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Model 108 is the eighth episode of the anime series Terminator Zero. It premiered on Netflix on Thursday, August 29, 2024.


The official synopsis for episode "Model 108" from Netflix:

Kenta wrestles with a brutal choice and the Terminator reveals a shocking truth as the future of humankind hangs in the balance.

Plot summary[]

Eiko shoots at a couple of 1NNO robots that try and approach, Reika, Hiro, and Misaki. However, Misaki stops Eiko, claiming they only want to talk with them. Despite Eiko's disbelief, Hiro notes that Misaki may be speaking the truth. A 1NNO robot then says that the children's father wants to see them and tells them that their brother is already on his way to his location. Misaki assumes that it was Kokoro speaking through the 1NNO robot, which greets Misaki, who does the same.

On Kenta's side, the Terminator fires three shots at the chamber, but none penetrate the wall protecting the room. Hence, the Terminator grabs and squeezes Kenta's right arm and threatens to break it if he doesn't open the door.

Meanwhile, Eiko's group arrives at Cortex Industries, and there, Eiko gives Misaki an assault rifle to defend herself with. The act perplexes Misaki, who thought she didn't trust her, which Eiko confirms and hopes she doesn't make her regret it as she takes some C4 from a bag lying around the ground.

Falling under the pressure of the Terminator, Malcolm opens the door but warns the Terminator that nothing they do will change their fate. He continues, stating that the Terminator can kill them but will not control Kokoro. Before the Terminator can make a move against Kenta, Eiko and her group arrive, and the Terminator barges through a wall into a place with a bunch of catwalks. There, Eiko falls down thanks to the Terminator shooting at her footing, and Misaki comes to her rescue.

After Malcolm embraces Hiro and Reika, Malcolm tries to help Eiko back up, warning her they need to get to the EMP, as the Terminator plans on using it. However, Eiko plans to handle things there, but she insists that Malcolm turn off Kokoro.

As Misaki's fight against the Terminator continued, Kenta arrived where they were fighting when debris was about to fall on top of him. Astonishingly, the Terminator protected Kenta, causing him to run away in fear. When the Terminator tried to follow Kenta, Misaki attacked him.

With Hiro and Reika by his side, Malcolm prepares to show Kokoro everything he sees. The chamber then starts to descend, and the walls reveal Misaki's fight against the Terminator, who incapacitated her, to Reika's dismay.

Before the Terminator could finish off Misaki, Eiko distracts the Terminator by firing her shotgun at him. Once that was out of ammo, she switched over to her assault rifle and led him into a trap that triggered a C4 explosion. As the sprinkler system goes off, Eiko checks to see the Terminator's condition only to learn that it was alive and it crushed her right hand. Witnessing this makes Malcolm head to Eiko's location and use a coolant line to freeze the Terminator's right arm that tries to crush Eiko's head. However, the Terminator fires off an arrow into Malcolm's chest, and as he falls to his death, the Terminator takes Kenta away to Kokoro's chamber.

As Kokoro quietly watches, Reika and Hiro go down to where their father is. Once they reach him, Eiko and Misaki join in as Malcolm speaks to his children and asks Kokoro if she sees it.

Elsewhere, the Terminator drags Kenta to where the EMP is, and his scan detects that it's disabled. Releasing Kenta, the Terminator claims that his father and family have abandoned him, though Kenta doesn't believe that. The Terminator states that if Kenta returns to his family, he'll die, or if he chooses to live, he can follow him, stating he has another future.

Back to where Malcolm was, Malcolm calls Eiko his mother, and although Eiko has no children, she suspects they're in a Time Loop. Malcolm then claims that a wise person once told him that, "Nobody knows what's going to happen, child. That's the whole fucking point." When Eiko asks Malcolm how he should proceed, he answers that there is no such thing as fate and can decide on her own. Malcolm praises Eiko as a wonderful warrior and asks that she continue doing the best she always has, just as she always taught him to do, and says her mission is to protect her grandchildren.

Inside the chamber where the EMP was, the Terminator explained to Kenta that setting off the EMP would eradicate Kokoro's defenses and turn off all of the machines within the blast radius. Keta asks if that includes the Terminator, too, and he confirms. The Terminator also claims that twenty-five years into the future, Kenta sent him back in time to fulfill his mission to fulfill an alliance between Skynet and Mankind.

Malcolm tells Misaki that although she has many questions, she must take the children out of there and protect them. Tearfully, Misaki bemoans, not knowing where to take them, but Malcolm claims he must take them to a different time. As the Terminator starts the EMP, he then asks Kenta to choose. Malcolm then speaks to Kokoro, citing his wish to work together and his belief that everyone can be in peace. He then asks if Kokoro sees what he sees.

At that moment, Malcolm dies as Koroko's three selves merge into one. Simultaneously, the Terminator closes Kenta into the room with the EMP and faces off a legion of 1NNO robots. The Terminator tries to protect the door from opening but fails and is destroyed in the process.

Using a 1NNO robot as a communication medium, a fully merged Kokoro negotiates with Kenta, telling him his father died thirty-nine seconds ago and that he put his trust in her. Kokoro asks Kenta to do the same with her, stating that if he turns on the EMP, she cannot protect him from another nuclear attack from Skynet. Ultimately, Kenta chooses to abort it and returns to his family.

Outside, another attack by Skynet is prevented, thanks to Kokoro. As Eiko takes Reika and Hiro along with her, Misaki talks to a disgruntled Kenta about his confusion with the future. Misaki can relate, though she argues that Reika and Hiro will need him. Convinced to follow his family underground, Eiko's inner monologue notes her concern about what kind of future lies ahead of them all.

Cast and characters[]



  • The concept of Malcolm being born only if Eiko is sent back in time mirrors the idea of John Connor being conceived only when Kyle Reese is sent back in time in the first Terminator movie.
  • The scene where Malcolm uses a coolant line to freeze the Terminator is reminiscent of a similar scene in Terminator Salvation where John Connor does the same thing to the T-RIP.


Terminator Zero navigation

Season 1 episodes:
Model 101Model 102Model 103Model 104Model 105Model 106Model 107Model 108
