(voting against David) Mate, I'm sticking to the plan, just not your one. You've got way too much power, and your winning resume's already amazing, so you gotta go now. It's been fun.
(voting against David) David, you broke my confidence with Abbey, you told her I had an idol, you told Shaun I had an idol which put me at risk, and you've put my name out to go. So, I'm just trying to get you before you get me. But, I love you man and I'll see you on the other side.
I got massively blindsided! But, to be honest, uh- I'm pretty happy I went out like that. I really think that is the most humane way to put someone down, I truly believe it. To be blindsided means you're a big player, and people recognise that. Kinda sucks that recognition came right now, 'cause I had an idol in my bag! (puts Hidden Immunity Idol around neck) This is the most expensive piece of jewellery I own currently right now. $500,000 fashion accessory that I will wear with pride. I'd say probably my one regret out of the entire thing, is my fashion choice for tonight. I had to be wearing the most goofy hairstyle and a sash across my shoulder on the night I got voted out! Unfortunately, I go out like a Brooklyn hipster today.