Ala, African Goddess of the Earth, Fertility, Morality, and All Cycles
Join Deb in embodying the Divine Feminine with your #InnerGoddessTeam! This week, we’re honoring Ala, the African goddess of the earth, fertility, morality, death, and cycles. She is present at the beginning of the cycle of life, making children grow in their mother’s womb, and She is there at the end of the cycle, to receive the souls of the dead into Her own womb.
And be sure to check out my website to learn more about my Moon Circles, Meditations, and Divinely Feminine Coaching (https://spiritedliving.com/divinely-feminine-coaching/)!
I’m highlighting Ala for a few reasons right now – this week is book-ended by Earth Day on April 22nd and Arbor Day (celebrating trees!) on April 28th, both so perfect for this goddess of the Igbo people in Nigeria whose name means “Ground”.
AND th...
published: 28 Apr 2023
Ala: The Fierce Earth Goddess of Igbo Mythology and Her Hidden Powers!
Uncover the powerful and mysterious world of Ala, the revered Earth goddess of Igbo mythology. Known as the goddess of fertility, morality, and the underworld, Ala plays a central role in the spiritual lives of the Igbo people. This video delves into the rich traditions and myths surrounding Ala, exploring her influence over the land, her connection to the ancestors, and her role as the enforcer of justice. Discover the rituals, symbols, and cultural significance of Ala, and learn how this formidable goddess continues to shape the beliefs and practices of the Igbo culture. Join us on this journey to reveal the hidden powers and enduring legacy of Ala, the mother of all life.
#AlaGoddess #IgboMythology #EarthGoddess #AncientGods #AfricanMythology #GoddessOfFertility #IgboCulture #MythologyE...
published: 15 Aug 2024
The Battle in the Ocean : Ala the goddess and Idemili the river goddess | African Folktales
🌊 Step into the divine clash where the heavens meet the depths of the ocean.
In this epic chapter of Chronicles of Amadioha II, The Battle in the ocean. the sacred bond between Ala the Earth Goddess, and Idemili the River goddess, faces its greatest test. When beasts infused with fragments of the Orb of Anti-Creation invade Idemili’s waters, chaos erupts. Her Ocean Guard and Leviathan Riders rise to defend her domain, but the monsters wield power far beyond mortal or divine comprehension.
As the tides of battle turn against Idemili, the earth itself answers her call. Ala, the mother of creation and the guardian of morality, descends into the ocean to restore balance. Her arrival shifts the battlefield, her power bending the waters and silencing the chaos. But even as Ala’s immense stren...
published: 27 Jan 2025
The story of Ala: African goddess of earth (Igbo)
Ala is an Igbo goddess whose name literally means “ground” or “soil”. She watches and guards over everything that is produced from the soil including crop production and fertility. But watch out, she can also be cruel when the tail of her tiger is touched…
Watch this video to learn more about her.
#africanmythology #nigerianfolktales #africa #nigerianmyths #nigeria
published: 26 Jul 2024
Ala the Earth Goddess of the Igbo embodies fertility, morality, and earth's nurturing spirit #africa
Ala, revered as the Igbo Earth Goddess embodies fertility, morality, and the earth's nurturing spirit Ala wields the power to manipulate earth and plant life, allowing her to cultivate lush landscapes or summon vines and roots for defense. She can rejuvenate barren land, ensuring fertility and abundance. Additionally, Ala possesses the ability to communicate with ancestral spirits, guiding them in maintaining harmony within her realm.Cash App $9Kreator #mythology #Marvel #DC #Kemet
published: 28 Dec 2024
African Goddesses/Deities Part 2: Ala ( Igbo) and Odinala
The Odinala is a religious and traditional practice of the Igbo culture in Southeastern Nigeria. The goddess Ala is the Alusi of the earth, morality, fertility, and creativity in its tradition.
published: 31 Mar 2022
Stele Of Ala Ani Ana By Ugo Art (African Goddess)
Stele Of Ala. Ala (Also Known As Ani or Ana) Is A Prehistoric Igbo African Mother Earth Goddess That Dated Back To Ancient Sumer. She Is A Huge Symbol In Ugo Art Igbo African Renaissance Art Movement. Ana Ani Ana Is Inanna / ISHTAR The Sumerian And Babylonian Goddess Of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, justice, and political power. Igbos Are The Ancient Sumerians.
published: 13 Feb 2018
Actions To Avoid If You Are New To Odinani
Many people once they make a switch from one religion to another are always quick to rise in defence of their new religion. How to avoid such trap is what this video is all about.
published: 13 May 2022
Ala is the female Alusi (deity) of the earth, morality, fertility and creativity in the Odinani religion of Igbo people in Southeastern Nga orie now Nigeria She is the most important Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. In Odinani, Ala rules over the underworld, and holds the deceased ancestors in her womb. Her name literally translates to 'Ground' in the Igbo language, denoting her powers over the earth and her status as the ground itself. Ala is considered the highest Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. Ala's husband is Amadioha, the sky deity. As the goddess of morality, Ala is involved in judging human actions and is in charge of Igbo law and customs known as 'Omenala'. Taboos and crimes among Igbo communities that are against the standard of Ala are called nsọ Ala. All ground ...
published: 16 Jul 2020
Ala/Ani The Igbo Earth & Land Goddess, Iwuala Land Pact, Free The Land - Haki Kweli Shakur
🌍🪶🛖 Free The Land, Furaha Earthday! Ala (also known as Ani, Ana, Ale, and Ali in varying Igbo dialects) is the Earth Mother Goddess; female Alusi (deity) of the earth, morality, death, and fertility in Odinani. She is the most important Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. The Igbo people of Nigeria call her the mother of all things, but she is both the fertile earth and the empty field after the harvest. She is present at the beginning of the cycle of life, making children grow in their mother’s womb, and she is there at the end of the cycle, to receive the souls of the dead into her own womb. Her name literally translates to ‘Ground’ in the Igbo language, denoting her powers over the earth and her status as the ground itself.
Earth Healing Ritual to Ala
This earth healing ritual is to Ala, the ...
published: 22 Apr 2023
Ala, African Goddess of the Earth, Fertility, Morality, and All Cycles
Join Deb in embodying the Divine Feminine with your #InnerGoddessTeam! This week, we’re honoring Ala, the African goddess of the earth, fertility, morality, dea...
Join Deb in embodying the Divine Feminine with your #InnerGoddessTeam! This week, we’re honoring Ala, the African goddess of the earth, fertility, morality, death, and cycles. She is present at the beginning of the cycle of life, making children grow in their mother’s womb, and She is there at the end of the cycle, to receive the souls of the dead into Her own womb.
And be sure to check out my website to learn more about my Moon Circles, Meditations, and Divinely Feminine Coaching (https://spiritedliving.com/divinely-feminine-coaching/)!
I’m highlighting Ala for a few reasons right now – this week is book-ended by Earth Day on April 22nd and Arbor Day (celebrating trees!) on April 28th, both so perfect for this goddess of the Igbo people in Nigeria whose name means “Ground”.
AND the charitable theater group I started in 2009 (www.4thUArtivists.com) is launching our Spring benefit on April 27th… it’s called “Sacred Wombs: Honoring Marginalized Birthing Bodies” and it highlights original birth stories and true experiences with discrimination in the hospital system, featuring prominent voices from the reproductive justice movement. “Sacred Wombs” literally embodies Ala’s connection to every mother’s womb, as well as the sacred Womb of Mother Earth!
The Igbo also call her “Mother of all things” and believe that She is both the fertile earth and the empty field after the harvest. Ala’s symbols are the crescent moon and yams are sacred to her.
You can invoke Ala by blessing and eating a yam for dinner tonight – here’s the blessing I shared from Patricia Telesco:
‘Ala, be welcome. In this your sacred food, place the energy of happiness,
luck and protection for the months ahead. So be it.’
Ala is also Goddess of morality and in charge of judging Igbo law and customs. Taboos and crimes against her standards are punished by an attack of Army ants who serve her!
So, in addition to calling on her for protection during pregnancy and childbirth, you can also call on her to help you make a just and moral decision in difficult situations. And, of course, She is always present when you honor the cycles and seasons of the Earth.
--- one of my favorite resources: https://journeyingtothegoddess.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/goddess-ala/
--- “365 Goddesses: A daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the Goddess” by Patricia Telesco
--- I lead virtual New Moon SisterCircles each month at The Wellness Universe – join us sometime, or register to get the recording: https://bit.ly/NewMoonSisterCircles
--- The Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon is on May 6th. If you’d to join with other like-minded folks for my 15-minute Full Moon Tele-Meditation, you can get the call-in information at: https://spiritedliving.com/free-full-moon-meditations/
Deb works with those who want to meet challenges and changes with a spirit of sacredness. ☽︎ https://spiritedliving.com/life-career-coach/
Join with me to celebrate the Full Moons & New Moons -- learn more on my website: ☽︎ https://spiritedliving.com/events/
Ready to add the Divine Feminine to your life? Go to: ☽︎ https://spiritedliving.com/divinely-feminine-coaching/ (Filed in: Dancing with your Divinely Feminine Wisdom ☽︎ https://spiritedliving.com/divinely-feminine-coaching/dancing-with-your-divinely-feminine-wisdom/)
And please do follow me on Facebook & Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritedLivingwithDeborahRoth https://www.facebook.com/DeborahSRoth/ AND https://www.instagram.com/spiriteddebroth/
Join Deb in embodying the Divine Feminine with your #InnerGoddessTeam! This week, we’re honoring Ala, the African goddess of the earth, fertility, morality, death, and cycles. She is present at the beginning of the cycle of life, making children grow in their mother’s womb, and She is there at the end of the cycle, to receive the souls of the dead into Her own womb.
And be sure to check out my website to learn more about my Moon Circles, Meditations, and Divinely Feminine Coaching (https://spiritedliving.com/divinely-feminine-coaching/)!
I’m highlighting Ala for a few reasons right now – this week is book-ended by Earth Day on April 22nd and Arbor Day (celebrating trees!) on April 28th, both so perfect for this goddess of the Igbo people in Nigeria whose name means “Ground”.
AND the charitable theater group I started in 2009 (www.4thUArtivists.com) is launching our Spring benefit on April 27th… it’s called “Sacred Wombs: Honoring Marginalized Birthing Bodies” and it highlights original birth stories and true experiences with discrimination in the hospital system, featuring prominent voices from the reproductive justice movement. “Sacred Wombs” literally embodies Ala’s connection to every mother’s womb, as well as the sacred Womb of Mother Earth!
The Igbo also call her “Mother of all things” and believe that She is both the fertile earth and the empty field after the harvest. Ala’s symbols are the crescent moon and yams are sacred to her.
You can invoke Ala by blessing and eating a yam for dinner tonight – here’s the blessing I shared from Patricia Telesco:
‘Ala, be welcome. In this your sacred food, place the energy of happiness,
luck and protection for the months ahead. So be it.’
Ala is also Goddess of morality and in charge of judging Igbo law and customs. Taboos and crimes against her standards are punished by an attack of Army ants who serve her!
So, in addition to calling on her for protection during pregnancy and childbirth, you can also call on her to help you make a just and moral decision in difficult situations. And, of course, She is always present when you honor the cycles and seasons of the Earth.
--- one of my favorite resources: https://journeyingtothegoddess.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/goddess-ala/
--- “365 Goddesses: A daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the Goddess” by Patricia Telesco
--- I lead virtual New Moon SisterCircles each month at The Wellness Universe – join us sometime, or register to get the recording: https://bit.ly/NewMoonSisterCircles
--- The Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon is on May 6th. If you’d to join with other like-minded folks for my 15-minute Full Moon Tele-Meditation, you can get the call-in information at: https://spiritedliving.com/free-full-moon-meditations/
Deb works with those who want to meet challenges and changes with a spirit of sacredness. ☽︎ https://spiritedliving.com/life-career-coach/
Join with me to celebrate the Full Moons & New Moons -- learn more on my website: ☽︎ https://spiritedliving.com/events/
Ready to add the Divine Feminine to your life? Go to: ☽︎ https://spiritedliving.com/divinely-feminine-coaching/ (Filed in: Dancing with your Divinely Feminine Wisdom ☽︎ https://spiritedliving.com/divinely-feminine-coaching/dancing-with-your-divinely-feminine-wisdom/)
And please do follow me on Facebook & Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritedLivingwithDeborahRoth https://www.facebook.com/DeborahSRoth/ AND https://www.instagram.com/spiriteddebroth/
- published: 28 Apr 2023
- views: 381
Ala: The Fierce Earth Goddess of Igbo Mythology and Her Hidden Powers!
Uncover the powerful and mysterious world of Ala, the revered Earth goddess of Igbo mythology. Known as the goddess of fertility, morality, and the underworld, ...
Uncover the powerful and mysterious world of Ala, the revered Earth goddess of Igbo mythology. Known as the goddess of fertility, morality, and the underworld, Ala plays a central role in the spiritual lives of the Igbo people. This video delves into the rich traditions and myths surrounding Ala, exploring her influence over the land, her connection to the ancestors, and her role as the enforcer of justice. Discover the rituals, symbols, and cultural significance of Ala, and learn how this formidable goddess continues to shape the beliefs and practices of the Igbo culture. Join us on this journey to reveal the hidden powers and enduring legacy of Ala, the mother of all life.
#AlaGoddess #IgboMythology #EarthGoddess #AncientGods #AfricanMythology #GoddessOfFertility #IgboCulture #MythologyExplained #GoddessOfMorality #UnderworldGoddess
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Uncover the powerful and mysterious world of Ala, the revered Earth goddess of Igbo mythology. Known as the goddess of fertility, morality, and the underworld, Ala plays a central role in the spiritual lives of the Igbo people. This video delves into the rich traditions and myths surrounding Ala, exploring her influence over the land, her connection to the ancestors, and her role as the enforcer of justice. Discover the rituals, symbols, and cultural significance of Ala, and learn how this formidable goddess continues to shape the beliefs and practices of the Igbo culture. Join us on this journey to reveal the hidden powers and enduring legacy of Ala, the mother of all life.
#AlaGoddess #IgboMythology #EarthGoddess #AncientGods #AfricanMythology #GoddessOfFertility #IgboCulture #MythologyExplained #GoddessOfMorality #UnderworldGoddess
📽️ If you enjoy our videos and want to show your support, why not check out our awesome merchandise at our online store? 🛍️
🔗 Link: https://www.redbubble.com/people/The-Library/shop?asc=u 🌐🛒
🌟 If you're enjoying our content, show some love by buying us a coffee!
☕️ buymeacoffee.com/TheLibrary
🌙😴 Sleep better at night with ASMR sounds! 🎧🌟 Find the best ones here:
🔗 Link: https://youtube.com/@you_relax 🌈✨
- published: 15 Aug 2024
- views: 130
The Battle in the Ocean : Ala the goddess and Idemili the river goddess | African Folktales
🌊 Step into the divine clash where the heavens meet the depths of the ocean.
In this epic chapter of Chronicles of Amadioha II, The Battle in the ocean. the sa...
🌊 Step into the divine clash where the heavens meet the depths of the ocean.
In this epic chapter of Chronicles of Amadioha II, The Battle in the ocean. the sacred bond between Ala the Earth Goddess, and Idemili the River goddess, faces its greatest test. When beasts infused with fragments of the Orb of Anti-Creation invade Idemili’s waters, chaos erupts. Her Ocean Guard and Leviathan Riders rise to defend her domain, but the monsters wield power far beyond mortal or divine comprehension.
As the tides of battle turn against Idemili, the earth itself answers her call. Ala, the mother of creation and the guardian of morality, descends into the ocean to restore balance. Her arrival shifts the battlefield, her power bending the waters and silencing the chaos. But even as Ala’s immense strength subdues the creatures, the shadow of a greater threat looms.
🔥 What happens when earth and water unite to fight an ancient force?
🌍 How will Ala’s powers shape the war against the Orb of Anti-Creation?
🐍 And what secrets lie within the fragments carried by the monsters?
This chapter is a breathtaking exploration of African mythology, where divine justice meets untamed waters. Discover the strength of Ala and Idemili, their bond as sisters, and their unrelenting will to protect creation.
Highlights of This Chapter:
Ala’s overwhelming power as the earth itself.
Idemili’s heroic stand against monstrous invaders.
The divine clash between creation and destruction.
The Orb of Anti-Creation’s fragments and their terrifying potential.
💡 Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of African storytelling, mythology, and folklore, brought to life through the legends of Ala, Idemili, and their sacred python.
Disclaimer: This story is a semi-fictional retelling inspired by African mythology, spirituality, and folklore. It combines imagination and historical roots to create a compelling narrative.
African storytelling, African gods mythology, Yoruba mythology, Orisha stories, African folklore, ancient African spirituality, African creation story, African mythology creation story, viral African tales, best African tales, African tales stories part 2, African stories and folklores, interesting mythological stories, Ala the earth goddess, Idemili the river goddess, divine battles, Igbo mythology, and epic African legends.
#ChroniclesOfAmadioha #AfricanMythology #AlaTheEarthGoddess #IdemiliTheRiverGoddess #AfricanFolktales #OrishaStories #YorubaMythology #EpicAfricanLegends #DivineClash #africanfolklore
Drawing from Yoruba mythology, orisha stories, and African folklore, this chapter explores cosmic battles, divine politics, and the fragile balance between creation and destruction.
This cinematic tale of folktales story, viral African tales, and interesting mythological stories bridges the gap between mortals and gods, offering a rich narrative inspired by African stories and folklores.
To understand this chapter, Watch these
The Jabari of Alkebulan https://youtu.be/ROTI_c79zuk
The prophecy of Orunmila https://youtu.be/vysPXnF_jF0
The legend of shango https://youtu.be/c96R9_wHzco
🌊 Step into the divine clash where the heavens meet the depths of the ocean.
In this epic chapter of Chronicles of Amadioha II, The Battle in the ocean. the sacred bond between Ala the Earth Goddess, and Idemili the River goddess, faces its greatest test. When beasts infused with fragments of the Orb of Anti-Creation invade Idemili’s waters, chaos erupts. Her Ocean Guard and Leviathan Riders rise to defend her domain, but the monsters wield power far beyond mortal or divine comprehension.
As the tides of battle turn against Idemili, the earth itself answers her call. Ala, the mother of creation and the guardian of morality, descends into the ocean to restore balance. Her arrival shifts the battlefield, her power bending the waters and silencing the chaos. But even as Ala’s immense strength subdues the creatures, the shadow of a greater threat looms.
🔥 What happens when earth and water unite to fight an ancient force?
🌍 How will Ala’s powers shape the war against the Orb of Anti-Creation?
🐍 And what secrets lie within the fragments carried by the monsters?
This chapter is a breathtaking exploration of African mythology, where divine justice meets untamed waters. Discover the strength of Ala and Idemili, their bond as sisters, and their unrelenting will to protect creation.
Highlights of This Chapter:
Ala’s overwhelming power as the earth itself.
Idemili’s heroic stand against monstrous invaders.
The divine clash between creation and destruction.
The Orb of Anti-Creation’s fragments and their terrifying potential.
💡 Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of African storytelling, mythology, and folklore, brought to life through the legends of Ala, Idemili, and their sacred python.
Disclaimer: This story is a semi-fictional retelling inspired by African mythology, spirituality, and folklore. It combines imagination and historical roots to create a compelling narrative.
African storytelling, African gods mythology, Yoruba mythology, Orisha stories, African folklore, ancient African spirituality, African creation story, African mythology creation story, viral African tales, best African tales, African tales stories part 2, African stories and folklores, interesting mythological stories, Ala the earth goddess, Idemili the river goddess, divine battles, Igbo mythology, and epic African legends.
#ChroniclesOfAmadioha #AfricanMythology #AlaTheEarthGoddess #IdemiliTheRiverGoddess #AfricanFolktales #OrishaStories #YorubaMythology #EpicAfricanLegends #DivineClash #africanfolklore
Drawing from Yoruba mythology, orisha stories, and African folklore, this chapter explores cosmic battles, divine politics, and the fragile balance between creation and destruction.
This cinematic tale of folktales story, viral African tales, and interesting mythological stories bridges the gap between mortals and gods, offering a rich narrative inspired by African stories and folklores.
To understand this chapter, Watch these
The Jabari of Alkebulan https://youtu.be/ROTI_c79zuk
The prophecy of Orunmila https://youtu.be/vysPXnF_jF0
The legend of shango https://youtu.be/c96R9_wHzco
- published: 27 Jan 2025
- views: 685
The story of Ala: African goddess of earth (Igbo)
Ala is an Igbo goddess whose name literally means “ground” or “soil”. She watches and guards over everything that is produced from the soil including crop produ...
Ala is an Igbo goddess whose name literally means “ground” or “soil”. She watches and guards over everything that is produced from the soil including crop production and fertility. But watch out, she can also be cruel when the tail of her tiger is touched…
Watch this video to learn more about her.
#africanmythology #nigerianfolktales #africa #nigerianmyths #nigeria
Ala is an Igbo goddess whose name literally means “ground” or “soil”. She watches and guards over everything that is produced from the soil including crop production and fertility. But watch out, she can also be cruel when the tail of her tiger is touched…
Watch this video to learn more about her.
#africanmythology #nigerianfolktales #africa #nigerianmyths #nigeria
- published: 26 Jul 2024
- views: 49
Ala the Earth Goddess of the Igbo embodies fertility, morality, and earth's nurturing spirit #africa
Ala, revered as the Igbo Earth Goddess embodies fertility, morality, and the earth's nurturing spirit Ala wields the power to manipulate earth and plant life, a...
Ala, revered as the Igbo Earth Goddess embodies fertility, morality, and the earth's nurturing spirit Ala wields the power to manipulate earth and plant life, allowing her to cultivate lush landscapes or summon vines and roots for defense. She can rejuvenate barren land, ensuring fertility and abundance. Additionally, Ala possesses the ability to communicate with ancestral spirits, guiding them in maintaining harmony within her realm.Cash App $9Kreator #mythology #Marvel #DC #Kemet
Ala, revered as the Igbo Earth Goddess embodies fertility, morality, and the earth's nurturing spirit Ala wields the power to manipulate earth and plant life, allowing her to cultivate lush landscapes or summon vines and roots for defense. She can rejuvenate barren land, ensuring fertility and abundance. Additionally, Ala possesses the ability to communicate with ancestral spirits, guiding them in maintaining harmony within her realm.Cash App $9Kreator #mythology #Marvel #DC #Kemet
- published: 28 Dec 2024
- views: 26
African Goddesses/Deities Part 2: Ala ( Igbo) and Odinala
The Odinala is a religious and traditional practice of the Igbo culture in Southeastern Nigeria. The goddess Ala is the Alusi of the earth, morality, fertility...
The Odinala is a religious and traditional practice of the Igbo culture in Southeastern Nigeria. The goddess Ala is the Alusi of the earth, morality, fertility, and creativity in its tradition.
The Odinala is a religious and traditional practice of the Igbo culture in Southeastern Nigeria. The goddess Ala is the Alusi of the earth, morality, fertility, and creativity in its tradition.
- published: 31 Mar 2022
- views: 132
Stele Of Ala Ani Ana By Ugo Art (African Goddess)
Stele Of Ala. Ala (Also Known As Ani or Ana) Is A Prehistoric Igbo African Mother Earth Goddess That Dated Back To Ancient Sumer. She Is A Huge Symbol In Ugo Ar...
Stele Of Ala. Ala (Also Known As Ani or Ana) Is A Prehistoric Igbo African Mother Earth Goddess That Dated Back To Ancient Sumer. She Is A Huge Symbol In Ugo Art Igbo African Renaissance Art Movement. Ana Ani Ana Is Inanna / ISHTAR The Sumerian And Babylonian Goddess Of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, justice, and political power. Igbos Are The Ancient Sumerians.
Stele Of Ala. Ala (Also Known As Ani or Ana) Is A Prehistoric Igbo African Mother Earth Goddess That Dated Back To Ancient Sumer. She Is A Huge Symbol In Ugo Art Igbo African Renaissance Art Movement. Ana Ani Ana Is Inanna / ISHTAR The Sumerian And Babylonian Goddess Of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, justice, and political power. Igbos Are The Ancient Sumerians.
- published: 13 Feb 2018
- views: 666
Actions To Avoid If You Are New To Odinani
Many people once they make a switch from one religion to another are always quick to rise in defence of their new religion. How to avoid such trap is what this ...
Many people once they make a switch from one religion to another are always quick to rise in defence of their new religion. How to avoid such trap is what this video is all about.
Many people once they make a switch from one religion to another are always quick to rise in defence of their new religion. How to avoid such trap is what this video is all about.
- published: 13 May 2022
- views: 3825
Ala is the female Alusi (deity) of the earth, morality, fertility and creativity in the Odinani religion of Igbo people in Southeastern...
Ala is the female Alusi (deity) of the earth, morality, fertility and creativity in the Odinani religion of Igbo people in Southeastern Nga orie now Nigeria She is the most important Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. In Odinani, Ala rules over the underworld, and holds the deceased ancestors in her womb. Her name literally translates to 'Ground' in the Igbo language, denoting her powers over the earth and her status as the ground itself. Ala is considered the highest Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. Ala's husband is Amadioha, the sky deity. As the goddess of morality, Ala is involved in judging human actions and is in charge of Igbo law and customs known as 'Omenala'. Taboos and crimes among Igbo communities that are against the standard of Ala are called nsọ Ala. All ground is considered 'Holy land' as it is Ala herself. With human fertility, Ala is credited for the productivity of the land. Ala's messenger and living agent on earth is the python (Igbo: éké), which is especially revered in many Igbo communities. In art, Ala is often represented as a regal figure seated on a throne, surrounded by her family. In the past, such figures took the form of life-size mud sculptures in special festive shrines dedicated to the deity and known as Mbari.
Ala is the female Alusi (deity) of the earth, morality, fertility and creativity in the Odinani religion of Igbo people in Southeastern Nga orie now Nigeria She is the most important Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. In Odinani, Ala rules over the underworld, and holds the deceased ancestors in her womb. Her name literally translates to 'Ground' in the Igbo language, denoting her powers over the earth and her status as the ground itself. Ala is considered the highest Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. Ala's husband is Amadioha, the sky deity. As the goddess of morality, Ala is involved in judging human actions and is in charge of Igbo law and customs known as 'Omenala'. Taboos and crimes among Igbo communities that are against the standard of Ala are called nsọ Ala. All ground is considered 'Holy land' as it is Ala herself. With human fertility, Ala is credited for the productivity of the land. Ala's messenger and living agent on earth is the python (Igbo: éké), which is especially revered in many Igbo communities. In art, Ala is often represented as a regal figure seated on a throne, surrounded by her family. In the past, such figures took the form of life-size mud sculptures in special festive shrines dedicated to the deity and known as Mbari.
- published: 16 Jul 2020
- views: 546
Ala/Ani The Igbo Earth & Land Goddess, Iwuala Land Pact, Free The Land - Haki Kweli Shakur
🌍🪶🛖 Free The Land, Furaha Earthday! Ala (also known as Ani, Ana, Ale, and Ali in varying Igbo dialects) is the Earth Mother Goddess; female Alusi (deity) of the...
🌍🪶🛖 Free The Land, Furaha Earthday! Ala (also known as Ani, Ana, Ale, and Ali in varying Igbo dialects) is the Earth Mother Goddess; female Alusi (deity) of the earth, morality, death, and fertility in Odinani. She is the most important Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. The Igbo people of Nigeria call her the mother of all things, but she is both the fertile earth and the empty field after the harvest. She is present at the beginning of the cycle of life, making children grow in their mother’s womb, and she is there at the end of the cycle, to receive the souls of the dead into her own womb. Her name literally translates to ‘Ground’ in the Igbo language, denoting her powers over the earth and her status as the ground itself.
Earth Healing Ritual to Ala
This earth healing ritual is to Ala, the earth Mother, the highest Goddess of the Ibo pantheon of Nigeria. She is responsible for many aspects of civilization, as well as guardianship of women and children in general.
Ala/Ani Background Visuals 📸: @siriusugo
#ala #earthday #igbo
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🌍🪶🛖 Free The Land, Furaha Earthday! Ala (also known as Ani, Ana, Ale, and Ali in varying Igbo dialects) is the Earth Mother Goddess; female Alusi (deity) of the earth, morality, death, and fertility in Odinani. She is the most important Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. The Igbo people of Nigeria call her the mother of all things, but she is both the fertile earth and the empty field after the harvest. She is present at the beginning of the cycle of life, making children grow in their mother’s womb, and she is there at the end of the cycle, to receive the souls of the dead into her own womb. Her name literally translates to ‘Ground’ in the Igbo language, denoting her powers over the earth and her status as the ground itself.
Earth Healing Ritual to Ala
This earth healing ritual is to Ala, the earth Mother, the highest Goddess of the Ibo pantheon of Nigeria. She is responsible for many aspects of civilization, as well as guardianship of women and children in general.
Ala/Ani Background Visuals 📸: @siriusugo
#ala #earthday #igbo
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- published: 22 Apr 2023
- views: 391