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How do I change my MDN Plus subscription plan?

How do I change my MDN Plus subscription plan?

You can change your paid MDN Plus subscription plan through your Mozilla account subscriptions page. This article describes the steps to do it.

How do I update my payment information on Mozilla VPN?

How do I update my payment information on Mozilla VPN?

If you get a message that your payment failed, it may be because your card expired or is no longer valid. Here's how to update it.

How do I cancel my subscription to MDN Plus?

How do I cancel my subscription to MDN Plus?

You can cancel your paid subscription at any time. Canceling your MDN Plus subscription will turn off auto-renew, and you will no longer have access to MDN Plus features when your subscription period ends.

Suspicious activity on my Mozilla account

Suspicious activity on my Mozilla account

How to protect yourself if suspicious activity is detected on your Mozilla account.

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