* Posts by Evil Harry

55 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jul 2019


Clingy Virgin Media won't let us leave, customers complain

Evil Harry

Re: Simple approach

You can dispute marks on your credit file in the UK as well, but these show up when a search is run against your file and can delay access to credit.

China may have to reassess chip strategy in face of US sanctions

Evil Harry

"According to reports, Beijing is seeking alternative strategies to the massive investment .."

I sincerely hope this doesn't mean invasion of Taiwan.

Cisco quits Moscow

Evil Harry

It might clear some of Cisco's six billion dollar back order queue!

Pressure builds on Nominet as members demand to know leadership's contingency plans for when they’re fired

Evil Harry
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Re: I must have been CMOT Dibbler in a past life...

Don't forget sausages inna bun ...

NurseryCam hacked, company shuts down IoT camera service

Evil Harry

Re: 'bout time!

The ICO might as well be run by children for all the impact they seem to have.

Cisco intros desktop switches, one with USB-C to power your laptop

Evil Harry

... and it needs a software controller to configure it.

On the 11th day of Christmas TalkTalk took from me... the email address of my company

Evil Harry

"A business with a gmail, hotmail or whatever address rather than its own domain raises a flag with me"

A lot of the ones I see like this are usually one man bands like window cleaners, builders or holiday lets, basically non-tech small businesses who set their email addresses up years ago and either don't have the knowledge or will to change it.

HP: That print-free-for-life deal we promised you? Well, now it's pay-per-month to continue using your printer ink

Evil Harry


The Huawei Mate 40 Pro would be the best Android flagship on the market – were it not for the US-China trade war

Evil Harry

Re: Huawei

So stick with the p30 and save some cash :)

Cisco penta-gone from Pentagon as Aruba rolls in a new net

Evil Harry

Heard recently about a particularly large company tossing out a Cisco solution because they couldn't make it work despite a large Cisco trained staff including several CCIE's.

Cisco offered to come in and "fix" it for a large sum of cash and were promptly given their marching orders by C-level executives.

If they aren't careful, Cisco risk becoming irrelevant as the other vendors are pretty much caught up and breathing them on price.

Brit accused of spying on 772 people via webcam CCTV software tells court he'd end his life if extradited to US

Evil Harry

Re: Team America: World Police

She promised cooperation with Northants police and then legged it when someone (presumably working for Uncle Sam) thought better of it so legality doesn't come into it. She got away with without facing justice because of some piss poor loophole about diplomatic immunity which has now thankfully been closed.

I have the utmost and genuine respect for our friends across the Atlantic but on this one, they seriously dropped the ball and so did we by not making an issue of it. A family is now without their son while she lives the American dream. Simply put, it sucks.

Evil Harry

Re: Team America: World Police

"Sacoolas isn't a good example, really. It's not like she actually faced jail time here, she fled for no reason. The tabloids blew it up into a big deal, but the only thing she really did wrong* was running away instead of answering questions."

What a crappy comment. She killed someone's son and then ran for the border without going through due process. It doesn't get much lower

Microsoft to Cortana: You’re not going out dressed in iOS or Android, young lady!

Evil Harry
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Spin on it!

You've got brains, man! Brains you've never used!


Justify yourself!

Data-stealing, password-harvesting, backdoor-opening QNAP NAS malware cruises along at 62,000 infections

Evil Harry

Re: I've got a couple of them

A couple of former colleagues told me they swear by FreeNAS. Or maybe it was swear at FreeNAS.

We were in the pub and drunk at the time.

BT and Serco among bidders competing to run Britain's unfortunately named Skynet military satellite system

Evil Harry

"And what happens in IBM or Capita is involved?"

It'll be more expensive and still not work!

Netgear was told in January its routers can be hacked and hijacked. This week, first patches released – after exploits, details made public

Evil Harry

I'd have hoped with Netgear's enterprise aspirations, they'd be more clued up and responsive to security issues but I guess they never lost their SOHO mentality.

Huawei's latest smartphone for the UK market costs £1,299. And yes, that's without Google apps

Evil Harry

I'm pretty sure that with the amount of calls back to Huawei servers that I see my phone trying to make, a "Google free"phone doesn't necessarily mean privacy.

Huawei launches UK charm offensive: We've provided 2G, 3G and 4G for 20 years, and you're worried about 5G?

Evil Harry

Re: Fun fact

The Americans certainly seem to be having their problems at the moment but I think there are a few fine folks over there that retain some vestige of sanity away from the Trump regime.

The fact Trump is regularly contradicted by civil servants (albeit quietly) and his own intelligence services gives me hope that once he's out of office, things will improve.

Far-right leader walks free from court after conviction for refusing to hand his phone passcode over to police

Evil Harry

Re: And the moral of this story is ...

I bet you wouldn't call them "filth" if they turned up to tell you about the death of a loved one with compassion and professionalism as we've experienced recently.

Sure, there are bad apples in any organisation but the vast majority are doing the best they can under difficult circumstances.

Broken your new Surface Go 2 already? Looks like it's a bit more repairable this time

Evil Harry

Re: Wifi died on my 2015 HP laptop last week. Broadcom Dual 5GHz/2.4GHz BCM94322MC...

I think the comment relates to the thought that broken stuff can easily be replaced on a device from 2015 rather than one from 2020 because somewhere in-between, someone let Apple and Microsoft loose with industrial grade Prittstick.

Don't use natwest.co.uk for online banking, Natwest bank tells baffled customer

Evil Harry

Re: URL Shortener

"It is a perfect example for the "Don't" list."

To be fair, so is any URL with the word "NatWest" in it. I've had far too many bad experiences with them and promised myself I'd never knowingly use them again.

Windows takes a tumble in the land of the Big Mac and Bacon Double Cheeseburger

Evil Harry

Re: To be fair

I'm prepared to be down-voted to hell and back and I will caveat this with by saying it could be the way the my other half cooks, it but I find bacon to be the most disappointing meat going. It smells really nice when cooking but such a bland taste unless you douse it in gallons of ketchup which seems to defeat the object.

Whirlybird-driving infosec boss fined after ranty Blackpool Airport air traffic control antics

Evil Harry

What a plank.

Why is a 22GB database containing 56 million US folks' personal details sitting on the open internet using a Chinese IP address? Seriously, why?

Evil Harry

Re: CheckMate

"I hope the UK ICO also fine the ass off the UK Government for robbing the EU Schengen Database and giving a copy to US Spooks."

I don't - it'll be the poor taxpayer footing the bill again.

Cisco slips on a Tolkien ring: One chip design to rule them all, one design to find them. One design to bring them all...

Evil Harry

This is an interesting move and I genuinely hope it goes well for them. Outside some niche areas, Cisco in my experience have moved from market leaders to being on the back foot to the point of almost becoming irrelevant.

After four years, Rust-based Redox OS is nearly self-hosting

Evil Harry
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Re: "Buggy driver"?

"So just don't let the Amish use it then. Problem solved."


Christmas in tatters for Nottinghamshire tots after mayor tells them Santa's too busy

Evil Harry

Re: I have it on good authority ..

He's probably on his way to Nottingham to get away from Andrew Neil after the dumpster fire that was the BBC interview ...

Irish eyes aren't smiling after govt blows €1m on mega-printer too big for parliament's doors

Evil Harry


"There seems to be a conflict of interest whenever democratic lawmakers meet mathematics or laws of Nature..."

... or common sense.

Bad news: 'Unblockable' web trackers emerge. Good news: Firefox with uBlock Origin can stop it. Chrome, not so much

Evil Harry

Here's to Raymond Hill, the uBlock Origin developer! (see icon).

Getronics confirms – finally – that CEO has quit following HMRC VAT payment debacle

Evil Harry

Which must really hurt if it was the case given he owns over 75% off the shares in the UK business (according to Companies House)!

Huygens if true: Dutch police break up bulletproof hosting outfit and kill Mirai botnet

Evil Harry

Re: Everything under control

"The Daily Express is so out of date it needs a bloke with a red flag walking in front of it!"

You. I like you.

Pizza prankster's prisoner plea plot perturbs police, Norks invading and Uber woes

Evil Harry

Re: Please explain

So it can be hacked - obviously!

That time Windows got blindsided by a ball of plasma, 150 million kilometres away

Evil Harry


Back in the early 2000's, I was fortunate to spend some time aboard a brand new, state of the art cruise liner. Before the maiden voyage, the IT manager took great pride in showing us around the ship paying special attention to the modern IT facilities including some PC's in the (get rid of your) kids club area. These PC's were installed in special cupboards that locked the base unit away, recessed the monitors so only the keyboards and mice were exposed and had kiosk mode like software to stop them being messed with.

When the ship was back in port, we were asked to go onboard and address a couple of issues and we asked the IT manager how things had gone. Apparently everything was great up until the kids discovered they could remove the balls from the mice and then throw them overboard ....

How long is a lifetime? If you’re Comcast, it’s until a rival quits a city: ISP 'broke' price promise

Evil Harry

Re: Lifetime warranty

My understanding (which may well be wrong) was that a limited lifetime warranty was valid from the time of purchase until the date the vendor declared end of sale/end of life dates for the item in question. In otherwords, the lifetime of the product, not the lifetime of the individual who bought it :)

Vulns out of the box: 12 in 13 small biz network devices terribly insecure by default – research

Evil Harry

I was under the impression that QNAP run their QTS OS software across their entire range from Soho gear through to some hardware that wouldn't look out of place in a larger enterprise. Worrying if their software can be easily compromised.

Eco-activists arrested by Brit cops after threatening to close Heathrow with drones

Evil Harry

There's protesting and causing disruption and then protesting and endangering life. While I don't necessarily disagree with their concerns about climate change, by threatening to deliberately fly drones in congested airspace, these idiots deserve to have the book thrown at them. And then the book shelf And then the library.

First water world exoplanet spotted – and thankfully no sign of Kevin Costner, rejoice!

Evil Harry

Ahead groove factor five!

D-Link, Comba network gear leave passwords open for potentially whole world to see

Evil Harry

Re: "they eventually simply stopped responding entirely"

Agreed. I personally put DLink in the same category as routers that are given away by ISP's and should be replaced sooner rather than later.

Psst. Wanna brush up your supervillain creds? Get a load of this mini submarine

Evil Harry
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Re: No Das Boot here

Certainly an improvement over the little plastic ones you filled with baking soda that would occasionally fall out of a box of cornflakes.

Link below for the whippersnappers.


Handcranked HTML and JPEG japes. What could possibly go wrong?

Evil Harry
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Re: Hand cranked code?

Microsoft FrontPage and its pesky server side extensions to make all the functions that customers thought would just work, actually work! We had fun configuring those on Linux back in the day! :D

In Hemel Hempstead, cycling is as bad as taking a leak in the middle of the street

Evil Harry

The magic roundabout in Hemel causes untold fun for drivers new to the area. Installing a mini version for cyclists on the high street could be more amusing than watching an amorous armadillo in a bowling alley ;-)

I just love your accent – please, have a new password

Evil Harry

My last place introduced one of those automated password reset systems where you phoned up and spoke to a robot rather than a real person in order to save some cash. Before you used the facility, you had to calibrate it to your voice so for a few weeks, the office was full of people shouting "1 2 3 4 5 6" into their phones.

The amusing thing was that the company had a large Scottish contingent with very heavy accents. The poor robot didn't really have much of chance of understanding them in the first place and even less so when the Scots got frustrated and started shouting at it.

I wonder if there is a therapy centre somewhere for stressed out IVRs :D

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson moves to shut Parliament

Evil Harry

"What a fucking mess!"

Upvoted for most accurate quote of the day.

Dixons hits back at McAfee's £30m antivirus sueball: Your AV didn't work on Windows 10S

Evil Harry

I stopped buying stuff from PC World in years gone after going in one Sunday morning and realising that all the sales staff were hanging around doing nothing while the poor buggers on the customer service/returns desk were being run ragged.

Evil Harry
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Re: install a vanilla copy of Windows

"Because after a day/week dealing with IT headaches at work IT staff tend towards installing what they are most familiar with in a bulletproof configuration so they never ever have to do any support work on their own home equipment. Ever."

I know Cisco CCIE's who run crappy, ISP provided routers at home for this exact reason!

Have an upvote sir.

Disgruntled bug-hunter drops Steam zero-day to get back at Valve for refusing him a bounty

Evil Harry

Re: From my understanding...

Agree with you but would have thought that the small time bug hunters were only there for money in the first place? They have to eat after all :)

Cisc-o-no! 'We’re being uninvited to bid' on China deals admits CEO as Middle Kingdom snub freaks out investors

Evil Harry

To be fair, Chinese Engineers probably took one look at Cisco's DNA pricing and said "no thanks" :)

Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen's personal MiG-29 fighter jet goes under the hammer

Evil Harry

Re: Also being auctioned alongside Paul Allen's private jet fighter....

I wonder if I should put in a bid for the volcano lair. My allotment sized Temple of Terror feels a little small these days.

Bored of laptops? Love 200Gb/s interconnects? Then you're going to hate today's Intel news

Evil Harry

Re: "Bored of laptops?"

You forgot the relevant icon -------------------------------------------->

