ツイッターの「ISISクソコラグランプリ」 ついに海外ニュースになるwwwwwww
1: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:33:03.92 ID:BlXUQb/B0
Japanese Twitter users stand up to ISIS with... a Photoshop meme
Japanese Twitter users stand up to ISIS with... a Photoshop meme
1: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:33:03.92 ID:BlXUQb/B0
Japanese Twitter Users Stand Up to ISIS with...a Photoshop Meme
Yesterday, a video allegedly uploaded by ISIS demanded that the Japanese government pay $200 million for two hostages.
In it, a cloaked man waving a knife told the Japanese people to pressure their government to pay or the men would die. Online, the country's Twitter users have responded. With a meme.
The political reality here is very, very grim. One of the captured men, Haruna Yukawa, went to the Middle East, after his life in Japan fell apart. The other man, journalist Kenji Goto Jogo, went to Syria to get him out. Previously,
however, Jogo said, "If anything happens, I take full responsibility."
With a deadline ticking away, many Japanese Twitter users have decided to stand up against the ISIS demands that they pressure their government and, as The Japan Times reports, have decided to "mock" the terrorists.
Yesterday, a video allegedly uploaded by ISIS demanded that the Japanese government pay $200 million for two hostages.
In it, a cloaked man waving a knife told the Japanese people to pressure their government to pay or the men would die. Online, the country's Twitter users have responded. With a meme.
The political reality here is very, very grim. One of the captured men, Haruna Yukawa, went to the Middle East, after his life in Japan fell apart. The other man, journalist Kenji Goto Jogo, went to Syria to get him out. Previously,
however, Jogo said, "If anything happens, I take full responsibility."
With a deadline ticking away, many Japanese Twitter users have decided to stand up against the ISIS demands that they pressure their government and, as The Japan Times reports, have decided to "mock" the terrorists.
引用元: http://maguro.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/poverty/1421847183/
3: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:34:46.47 ID:nk1rOax10
5: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:34:59.39 ID:/6zQBozZ0
6: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:35:05.17 ID:EPMUh+qx0
11: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:37:47.81 ID:hmJgySHK0
21: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:45:59.36 ID:wsM7H0iU0
22: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:49:19.55 ID:XLOia8yY0
17: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:41:32.29 ID:FYZpH4PH0
10: 名無しさん@とろ速 2015/01/21(水) 22:36:52.60 ID:71rr/guj0
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