Kaspersky Security Cloud for Windows

About protection using Antimalware Scan Interface

November 30, 2021

ID 185854

Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) allows a third-party application that supports AMSI to send objects (for example, PowerShell scripts) to Kaspersky Security Cloud for additional scanning and to receive scan results for these objects. For example, Microsoft Office applications can be such third-party applications. For more information about the AMSI interface, refer to Microsoft documentation.

Antimalware Scan Interface allows only to detect a threat and notify a third-party application about the detected threat. After receiving the threat notification, the third-party application prevents malicious actions (for example, shuts down).

Kaspersky Security Cloud may decline a request from a third-party application if, for example, this application exceeds the maximum number of requests allowed for a period. In this case, Kaspersky Security Cloud displays a notification about the declined request. If you receive such a notification, you do not have to perform any actions.

Protection using Antimalware Scan Interface is available in the Windows 10 Home / Pro / Education / Enterprise operating systems.

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