Re: I have
I was going to upvote the post at the start of this thread, but it already has 42 upvotes.
38 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Sep 2013
As a home user in GB - reliant on whatever built down to a price floppy drives were available retail - l don't think I was able to get a working PC-compatible 3.5" drive and supply of floppies even 15 years ago. A drive, yes. Choice of floppies, yes. Drive that could reliably write and read the available floppies, no. I'm always amazed to read of people commenting about floppies on lkml, so I suppose there must be some good drives and floppies out there.
For most of us using recent machines, the problem is finding something which does not require UEFI to boot. I had an original Zen1 what failed durign lockdown. Since I don't normally need a power-hungry graphics card I ended up getting a zen2 APU - all those that were available require UEFI.
Yes, we are unlikely to be victiims of the image loading, but that doesn't mean we can avoid UEFI.
You really don't know ?
Two for starters: copy and paste where you found an example of something, but paste causes that slithering mass to decide the whitespace is wrong. And from a couple of months ago trying to work out where a piece of python2 was sudenly failing by adding "print01" etc to tell me where it had reached before it error'd and the 10th print statement of 12 causing 'unexpected indent'.
I have public website at a hoster, with nothing that needs security - some plain text, some images, some PDFs of text (and if you are worried about PDFs you can download them and open them in your own secure viewer). That site is rarely updated, AFAICS adding and maintaining a certificate is not worth the aggravation.
I also have a local website on my home server, only accessible from my local network, with the above, copies of photos from mailing lists, and copies of the html output from projects I work on (so that if I update something on whichever desktop I'm using, I can check how it renders). A MITM attack is the least of my worries if someone gets onto my home server. So again, AFAICS https just adds more things to go wrong.
Totally agree, *except* -
This is the cockwomble who wants to impose his own views on how the economy should run, and believes in killing off what he probably thinks of as a "useless third of the population". To me, given that he understands how to swing voters to his plans, this looks like a deliberate attempt to ensure that the lockdown collapses, and that only those with "herd immunity" (his preferred approach, was it not?) survive.
And it seems to be working - reduced lockdown in England to distract attention from DC, and many people not paying any attention to distancing.
Sorry about the icon, I was looking for DEATH on Binky, but this seemed the nearest.
Cynical, moi ? Oui.
Unless your correspondent has sent you something formatted on an antique version of windows, that is bar locks. MS office documents from recent years have used fonts such as Cambria, Calibri, Georgia. And there are metric-compatible alternatives available.
And if you really do get sent documents which use Arial or Times New Roman then there are also metric-compatible versions of those.
By 'metric compatible' I basically mean they take the same space - a particular glyph (letter) in a compatible font might not look identical, but it will take the same space and should therefore preserve the formatting. Unfortunately, there are a lot of old 'HOWTO' documents for linux users which are severely outdated - the MS Core Fonts nowadays are reported to look horrible in modern linux systems with current versions of freetype.
I have some PDF examples of font alternatives at http://zarniwhoop.uk/files/PDF-substitutes/
And examples of fonts (PDFs of the glyphs, and which languages I think they support) at http://zarniwhoop.uk/ttf-otf-notes.html.
Most modern linux distros will already provide sensible font.
Took me a bit more than 2 hours to get a confirmation email (after several 'invalid gateway' trying to do that first part), then best part of 2 hours trying from time to time to confirm (lots more 'invalid gateway', one "down for maintenance"). But did it in the end. Now 1.3 million and counting - hopefully, Leadsom will have encouraged some more people to sign it ;-)
Icon because not even Paris could have created such a clusterfuck as May.
I still fucking hate it (reading on a 1024x600 netbook at the moment, but I doubt that filling up the page with a single column and pictures on each item will make me hate it any less), and after going back to the index page but failing to find an option to revert which is claimed to be at the bottom of the page, all I can say is that I'll only be reading the site irregularly.
Total fail.
On my netbook (1024x600 screen) I thought it was being very slow to load (that's normal, an old machine with minimal memory and loads of windows across two browsers, so swapping a lot). Then I realise it had loaded - option at the very top, to restore to old home page, then the rest of the screen had a label, and lots of white space. Scrolling down, I eventually found items - full size picture, text, repeat (for a couple of items). Totally useless.
Back to the old homepage, several columns of headlines where I can decide if I want to read something, and open it in a new tab if I do.
What stability issues ?
On linux x86_64 57.0{,.4} and 58.0 since late beta have been very stable. Sound in 58 and the betas, on some setups, has been a problem - but I've now got sound working with both pulse and alsa (different installs, obviously - some of my older retained previous systems don't have pulse). And no crashes apart from when I deliberately close Xorg with a large number of open tabs so that I can go back to an earlier system on the same machine (mainly kept for restoring from backups when I do trash the main system, but sometimes booted to check how things used to be if people report problems). And yes, these machines are largely used for building everything from source, to find regressions.
Hell, it even still builds without stylo if you want to take that route (or haven't installed clang - what is it about LLVM users that makes them think everybody installs all the optional extras ?).
But *building* firefox (and more particularly rustc - what, you think I don't build from source ?) OTOH can be a PITA. If you use a distro, be glad they will suffer the pain to build it for you ;-)
Oh, and I had to use 57.0.4 on a win10 machine in the past week - not something I like using, but firefox was working fine.
Your system, your choice. But for kde you will apparently need unofficial ports to get kde5. Do you trust those porters ? I'm sure that kde4 has had security vulnerabilities, but less sure whether anyone has logged them and fixed them.
Personally I loathe the overhead of kde, and all those static qt and kde libraries it pulls in (yes, I do build from source).
But FreeBSD users usually insist their system is secure (like us linux users used to), so I'm sure everything will be fine for you.
For my (desktop) intel CPUs, running linux, I already have firmware updates which get applied by the kernel on each boot. I assume there will be new updates to fix these latest known issues ?
Strangely, only my oldest still-occasionally-running AMD CPU has ever got a firmware update - but that might be because I have bought AMDs later in their life, and the mobo manufacturers have already applied updates. Or just that intel has had to fix the fixes.
Almost the same here - I finally got pissed off when the calculator no longer had a memory function.
However, I still keep evince (its UI is increasingly annoying, but it works and can display eps whenever I have one to look at).
But there is one app which is still good : gucharmap (I use it a lot when I'm looking at different fonts).
Interesting - I took a few lowish quality train clips (720p mov files from a panasonic FZ45, i.e. a lowish-end stills camera) a few years ago on holiday, and eventually got round to trying to stitch various clips together / edit where it started and stopped / fade video from/to black and fade audio in/out. Cinelerra was impenetrable and put me off the idea for about a year, and although avidemux seemed like it would do the right thing something - probably sound - was totally borked on the clips I used for testing.
So I went with bash and ffmpeg : no, for quality video that is not an option, but for "good enough for youtube" it just about worked, although there was a visible judder whenever I put a caption over the video. Might try pitivi if I can be arsed to dig out the few clips I never got around to using.
Probably ext4 - certainly that's what's on mine (it runs debian). Certainly the OP says below that it _is_ encrypted, so I won't argue. But I wouldn't use anything like this as a backup - mine just streams audio files, the "originals" are on my main machine and the backups are on vanilla external disks.