
Don't bring your dirty Korean beer in here pic.twitter.com/4GTMjktKjz
2015-05-24 13:50:21

@annafifield 韓国屋台 ≠ dirty Korean beer. 韓国屋台 = Korean food stand. "Please do not bring your beer, etc. from Korean stalls."
2015-05-24 14:01:58
どうみても「近隣の屋台から飲食物を持ち込まないでください」(多分、近隣の屋台がたまたま韓国屋台だった)っていう掲示なんだけど、「汚らわしい韓国のビールを持ち込むな」とかすごいねじ曲げてるなこの人。WaPoの支局長ですよ。 twitter.com/annafifield/st…
2015-05-24 14:05:16
うわ、掲示物のどこにも書いてもいない「【汚い】韓国ビール」って書いてるよ。これこそレイシストじゃねえのか? twitter.com/annafifield/st…
2015-05-24 14:12:47
.@annafifield You should correct your forgery translation. There is no "dirty" word. Are you liar?
2015-05-24 14:26:38
Where in signboard says "dirty Korean beer?" QT @annafifield: Don't bring your dirty Korean beer in here pic.twitter.com/aUVt6AdJqj
2015-05-24 14:29:34

@annafifield it does not say "dirty Korean" at all. Also sign says do not bring beer from other shop which includes Korean by chance.
2015-05-24 14:33:04
You're the loudspeaker which promotes discrimination arbitrarily. RT @annafifield Don't bring your dirty Korean beer in here
2015-05-24 14:36:38
@operationoxygen shinagawa station. All the Japanese stalls were selling beer too!
2015-05-24 14:36:58
@amateur2010 I'm not promoting discrimination. just seemed weird to single out the Korean stand when Japanese stands were also selling beer
2015-05-24 14:43:28
んとねdirty=汚いとは訳さないのね この場合 用例 dirty money 不正な金 (⇔clean money). dirty gains 不正なもうけ. こういう風な意味合いだと思うよ twitter.com/annafifield/st…
2015-05-24 14:46:34
@sob_2nd so why say Korean at all? Why just not say "no beer"?
2015-05-24 14:48:31
For the record, I'd tweet it too if I saw the equivalent sign in Korea
2015-05-24 14:55:03
Where is the written as "dirty Korean beer"? QT @annafifield pic.twitter.com/GMSSt0Tixx
2015-05-24 14:58:10

@amateur2010 I was being flip because I was surprised that Korean stall was singled out when the vast majority of stalls are Japanese
2015-05-24 15:02:33
@ozanarisama @annafifield twitter.com/annafifield/st… ジャップはレイシストって言いたそうだけど
2015-05-24 15:03:02
Such a thing is not heard. I hear you again. Where is the written as "dirty Korean beer"? QT @annafifield pic.twitter.com/GMSSt0Tixx
2015-05-24 15:07:40

@amateur2010 I was being flip. Why not just say "don't bring food from other stalls in here"?
2015-05-24 15:14:57
I have heard the reason why you used the word "dirty" not written to flip. QT @annafifield pic.twitter.com/GMSSt0Tixx
2015-05-24 15:18:58

@annafifield Is this stall next to Korean stalls? Maybe, there are some visitors bring foods and drinks so they post this sign.
2015-05-24 15:23:40