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Intitulé Lectures de Jean-Luc Marion et composé d’une vingtaine d’articles, le volume assume l’équivocité d’une mise en abîme : lire Marion dans sa propre lecture de la philosophie. Montrer à l’œuvre le dialogue du philosophe avec... more
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      PhenomenologyJean-Luc MarionJean Luc MarionFrench Phenomenology
My investigation considers a certain passage from Augustine’s Confessions (10.27.38) as exegetical key allowing the revisiting of the topic of spiritual senses or senses of the heart. It aims to prove that the experience of taste can be... more
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The purpose of this research is to examine whether and in what sense one could identify an apophatic approach of the human being in Augustine’s writings. It also explores the relationship between the negative theology and the negative... more
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      AnthropologyAugustineDeificationPatristics and Late Antiquity
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      Theological AnthropologyChristian SpiritualityMystical TheologyGreek Patristics
In my communication I examine the significations of the term πεῖρα, which can be encountered 20 times in the One Hundred Gnostic Chapters, being the key-notion in the closing considerations of four chapters (23, 24, 31, 32). The inherent... more
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      Christian MysticismChristian SpiritualityAscetical TheologySpirituality and Religious Experience
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      PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheHistory Of Modern Philosophy
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      TheologyAugustineIntersubjectivityAncient Philosophy
Plotinus chooses to unveil the transcendent character of his principle and must find to this purpose an appropriate manner of speech. The Enneads contain various descriptions of this search; they both practice and justify the constant use... more
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      PlotinusNegative TheologyNeoplatonismApophaticism
Comment le coeur se présente-t-il comme le lieu d'un secret qui déclenche la crise du sujet ? Est-il possible de remonter, au fil de cette crise, vers le sens originel du coeur ? Finalement, le coeur est-il plus qu'une métaphore ?... more
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      TheologyNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyPatristicsAugustine
One theological model that attempts to explain the unity without confusion of the three persons of the Trinity is Perichoresis, which can be understood both as mutual indwelling and as interpenetration. The first part of this article... more
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      John ZizioulasTrinitarian TheologyHans Urs von BalthasarJürgen Moltmann
This article investigates two fundamental dimensions of André Scrima’s anthropology: his emphasis on the incomprehensibility of the human being, and his interest for the mystical life in spiritual experience. The author intertwines these... more
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      Christian MysticismParticipationTheological AnthropologyApophaticism
In the recently discovered Sermon 23B (Dolbeau 6, Mainz 13), dated to the winter of 403-404 and probably preached in Carthage, we find interesting considerations on the deification of the human being. Commenting on Ps. 81(82):1: ‘God has... more
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      PatristicsTheological AnthropologyAugustineLate Antiquity
Prof. Dr. Herwig Aldenhoven (1933 Wien–2002 Bern) lehrte an der Christkatholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Bern rund drei Jahrzehnte lang systematische Theologie und Liturgik. Die für diesen Band ausgewählten Arbeiten wurden... more
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      Ecumenical TheologyEcclesiologyDogmatic theologyLiturgical Theology
Starting from pictorial language in the poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus and looking back at the density of his anthropological account in the Orationes, I investigate the notion of image of God which defines the human being, as well as its... more
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      PatristicsTheological AnthropologyGregory of NazianzusTheosis
The poems of Gregory of Nazianzus are meant to bring together the desire for beauty emerging from contemplation (θεωρία) and the progress towards the good. They express the pedagogical intention to lead young people to more useful... more
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      PatristicsTheological AnthropologyGregory of NazianzusDeification
Plutarch’s reception in the Church Fathers is a field inviting thorough investigation and reflection. This paper proposes, firstly, a brief mapping of the methodological questions and current findings achieved in this field. Secondly, it... more
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      PatristicsHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityAugustine
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      PatristicsGregory of NazianzusAugustine of HippoPatristic Exegesis
Was bedeutet es, unverhüllt und ohne Maske, das eigene Antlitz im Licht Gottes strahlen zu lassen? Was ist hier mit «Maske» gemeint? Ist das wahre Gesicht im inneren Menschen zu suchen? Oder im Antlitz Christi?
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      PhenomenologyTheological AnthropologyJean-Luc MarionPavel Alexandrovich Florensky
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      Christian MysticismTheological AnthropologyChristian SpiritualityHoly Spirit