Carlos J F Cândido
Carlos J.F. Cândido holds an habilitation title in management from University of Algarve (2023), a PhD in strategic management from Sheffield Hallam University (2001), a MSc in management and strategy from ISCTE-IUL (1996), and a bachelor's degree in business management from University of Algarve (1992). He is an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, and a member of the Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics (CEFAGE). He is currently the coordinator of the CEFAGE branch at the University of Algarve, the director of the MSc in management, entrepreneurship and innovation, and a member of the board of the master's in business management, in this university. He was director of the bachelor's degree in business management, member of the board of directors of the Faculty of Economics and a member of the board of directors of the PhD programme in quantitative methods applied to economics and management. His main research interests are in the fields of business strategy, quality management, and ISO 9001, where he has published 23 articles in international peer-reviewed journals such as International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Production Planning & Control, Journal of Service Theory & Practice, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Journal of Management & Organization, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, and others. He has also published 4 books and 5 book chapters in the same and related fields, and has supervised 1 doctoral thesis and 19 master dissertations. He is a member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Operations Management and has reviewed extensively for nearly 40 international scientific journals indexed in Journal of Citation Reports (JCR) and Scopus. He also served as an editor for two scientific journals, including Operations Management Research (indexed in JCR and Scopus). In these roles, he has received four prizes, one for best student, one for best conference paper, and two for excellent reviewer in international journals.
Papers by Carlos J F Cândido
The purpose is to analyse the influence of inertia and group conformity on loyalty in healthcare.
Structural equation model developed from the literature and tested with cross-sectional data from a patient online survey.
Inertia is a significant antecedent of loyalty and has a stronger effect in healthcare than in other service sectors. Group conformity has no significant effect in healthcare.
Research Implications
The strength of the impact of inertia [group conformity] on loyalty depends on the importance of the customer need that the service industry satisfies, in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Where inertia (stability need) is equally or more [less] important than the customer need, the influence of inertia on loyalty should be positive and strong [weak or insignificant]. In services that satisfy needs more [equally or less] important than group conformity (belonging need), there may be an insignificant [significant] influence of group conformity on customer loyalty, even [especially] in credence services.
Practical implications
Healthcare providers can exploit the stronger effect of inertia in healthcare through development of inertia-based loyalty policies. Regulatory authorities should be vigilant to ensure that these policies are not detrimental to patients. ‘Inert’ patients must become responsible for assessing their loyalties. Authorities and reference groups must stimulate customer loyalty assessments, and assist by providing impartial information.
This is the first study to address the influence of inertia and group conformity on loyalty in the healthcare sector and, from the perspective of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it is the first to do so in any service sector.
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Design/methodology/approach – Using standard event-study methods, this paper matches a sample of 143 Portuguese companies that lost their ISO 9001 certification with similar non-event counterpart firms (according to return-on-assets and size) and compares the performance of these two groups of firms using financial data collected from the AMADEUS database.
Findings – Results show no statistical significant differences in the financial performance (as measured by return-on-assets, return-on-sales, and sales growth) between companies that lost their ISO 9001 certification and their matched firms. Although the literature suggests that certification improves firms’ performance and that the benefits of certification may last over long periods of time, this paper’s results suggest that, after decertification, companies do not exhibit over or underperformance in their operations vis-à-vis comparable firms that do not undergo the same event.
Originality/value – As far as the authors are aware, this is the first study assessing the impact of ISO 9001 certificate withdrawal on the decertified firms’ financial performance.
ity is fundamental for quality management in health care.
This study uses SERVQUAL to assess patients’ perceived
quality and the impact of social and demographic factors
on quality perceptions in a Portuguese Public Hospital Ra-
diology Department. This department did not have a re-
cent quality assessment and had no knowledge of the im-
pact of sociodemographic factors. There are no studies
applying SERVQUAL to radiology, and the results of stud-
ies on the impact of sociodemographic factors on per-
ceived quality are controversial. Purpose: To assess (1) the
patients’ quality perception, (2) the relationship between
perceived quality and patients’ sociodemographic fac-
tors, (3) the relationship between perceived quality and
health status of patients, and (4) the relationship between
perceived quality and the quality of the information re-
ceived by patients. Materials and Methods: Cross-sec-
tional quantitative survey with a data collection instru-
ment based on a modified version of SERVQUAL. Results:
The perceived quality of the radiology department is sig-
nificantly correlated only with patients’ level of education
and the quality of the information received. Conclusion:
Results suggest that patients expect more from this radi-
ology department. Their expectations are not being met
by the perceived level of the service. Results also suggest
a significant positive influence of information received on
perceived quality of the service and a significant negative
influence of education level on perceived quality of the
service. Results additionally suggest that monitoring the
perceived quality would allow not only for the planning
of accurate intervention strategies of high effectiveness
in the radiology department, but also for the monitoring
of the response of such actions, bringing benefits to the
improvement of quality of the healthcare services offered.
Resumo Contexto: A avaliação da qualidade percebida é uma peça fundamental para a gestão da qualidade em saúde. Este es-tudo recorre ao SERVQUAL para avaliar a qualidade perce-bida pelos utentes da radiologia de um hospital público por-tuguês e o impacto que os fatores sociodemográficos exer-cem sobre a mesma. A radiologia do hospital não possuía uma avaliação recente da qualidade, nem conhecia o impac-to dos fatores sociodemográficos. Também não existem es-tudos com aplicação do SERVQUAL em radiologia e os resul-tados de estudos existentes sobre o impacto dos fatores so-ciodemográficos na qualidade percebida são controversos. Objetivos: Avaliar (1) a qualidade percebida pelos utentes, (2) a relação entre a qualidade percebida e os fatores so-ciodemográficos dos utentes, (3) a relação entre a qualidade percebida e estado de saúde subjetivo dos utentes e (4) a relação entre a qualidade percebida e a qualidade da infor-mação recebida pelos utentes. Materiais e métodos: Estudo quantitativo e transversal tendo como instrumento de re-colha de dados uma versão modificada do SERVQUAL. Re-sultados: Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os índices da qualidade percebida dos utentes da radiologia são ape-nas correlacionados com o grau de escolaridade e com a qualidade da informação recebida. Conclusão: Os resulta-dos sugerem que os utentes esperam mais da radiologia, uma vez que as suas perceções da qualidade do serviço não atingem o nível das expetativas. Os resultados sugerem tam-bém uma influência positiva significativa da qualidade da informação recebida sobre a qualidade percebida do serviço e uma influencia negativa significativa da escolaridade sobre a qualidade percebida. Os resultados sugerem ainda que monitorizar a qualidade do serviço percebido pelos utentes permitiria não só planear estratégias precisas de intervenção de alta efetividade no departamento de radiologia, como também monitorizar a resposta a essas ações, trazendo deste modo benefícios para a melhoria da qualidade dos cu-idados prestados.
This paper integrates current models and a group of SQGs dispersed through the literature in a new comprehensive model. It draws a link between the model and the stages of a strategy process, emphasising the SQGs’ impact on the process and raising relevant research questions.
Abstract. This article focuses on the theoretical development of an integrated model for the assessment and improvement of the quality of Internet Banking (IB) services. Based on a literature review and critical analysis of the studies on the integrated use of the Kano model, the SERVQUAL and the Quality Function Deployment (QFD), this paper suggests an integrated model that is significantly distinct from those in the extant literature. The suggested model aims to surpass inherent disadvantages of the models in the literature, to contribute to a better understanding of the " voice of the customer " and to improve the quality of the IB services. This paper also develops several propositions for future empirical investigation.
The purpose is to analyse the influence of inertia and group conformity on loyalty in healthcare.
Structural equation model developed from the literature and tested with cross-sectional data from a patient online survey.
Inertia is a significant antecedent of loyalty and has a stronger effect in healthcare than in other service sectors. Group conformity has no significant effect in healthcare.
Research Implications
The strength of the impact of inertia [group conformity] on loyalty depends on the importance of the customer need that the service industry satisfies, in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Where inertia (stability need) is equally or more [less] important than the customer need, the influence of inertia on loyalty should be positive and strong [weak or insignificant]. In services that satisfy needs more [equally or less] important than group conformity (belonging need), there may be an insignificant [significant] influence of group conformity on customer loyalty, even [especially] in credence services.
Practical implications
Healthcare providers can exploit the stronger effect of inertia in healthcare through development of inertia-based loyalty policies. Regulatory authorities should be vigilant to ensure that these policies are not detrimental to patients. ‘Inert’ patients must become responsible for assessing their loyalties. Authorities and reference groups must stimulate customer loyalty assessments, and assist by providing impartial information.
This is the first study to address the influence of inertia and group conformity on loyalty in the healthcare sector and, from the perspective of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it is the first to do so in any service sector.
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Design/methodology/approach – Using standard event-study methods, this paper matches a sample of 143 Portuguese companies that lost their ISO 9001 certification with similar non-event counterpart firms (according to return-on-assets and size) and compares the performance of these two groups of firms using financial data collected from the AMADEUS database.
Findings – Results show no statistical significant differences in the financial performance (as measured by return-on-assets, return-on-sales, and sales growth) between companies that lost their ISO 9001 certification and their matched firms. Although the literature suggests that certification improves firms’ performance and that the benefits of certification may last over long periods of time, this paper’s results suggest that, after decertification, companies do not exhibit over or underperformance in their operations vis-à-vis comparable firms that do not undergo the same event.
Originality/value – As far as the authors are aware, this is the first study assessing the impact of ISO 9001 certificate withdrawal on the decertified firms’ financial performance.
ity is fundamental for quality management in health care.
This study uses SERVQUAL to assess patients’ perceived
quality and the impact of social and demographic factors
on quality perceptions in a Portuguese Public Hospital Ra-
diology Department. This department did not have a re-
cent quality assessment and had no knowledge of the im-
pact of sociodemographic factors. There are no studies
applying SERVQUAL to radiology, and the results of stud-
ies on the impact of sociodemographic factors on per-
ceived quality are controversial. Purpose: To assess (1) the
patients’ quality perception, (2) the relationship between
perceived quality and patients’ sociodemographic fac-
tors, (3) the relationship between perceived quality and
health status of patients, and (4) the relationship between
perceived quality and the quality of the information re-
ceived by patients. Materials and Methods: Cross-sec-
tional quantitative survey with a data collection instru-
ment based on a modified version of SERVQUAL. Results:
The perceived quality of the radiology department is sig-
nificantly correlated only with patients’ level of education
and the quality of the information received. Conclusion:
Results suggest that patients expect more from this radi-
ology department. Their expectations are not being met
by the perceived level of the service. Results also suggest
a significant positive influence of information received on
perceived quality of the service and a significant negative
influence of education level on perceived quality of the
service. Results additionally suggest that monitoring the
perceived quality would allow not only for the planning
of accurate intervention strategies of high effectiveness
in the radiology department, but also for the monitoring
of the response of such actions, bringing benefits to the
improvement of quality of the healthcare services offered.
Resumo Contexto: A avaliação da qualidade percebida é uma peça fundamental para a gestão da qualidade em saúde. Este es-tudo recorre ao SERVQUAL para avaliar a qualidade perce-bida pelos utentes da radiologia de um hospital público por-tuguês e o impacto que os fatores sociodemográficos exer-cem sobre a mesma. A radiologia do hospital não possuía uma avaliação recente da qualidade, nem conhecia o impac-to dos fatores sociodemográficos. Também não existem es-tudos com aplicação do SERVQUAL em radiologia e os resul-tados de estudos existentes sobre o impacto dos fatores so-ciodemográficos na qualidade percebida são controversos. Objetivos: Avaliar (1) a qualidade percebida pelos utentes, (2) a relação entre a qualidade percebida e os fatores so-ciodemográficos dos utentes, (3) a relação entre a qualidade percebida e estado de saúde subjetivo dos utentes e (4) a relação entre a qualidade percebida e a qualidade da infor-mação recebida pelos utentes. Materiais e métodos: Estudo quantitativo e transversal tendo como instrumento de re-colha de dados uma versão modificada do SERVQUAL. Re-sultados: Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os índices da qualidade percebida dos utentes da radiologia são ape-nas correlacionados com o grau de escolaridade e com a qualidade da informação recebida. Conclusão: Os resulta-dos sugerem que os utentes esperam mais da radiologia, uma vez que as suas perceções da qualidade do serviço não atingem o nível das expetativas. Os resultados sugerem tam-bém uma influência positiva significativa da qualidade da informação recebida sobre a qualidade percebida do serviço e uma influencia negativa significativa da escolaridade sobre a qualidade percebida. Os resultados sugerem ainda que monitorizar a qualidade do serviço percebido pelos utentes permitiria não só planear estratégias precisas de intervenção de alta efetividade no departamento de radiologia, como também monitorizar a resposta a essas ações, trazendo deste modo benefícios para a melhoria da qualidade dos cu-idados prestados.
This paper integrates current models and a group of SQGs dispersed through the literature in a new comprehensive model. It draws a link between the model and the stages of a strategy process, emphasising the SQGs’ impact on the process and raising relevant research questions.
Abstract. This article focuses on the theoretical development of an integrated model for the assessment and improvement of the quality of Internet Banking (IB) services. Based on a literature review and critical analysis of the studies on the integrated use of the Kano model, the SERVQUAL and the Quality Function Deployment (QFD), this paper suggests an integrated model that is significantly distinct from those in the extant literature. The suggested model aims to surpass inherent disadvantages of the models in the literature, to contribute to a better understanding of the " voice of the customer " and to improve the quality of the IB services. This paper also develops several propositions for future empirical investigation.