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Trezor Suite trade issues is a cryptocurrency exchange rate comparison tool. It is an easy-to-use service that allows you to choose the perfect provider to buy, sell or exchange crypto for the best price, and use your preferred currency or method of payment.

Invity does not directly facilitate the trades. When buying or exchanging crypto, you must always provide the correct address (format, coin type, etc.) in order to correctly receive the coins. These coins are provided to you from our partner exchanges.

You will always be informed about the type of address after choosing the deal:



If you are using your Trezor hardware wallet to receive the coins, only purchase coins that are supported by the device.

In the case of EVM-compatible chains, which use ETH addresses (Matic, AVAX, and others), please watch this video on how to use them with your Trezor:

If you require further assistance, please contact us via our chatbot Hal who will help resolve your issue. Please make sure to provide transaction IDs of your purchase so we can look in to your issue.