Undeclared Variable Reparation, An Epic Journey In a Compiler – Part II

Part II – The Return Journey Welcome to the next step in the compiler journey. As a simple recap, we were compiling baz := 42 in a method bar, except that baz is not declared. We are currently in OCSemanticWarning>>#defaultAction, the default action of an uncaught Notification, that is ready to open a graphical menuContinue reading “Undeclared Variable Reparation, An Epic Journey In a Compiler – Part II”

Undeclared Variable Reparation, An Epic Journey In a Compiler – Part I

In this series of posts, I present how the current implementation of Pharo handles compilation errors on undeclared variables and the interactive reparation to fix them. Targeted readers are people interested in compilers or object-oriented programming. Non-Pharo developers are welcome since knowledge of the language or the developing environment is not required. Some parts ofContinue reading “Undeclared Variable Reparation, An Epic Journey In a Compiler – Part I”

Getting a handle on names

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. Phil Karlton Two hard things, but they are not the same kind of hard. Naming things we do it every day. And we read and re-read the things we name all day long. This is a post about names. And ambiguity.Continue reading “Getting a handle on names”