Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova (Russian:Агриппина Яковлевна Ваганова; June 26, 1879 – November 5, 1951) was a Russianballet teacher who developed the Vaganova method – the technique which derived from the teaching methods of the old Imperial Ballet School (today the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet) under the Premier Maître de BalletMarius Petipa throughout the mid to late 19th century, though mostly throughout the 1880s and 1890s. It was Vaganova who perfected and cultivated this form of teaching the art of classical ballet into a workable syllabus. Her Fundamentals of the Classical Dance (1934) remains a standard textbook for the instruction of ballet technique. Her technique is one of the most popular techniques today.
Aggrippina Vaganova (1879-1951) joined the Imperial Ballet School in 1888 and had as teachers Eugeniia Sokolova, Ekaterina Vazem, Christian Johansson, Lev Ivanov, Nikolai Legat and Pavel Gerdt
On graduation, she joined the Imperial Ballet, later known as the Mariinsky Ballet, where as a soloist she became referred to by balletomanes as ‘the queen of variations - she had a very strong technique.
Marius Maestro did not like Vaganova, making notes in his diary after her performances such as ‘awful' or ‘dreadful’.
However she had a great success in 1915 as the Goddess Niriti in Nikolai Legat’s revival of Petipa’s ‘The Talisman’, being subsequently designated prima.
But it is for her second career as a pedagogue that Vaganova became world famous, developing a method of preparing dancers tha...
published: 08 Oct 2014
Russian Vaganova Ballet Technique Documentary
The Vaganova Dance Society was founded by Maria Mitrache-Bokor in 1988 in Edmonton Alberta to promote the Russian technique developed by Mme. Agrippina Vaganova (1879-1951). Mme. Vaganova created a unique classical ballet technique,unifying and combining the best of French, Italian, Danish and Russian methods.
The technique is characterized by a harmonious movement of the whole body, soft arms with a strong back, suppleness of the body with iron aplomb, a noble and natural placement of the head, precise coordination combined with a unique sense of musicality.
A major goal of the Society has been to provide unique dance opportunities and one of the best techniques for ballet students,professional dancers and ballet teachers in Alberta.
The Society has produc...
In note 3 of the Supplement section of her Basic Principles of Classical Ballet, Agrippina Vaganova writes:
"In order to preserve all our achievements for posterity it is necessary to resort to the aid of the motion picture, which will be a great contribution to the immortalization of our art. The years are passing by, and we hope that our achievements, registered on film, will aid future generations to learn and perfect themselves.
In the not too distant future our first experience in this field will be shown to a wide public: pictures of the methodology of classical ballet at the Moscow and Leningrad Ballet Schools. This film will be a scientific aid in outlying districts as well."
This is that film.
00:00 Titles
01:13 Credits begin
01:31 Agrippina Vaganova and Ni...
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was a Soviet and Russian ballet teacher who developed the Vaganova method – the technique which derived from the teaching methods of the old Imperial Ballet School under the Premier Maître de Ballet Marius Petipa throughout the mid to late 19th century, though mostly throughout the 1880s and 1890s. It was Vaganova who perfected and cultivated this form of teaching the art of classical ballet into a workable syllabus. Her Fundamentals of the Classical Dance remains a standard textbook for the instruction of ballet technique. Her technique is one of the most popular techniques today.
#AgrippinaVaganova #biography #scientist #VIS #VISSCIENCE
published: 22 Dec 2023
TODO sobre Agrippina VAGANOVA
Esta grabación se realizó durante mi cátedra sobre Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova dentro del curso de capacitación en metodología vaganova dictado en enero, del lunes 23 al viernes 27, por Academia Rosario Ballet.
#agrippinavaganova #vaganova #vaganovaballet #vaganovamethod #danzaclásica #ballet #danza #latino #español #argentina #balletruso #russianballet #métodovaganova #curso #capacitación #seminario #lectura #conferencia #ponencia
published: 10 Mar 2023
SPOTLIGHT: Maria Khoreva - Vaganova Ballet Academy Graduation Exam 2018 (professor Ludmila Kovaleva)
All footage of Maria Khoreva in her graduation exam at the Vaganova Ballet Academy in 2018, class of professor Ludmila Kovaleva. Enjoy!
Also seen in this video: Maria Bulanova, Daria Ionova, Anastasia Nuikina, Maria Petukhova (and more).
*Footage from russianballervideos2, additional editing by me*
published: 04 Sep 2021
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was one of the greatest Ballet Teacher and founder of the Vaganova Method in Russia.
Have use some special effect to bring alive again her special smile and look, in this video it looks like if she is observing dancers in a ballet class.
published: 02 Jan 2018
Hi everyone! Today I want to share something very painful - my story of eating disorders and mental abuse in Ballet Academy I graduated from in 2015. It still hurts, I'm on my healing journey - I hope this video will help you not to feel alone in this and also open up the truth behind a ballerina if you’re not from this industry. I decided not to edit this video, so it's raw and not perfect, but I felt like it's a right decision about this one.
Feel free to communicate with me in the comments below!
0:00 Intro
1:10 Disclaimer
3:20 I Always Expect Worse
5:00 Mental Breakdown
8:20 Not All Teachers Are Cruel
10:00 I Wanted To Do An Operation On My Breasts
11:00 They Want You To Stay In A Child's Body
13:10 If Y...
Aggrippina Vaganova (1879-1951) joined the Imperial Ballet School in 1888 and had as teachers Eugeniia Sokolova, Ekaterina Vazem, Christian Johansson, Lev Ivano...
Aggrippina Vaganova (1879-1951) joined the Imperial Ballet School in 1888 and had as teachers Eugeniia Sokolova, Ekaterina Vazem, Christian Johansson, Lev Ivanov, Nikolai Legat and Pavel Gerdt
On graduation, she joined the Imperial Ballet, later known as the Mariinsky Ballet, where as a soloist she became referred to by balletomanes as ‘the queen of variations - she had a very strong technique.
Marius Maestro did not like Vaganova, making notes in his diary after her performances such as ‘awful' or ‘dreadful’.
However she had a great success in 1915 as the Goddess Niriti in Nikolai Legat’s revival of Petipa’s ‘The Talisman’, being subsequently designated prima.
But it is for her second career as a pedagogue that Vaganova became world famous, developing a method of preparing dancers that is now known as the Vaganova Method.
The two pieces of film here, each showing this legendary woman teaching class.
The first is more interesting in that we see Vaganova demonstrating steps - particularly interesting for me is the ‘porte de bras’ and a ‘tour’ she shows.
In the second bit of footage, Vaganova simply moves between pupils doing centre work, adjusting an arm position and so on every now and then.
Given the lasting fame of the Vaganova Method, it’s fascinating to see the pedagogue at work training dancers.
Aggrippina Vaganova (1879-1951) joined the Imperial Ballet School in 1888 and had as teachers Eugeniia Sokolova, Ekaterina Vazem, Christian Johansson, Lev Ivanov, Nikolai Legat and Pavel Gerdt
On graduation, she joined the Imperial Ballet, later known as the Mariinsky Ballet, where as a soloist she became referred to by balletomanes as ‘the queen of variations - she had a very strong technique.
Marius Maestro did not like Vaganova, making notes in his diary after her performances such as ‘awful' or ‘dreadful’.
However she had a great success in 1915 as the Goddess Niriti in Nikolai Legat’s revival of Petipa’s ‘The Talisman’, being subsequently designated prima.
But it is for her second career as a pedagogue that Vaganova became world famous, developing a method of preparing dancers that is now known as the Vaganova Method.
The two pieces of film here, each showing this legendary woman teaching class.
The first is more interesting in that we see Vaganova demonstrating steps - particularly interesting for me is the ‘porte de bras’ and a ‘tour’ she shows.
In the second bit of footage, Vaganova simply moves between pupils doing centre work, adjusting an arm position and so on every now and then.
Given the lasting fame of the Vaganova Method, it’s fascinating to see the pedagogue at work training dancers.
The Vaganova Dance Society was founded by Maria Mitrache-Bokor in 1988 in Edmonton Alberta to promote the Russian technique develo...
The Vaganova Dance Society was founded by Maria Mitrache-Bokor in 1988 in Edmonton Alberta to promote the Russian technique developed by Mme. Agrippina Vaganova (1879-1951). Mme. Vaganova created a unique classical ballet technique,unifying and combining the best of French, Italian, Danish and Russian methods.
The technique is characterized by a harmonious movement of the whole body, soft arms with a strong back, suppleness of the body with iron aplomb, a noble and natural placement of the head, precise coordination combined with a unique sense of musicality.
A major goal of the Society has been to provide unique dance opportunities and one of the best techniques for ballet students,professional dancers and ballet teachers in Alberta.
The Society has produced stage performances, hosted and attended workshops and festivals, organized trips, performances and cultural exchanges in Canada, Russia, Romania, Australia and the United States.
The Vaganova Dance Society was founded by Maria Mitrache-Bokor in 1988 in Edmonton Alberta to promote the Russian technique developed by Mme. Agrippina Vaganova (1879-1951). Mme. Vaganova created a unique classical ballet technique,unifying and combining the best of French, Italian, Danish and Russian methods.
The technique is characterized by a harmonious movement of the whole body, soft arms with a strong back, suppleness of the body with iron aplomb, a noble and natural placement of the head, precise coordination combined with a unique sense of musicality.
A major goal of the Society has been to provide unique dance opportunities and one of the best techniques for ballet students,professional dancers and ballet teachers in Alberta.
The Society has produced stage performances, hosted and attended workshops and festivals, organized trips, performances and cultural exchanges in Canada, Russia, Romania, Australia and the United States.
In note 3 of the Supplement section of her Basic Principles of Classical Ballet, Agrippina Vaganova writes:
"In order to preserve all our achievements for pos...
In note 3 of the Supplement section of her Basic Principles of Classical Ballet, Agrippina Vaganova writes:
"In order to preserve all our achievements for posterity it is necessary to resort to the aid of the motion picture, which will be a great contribution to the immortalization of our art. The years are passing by, and we hope that our achievements, registered on film, will aid future generations to learn and perfect themselves.
In the not too distant future our first experience in this field will be shown to a wide public: pictures of the methodology of classical ballet at the Moscow and Leningrad Ballet Schools. This film will be a scientific aid in outlying districts as well."
This is that film.
00:00 Titles
01:13 Credits begin
01:31 Agrippina Vaganova and Nikolai I. Tarasov
02:08 Olga Lepeshinskaya, Asaf Messer, Yuri Fayer
02:30 Lidiya Rafailova, Natalia Kamkova, Lidia Tyuntina
02:52 Introduction
04:30 Training begins at 6 years old with setting the legs, hands, and head
05:30 Starting leg positions
05:57 First position
06:17 Second position
06:31 Third position
06:43 Fifth position
07:00 Fourth position
07:21 Hands
08:27 Basic arm positions
09:42 SECTION I: Barre exercise
11:35 Demi-plié
12:48 Battement tendu
15:23 Battement tendu jeté
16:03 Battement tendu soutenu
16:55 Rond de jambe
19:00 Petit battement sur le cou-de-pied
20:05 Battement frappé
21:51 Double battement frappé
23:31 Battement fondu
25:40 Battement relevé lent
25:25 Bolshoi battement
28:47 Grand plié
31:09 Développé
35:06 Rond de jambe en l'air
36:44 Cambré
37:47 Port de corps
40:19 SECTION II: Adagio
40:49 Poses of the body: en face, attitudes, arabesques, écarté
46:39 Turns
48:52 Pirouette
52:36 Posed pirouette or "Bolshoi pirouette"
54:01 Fouetté
58:56 SECTION III: Pointe
59:22 Movements performed while in relevé en pointe
01:03:19 Movements performed while rising en pointe
01:07:30 Jumps while en pointe
01:08:34 Turns en pointe
01:14:44 SECTION IV: Allegro
01:15:10 Sauté (jumps from two feet)
01:17:10 Assemblé (jumps from one foot to two)
01:18:07 Auxiliary steps (glissade, chassé, pas de bourrée, passé)
01:20:34 Jeté (jumps from one foot to the other)
01:27:53 Sissonne (jumps from two feet to one)
01:33:13 Temps levé (jumps from one foot to the same foot)
01:37:10 SECTION V: Batterie
01:37:37 Entrechat
01:39:02 Pas battu
01:42:22 Tours en l'air
01:44:54 Demonstration by Asaf Messerer (Асаф Мессерер)
In note 3 of the Supplement section of her Basic Principles of Classical Ballet, Agrippina Vaganova writes:
"In order to preserve all our achievements for posterity it is necessary to resort to the aid of the motion picture, which will be a great contribution to the immortalization of our art. The years are passing by, and we hope that our achievements, registered on film, will aid future generations to learn and perfect themselves.
In the not too distant future our first experience in this field will be shown to a wide public: pictures of the methodology of classical ballet at the Moscow and Leningrad Ballet Schools. This film will be a scientific aid in outlying districts as well."
This is that film.
00:00 Titles
01:13 Credits begin
01:31 Agrippina Vaganova and Nikolai I. Tarasov
02:08 Olga Lepeshinskaya, Asaf Messer, Yuri Fayer
02:30 Lidiya Rafailova, Natalia Kamkova, Lidia Tyuntina
02:52 Introduction
04:30 Training begins at 6 years old with setting the legs, hands, and head
05:30 Starting leg positions
05:57 First position
06:17 Second position
06:31 Third position
06:43 Fifth position
07:00 Fourth position
07:21 Hands
08:27 Basic arm positions
09:42 SECTION I: Barre exercise
11:35 Demi-plié
12:48 Battement tendu
15:23 Battement tendu jeté
16:03 Battement tendu soutenu
16:55 Rond de jambe
19:00 Petit battement sur le cou-de-pied
20:05 Battement frappé
21:51 Double battement frappé
23:31 Battement fondu
25:40 Battement relevé lent
25:25 Bolshoi battement
28:47 Grand plié
31:09 Développé
35:06 Rond de jambe en l'air
36:44 Cambré
37:47 Port de corps
40:19 SECTION II: Adagio
40:49 Poses of the body: en face, attitudes, arabesques, écarté
46:39 Turns
48:52 Pirouette
52:36 Posed pirouette or "Bolshoi pirouette"
54:01 Fouetté
58:56 SECTION III: Pointe
59:22 Movements performed while in relevé en pointe
01:03:19 Movements performed while rising en pointe
01:07:30 Jumps while en pointe
01:08:34 Turns en pointe
01:14:44 SECTION IV: Allegro
01:15:10 Sauté (jumps from two feet)
01:17:10 Assemblé (jumps from one foot to two)
01:18:07 Auxiliary steps (glissade, chassé, pas de bourrée, passé)
01:20:34 Jeté (jumps from one foot to the other)
01:27:53 Sissonne (jumps from two feet to one)
01:33:13 Temps levé (jumps from one foot to the same foot)
01:37:10 SECTION V: Batterie
01:37:37 Entrechat
01:39:02 Pas battu
01:42:22 Tours en l'air
01:44:54 Demonstration by Asaf Messerer (Асаф Мессерер)
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was a Soviet and Russian ballet teacher who developed the Vaganova method – the technique which derived from the teaching methods ...
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was a Soviet and Russian ballet teacher who developed the Vaganova method – the technique which derived from the teaching methods of the old Imperial Ballet School under the Premier Maître de Ballet Marius Petipa throughout the mid to late 19th century, though mostly throughout the 1880s and 1890s. It was Vaganova who perfected and cultivated this form of teaching the art of classical ballet into a workable syllabus. Her Fundamentals of the Classical Dance remains a standard textbook for the instruction of ballet technique. Her technique is one of the most popular techniques today.
#AgrippinaVaganova #biography #scientist #VIS #VISSCIENCE
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was a Soviet and Russian ballet teacher who developed the Vaganova method – the technique which derived from the teaching methods of the old Imperial Ballet School under the Premier Maître de Ballet Marius Petipa throughout the mid to late 19th century, though mostly throughout the 1880s and 1890s. It was Vaganova who perfected and cultivated this form of teaching the art of classical ballet into a workable syllabus. Her Fundamentals of the Classical Dance remains a standard textbook for the instruction of ballet technique. Her technique is one of the most popular techniques today.
#AgrippinaVaganova #biography #scientist #VIS #VISSCIENCE
Esta grabación se realizó durante mi cátedra sobre Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova dentro del curso de capacitación en metodología vaganova dictado en enero, del ...
Esta grabación se realizó durante mi cátedra sobre Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova dentro del curso de capacitación en metodología vaganova dictado en enero, del lunes 23 al viernes 27, por Academia Rosario Ballet.
#agrippinavaganova #vaganova #vaganovaballet #vaganovamethod #danzaclásica #ballet #danza #latino #español #argentina #balletruso #russianballet #métodovaganova #curso #capacitación #seminario #lectura #conferencia #ponencia
Esta grabación se realizó durante mi cátedra sobre Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova dentro del curso de capacitación en metodología vaganova dictado en enero, del lunes 23 al viernes 27, por Academia Rosario Ballet.
#agrippinavaganova #vaganova #vaganovaballet #vaganovamethod #danzaclásica #ballet #danza #latino #español #argentina #balletruso #russianballet #métodovaganova #curso #capacitación #seminario #lectura #conferencia #ponencia
All footage of Maria Khoreva in her graduation exam at the Vaganova Ballet Academy in 2018, class of professor Ludmila Kovaleva. Enjoy!
Also seen in this video...
All footage of Maria Khoreva in her graduation exam at the Vaganova Ballet Academy in 2018, class of professor Ludmila Kovaleva. Enjoy!
Also seen in this video: Maria Bulanova, Daria Ionova, Anastasia Nuikina, Maria Petukhova (and more).
*Footage from russianballervideos2, additional editing by me*
All footage of Maria Khoreva in her graduation exam at the Vaganova Ballet Academy in 2018, class of professor Ludmila Kovaleva. Enjoy!
Also seen in this video: Maria Bulanova, Daria Ionova, Anastasia Nuikina, Maria Petukhova (and more).
*Footage from russianballervideos2, additional editing by me*
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was one of the greatest Ballet Teacher and founder of the Vaganova Method in Russia.
Have use some special effect to bring alive a...
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was one of the greatest Ballet Teacher and founder of the Vaganova Method in Russia.
Have use some special effect to bring alive again her special smile and look, in this video it looks like if she is observing dancers in a ballet class.
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was one of the greatest Ballet Teacher and founder of the Vaganova Method in Russia.
Have use some special effect to bring alive again her special smile and look, in this video it looks like if she is observing dancers in a ballet class.
Hi everyone! Today I want to share something very painful - my story of eating disorders and mental abuse in Ballet Academy I graduated from in 2015. It still h...
Hi everyone! Today I want to share something very painful - my story of eating disorders and mental abuse in Ballet Academy I graduated from in 2015. It still hurts, I'm on my healing journey - I hope this video will help you not to feel alone in this and also open up the truth behind a ballerina if you’re not from this industry. I decided not to edit this video, so it's raw and not perfect, but I felt like it's a right decision about this one.
Feel free to communicate with me in the comments below!
0:00 Intro
1:10 Disclaimer
3:20 I Always Expect Worse
5:00 Mental Breakdown
8:20 Not All Teachers Are Cruel
10:00 I Wanted To Do An Operation On My Breasts
11:00 They Want You To Stay In A Child's Body
13:10 If You Don't Eat Enough Protein - You Crave More Sugar
16:10 I Started To Get More Dancing When Became Almost Anorexic
17:15 I Was So Afraid To Gain Weight
19:10 You're Scared Someone Will See You Eating Chocolate
20:20 I Lost My Period
22:10 Crying On The Scales
24:00 I Broke My Hip Bone
26:45 Director In Theater Asked Me Am I On Hormones
27:50 I Started To Live A Normal Life
29:30 It Still Hunts Me
30:35 The Truth Behind The Curtains
- Instagram:
For private classes and business inquiries, feel free to DM me on Instagram.
Eating Disorders And Mental Abuse In Vaganova Ballet Academy | My Story
Copyright Mary Puart
#eatingdisorder #mentalabuse #ballet
Hi everyone! Today I want to share something very painful - my story of eating disorders and mental abuse in Ballet Academy I graduated from in 2015. It still hurts, I'm on my healing journey - I hope this video will help you not to feel alone in this and also open up the truth behind a ballerina if you’re not from this industry. I decided not to edit this video, so it's raw and not perfect, but I felt like it's a right decision about this one.
Feel free to communicate with me in the comments below!
0:00 Intro
1:10 Disclaimer
3:20 I Always Expect Worse
5:00 Mental Breakdown
8:20 Not All Teachers Are Cruel
10:00 I Wanted To Do An Operation On My Breasts
11:00 They Want You To Stay In A Child's Body
13:10 If You Don't Eat Enough Protein - You Crave More Sugar
16:10 I Started To Get More Dancing When Became Almost Anorexic
17:15 I Was So Afraid To Gain Weight
19:10 You're Scared Someone Will See You Eating Chocolate
20:20 I Lost My Period
22:10 Crying On The Scales
24:00 I Broke My Hip Bone
26:45 Director In Theater Asked Me Am I On Hormones
27:50 I Started To Live A Normal Life
29:30 It Still Hunts Me
30:35 The Truth Behind The Curtains
- Instagram:
For private classes and business inquiries, feel free to DM me on Instagram.
Eating Disorders And Mental Abuse In Vaganova Ballet Academy | My Story
Copyright Mary Puart
#eatingdisorder #mentalabuse #ballet
Aggrippina Vaganova (1879-1951) joined the Imperial Ballet School in 1888 and had as teachers Eugeniia Sokolova, Ekaterina Vazem, Christian Johansson, Lev Ivanov, Nikolai Legat and Pavel Gerdt
On graduation, she joined the Imperial Ballet, later known as the Mariinsky Ballet, where as a soloist she became referred to by balletomanes as ‘the queen of variations - she had a very strong technique.
Marius Maestro did not like Vaganova, making notes in his diary after her performances such as ‘awful' or ‘dreadful’.
However she had a great success in 1915 as the Goddess Niriti in Nikolai Legat’s revival of Petipa’s ‘The Talisman’, being subsequently designated prima.
But it is for her second career as a pedagogue that Vaganova became world famous, developing a method of preparing dancers that is now known as the Vaganova Method.
The two pieces of film here, each showing this legendary woman teaching class.
The first is more interesting in that we see Vaganova demonstrating steps - particularly interesting for me is the ‘porte de bras’ and a ‘tour’ she shows.
In the second bit of footage, Vaganova simply moves between pupils doing centre work, adjusting an arm position and so on every now and then.
Given the lasting fame of the Vaganova Method, it’s fascinating to see the pedagogue at work training dancers.
The Vaganova Dance Society was founded by Maria Mitrache-Bokor in 1988 in Edmonton Alberta to promote the Russian technique developed by Mme. Agrippina Vaganova (1879-1951). Mme. Vaganova created a unique classical ballet technique,unifying and combining the best of French, Italian, Danish and Russian methods.
The technique is characterized by a harmonious movement of the whole body, soft arms with a strong back, suppleness of the body with iron aplomb, a noble and natural placement of the head, precise coordination combined with a unique sense of musicality.
A major goal of the Society has been to provide unique dance opportunities and one of the best techniques for ballet students,professional dancers and ballet teachers in Alberta.
The Society has produced stage performances, hosted and attended workshops and festivals, organized trips, performances and cultural exchanges in Canada, Russia, Romania, Australia and the United States.
In note 3 of the Supplement section of her Basic Principles of Classical Ballet, Agrippina Vaganova writes:
"In order to preserve all our achievements for posterity it is necessary to resort to the aid of the motion picture, which will be a great contribution to the immortalization of our art. The years are passing by, and we hope that our achievements, registered on film, will aid future generations to learn and perfect themselves.
In the not too distant future our first experience in this field will be shown to a wide public: pictures of the methodology of classical ballet at the Moscow and Leningrad Ballet Schools. This film will be a scientific aid in outlying districts as well."
This is that film.
00:00 Titles
01:13 Credits begin
01:31 Agrippina Vaganova and Nikolai I. Tarasov
02:08 Olga Lepeshinskaya, Asaf Messer, Yuri Fayer
02:30 Lidiya Rafailova, Natalia Kamkova, Lidia Tyuntina
02:52 Introduction
04:30 Training begins at 6 years old with setting the legs, hands, and head
05:30 Starting leg positions
05:57 First position
06:17 Second position
06:31 Third position
06:43 Fifth position
07:00 Fourth position
07:21 Hands
08:27 Basic arm positions
09:42 SECTION I: Barre exercise
11:35 Demi-plié
12:48 Battement tendu
15:23 Battement tendu jeté
16:03 Battement tendu soutenu
16:55 Rond de jambe
19:00 Petit battement sur le cou-de-pied
20:05 Battement frappé
21:51 Double battement frappé
23:31 Battement fondu
25:40 Battement relevé lent
25:25 Bolshoi battement
28:47 Grand plié
31:09 Développé
35:06 Rond de jambe en l'air
36:44 Cambré
37:47 Port de corps
40:19 SECTION II: Adagio
40:49 Poses of the body: en face, attitudes, arabesques, écarté
46:39 Turns
48:52 Pirouette
52:36 Posed pirouette or "Bolshoi pirouette"
54:01 Fouetté
58:56 SECTION III: Pointe
59:22 Movements performed while in relevé en pointe
01:03:19 Movements performed while rising en pointe
01:07:30 Jumps while en pointe
01:08:34 Turns en pointe
01:14:44 SECTION IV: Allegro
01:15:10 Sauté (jumps from two feet)
01:17:10 Assemblé (jumps from one foot to two)
01:18:07 Auxiliary steps (glissade, chassé, pas de bourrée, passé)
01:20:34 Jeté (jumps from one foot to the other)
01:27:53 Sissonne (jumps from two feet to one)
01:33:13 Temps levé (jumps from one foot to the same foot)
01:37:10 SECTION V: Batterie
01:37:37 Entrechat
01:39:02 Pas battu
01:42:22 Tours en l'air
01:44:54 Demonstration by Asaf Messerer (Асаф Мессерер)
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was a Soviet and Russian ballet teacher who developed the Vaganova method – the technique which derived from the teaching methods of the old Imperial Ballet School under the Premier Maître de Ballet Marius Petipa throughout the mid to late 19th century, though mostly throughout the 1880s and 1890s. It was Vaganova who perfected and cultivated this form of teaching the art of classical ballet into a workable syllabus. Her Fundamentals of the Classical Dance remains a standard textbook for the instruction of ballet technique. Her technique is one of the most popular techniques today.
#AgrippinaVaganova #biography #scientist #VIS #VISSCIENCE
Esta grabación se realizó durante mi cátedra sobre Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova dentro del curso de capacitación en metodología vaganova dictado en enero, del lunes 23 al viernes 27, por Academia Rosario Ballet.
#agrippinavaganova #vaganova #vaganovaballet #vaganovamethod #danzaclásica #ballet #danza #latino #español #argentina #balletruso #russianballet #métodovaganova #curso #capacitación #seminario #lectura #conferencia #ponencia
All footage of Maria Khoreva in her graduation exam at the Vaganova Ballet Academy in 2018, class of professor Ludmila Kovaleva. Enjoy!
Also seen in this video: Maria Bulanova, Daria Ionova, Anastasia Nuikina, Maria Petukhova (and more).
*Footage from russianballervideos2, additional editing by me*
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova was one of the greatest Ballet Teacher and founder of the Vaganova Method in Russia.
Have use some special effect to bring alive again her special smile and look, in this video it looks like if she is observing dancers in a ballet class.
Hi everyone! Today I want to share something very painful - my story of eating disorders and mental abuse in Ballet Academy I graduated from in 2015. It still hurts, I'm on my healing journey - I hope this video will help you not to feel alone in this and also open up the truth behind a ballerina if you’re not from this industry. I decided not to edit this video, so it's raw and not perfect, but I felt like it's a right decision about this one.
Feel free to communicate with me in the comments below!
0:00 Intro
1:10 Disclaimer
3:20 I Always Expect Worse
5:00 Mental Breakdown
8:20 Not All Teachers Are Cruel
10:00 I Wanted To Do An Operation On My Breasts
11:00 They Want You To Stay In A Child's Body
13:10 If You Don't Eat Enough Protein - You Crave More Sugar
16:10 I Started To Get More Dancing When Became Almost Anorexic
17:15 I Was So Afraid To Gain Weight
19:10 You're Scared Someone Will See You Eating Chocolate
20:20 I Lost My Period
22:10 Crying On The Scales
24:00 I Broke My Hip Bone
26:45 Director In Theater Asked Me Am I On Hormones
27:50 I Started To Live A Normal Life
29:30 It Still Hunts Me
30:35 The Truth Behind The Curtains
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Eating Disorders And Mental Abuse In Vaganova Ballet Academy | My Story
Copyright Mary Puart
#eatingdisorder #mentalabuse #ballet
Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova (Russian:Агриппина Яковлевна Ваганова; June 26, 1879 – November 5, 1951) was a Russianballet teacher who developed the Vaganova method – the technique which derived from the teaching methods of the old Imperial Ballet School (today the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet) under the Premier Maître de BalletMarius Petipa throughout the mid to late 19th century, though mostly throughout the 1880s and 1890s. It was Vaganova who perfected and cultivated this form of teaching the art of classical ballet into a workable syllabus. Her Fundamentals of the Classical Dance (1934) remains a standard textbook for the instruction of ballet technique. Her technique is one of the most popular techniques today.