
This happened at a high school in Minnesota today. DAY 1 of Trump. pic.twitter.com/zpbFdpvOYU
2016-11-10 10:18:01

Placed on their car in NC. "Can't wait until your 'marriage' is overturned by a real president. Gay families = burn in hell. Trump 2016" pic.twitter.com/jyBjUSS2TI
2016-11-10 11:38:34

This is the door to the prayer room of Muslim students at NYU. Day 1 of Donald Trump. facebook.com/NewYorkUnivers… pic.twitter.com/MCuozwNh2e
2016-11-10 11:43:49

1. At York Tech High School in PA white students literally walked down the hall chanting "white power" while holding Donald Trump signs. pic.twitter.com/vk8h0uKcD4
2016-11-10 22:59:25ミシガンの高校で、白人の子どもたちが「壁を作れ!壁を作れ!」と叫んでいる

Yesterday during lunch at Royal Oak Middle School in Royal Oak Michigan, white students loudly chanted BUILD THE WALL, BUILD THE WALL. pic.twitter.com/dfqU2xnMvZ
2016-11-10 23:16:23ドライブをしていた黒人女性が「トランプが勝ったぞ黒んぼ!お前の負けだ売女め!」と突然叫ばれた

This happened to her in Sanford, Florida yesterday while she was simply driving in her car. "Trump won nigger! You lose bitch." pic.twitter.com/6F169s5jAF
2016-11-10 23:33:28

This just happened in Wellsville, NY. pic.twitter.com/uy9FjzhwcD
2016-11-11 00:01:06

High School in Central FL. "Y'all black people better start picking your slave numbers. KKK 4 Life. Go Trump." pic.twitter.com/CNnNkXvqMC
2016-11-11 00:23:32

Woke up to hear my great friend was physically attacked last night for being gay. "We have a new president faggot" he was told. I'm hurt. pic.twitter.com/bDJjHl2dyT
2016-11-10 04:30:51
「facebook の連中が『これは偽物の血だ』とコメントしているが、これは実際に友達が病院にブチ込まれた時の写真だ」

People on facebook are commenting this is fake wtf. This really happened. Here is my friend in the fucking hospital pic.twitter.com/MOpIzI64M9
2016-11-10 10:44:33