Update task schedule settings

January 24, 2025

ID 60855

The <schedule> section of the file containing the database update task settings is structured as follows:






<day>day of month|day of week</day>




<dayOfMonth><day of month></dayOfMonth>

<dayOfWeek><day of week></dayOfWeek>







Update task schedule settings




Description and possible values


The Starting a scheduled task mode.

Possible values include:

  • Once – once
  • Monthly – monthly
  • Weekly – weekly
  • Daily – every N day
  • Hourly – every N hour
  • Minutely – every N minutes
  • Manual – manually.


Start time. If you do not specify a start time, the current system date and / or time is set by default (see the table below).


Randomize the task launch within a time interval (in minutes) to equalize the load on the mail server while multiple scheduled tasks are running simultaneously. Format – [0;999].


Limit the duration of the task interval (in minutes). Format – [0;999].


Run missed tasks.

Possible values include:

  • 1 – run missed tasks the next time the application is started;
  • 0 – run only scheduled tasks.

    Field values of the startByTime setting


The startByTime setting value


year [present year -1;present year +10]


month [JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC]


day of month [1;31]


hour [00;23]


minutes [00;59]


seconds [00;59]


day of week [MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | SAT | SUN]


time period [0-999], where 0 indicates the start period is not set



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