Scanning the computer
Scanning the computer
November 30, 2021
ID 82511
During the scan Kaspersky Security Cloud searches for infected files and malware. There are several types of scans that vary in their search duration and scope.
- Full Scan. Scans all areas of the computer. This scan requires a lot of time to complete.
- Quick Scan. Scans objects that are loaded when the operating system starts as well as system memory and boot files. This scan does not require a lot of time to complete.
- Selective Scan. Scans the selected file or folder.
- Removable drive scan. Scan of removable drives, such as hard drives and USB sticks connected to the computer.
- Context Menu Scan. This option scans files from the context menu.
- Background Scan. Scan of system memory, the system partition, boot sectors, and startup objects, as well as rootkits search.
- Vulnerability Scan. It scans the computer for vulnerabilities that malware could exploit to infect your system.
After you install Kaspersky Security Cloud, we recommend that you perform a full scan of your computer.