivtMA
How Khrushchev Fed the Soviet People: https://youtu.be/qIZDa7ZcUhE
Novocherkassk Massacre 1962: https://youtu.be/b06Gfm2QVxY
Soviet Tourism: https://youtu.be/t9KrH-...
published: 01 Jan 2022
Why did the Arabs revolt against the Ottoman Empire? DOCUMENTARY
Play Supremacy1914 for FREE on PC, Android, and iOS and receive an amazing starter pack, only available for the next 30 days! https://s1914.onelink.me/TX2k/KingsAndGeneralsDecember
Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman History and World Wars continues with a video on why the Arabs revolted against the Ottomans before and during the Great War, and how the Arab Revolted affected the World War.
Cold War channel: youtube.com/@TheColdWarTV
Modern Warfare series: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX4NYr_WkbaW5KfYwqTAxn08
Winter War: https://youtu.be/1Uk5bY22RSE
Battle of Greece: https://youtu.be/_jDBQijICTo
Korean War: https://youtu.be/ViVGj58kt34
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan - Operation Storm-333: https://youtu.be/bpm5dPIULF0
How the USSR Lost the Afghan...
published: 31 Dec 2022
National Arab Orchestra - Alf Leila wi Leila / الف ليلة وليلى - Mai Farouk / مي فاروق
Do you enjoy Arab music? Here’s how to be the First Person to own an Exclusive Playlist from the NAO - https://araborchestra.org/thenaopresents/
A Tribute to Asmahan and Um Kulthoum
Presented By: Ithra Theater (www.ithra.com)
Featuring: National Arab Orchestra w/ Lubana Al Quntar & Mai Farouk
Directed by: Michael Ibrahim & Elie Karam
King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, By Saudi Aramco - Saudi Arabia
November 22 - 23
Alf Leila wi Leila - Baligh Hamdi
Vocalist: Mai Farouk
Meet the Orchestra - Concert Mistress: Megan Gould. Violin: Naji Azar, Houssam Azzam, Bengisu Gokce, Laura Harada, Jumanah Hassan, Mounir Makhoul, Insia Malik, Raymond Nassif, Mario Rahy, Ceren Turkmenoglu, Sachiyo Yoshimoto. Viola: Charbel Antoun, Marandi Hostetter, Roberto Riggio, Andrea Vercoe. Cello: Mohannad...
published: 12 Jun 2020
The colonial myth of Palestine
published: 09 May 2024
IsraelPalestine For Critical Thinkers: #5 The Rise of Arab & Jewish Nationalism
In this episode, Richard Bass explains how the 19th century saw the rise of both Jewish and Arab nationalist movements. We describe the inception of Zionism and how it grew out of a need to address growing anti-semitism. We’ll also explain how Arab intellectuals were imagining a powerful political union between all Arab states, and how these two political movements would eventually meet in Israel-Palestine.
Richard Bass
Animated by:
Thought Café
Music Composition & Sound Design:
Allan Levy
Written by:
Richard Bass & Thought Café
Images by:
Wikimedia Commons
Additional Images by:
Laszlo, Philip Alexius de (1869-1937) - Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour (National Portrait Gallery, London, UK) http://www.npg.org.uk/colle...
published: 19 Feb 2015
National Arab Orchestra Alf Leila wi Leila v1 3 الف ليلة وليلى Mai Farouk مي فاروق
Music: Alf Leila wi Leila - Baligh Hamdi
Vocalist: Mai Farouk
Featuring: National Arab Orchestra w/ Lubana Al Quntar & Mai Farouk
November 22 - 23
published: 31 Oct 2024
3.2 Arab Nationalism - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part I
Link to this course:
3.2 Arab Nationalism - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part I
This course will review the emergence of the modern Middle East from the fall of the Ottoman Empire, at the end of the First World War to the present. We will discuss the Ottoman legacy in the region and the Western imperial impact on the creation of the Arab state system. The course will review the rise and retreat of Arab nationalism, the problems of internal cohesion of the Arab states, issues of religion and state, and the evolution of Islamist politics. We will also focus on the evolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict and its impact on the region and will conclude ...
published: 08 Nov 2020
FROM TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY - A History of Arab Nationalism
Join me as we dive into the tumultuous #history of #Arab #nationalism from the mid 20th century onwards. Discover the highs and lows, #triumphs and #tragedies a...
Join me as we dive into the tumultuous #history of #Arab #nationalism from the mid 20th century onwards. Discover the highs and lows, #triumphs and #tragedies and the four major factors that eventually led to its demise. How did the #Arabs get it so wrong when they had so much going for them immediately after #WWII? Is there an opportunity for its #rebirth? Or is it lost forever in the annals of time?
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3jCXuCw:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/tareqkandari
Twitter: www.twitter.com/tareqkandari
“1958-02-03 First US Satellite Launched.ogv”
“1958-07-24 Mid East Crisis.ogv”
“1956-07-30 Suez Canal Seized.ogv”
“1967-06-13 Cease-Fire.ogv”
“1956-04-12 Full Scale War Looms.ogv”
Previous 5 videos attributed to Universal City Studios, Public Domain
“Oil Rich Libya.ogv”
“Sadat Egypt.ogv”
Previous 2 videos attributed to National Archives, Public Domain
“Desert Venture 1.ogv”
“Desert Venture 2.ogv”
Previous 2 videos attributed to Robert Yarnall Richie, Public domain
“Omar Elwary the Mayor of Jerusalem with King Hussein of Jordan, the PM HE AbdulSalam AlMajali 1954..jpg” Elwarya, CC BY-SA 3.0
“Cecil Beaton Photographs- General; British Army, Long Range Desert Group CBM2264.jpg” Cecil Beaton, Public domain
“Egyptian women struggle with Cairo police.jpg” AP, Public domain
“Class of 6 students in Cairo, 1922.jpg” nationalgeographic, Public domain
“Om Kolthoum Nasser Sadat.jpg” Willyman, CC BY-SA 4.0
“Moh. Naguib.jpg” Raafat, Public domain
“People in Dhahran, 1952.jpg”
“Faisal of Saudi Arabia, 1960s.jpg”
“King Saud meeting, 1960s 2.jpg”
Previous 3 images attributed to Saudi Aramco, Public domain
“Souq Ushaiger Old Riyadh 1965.jpg” @zmanjamel, Public domain
“Rouhi al-Khatib 3.jpg” Jerusalemite48, CC BY-SA 3.0
“Sabah Al-Salim and Michel Murr 1968.png” an-nahar newspaper, Public domain
“Bahraini Army for the Liberation of Palestine (2).jpg” tweet, Public domain
“Air Commodore Whitney Straight, Air Officer Commanding RAF Transport Command, Middle East, saying goodbye to the Sheikh Khalifa, cousin of the ruler of Bahrain, and his two sons, 18 January 1945. CM6013.jpg” Royal Air Force official photographer, Public domain
“National Liberation Army Soldiers (2).tif”
“Gym Class in Libya.tif”
“Bedouins in Libya.tif”
“Egyptian Seller 1950's.tif”
Previous 4 images attributed to Zdravko Pečar, CC BY-SA 4.0
“Food preparation, Fuehat (near Benghazi) - UNESCO - PHOTO0000000268 0001.tiff” UNESCO / Alexis N. Vorontzoff, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
“Tunis1960-086 hg.jpg” H. Grobe, CC BY 3.0
“King Hassan II of Morocco inside the Islamic Center with others, during his visit to Washington, D.C.tif” Marion S. Trikosko, Public domain
“Sinai Campaign withdrawl 15-01-1957.jpg” Israeli GPO photographer, Public domain
“Aegypten1959-079 hg.jpg” H. Grobe, CC BY-SA 3.0
“The Iraqi President Abdel Salam Aref departs from Alexandria Airport on 26th of August 1963.jpg”
“A meeting between Yemen represented by President Abdullah AL Sallal and Egypt headed by Abdel Nasser 14 July 1964.jpg”
Previous 2 images attributed to nasser.bibalex.org, Public domain
“President Abd al-Salam Arif in syria.jpg”
“Hafidh Al-Qadhi Square, Baghdad, 1950s.jpg”
“Receiving King Al Hassan II of Morocco at Cairo Airport to attend the Arab Summit Conference in Cairo 1.jpg”
“King Hassan II of Morocco at Abdel Nasser’s residence 2.jpg”
“Bitar, Atassi, Nasser and Aflaq, 1963.jpg”
“Saud of Saudi Arabia with officials C.1932-1960S 2.jpg”
Previous 6 images attributed to Unknown author/photographer, Public domain
“Dead Sea (997008136968205171.jpg”
“1948 Arab-Israeli War (997008136341405171).jpg”
Previous 2 images attributed to Benno Rothenberg /Meitar Collection / National Library of Israel / The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, CC BY 4.0
“Foto van een afbeelding van de Syrische generaal Adib al-Shishakli en de Egyptis, Bestanddeelnr 254-3684.jpg”
“Auto's en douaniers bij de grenspost Syrië en Libanon Grenspost tussen…, Bestanddeelnr 255-6158.jpg”
“Portret van een Arabische herder te Bethl, Bestanddeelnr 255-6525.jpg”
“In de suq van Suez, Bestanddeelnr 255-6628.jpg”
“Mensen op de kade in de haven van Alexandrië, Bestanddeelnr 255-6585.jpg”
“Fanfarekorps en erewacht bij een ontvagst bij de Pauselijke Nuntius in Beiroet, Bestanddeelnr 255-6276.jpg”
Previous 6 images attributed to Willem van de Poll, CC0
“Girls education, Carthage - UNESCO - PHOTO0000005163 0001.tiff” UNESCO/Dominique Roger, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
“Crowd demonstrates against Great Britain in Cairo.jpg” AP, Public domain
“Husseini funeral A.jpg” Collins/Lapiere - O Jerusalem. Page 101., Public domain
“Nasser Qaddafi Atassi 1969.jpg” The Online Museum of Syrian History
“A tribal lunch at cavalry post at Tel-el-Meleiha, 20 miles North of Beersheba, Jan. 18, 1940.C. Holmes & military officer LOC matpc.20007.jpg” Matson Collection, Public domain
“عائلة من قبيلة عتيبة.jpg” اسامة سليمان الفليح, CC BY-SA 4.0
“PFLP-group-1969.jpg” Thomas R. Koeniges, Public domain
All images & videos attributed via Wikimedia Commons
Join me as we dive into the tumultuous #history of #Arab #nationalism from the mid 20th century onwards. Discover the highs and lows, #triumphs and #tragedies and the four major factors that eventually led to its demise. How did the #Arabs get it so wrong when they had so much going for them immediately after #WWII? Is there an opportunity for its #rebirth? Or is it lost forever in the annals of time?
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3jCXuCw:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/tareqkandari
Twitter: www.twitter.com/tareqkandari
“1958-02-03 First US Satellite Launched.ogv”
“1958-07-24 Mid East Crisis.ogv”
“1956-07-30 Suez Canal Seized.ogv”
“1967-06-13 Cease-Fire.ogv”
“1956-04-12 Full Scale War Looms.ogv”
Previous 5 videos attributed to Universal City Studios, Public Domain
“Oil Rich Libya.ogv”
“Sadat Egypt.ogv”
Previous 2 videos attributed to National Archives, Public Domain
“Desert Venture 1.ogv”
“Desert Venture 2.ogv”
Previous 2 videos attributed to Robert Yarnall Richie, Public domain
“Omar Elwary the Mayor of Jerusalem with King Hussein of Jordan, the PM HE AbdulSalam AlMajali 1954..jpg” Elwarya, CC BY-SA 3.0
“Cecil Beaton Photographs- General; British Army, Long Range Desert Group CBM2264.jpg” Cecil Beaton, Public domain
“Egyptian women struggle with Cairo police.jpg” AP, Public domain
“Class of 6 students in Cairo, 1922.jpg” nationalgeographic, Public domain
“Om Kolthoum Nasser Sadat.jpg” Willyman, CC BY-SA 4.0
“Moh. Naguib.jpg” Raafat, Public domain
“People in Dhahran, 1952.jpg”
“Faisal of Saudi Arabia, 1960s.jpg”
“King Saud meeting, 1960s 2.jpg”
Previous 3 images attributed to Saudi Aramco, Public domain
“Souq Ushaiger Old Riyadh 1965.jpg” @zmanjamel, Public domain
“Rouhi al-Khatib 3.jpg” Jerusalemite48, CC BY-SA 3.0
“Sabah Al-Salim and Michel Murr 1968.png” an-nahar newspaper, Public domain
“Bahraini Army for the Liberation of Palestine (2).jpg” tweet, Public domain
“Air Commodore Whitney Straight, Air Officer Commanding RAF Transport Command, Middle East, saying goodbye to the Sheikh Khalifa, cousin of the ruler of Bahrain, and his two sons, 18 January 1945. CM6013.jpg” Royal Air Force official photographer, Public domain
“National Liberation Army Soldiers (2).tif”
“Gym Class in Libya.tif”
“Bedouins in Libya.tif”
“Egyptian Seller 1950's.tif”
Previous 4 images attributed to Zdravko Pečar, CC BY-SA 4.0
“Food preparation, Fuehat (near Benghazi) - UNESCO - PHOTO0000000268 0001.tiff” UNESCO / Alexis N. Vorontzoff, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
“Tunis1960-086 hg.jpg” H. Grobe, CC BY 3.0
“King Hassan II of Morocco inside the Islamic Center with others, during his visit to Washington, D.C.tif” Marion S. Trikosko, Public domain
“Sinai Campaign withdrawl 15-01-1957.jpg” Israeli GPO photographer, Public domain
“Aegypten1959-079 hg.jpg” H. Grobe, CC BY-SA 3.0
“The Iraqi President Abdel Salam Aref departs from Alexandria Airport on 26th of August 1963.jpg”
“A meeting between Yemen represented by President Abdullah AL Sallal and Egypt headed by Abdel Nasser 14 July 1964.jpg”
Previous 2 images attributed to nasser.bibalex.org, Public domain
“President Abd al-Salam Arif in syria.jpg”
“Hafidh Al-Qadhi Square, Baghdad, 1950s.jpg”
“Receiving King Al Hassan II of Morocco at Cairo Airport to attend the Arab Summit Conference in Cairo 1.jpg”
“King Hassan II of Morocco at Abdel Nasser’s residence 2.jpg”
“Bitar, Atassi, Nasser and Aflaq, 1963.jpg”
“Saud of Saudi Arabia with officials C.1932-1960S 2.jpg”
Previous 6 images attributed to Unknown author/photographer, Public domain
“Dead Sea (997008136968205171.jpg”
“1948 Arab-Israeli War (997008136341405171).jpg”
Previous 2 images attributed to Benno Rothenberg /Meitar Collection / National Library of Israel / The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, CC BY 4.0
“Foto van een afbeelding van de Syrische generaal Adib al-Shishakli en de Egyptis, Bestanddeelnr 254-3684.jpg”
“Auto's en douaniers bij de grenspost Syrië en Libanon Grenspost tussen…, Bestanddeelnr 255-6158.jpg”
“Portret van een Arabische herder te Bethl, Bestanddeelnr 255-6525.jpg”
“In de suq van Suez, Bestanddeelnr 255-6628.jpg”
“Mensen op de kade in de haven van Alexandrië, Bestanddeelnr 255-6585.jpg”
“Fanfarekorps en erewacht bij een ontvagst bij de Pauselijke Nuntius in Beiroet, Bestanddeelnr 255-6276.jpg”
Previous 6 images attributed to Willem van de Poll, CC0
“Girls education, Carthage - UNESCO - PHOTO0000005163 0001.tiff” UNESCO/Dominique Roger, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
“Crowd demonstrates against Great Britain in Cairo.jpg” AP, Public domain
“Husseini funeral A.jpg” Collins/Lapiere - O Jerusalem. Page 101., Public domain
“Nasser Qaddafi Atassi 1969.jpg” The Online Museum of Syrian History
“A tribal lunch at cavalry post at Tel-el-Meleiha, 20 miles North of Beersheba, Jan. 18, 1940.C. Holmes & military officer LOC matpc.20007.jpg” Matson Collection, Public domain
“عائلة من قبيلة عتيبة.jpg” اسامة سليمان الفليح, CC BY-SA 4.0
“PFLP-group-1969.jpg” Thomas R. Koeniges, Public domain
All images & videos attributed via Wikimedia Commons
- published: 09 Apr 2023
- views: 3588
Why Didn't the Arab World Unite? (Short Animated Documentary)
When so many other groups of people were united into single nations, why didn't the Arab world do the same? Were there any attempts to do so and since they clea...
When so many other groups of people were united into single nations, why didn't the Arab world do the same? Were there any attempts to do so and since they clearly didn't succeed in the long term, what happened? Find out in this short and simple animated history documentary.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tenminhistory
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
Special Thanks to the following Patrons for their support on Patreon:
Chris Fatta
Kevin Sanders
Stefan Møller
Gregory - The Bittersteel
Richard Wolfe
D. Mahlik
Qi Xiao
Ian Jensen
Andrew Miraut
Ariadni Voulgari
Jason Martins
Paul McGee
Mitchell Wildoer
Andrew Niedbala
John Garcia
Bernardo Santos
Nathan Perlman
Danny Anstess
Christopher Godfrey
Warren Rudkin
James Bisonette Fan#1
Sam Henry Rabung
Magdalena Reinberg-Leibel
Shaun Pullin
Perry Gagne
Chris Hall
Vesko Dinev
hamid kadiwala
Adam Barrett
Blake Dryad
Troy Schmidt
I’m Not In The Description
Liam Gilleece
Mark Ploegstra
Jeffrey Schneider
Luke Robinson
Haydn Noble
Josh Cornelius
Donald Weaver
Richard Manklow
Steve Bonds
Big Nick
Julian Baumann
Gabriel Lunde
Konstantin Bredyuk
Nick Finan
Pierre Le Mouel
Richard Hartzell
Seth Reeves
Joao Santos
When so many other groups of people were united into single nations, why didn't the Arab world do the same? Were there any attempts to do so and since they clearly didn't succeed in the long term, what happened? Find out in this short and simple animated history documentary.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tenminhistory
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
Special Thanks to the following Patrons for their support on Patreon:
Chris Fatta
Kevin Sanders
Stefan Møller
Gregory - The Bittersteel
Richard Wolfe
D. Mahlik
Qi Xiao
Ian Jensen
Andrew Miraut
Ariadni Voulgari
Jason Martins
Paul McGee
Mitchell Wildoer
Andrew Niedbala
John Garcia
Bernardo Santos
Nathan Perlman
Danny Anstess
Christopher Godfrey
Warren Rudkin
James Bisonette Fan#1
Sam Henry Rabung
Magdalena Reinberg-Leibel
Shaun Pullin
Perry Gagne
Chris Hall
Vesko Dinev
hamid kadiwala
Adam Barrett
Blake Dryad
Troy Schmidt
I’m Not In The Description
Liam Gilleece
Mark Ploegstra
Jeffrey Schneider
Luke Robinson
Haydn Noble
Josh Cornelius
Donald Weaver
Richard Manklow
Steve Bonds
Big Nick
Julian Baumann
Gabriel Lunde
Konstantin Bredyuk
Nick Finan
Pierre Le Mouel
Richard Hartzell
Seth Reeves
Joao Santos
- published: 04 Mar 2020
- views: 2483373
Pan-Arab Nationalism
“International Relations in the Middle East“ is an online course on Janux. Learn more at http://janux.ou.edu.
Created by the University of Oklahoma, Janux is a...
“International Relations in the Middle East“ is an online course on Janux. Learn more at http://janux.ou.edu.
Created by the University of Oklahoma, Janux is an interactive learning community that gives learners direct connections to courses, education resources, faculty, and each other. Janux courses are freely available or may be taken for college credit by enrolled OU students.
Joshua Landis Ph.D. Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Middle East Studies in the College of International Studies
Video by NextThought (http://nextthought.com).
Copyright © 2000-2017 The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, All Rights Reserved.
“International Relations in the Middle East“ is an online course on Janux. Learn more at http://janux.ou.edu.
Created by the University of Oklahoma, Janux is an interactive learning community that gives learners direct connections to courses, education resources, faculty, and each other. Janux courses are freely available or may be taken for college credit by enrolled OU students.
Joshua Landis Ph.D. Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Middle East Studies in the College of International Studies
Video by NextThought (http://nextthought.com).
Copyright © 2000-2017 The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, All Rights Reserved.
- published: 30 Mar 2017
- views: 58031
Nasser, Nationalism and the Arab Super State - Cold War DOCUMENTARY
⚔️ Season X: Highlanders is bringing Scottish might to Conqueror’s Blade. Play and get 7 days of
premium time FREE here: https://bit.ly/3E28u0y
Our historical...
⚔️ Season X: Highlanders is bringing Scottish might to Conqueror’s Blade. Play and get 7 days of
premium time FREE here: https://bit.ly/3E28u0y
Our historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on how the president of Egypt Gamel Abdel Nasser brought the Pan-Arabic Nationalism to the forefront of politics of the era and his attempts to create an Arab Super State
What Happened to the German and Japanese POWs?: https://youtu.be/JLK1xQV9B84
Operation Paperclip: https://youtu.be/17cNgMpBiWw
German Expulsions: https://youtu.be/zyWx4p4hiaY
Soviet Education System: https://youtu.be/AD_JwbivtMA
How Khrushchev Fed the Soviet People: https://youtu.be/qIZDa7ZcUhE
Novocherkassk Massacre 1962: https://youtu.be/b06Gfm2QVxY
Soviet Tourism: https://youtu.be/t9KrH-xG20Q
Soviet Passport System: New Serfdom or Reform?: https://youtu.be/Dgr9F3WFsbo
Kaliningrad: How Russia Got a Stronghold in Europe: https://youtu.be/QD6IWHFkYpc
How the Soviets Won the Early Space Race: https://youtu.be/skyrA0l9erI
Soviet Television and Radio: https://youtu.be/YcBKRMJI7Ck
Top-5 Myths About the Soviet Union: https://youtu.be/eMBh5zbN3K4
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/TheColdWar
Youtube membership https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCGvq-qmjFmmMD4e-PLQqGg/join
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/thecoldwar
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/thecoldwar
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/thecoldwartv
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/thecoldwartv
#ColdWar #Nasser #Pan-Arabism
Sponsored by my.games
⚔️ Season X: Highlanders is bringing Scottish might to Conqueror’s Blade. Play and get 7 days of
premium time FREE here: https://bit.ly/3E28u0y
Our historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on how the president of Egypt Gamel Abdel Nasser brought the Pan-Arabic Nationalism to the forefront of politics of the era and his attempts to create an Arab Super State
What Happened to the German and Japanese POWs?: https://youtu.be/JLK1xQV9B84
Operation Paperclip: https://youtu.be/17cNgMpBiWw
German Expulsions: https://youtu.be/zyWx4p4hiaY
Soviet Education System: https://youtu.be/AD_JwbivtMA
How Khrushchev Fed the Soviet People: https://youtu.be/qIZDa7ZcUhE
Novocherkassk Massacre 1962: https://youtu.be/b06Gfm2QVxY
Soviet Tourism: https://youtu.be/t9KrH-xG20Q
Soviet Passport System: New Serfdom or Reform?: https://youtu.be/Dgr9F3WFsbo
Kaliningrad: How Russia Got a Stronghold in Europe: https://youtu.be/QD6IWHFkYpc
How the Soviets Won the Early Space Race: https://youtu.be/skyrA0l9erI
Soviet Television and Radio: https://youtu.be/YcBKRMJI7Ck
Top-5 Myths About the Soviet Union: https://youtu.be/eMBh5zbN3K4
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/TheColdWar
Youtube membership https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCGvq-qmjFmmMD4e-PLQqGg/join
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/thecoldwar
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/thecoldwar
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/thecoldwartv
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/thecoldwartv
#ColdWar #Nasser #Pan-Arabism
Sponsored by my.games
- published: 01 Jan 2022
- views: 197239
Why did the Arabs revolt against the Ottoman Empire? DOCUMENTARY
Play Supremacy1914 for FREE on PC, Android, and iOS and receive an amazing starter pack, only available for the next 30 days! https://s1914.onelink.me/TX2k/King...
Play Supremacy1914 for FREE on PC, Android, and iOS and receive an amazing starter pack, only available for the next 30 days! https://s1914.onelink.me/TX2k/KingsAndGeneralsDecember
Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman History and World Wars continues with a video on why the Arabs revolted against the Ottomans before and during the Great War, and how the Arab Revolted affected the World War.
Cold War channel: youtube.com/@TheColdWarTV
Modern Warfare series: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX4NYr_WkbaW5KfYwqTAxn08
Winter War: https://youtu.be/1Uk5bY22RSE
Battle of Greece: https://youtu.be/_jDBQijICTo
Korean War: https://youtu.be/ViVGj58kt34
Soviet Invasion of
Afghanistan - Operation Storm-333: https://youtu.be/bpm5dPIULF0
How the USSR Lost the Afghan War - Panjshir Valley Battles: https://youtu.be/eAMBVPRQHfw
How the German Empire Provoked Ottoman Jihad in WWI: https://youtu.be/8LCpbgVx9kY
Did Alliances lead to the Great War?: https://youtu.be/njhAyS4ZotI
Gallipoli 1915: https://youtu.be/IeAPkEl8hHg
How the World Betrayed Ethiopia: https://youtu.be/Gr4RU4LLdnc
Greek War of Independence 1821-32: https://youtu.be/8c7qMvIL3gI
Who Financed the Great War?: https://youtu.be/Cktr__ZSuNc
Why Japan Joined the Axis: https://youtu.be/X4wazpsKnSY
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals or by joining the youtube membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw/join We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ooKPbpq0z8ciEjz5Zmrga4-gWRmripm0u4BHMkkXHVc/edit?usp=sharing
The video was made by Yağız Bozan and Murat Can Yağbasan, while the script was developed by Christos Nicolaou. This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficiallyDevin)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ Podcast ► https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/ iTunes: https://apple.co/2QTuMNG
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Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1in_XWaw8UL8cMug82opo-xi1nVovTXJRfblgRrbTEGM/edit?usp=sharing
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Arab #GreatWar
Play Supremacy1914 for FREE on PC, Android, and iOS and receive an amazing starter pack, only available for the next 30 days! https://s1914.onelink.me/TX2k/KingsAndGeneralsDecember
Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman History and World Wars continues with a video on why the Arabs revolted against the Ottomans before and during the Great War, and how the Arab Revolted affected the World War.
Cold War channel: youtube.com/@TheColdWarTV
Modern Warfare series: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX4NYr_WkbaW5KfYwqTAxn08
Winter War: https://youtu.be/1Uk5bY22RSE
Battle of Greece: https://youtu.be/_jDBQijICTo
Korean War: https://youtu.be/ViVGj58kt34
Soviet Invasion of
Afghanistan - Operation Storm-333: https://youtu.be/bpm5dPIULF0
How the USSR Lost the Afghan War - Panjshir Valley Battles: https://youtu.be/eAMBVPRQHfw
How the German Empire Provoked Ottoman Jihad in WWI: https://youtu.be/8LCpbgVx9kY
Did Alliances lead to the Great War?: https://youtu.be/njhAyS4ZotI
Gallipoli 1915: https://youtu.be/IeAPkEl8hHg
How the World Betrayed Ethiopia: https://youtu.be/Gr4RU4LLdnc
Greek War of Independence 1821-32: https://youtu.be/8c7qMvIL3gI
Who Financed the Great War?: https://youtu.be/Cktr__ZSuNc
Why Japan Joined the Axis: https://youtu.be/X4wazpsKnSY
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals or by joining the youtube membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw/join We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ooKPbpq0z8ciEjz5Zmrga4-gWRmripm0u4BHMkkXHVc/edit?usp=sharing
The video was made by Yağız Bozan and Murat Can Yağbasan, while the script was developed by Christos Nicolaou. This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficiallyDevin)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ Podcast ► https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/ iTunes: https://apple.co/2QTuMNG
✔ PayPal ► http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
✔ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/Kings_Generals
Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1in_XWaw8UL8cMug82opo-xi1nVovTXJRfblgRrbTEGM/edit?usp=sharing
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Arab #GreatWar
- published: 31 Dec 2022
- views: 734487
National Arab Orchestra - Alf Leila wi Leila / الف ليلة وليلى - Mai Farouk / مي فاروق
Do you enjoy Arab music? Here’s how to be the First Person to own an Exclusive Playlist from the NAO - https://araborchestra.org/thenaopresents/
A Tribute to A...
Do you enjoy Arab music? Here’s how to be the First Person to own an Exclusive Playlist from the NAO - https://araborchestra.org/thenaopresents/
A Tribute to Asmahan and Um Kulthoum
Presented By: Ithra Theater (www.ithra.com)
Featuring: National Arab Orchestra w/ Lubana Al Quntar & Mai Farouk
Directed by: Michael Ibrahim & Elie Karam
King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, By Saudi Aramco - Saudi Arabia
November 22 - 23
Alf Leila wi Leila - Baligh Hamdi
Vocalist: Mai Farouk
Meet the Orchestra - Concert Mistress: Megan Gould. Violin: Naji Azar, Houssam Azzam, Bengisu Gokce, Laura Harada, Jumanah Hassan, Mounir Makhoul, Insia Malik, Raymond Nassif, Mario Rahy, Ceren Turkmenoglu, Sachiyo Yoshimoto. Viola: Charbel Antoun, Marandi Hostetter, Roberto Riggio, Andrea Vercoe. Cello: Mohannad Al Zahabi, Rayan Azzam, Victoria Morcos. Oud: Victor Ghannam. Qanun: Kamal El Dakdouki. Nay/Conductor: Michael Ibrahim. Accordion: Chadi Saad. Piano/Sythesizer: Maroun Yammine. Electric Guitar: Mazen Jaber. Percussion: Wissam El Bitar, Charlie Fadel, Edy Fadel, Gilbert Mansour, Dr. Gursharan Singh Sandhu.
Audio and Post Production: Dave Schall
Do you enjoy Arab music? Here’s how to be the First Person to own an Exclusive Playlist from the NAO - https://araborchestra.org/thenaopresents/
A Tribute to Asmahan and Um Kulthoum
Presented By: Ithra Theater (www.ithra.com)
Featuring: National Arab Orchestra w/ Lubana Al Quntar & Mai Farouk
Directed by: Michael Ibrahim & Elie Karam
King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, By Saudi Aramco - Saudi Arabia
November 22 - 23
Alf Leila wi Leila - Baligh Hamdi
Vocalist: Mai Farouk
Meet the Orchestra - Concert Mistress: Megan Gould. Violin: Naji Azar, Houssam Azzam, Bengisu Gokce, Laura Harada, Jumanah Hassan, Mounir Makhoul, Insia Malik, Raymond Nassif, Mario Rahy, Ceren Turkmenoglu, Sachiyo Yoshimoto. Viola: Charbel Antoun, Marandi Hostetter, Roberto Riggio, Andrea Vercoe. Cello: Mohannad Al Zahabi, Rayan Azzam, Victoria Morcos. Oud: Victor Ghannam. Qanun: Kamal El Dakdouki. Nay/Conductor: Michael Ibrahim. Accordion: Chadi Saad. Piano/Sythesizer: Maroun Yammine. Electric Guitar: Mazen Jaber. Percussion: Wissam El Bitar, Charlie Fadel, Edy Fadel, Gilbert Mansour, Dr. Gursharan Singh Sandhu.
Audio and Post Production: Dave Schall
- published: 12 Jun 2020
- views: 64564358
IsraelPalestine For Critical Thinkers: #5 The Rise of Arab & Jewish Nationalism
In this episode, Richard Bass explains how the 19th century saw the rise of both Jewish and Arab nationalist movements. We describe the inception of Zionism and...
In this episode, Richard Bass explains how the 19th century saw the rise of both Jewish and Arab nationalist movements. We describe the inception of Zionism and how it grew out of a need to address growing anti-semitism. We’ll also explain how Arab intellectuals were imagining a powerful political union between all Arab states, and how these two political movements would eventually meet in Israel-Palestine.
Richard Bass
Animated by:
Thought Café
Music Composition & Sound Design:
Allan Levy
Written by:
Richard Bass & Thought Café
Images by:
Wikimedia Commons
Additional Images by:
Laszlo, Philip Alexius de (1869-1937) - Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour (National Portrait Gallery, London, UK) http://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw00300/Arthur-James-Balfour-1st-Earl-of-Balfour
In this episode, Richard Bass explains how the 19th century saw the rise of both Jewish and Arab nationalist movements. We describe the inception of Zionism and how it grew out of a need to address growing anti-semitism. We’ll also explain how Arab intellectuals were imagining a powerful political union between all Arab states, and how these two political movements would eventually meet in Israel-Palestine.
Richard Bass
Animated by:
Thought Café
Music Composition & Sound Design:
Allan Levy
Written by:
Richard Bass & Thought Café
Images by:
Wikimedia Commons
Additional Images by:
Laszlo, Philip Alexius de (1869-1937) - Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour (National Portrait Gallery, London, UK) http://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw00300/Arthur-James-Balfour-1st-Earl-of-Balfour
- published: 19 Feb 2015
- views: 95405
National Arab Orchestra Alf Leila wi Leila v1 3 الف ليلة وليلى Mai Farouk مي فاروق
Music: Alf Leila wi Leila - Baligh Hamdi
Vocalist: Mai Farouk
Featuring: National Arab Orchestra w/ Lubana Al Quntar & Mai Farouk
November 22 - 23
Music: Alf Leila wi Leila - Baligh Hamdi
Vocalist: Mai Farouk
Featuring: National Arab Orchestra w/ Lubana Al Quntar & Mai Farouk
November 22 - 23
Music: Alf Leila wi Leila - Baligh Hamdi
Vocalist: Mai Farouk
Featuring: National Arab Orchestra w/ Lubana Al Quntar & Mai Farouk
November 22 - 23
- published: 31 Oct 2024
- views: 56
3.2 Arab Nationalism - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part I
Link to this course:
3.2 Arab...
Link to this course:
3.2 Arab Nationalism - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part I
This course will review the emergence of the modern Middle East from the fall of the Ottoman Empire, at the end of the First World War to the present. We will discuss the Ottoman legacy in the region and the Western imperial impact on the creation of the Arab state system. The course will review the rise and retreat of Arab nationalism, the problems of internal cohesion of the Arab states, issues of religion and state, and the evolution of Islamist politics. We will also focus on the evolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict and its impact on the region and will conclude with an in depth analysis of the “Arab Spring” by placing these contemporary revolutionary events in their historical context.
Please note that there is a second part to this course which is a direct extension of this part. We highly recommend to continue to the second part after you finish this one (https://www.coursera.org/learn/modern-middle-east-2/home/info).
A very clear, rigorous and ENJOYABLE presentation of a very complex subject. Definitely everyone interested in the roots of the modern Middle East troubles should take this primer.,A complete breakdown of the Middle Eastern States emergence from the Ottoman Empire's rule to the Mandates imposted by the European Powers post WW1. Looking forward to part 2.
In lesson three, we will witness the rise of nationalism in the Middle East, as it became a much more acceptable idea in the late 19th and early 20th century among an intellectual, elitist, urban minority, who were the graduates of western-style schools (remember lesson two and the process of reform!). We will concentrate on the emergence and development of three nationalist movements; Turkish, Egyptian and Arab. Lastly, we will speak about the First World War and how it brought the end of the Ottoman Empire as well as the end of 400 years of Ottoman Turkish rule in the Arab countries. We will also see how the Middle East began to take its current shape following the First World War.
3.2 Arab Nationalism - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part I
Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
Link to this course:
3.2 Arab Nationalism - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part I
This course will review the emergence of the modern Middle East from the fall of the Ottoman Empire, at the end of the First World War to the present. We will discuss the Ottoman legacy in the region and the Western imperial impact on the creation of the Arab state system. The course will review the rise and retreat of Arab nationalism, the problems of internal cohesion of the Arab states, issues of religion and state, and the evolution of Islamist politics. We will also focus on the evolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict and its impact on the region and will conclude with an in depth analysis of the “Arab Spring” by placing these contemporary revolutionary events in their historical context.
Please note that there is a second part to this course which is a direct extension of this part. We highly recommend to continue to the second part after you finish this one (https://www.coursera.org/learn/modern-middle-east-2/home/info).
A very clear, rigorous and ENJOYABLE presentation of a very complex subject. Definitely everyone interested in the roots of the modern Middle East troubles should take this primer.,A complete breakdown of the Middle Eastern States emergence from the Ottoman Empire's rule to the Mandates imposted by the European Powers post WW1. Looking forward to part 2.
In lesson three, we will witness the rise of nationalism in the Middle East, as it became a much more acceptable idea in the late 19th and early 20th century among an intellectual, elitist, urban minority, who were the graduates of western-style schools (remember lesson two and the process of reform!). We will concentrate on the emergence and development of three nationalist movements; Turkish, Egyptian and Arab. Lastly, we will speak about the First World War and how it brought the end of the Ottoman Empire as well as the end of 400 years of Ottoman Turkish rule in the Arab countries. We will also see how the Middle East began to take its current shape following the First World War.
3.2 Arab Nationalism - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part I
Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
- published: 08 Nov 2020
- views: 699