訳:我々はShooting StarユーザーをBANしていく予定です。ですが、FavstarProの方へはご報告させていただきますので、早いうちに使用をやめるようにしてください

@ReiCherno We have begun a process of banning shooting star users. We are giving Favstar Pro users a chance to stop using it first.
2013-02-16 16:37:33つまり執行猶予みたいのなものを与えられたんですね。わかります((((;゚Д゚))))ガクガクブルブル

2013-02-16 16:41:58確認のために@FavstarHelpへリプライで連絡を取る方が多数いらっしゃったようです。(私ですか?すみません英語できないんです)
- あみかるん氏

@FavstarHelp Hi! Do you mean ShootingStar from @haru067 ? I've never seen/heard of suggestions againt that app, is there anything wrong?
2013-02-16 16:36:50
@numpad0 @haru067 The problem is that it encourages users to use multiple accounts to fav tweets, or fav multiple tweets at once.
2013-02-16 16:39:58
@FavstarHelp I see, what about other fav-related apps/services? Would other fast-tweeter apps like ワロッター or ツイッターするやつ be banned as well?
2013-02-16 16:56:49
@numpad0 All apps that are used for mass faving in similar ways should be considered abusive to Favstar.
2013-02-16 16:59:41
@FavstarHelp How are you planning that ban? Users stop showing up in Favstar?
2013-02-16 17:03:31
@numpad0 Yes. And their favs and retweets stop being collected.
2013-02-16 17:04:10- Su.net氏

@yumechika We’re starting with Shooting Star. fav2you will likely be next.
2013-02-16 17:00:47