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TOP CLICKS: The week that was in viral stories

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Whether it’s local news, provincial and national politics, or the worlds of celebrity and sports, we have you covered.

Some stories set the world on fire. And these ones are the most popular online stories from the past seven days, clicked on by Sun readers like you.

Here are our top stories:

Oilers fan who flashed breasts bares soul instead during interview

There once was an Edmonton Oilers fan who flashed her breasts for all to see in a viral moment that made her many people’s favourite Canadian hockey fan.

After some deep investigating, the woman’s identity was revealed and was interviewed by the Spittin’ Chiclets crew.

Identified only as Kate, the woman revealed she was approached by several porn sites pumped to work with her and her “not real” boobs.

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Kate has several hard seltzers and cheesy snacks to thank for that.

Chrystia Freeland.
Chrystia Freeland, deputy prime minister and finance minister, speaks during a news conference at a transit bus maintenance facility in Brampton, Ont., on Friday, June 7, 2024. (Arlyn McAdorey/The Canadian Press) Photo by Arlyn McAdorey /THE CANADIAN PRESS

LILLEY: Freeland warns of dark future in Canada without capital gains tax hike

Try not to clutch your pearls but this past week, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland delivered a bizarre speech to already-angry Canadians that laid out the federal government’s plan on capital gains.

She warned that democracy is at stake if Canada doesn’t raise the capital gains inclusion rate, and listed a number of apocalyptic scenarios that citizens should be scared of, Brian Lilley reported.

It was a weird way to portray a government plan to raise the capital gains inclusion rate from 50% to 66.67%.

But it was also evident Freeland wanted to distinguish between the different classes, though that doesn’t mean there was truth to her words.

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Because of the Trudeau government, Canadians will all — whatever class you are in and whatever the job you have — be poorer and worse off in the name of fairness, all so Trudeau can play political games.

Rob Schneider
Comedian Rob Schneider (Andy Kropa/AP) Photo by Andy Kropa /AP

Rob Schneider declares cancel culture ‘over’ after getting boot over trans jokes

Is cancel culture a thing of the past? It sure is, if you ask actor and comedian Rob Schneider.

He was pulled from a comedy set in Saskatchewan because of jokes aimed at Justin Trudeau and material that was deemed offensive by some in attendance, but the Saturday Night Live alum was unfazed.

Despite the show being sold out, one guest described the awkward set where there were more boos than laughs, which is why he got the hook, Mark Daniell reported.

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It’s not the first time Schneider was pulled off stage for his risque material.

One senator walked out of a networking event for Republican lawmakers last year, though Schneider denied his act was cut short.

He vowed at the time, “I’m not changing my material or apologizing for my jokes to anybody.”

At least he stands by his word.


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Screenshot of a security bollard being sold at Costco.
Screenshot of a security bollard being sold at Costco. (CostcoFindsCanada/TikTok) Photo by CostcoFindsCanada /TikTok

Costco selling security bollards to consumers to combat auto theft

Auto theft has become so common that people are practically unfazed — but that doesn’t mean Canadians just want to hand over their keys to the bad guys.

So Costco is giving everyday folks the option to protect themselves and their vehicles while capitalizing on the epidemic at the same time.

Shoppers can now purchase thick, steel, retractable posts from warehouses and install them on their driveways to hopefully deter the bad guys, Denette Wilford reported.

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Or at the very least, make it a little more difficult for them.

You have to do what you have to do nowadays, right?

Defending champion Joey Chestnut competes in the 2023 Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest in 2023.
Defending champion Joey Chestnut competes in the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest in 2023. (Getty Images) Getty Images

Joey Chestnut banned from annual Nathan’s hot dog eating contest

There’s a GOAT in every sport, but when it comes to competitive hot-dog eating, that title goes to Joey Chestnut.

Even if watching people devour dogs in shockingly fast times isn’t your thing, Chestnut’s name is synonymous with the spectacle.

However, the undisputed greatest competitive eater of all time will have to find a new contest to sign up for because he won’t be a part of this year’s July 4 Nathan’s hot-dog eating competition, Dan Bilicki reported.

Chestnut opted to sign with Impossible Foods, which recently launched a vegan frankfurter made from plants.

That didn’t fly with MLE (Major League Eating), which Nathan’s sanctions to run the event, and they were “devastated” that Chestnut opted to represent a rival brand.

The eater bit back, saying he was “gutted” after learning about his ban through media reports, but the competition organizers have since denied his “ridiculous” claims.

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