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"My advice is try to chillax a little. Neither of us is perfect. But we’re okay. We are gonna be… Okay. And that girl who sits in front of you in Advanced Calculus, her name is Staci with an “i,” and she likes you. Way more than she likes me. Peace out...Professor."
—Frat Boy Aiden to Professor Aiden as he says goodbye via video

"Autopsy"[1] is the sixteenth episode of Season 3 of The Good Doctor. It is the fifty-second episode overall, and aired on February 24, 2020.


When Dr. Shaun Murphy makes an emotional confession, the result may not be as desired. Meanwhile, he becomes obsessed with performing an autopsy on a Jane Doe, which challenges his relationships at the hospital; and Dr. Claire Browne, Dr. Morgan Reznick and Dr. Marcus Andrews treat a male college student with a mysterious split personality disorder.[3]


Shaun, Dr. Park and Neil work valiantly to try and save a woman found on the street, who had a major coronary event and calls Shaun "Coley". Claire and Morgan are working on Aiden, a college student who suddenly woke up on the campus lawn bleeding with a skateboard beside him while claiming that he doesn't smoke or drink. While working on the woman, Shaun states that Carly broke up with him but he is fine. However, the woman's carotid artery “blows” after the life-saving intervention, and as a result, she bleeds out. Neil pronounces her dead, but Shaun cannot let the cause of her death go unsolved.

Claire and Morgan check on Aiden who claims that he was skateboarding and smoking weed (despite earlier claiming he wasn't) and doesn't recognize them. Shaun asks to do an autopsy on the woman, but Neil sees that her death had no mystery behind it and he and Lim believe he's just upset about Carly. While Shaun goes on with his intents, Lim sees a young girl who suddenly walks away. Claire and Morgan work on Aiden, believing him to be having black-outs while referring to his changing statements.

Shaun tries to persuade Park to help by evoking some of his police detective skills, while Morgan asks Claire about Neil and admits to having made the favoritism complaint against him and that Park was trying to get Claire to focus on the work by claiming it was him. Claire points out how Morgan made Neil doubt himself and the residents, while Aiden wakes up despite his delta waves claiming he's still asleep. Park finds Shaun in the morgue trying to find out as much as he can about the woman, which Park also sees as Shaun upset at Carly dumping him when they see a tiny hummingbird tattoo on the victim. They try to find out who she was, but they're supposed to be working on a man with gallstones and Neil busts them. Although Park initially thinks that they should move on, he agrees to continue it.

It turns out that Aiden while in his second state is sleepwalking, which Claire and Morgan talk about to Lim and Andrews. They opt to interview both Aidens to get a medical history on what's causing it, while Lim sees the girl again but she suddenly disappears. Both Aidens realize the other's history, which his initial one comments on. The woman is revealed to be Maribel Vantene, once married to a wealthy husband, Marco. The happy couple and their son Jules hosted fund-raising soirées for the needy. However, the two split and Jules lived with Marco who is now also deceased while Shaun finds Jules. Shaun and Park go to see him, but he refuses to talk to them.

Andrews checks in on the Aiden case, as Neil tries to suggest Aiden is having psychotic episodes. Claire isn't sure and so the two get into an argument which Andrews breaks up, while ordering that Aiden gets an MRI, lumbar puncture, CSF panel and psych consultant to figure it out. Lim sees the girl a third time and corners her in the elevator. The girl states that her name is Trinity, her mother's in the maternity ward and she got lost while getting a snack. Lim tries to help her, but Trinity escapes and Lim calls security on her. Shaun then attempts to talk to Jules who is leaving his house, only for Jules to call the police on Shaun and he gets arrested.

Shaun is bailed out by Glassman, who warns Shaun about going near Jules again. Glassman also questions about Carly, but Shaun upholds the fact that he is OK. He nonetheless admits that he wished Carly didn't dump him, but knows she was right as he does love Lea. However, he's scared about telling Lea as he fears doing so could not only wreck any chance of a relationship but also their friendship. However, Glassman considers that Lea could admit that she reciprocates Shaun's feelings. As Claire and Morgan work on Aiden, he asks if his other self has anything he should or shouldn't know. Morgan and Claire then disagree on the person he is, though Morgan apologizes for the complaint she made. They then find that Aiden has a cyst which they can drain. It won't kill him if it stays in, though Andrews orders that Aiden's other self is asked for what he wants.

Security finds Trinity and brings her to Lim, who questions Trinity as she is not the daughter of anyone on the maternity ward. Trinity confesses that she knows Lim and wanted to see her again; she was a sick baby left at the ER eight years ago on Trinity Sunday. Lim helped her and wanted to take her in, but couldn't. She has a mother now, but asks if Lim could adopt her. Shaun tries to talk to Lea that night at the clinic, but the lingering autopsy issue will not allow him to speak. Trinity shows a newspaper clipping of the incident and states that her mother is in Campbell Memorial, while no-one else thinks that she's missing. Lim is sympathetic to Trinity having to share her mother with a baby she's had, but is able to convince her to go home.

Claire and Morgan inform Aiden's other self of the situation. Morgan sees that he is more than he appears to be and asks that the cyst be drained to help his original self. As a last resort, Shaun goes to Carly's door to seek her intervention. He believes Maribel might have had polycystic kidney disease which resembled the aneurysm she appeared to have. Although Carly is reluctant to defy orders, Shaun states about how this is distracting him from confessing the truth to Lea. Shaun is ultimately wrong about what Maribel had as he confesses to Carly about being right about him and Lea. Although he's scared, Carly commends him of his bravery during their own relationship as he realizes something, thanks and hugs her and leaves while she is saddened.

Aiden's cyst has been drained and he is shown a video his other self had Claire and Morgan record. He tells Aiden to chill out a bit, they'll be alright and there's a girl that has a crush on Aiden. Risking jail again, Shaun goes to see Jules again; Maribel had aneurysms in one of the arteries of her liver and Shaun believes that she had vascular ehlers-danlos syndrome, which is fatal and hereditary but treatable. Jules then confesses that he felt that Maribel never loved him and is upset that the disease is all that she left him. Shaun refers to how Maribel's last word was "Coley", which was her nickname for Jules. It's short for "colibri", which is "hummingbird" in French and Shaun tells him about the hummingbird tattoo she had. She did love him, but was just afraid to tell him that.

Claire meets Neil at a bowling alley, the two of them having to hide their platonic friendship which Neil calls “worth it.” Lim also escorts Trinity to her mother, and the reunion is a magic assurance to the daughter. At that same moment, Lim calls her own mother who picks up. Later, Lea finds Shaun in his apartment, where he is waiting for her with a candlelit dinner. He tells her that he loves her, just as Carly asked him to do. Lea states that she feels the same way, but asserts that her selfishness and neediness would be “a challenge for anyone” but too much for Shaun. He declares that he can handle it, but she says that his need to live and work “in a certain way” (his autism) would complicate their relationship. The two are then left with tears on their faces as Lea leaves.



Guest Starring[]

  • Cameron Gellman as Aiden Porter
  • Luke Camilleri as Jules Ventane
  • Ariah Lee as Trinity


  • Abbie Jenkins as Nurse Lucy Wagner
  • Jessica Van der Veen as Maribel Ventane
  • Kayla Deorksen as EMT
  • Dalias Blake as Security Guard
  • Patrice Jefferson as Trinity's Mother


  • When Glassman bails Shaun out of jail, Shaun's toy scalpel can be seen on the counter. This is the first appearance of the scalpel since Shaun broke it in Breakdown. It appears to have been fixed since then.
  • This is the last appearance of Carly Lever, although she continues to be credited for the remainder of the season.
    • What became of Carly after this episode is unknown as she was never seen nor mentioned again (aside from a couple of mentions by name in Fixation and Irresponsible Salad Bar Practices), even her professional capacity as the head of pathology.
  • The episode had several differences from the Turkish adaptation:
    • Shaun's obsession with doing the autopsy on Maribel and getting her estranged son Jules' consent was mistakenly attributed by everyone to his breakup with Carly. In the case of Ali (Shaun's counterpart), everyone attributed it to him refusing to talk to his dying father, which arguably makes more sense given that Ali was trying (ironically) to reconcile a son with his deceased mother.
    • Lim didn't allow Shaun to do the autopsy on the elderly woman, while Tanju (Andrews' counterpart) was the one who forbade Ali. Both are the Chief of Surgery in the American and Turkish adaptations respectively. Even Neil and Ferman (his Turkish counterpart) did not approve it. In addition, Ferman finds out about Ali's intention of still going through with the autopsy, angering him to the point that he directly orders Ali to drop it, although he refuses. In the American, Neil never found out.
    • Shaun worked with Park to try and get Jules' consent, while Ali instead worked with Demir (Jared's counterpart) to do so.
    • When Jules had Shaun arrested for accosting him into giving his consent, Glassman bailed him out with the help of Park, who is an ex-cop. However, in the Turkish adaptation, Adil (Glassman's counterpart) bailed Ali out on his own.
    • The events of this episode are intertwined with those of Friends and Family and Carrots.
    • With there being no version of Lim in the Turkish adaptation, her subplot of seeing Trinity whom Lim thought she was hallucinating went to Adil. The little girl actually turned out to be his daughter Ferda (Maddie's counterpart), and he had been hallucinating her the entire time as a child, right before he collapsed and got ill.
  • Neil’s favoritism complaint in Influence and Carly dumping Shaun and Park claiming the complaint was made by him in Unsaid are brought up.



Behind the Scenes[]



External Links[]

The Good Doctor : Episodes
Season 1
#1 Burnt Food#2 Mount Rushmore#3 Oliver#4 Pipes#5 Point Three Percent#6 Not Fake#7 22 Steps#8 Apple#9 Intangibles#10 Sacrifice#11 Islands: Part One#12 Islands: Part Two#13 Seven Reasons#14 She#15 Heartfelt#16 Pain#17 Smile#18 More
Season 2
#1 Hello#2 Middle Ground#3 36 Hours#4 Tough Titmouse#5 Carrots#6 Two-Ply (or Not Two-Ply)#7 Hubert#8 Stories#9 Empathy#10 Quarantine#11 Quarantine: Part Two#12 Aftermath#13 Xin#14 Faces#15 Risk and Reward#16 Believe#17 Breakdown#18 Trampoline
Season 3
#1 Disaster#2 Debts#3 Claire#4 Take My Hand#5 First Case, Second Base#6 45-Degree Angle#7 SFAD#8 Moonshot#9 Incomplete#10 Friends and Family#11 Fractured#12 Mutations#13 Sex and Death#14 Influence#15 Unsaid#16 Autopsy#17 Fixation#18 Heartbreak#19 Hurt#20 I Love You
Season 4
#1 Frontline: Part One#2 Frontline: Part Two#3 Newbies#4 Not the Same#5 Fault#6 Lim#7 The Uncertainty Principle#8 Parenting#9 Irresponsible Salad Bar Practices#10 Decrypt#11 We're All Crazy Sometimes#12 Teeny Blue Eyes#13 Spilled Milk#14 Gender Reveal#15 Waiting#16 Dr. Ted#17 Letting Go#18 Forgive or Forget#19 Venga#20 Vamos
Season 5
#1 New Beginnings#2 Piece of Cake#3 Measure of Intelligence#4 Rationality#5 Crazytown#6 One Heart#7 Expired#8 Rebellion#9 Yippee Ki-Yay#10 Cheat Day#11 The Family#12 Dry Spell#13 Growing Pains#14 Potluck#15 My Way#16 The Shaun Show#17 The Lea Show#18 Sons
Season 6
#1 Afterparty#2 Change of Perspective#3 A Big Sign#4 Shrapnel#5 Growth Opportunities#6 Hot and Bothered#7 Boys Don't Cry#8 Sorry, Not Sorry#9 Broken or Not#10 Quiet and Loud#11 The Good Boy#12 365 Degrees#13 39 Differences#14 Hard Heart#15 Old Friends#16 The Good Lawyer#17 Second Chances and Past Regrets#18 A Blip#19 Half Measures#20 Blessed#21 A Beautiful Day#22 Love's Labor
Season 7
#1 Baby, Baby, Baby#2 Skin in the Game#3 Critical Support#4 Date Night#5 Who At Peace#6 M.C.E.#7 Faith#8 The Overview Effect#9 Unconditional#10 Goodbye