One important thing to remember is where the matching between real (things) and words (Kage) takes place does not matter.
2015-03-18 20:19:25
Likewise, where the sources of words ('Kage' but not yet words) exist does not matter.
2015-03-18 20:19:59
What matters is that each of us produces meanings out of 'Kage', which is projected from real things, regardless of where meanings are born.
2015-03-18 20:21:42
Words are really powerful. But, we'd better be careful about seeing words as omnipotent tools which to change things purposefully.
2015-03-18 20:16:40
I believe that words or language had better not be seen as things/entities/tools as given.
2015-03-18 20:11:56
Words and language is 'Kage', thus, cumulative consequences of actions men undertook.
2015-03-18 20:11:08
Interpretation can be done in virtually infinite ways. But, each one voluntarily sets the limits based on each one's sense of reality.
2015-03-18 20:22:15
The sense of reality is certainly related to every sort of stimuli we continuously receive from the material real things.
2015-03-18 20:22:53
Not limited to stimuli we 'perceive', 'cognize', 'recognize' or 'understand'
2015-03-18 20:23:36
Burk's pentad: acts, actors, scene (contexts, circumstances), goals (consequences), agencies (competencies, means by which to achieve goals)
2015-03-13 09:29:18
Network theory suggests consciousness is global in the brain ln.is/www.kurzweilai… via @kurzweilainews My hypothesis supported :)
2015-03-17 14:56:01
この世はフラクタル、自己相似という概念を思い出せば、マンデルブロー集合みたく福井銀行-江守HGのようなことが、都銀-某社にも・・・ 戦前の鈴木商店を思い出させる位相ではないか。
2015-03-17 21:22:02
Apprehending a particular property of a particular thing is accompanied by attribution because no one can be sure about one's apprehension
2015-03-14 05:48:24
only by observation. To be sure, the particular property is understood in relation to other relevant properties, such as, actors
2015-03-14 05:50:25
who possibly created, brought or used the thing, such actors' competencies, goals or intended performance, and circumstances.
2015-03-14 05:53:10
In other words, apprehending static material artifacts is enabled by story-like connections comprised of those properties.
2015-03-14 05:55:04
Theory is metaphor. Metaphor requires narrative. Narrative provides contexts. Good theory enables comparisons between different narratives.
2015-03-12 01:40:31
The comparisons between different narratives provide one with a kind of revealing moment at which one understands reality better.
2015-03-12 01:42:08
Saying that we constitute part of nature never allows us to see how.
2015-03-08 00:02:06
Paradoxically, being part of nature is truth but so saying is unethical because such abandons all the gift rendered from nature.
2015-03-08 00:04:33
A false declaration that one never uses any sign while so declaring :)
2015-03-09 03:32:23
Appreciating the gift rendered by nature requires us to know better how we are (capable of) using the gift, i.e., signs.
2015-03-09 03:34:01
[脳に挑む人工知能6]グーグルのAIにみる、コトバと視覚の接点とは ln.is/itpro.nikkeibp… #ITpro
2015-03-04 01:40:39
Just innumerable repetitions of mimicking by chance induced awareness especially of differences amo.. togetter.com/li/776378#c179…
2015-02-22 04:13:44