Part II – The Return Journey Welcome to the next step in the compiler journey. As a simple recap, we were compiling baz := 42 in a method bar, except that baz is not declared. We are currently in OCSemanticWarning>>#defaultAction, the default action of an uncaught Notification, that is ready to open a graphical menuContinue reading “Undeclared Variable Reparation, An Epic Journey In a Compiler – Part II”
Category Archives: compiling
Undeclared Variable Reparation, An Epic Journey In a Compiler – Part I
In this series of posts, I present how the current implementation of Pharo handles compilation errors on undeclared variables and the interactive reparation to fix them. Targeted readers are people interested in compilers or object-oriented programming. Non-Pharo developers are welcome since knowledge of the language or the developing environment is not required. Some parts ofContinue reading “Undeclared Variable Reparation, An Epic Journey In a Compiler – Part I”