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Steven Universe Wiki

First, you need a gem at the core of your being. Then you need a body that can turn into light. Then you need a partner who you trust with that light.

—Garnet, "We Need to Talk"
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Steven and Greg Universe riding on the shoulders of Alexandrite, the fusion of Garnet (and, by extension, Ruby and Sapphire), Amethyst, and Pearl

Fusion Gems are the product of multiple Gems (or half-Gems, who can fuse with both Gems and Humans). Fusions are formed when the participants are emotionally harmonious with each other. This state can be spontaneous, but it is usually achieved deliberately through a synchronized dance.


Fusion Cuisine Animation Alexandrite Breaks

Alexandrite, an example of an unstable de-fusion.

When Gems fuse, their bodies and minds become one. This creates an entirely different entity, as opposed to two minds sharing a single body. Fusion will cause the creation of a new Gem; however, this does not necessarily mean that this Gem does not already exist. A fusion of multiple types of Gems is referred to as a Gem type other than those of the components. Existing non-fusion type Gems will look different to that of a fused Gem. For instance, the fusion of Ruby and Sapphire is named Garnet. However, single-Gem Garnets can exist without being fusions, and individual Garnets (like Hessonite, Demantoid, and Pyrope) would look different from the fusion Garnet, as well as Obsidian and Snowflake Obsidian.[1] The same is presumably true of other Gem types that have only been seen as fusions so far.

Some dominant features in Gems can occur in their fusions, such as Pearl's nose shape. Malachite, Garnet, Stevonnie and Alexandrite, showed that one component can take control of the fusion. It is also possible for different components to take control of different parts of the fusion, as proven by Lapis Lazuli's control of Malachite's hydrokinesis while Jasper was in control of the body. For Malachite and Alexandrite, the Gem in control's voice was layered over the fusion's voice to show control. However, for Garnet, this was not done; it was only the fusion's voice, although it is unknown whether this is intentional. The previous case is the same for Stevonnie, but the tone of voice would change to indicate who is speaking through Stevonnie. Certain inflicted defects can be carried and spread through fusion, such as corruption.

As seen with Sugilite and Malachite, certain fusions will cause the loss of individuality between their fusing Gems if fused for long periods of time. A fusion of hatred is inherently unstable. Fusions retain all standard Gem abilities, such as fusing, shapeshifting, bubbling, and even more.


An example of a stable de-fusion, Rainbow Quartz.

Common memories from the fusing Gems are carried over to the fusion, such as Sardonyx, Sugilite, and Opal knowing who Steven Universe was. However, Gems who fuse together do not automatically share their memories with each other.[2] For example, the second time that Garnet and Pearl fused into Sardonyx in "Cry for Help", she did not know that Pearl had secretly repaired the tower. Another example is Rose being unaware of Pearl's intent to make Greg jealous in "We Need to Talk", when they fuse into Rainbow Quartz.


To fuse, Gems must be in perfect sync mentally, physically, and emotionally. Fusions are usually formed when two or more Gems perform a synchronized dance, though this is only optional, as seen with Smoky Quartz. Each fusion's dance is different. Same type Gems are able to fuse by physical contact. If successful, Gems transform into an amorphous mass of light before fully transforming.

During the process of fusion, the gemstones of the participating Gems are visible and will morph into their corresponding locations from their fusing Gems. However, Sardonyx was the first fusion Gem not to show gemstones during fusion. If unsuccessful, Gems will be ejected before finishing the entire transformation. An example of a stable fusion (and de-fusion) was shown in "We Need to Talk" when Rose and Pearl fused into Rainbow Quartz. Garnet gives Greg a more literal explanation of fusing in a romantic sense, that the Gems turn into light and have to be trusting of the other Gem with their light. This isn't always the case, as Lapis Lazuli fused with Jasper, whom she did not trust; but fused with a purpose to stop her. When gems fuse they create a new gem, as seen with Garnet. Fusions are the byproduct and seemingly personification of their components relationship. This can be anything from the relationship between a parent and child, as seen with Steg, and Rainbow Quartz 2.0, to a more sibling-like relationship as seen with Smokey Quartz.

Although it's seemingly impossible for a human to fuse with a gem, Steven, being part human and part gem, has the ability to fuse with both gems and humans, the first human fusion being Stevonnie. However, it took a great amount of training and focus for Steven to be able to perform fusion, and it's shown that with his training and progress halted by Spinel's Gem Rejuvenator, fusing with his father proved extremely exhausting and damaging for the gem hybrid. Additionally, it appears as though it is the gem that holds the fusion together; this is demonstrated when Steven is drained from fusing with his father, yet Greg is completely fine when defused.

With Steven, however, especially Steven and Connie, this formation is slightly different, as when a participant is a human or half-human, the gemstones aren't visible, and instead, Steven's gem melds the physical bodies together. Smoky Quartz is possibly a fusion where Steven's body melds with Amethyst's light-based form.

Fusions are capable of fusing with other Gems, first revealed in "Jail Break", in which it is revealed that Garnet is a fusion who can fuse with Amethyst to form Sugilite. The same Gems will produce the same fusion regardless of which order they combine in. For example, if Opal (Amethyst and Pearl) fused with Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), or if Pearl fused with Sugilite (Ruby, Sapphire and Amethyst), or if Amethyst fused with Sardonyx (Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire), or if Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), Amethyst, and Pearl all fused together, they would always form Alexandrite.[3]

Each fusion embodies a relationship between the participants.[4] While some fusions like Garnet embody romantic relationships, fusion is not inherently romantic, and other fusions can embody other sorts of relationships[5][6] such as the social relationships between friends, family, allies or even enemies.

As of the events of "Change Your Mind", it has been revealed that fusion can occur while one or more of the participating gems has been poofed and retreated into their gemstone. However, it appears that one of the participants of the fusion must be physically formed and in contact with the retreated gem for fusion to occur. Fusing with a retreated gem "unlocks" their physical form, and they will gain their body back upon de-fusing (instead of retreating back into their gem).


De-fusion is a process in which a fusion splits into its component Gems. During the de-fusion process, fusion Gems will reverse the fusion process. The fusion will turn back into a mass of light before splitting back into its original participating fusees. During the de-fusion, the gemstones of the participating Gems are visible (with the odd exception of Sardonyx de-fusing in "Cry for Help").


A stable de-fusion occurs when the participating Gems have a mutual agreement on de-fusing.

This is shown in "We Need to Talk", when Pearl and Rose Quartz de-fuse from Rainbow Quartz, they smoothly shift apart. Another example of a stable de-fusion is in "Cry for Help" when Sardonyx de-fuses into a flash of light, leaving Garnet and Pearl holding each other. As well as that, in "Hit the Diamond", when Garnet figures out a plan to send away the Rubies, Ruby and Sapphire slowly fuse out of each other, holding hands.


An unstable de-fusion occurs when the fusees have a severe conflict of opinion or one or all is experiencing an overwhelming emotion, causing a stand-out individual and the fusion to fall apart.

This is shown by the components being thrown out of the fusion. The first example of this is shown in the episode "Giant Woman" when Pearl and Amethyst argue over the Heaven Beetle, causing the fusion to become un-synchronized and forcing them to de-fuse. This is also shown when Alexandrite argues over a bit of shrimp, causing de-synchronization and de-fusion. Similar incidents nearly occurred with Malachite as she was being pulled to the bottom of the sea and Garnet when she was facing a Cluster Gem. Whenever a fusion with a smaller, more stable fusion as a component undergoes an unstable de-fusion, the smaller fusion briefly de-fuses as well but can still hold themself together once the larger fusion has broken apart. This is seen with Ruby and Sapphire in Garnet when the latter is ejected from Alexandrite and Sardonyx.

Another unstable de-fusion through conflict was shown in "Keystone Motel". When Garnet's component Gems are arguing over Pearl's betrayal of their trust, Ruby ends the fusion by speaking through Garnet, saying "Then you can just go." This ends the fusion and ejects the fused Gems.

In "Mindful Education", Garnet explains that if at least one of the fusees is emotionally unstable during the fusion, it can cause the fusion to become "unbalanced" and lose touch with reality, hallucinate, and ultimately defuse. This was demonstrated when Stevonnie began hallucinating during a training session with Pearl, and it explained previous instances of Stevonnie hallucinating in "Alone Together" and "Beach City Drift". During Stevonnie's training, Connie is reminded of an event she is upset about, resulting in Stevonnie defusing. This occurs again in the episode, this time as a result of Steven's feelings to similar memories he has. He can re-fuse with Connie after she offers him perspective and understanding about the incidents.


A damaged de-fusion occurs when the fusion takes on severe physical damage, as shown in "Coach Steven". When Sugilite is injured by her flail, she "poofs" back to Garnet and Amethyst. During a damaged de-fusion, the original Gems do not retreat into their gemstones to regenerate. However, the damage caused to the fusion will be carried on to the component gems, as Garnet and Amethyst were unable to move and had "a monster headache". Only if they are dealt in contact with a Gem Destabilizer, or a similar attack from Yellow Diamond the fusing gems will retreat into their gemstones to compensate for the damage to the fusion.

An example of this is when Jasper stabs Garnet with a Gem Destabilizer, causing Garnet's body to fall apart. She poofs back into her original Gems, Ruby and Sapphire. However, unlike Sugilite, the damage caused to Garnet's body also caused severe damage to both Ruby and Sapphire, forcing them into their gemstones to regenerate. The Gem Destabilizer effects share common traits shown by Yellow Diamond's energy blasts.

An additional example is seen when Obsidian de-fuses into Steven, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst after being smashed into a large wall by the Diamond Mech, and when Bluebird Azurite de-fuses into Aquamarine and Eyeball after being smashed into the ground by Alexandrite.


The new forms have extra body parts and the combined heights and strengths of the fusers.

—Garnet, Fusion (short)

Fusion Gems combine the designs of both/all Gems unless they are the same type of Gem, in which case they will just be a bigger version of their Gem design, as shown in "The Answer". Gemstones appear in the same locations and are the same cut of the Gems are composed of, but the type of Gem changes, and so does the color. The exceptions would be Stevonnie and Steg, whose single Gem remained as Steven's. Should two Gems with gemstones in the same location fuse, the gemstones would either be side by side or up and down on the resulting fusion.[7] Each Gem involved in the fusion often contributes an additional pair of arms, showing that multiple pairs of arms are a common trait among fusions. Another common trait among fusions is having more than two eyes. Many fusions so far have had as many eyes as all of their constituent Gems put together. Opal, Stevonnie, some of the Cluster Gems, Sardonyx, Smoky Quartz, and the Ruby fusions have had fewer. The individual gemstones can appear to change size to be relative to the new form. Jasper's gem on Malachite looks larger to accommodate for the much bigger form. Alexandrite's eyes have yet to be seen since a visor covered them during her appearance. The appearance of fusions do not necessarily represent stability or instability, but rather simply what is cool.[8]

Types of Fusions

Stable Fusions

♫ Can't you see that my relationship is stable? ♫

—Garnet, "Jail Break"
We Are The Crystal Gems (158)

A fusion is marked stable when the fusing gems remain a strong synchronization, while also keeping a strong bond between each other. Some fusions are stable due to how close in connection the Gems fusing are, such as Garnet, since Ruby and Sapphire are so romantically involved. Same-Gem fusions can also be considered stable.

Unstable Fusions

Garnet, think about this. You and Amethyst can be a little... uh... unstable when your personalities combine.

—Pearl, "Coach Steven"
Coach Steven (209)

Some fusions can be unstable due to the way their participants' personalities combine. In "Coach Steven", Garnet and Amethyst lose themselves in Sugilite, going on a rampage and refusing to split up. Because of their desire to stay fused, Sugilite began to lose her rationality.

We're Malachite now...

—Lapis Lazuli, "Chille Tid"

Malachite, holding together, despite Jasper and Lapis Lazuli's conflict.

While most unstable fusions fail upon fusing or during the fusion, Malachite is the only example of a dangerously unstable fusion remaining fused. This is due to the pure willpower of Lapis Lazuli, holding the fusion together with all her strength while fighting Jasper to keep the fusion together (as seen in "Chille Tid"). However, it is revealed in "Super Watermelon Island" that both Gems began to identify as Malachite, beginning a violent rampage.

Forced Fusions

They were forced together! They were forced to fuse! This is wrong!

—Garnet, "Keeping It Together"

The unknown Gems that formed the Cluster Gems is an example of an artificial fusion.

Through being buried underground and fusing due to extensive pressure, it is possible to force gemstones or Gem Shards into fusing. This method of fusion is usually incomplete and often against their will, simply binding fragmented gemstones together on the edges instead of changing their colors, as shown in complete fusion. The Cluster Gems are a result of an artificial fusion, and in "Keeping It Together", it was shown that Gem Shards could be forced to fuse. The physical bodies of these Gems usually embody the incomplete fusions, with limbs being stuck together at seemingly random places. More examples of artificial fusion were later shown in "Nightmare Hospital" and "Gem Drill".

Gems in this category are so shattered they are utterly unaware of themselves nor at what is happening around them; only seeking out other Gems in an attempt to find their missing pieces.

Corrupted Fusions

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The half-corrupted Zebra Jasper fusion.

Uncorrupted Gems can fuse with corrupted Gems without the consent of the corrupted Gem. However, the corrupted Gem can escape the fusion if she fights back hard enough. The process of fusing damages the uncorrupted Gem's gemstone, eventually fully corrupting it.

This was first shown in "Earthlings" when Jasper fused with the Snow Monster (a corrupted Ocean Jasper) and later became corrupted herself.

Same-Gem Fusions

It's never like that! Whenever I've fused, it's always just been me, but bigger, I... I've never had a third eye before.

Ruby, "The Answer"
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A fusion of five Rubies as seen in "Hit the Diamond."

Whereas different Gems fusing creates a new Gem with a new personality, fusions among Gems of the same type simply create a larger version of the Gems that are fusing. Because of the lack of individuality of mind and physical construct, there are no new personalities. Because all the fusing Gems are naturally synchronized, each Gem feels as themselves but they are actually all together as one, shown for the first time in "The Answer".

If two Gems are of the same type but are not identical, they would still form a larger version of themselves in build, but with a combined color palette and outfit, as displayed with the five-Gem Ruby fusion.[9]

Due to the natural synchronization resulting from their similar personalities, Gems of the same type do not need to form using a complex dance (whereas two different Gems usually must perform a fusion dance to synchronize). This is shown in "The Answer" where three Rubies quickly fused after simply forming a pyramid.

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A fusion of two Topazes as seen in "Are You My Dad?".

Permanent fusions (or "perma-fusions") exist when two Gems remain fused with no intent of being split apart.

First coined by Peridot when referring to Garnet, it is later revealed that fusions similar in nature exist on Homeworld. These permanent fusions are only seen as acceptable for some Gem types, and only among those of the same type.

As shown in "Are You My Dad?" and "I Am My Mom", though more directly admitted in "Stuck Together", Topaz is revealed to be two Topazes fused together indefinitely. Evidence of these Topazes being a permanent fusion is their choice to remain fused when leaving Earth despite having no hostages inside of them (and, thus, no purpose for remaining fused).

The only known Perma-Fusions are currently Garnet, Rhodonite, Fluorite, and dual-gem Topazes. Any Perma-Fusions made up of different types of Gems are immediately rejected by Homeworld, and the Diamonds, as shown in "The Answer".



Lapis and Steven in Malachite's Realm.

The hostile Malachite fusion has an internal fusion realm where Lapis Lazuli and Jasper struggle for control. It is not known whether this is a general property of fusions, an unusual property of Jasper and Lapis' hostile fusion, or Steven's perspective on Malachite as viewed in his dream.

Another instance of a similar concept is when Garnet seems to converse separately as Ruby and Sapphire before starting to de-fuse in "Keeping It Together" and "Keystone Motel", giving light to their opposing opinions.

In "Mindful Education", Garnet and Stevonnie, using a meditative technique, can enter the same fusion realm. The two fusions witness their fusees confront their negative feelings.


  • Fusions are frequently pictured, especially as statues, throughout the abandoned Gem monuments in the show (e.g. the Lunar Sea Spire and Gem Homeworld).
  • In "Jail Break", Jasper describes fusion as a "cheap tactic to make weak Gems stronger," while Garnet states that she fuses out of love.
  • Pearl implies fusion is rather intimate in "Coach Steven" and "Alone Together"; she tries to cover Steven's eyes while Garnet and Amethyst perform their dance, and says Stevonnie might be considered "inappropriate". In "We Need to Talk", Pearl says fusion is the ultimate form of bond between Gems. Garnet has also stated in "Keeping It Together" that fusion is considered sacred and to her, it is a choice.
  • On the Gem Homeworld, fusions are primarily used only in battles and as weapons. Being fused outside of a fight is seen as disgraceful, as Peridot was originally constantly uncomfortable around Garnet, calling her a "perma-fusion" and a "filthy war machine".
  • The Homeworld stigma surrounding fusion when not used for a specific purpose (such as fighting) could be because in a sense it is changing the fusee's form to something outside of their "purpose," which according to Jasper is defiance to the Diamonds.
  • According to Guide to the Crystal Gems, when Ruby and Sapphire first fused with each other, it was unusual for Gems of different types to fuse with each other. This is because Gems only fused with other Gems of the same type (Rubies with other Rubies and so on).
    • The fusion between Gems of different types was also seen as 'disgusting' and 'reprehensible' by Homeworld Gems in "The Answer".
  • In "Stuck Together", Aquamarine claims that most fusions end up becoming "sentimental", implying that fusion is kept purely for a purpose so that gem fusions don't become distracted and overly emotional.


The abilities of Gem fusions vary based on the two Gems who fuse. Whenever a Gem fuses to make a weapon, they combine their original weapons to create a new one composed of those two or more weapons. If a Gem possesses significant other abilities, such as Sapphire's future vision, that may also be incorporated into the fusion's abilities.


Every fusion gets something new - a new power, a new weapon...

—Sardonyx, "Know Your Fusion"

Fusions may wield the weapons of the Gems that compose them but can combine them into a singular weapon. These weapons typically harness the abilities of the weapons that were fused, an example being Opal's weapon, a recurve bow. Pearl's spear not only makes up the recurve bow, but the arrows are visually similar to the energy blast the spear can emit, and the spear itself. Meanwhile, Amethyst's whip acts as the bowstring.

As for everyone else:

  • Sugilite's flail uses Garnet's gauntlets as a mace head and Amethyst's whip as a rope.
  • Sardonyx's war hammer is composed of Pearl's spear as the handle and Garnet's gauntlets as the head.
  • Smoky Quartz combines Steven's shield and Amethyst's whip, forming a yo-yo.
  • Topaz's pugil mace combines the individual Topaz's maces end-to-end.
  • Topaz Fusion's axe is like Yellow's other Topaz guards, but with a much longer handle.
  • Rainbow Quartz 2.0's parasol fuses Steven's shield with Pearl's spear such that Pearl's spear is the handle and Steven's shield is the cap. The umbrella has special abilities.
  • Sunstone's suction cups use Steven's shield as the cups and Garnet's gauntlets as the grips.
  • Steg's double-necked guitar combines the guitars of Steven and Greg, in addition to acting as his "weapon".
  • Mega Pearl's bladed ribbon wand uses Pearl's spear as the stick of Volleyball's ribbon wand.
  • Bluebird's ice cutlass combines Eyeball's knife and Aquamarine's cryokinesis.

Obsidian's Greatsword is unique among the fusion weapons as all their components' weapons only form the hilt of the weapon, and the blade stemming from a forge in one of their mouths. In addition, Steg's double necked guitar arises from the fusion of external objects that are not summoned from the Gem's gemstone, meaning that non-summoned items can also fuse in a fusion.

Fusions can also retrieve items from their components, an example is when Opal retrieves Pearl's bass from her gemstone which was previously stored there by Pearl in Steven Universe: The Movie.

Fusions (by Gem number)










  • On The Steven Universe Podcast, Rebecca Sugar states that Gems that share names with Fusions introduced in the show (except Stevonnie, Steg, and the Cluster Gems) exist as individual Gems in Homeworld, but their appearance and role are unknown.
    • According to the Podcast's 10th episode, Rebecca Sugar confirmed that Gems such as Garnet may also exist as single, unfused Gems only that they have a different look from them.[10] This was later canonically shown through singular Garnets, Snowflake Obsidian, and (to an extent) Zebra Jasper.
      • This was confirmed on the Podcast's 18th episode as Rebecca states that the reason Garnet came to the decision to name herself Garnet was because she has seen Garnets before on Homeworld. However, dialogue from Smoky Quartz implies that they did not "decide" to be called Smoky Quartz, making the specifics unclear.
  • Fusions tend to highly exaggerate whatever personality traits are shared amongst the majority of the Gems comprising the Fusion. Sugilite seems to inherit her impulsive and irrational behavior from Ruby and Amethyst, while Sardonyx seems to get her haughty and self-absorbed personality from Sapphire and Pearl.
    • When Gems in a given Fusion have incompatible personalities or have conflicting motives for fusing, and for whatever reason do not (or can not) terminate the Fusion, it results in an unstable fusion. When this happens, the constituent Gems risk losing touch with their individual personalities the longer the fusion persists.
      • In "Coach Steven", Sugilite is the first example of Gems remaining as an unstable fusion for too long.
      • Malachite is another example. At the end of "Jail Break", Jasper is clearly trying to escape the fusion. Either Jasper has very low willpower (not unlikely, considering her barbaric personality), or Lapis Lazuli has a great deal of mental fortitude (or a combination of both).
  • It appears that the more hostile the fusion, the larger and more monstrous it becomes. Malachite, an unstable two-Gem fusion, was formed and held together by anger and mistrust and easily towers over the stable Garnet, who reaches up to a fraction of her forearm. Sugilite, a three-Gem fusion, was easily large enough and powerful enough to destroy the rebuilt Communication Hub with a single punch.
  • Not including same-Gem fusions, fusions with more than two gems seem to be more unstable or harder to maintain. For example, Garnet can remain active for an indefinite amount of time, but Alexandrite requires a large degree of effort to remain stable.
    • The more Gems are involved in the fusion, the more probable it is for them to 'lose their individual personalities'.
  • Fusions with more Gems tend to be larger (and more powerful). For example, Garnet, a two-Gem fusion, is only taller than most humans, while Sugilite and Alexandrite tower over most two-Gem fusions.
    • Malachite seems to be an exception. This may be due to the size of Jasper, the hostility between Jasper and Lapis, and the tenuous stability of their fusion overall.
      • According to Rebecca Sugar, the reason why the Gems fuse can determine the height of their fusion. Since Amethyst and Pearl fused to save Steven, their fusion was small, perhaps slightly taller than Garnet, while Malachite's reason for fusion was to destroy the Crystal Gems, which would make her slightly shorter than Sugilite.
    • More stable fusions like Garnet and Stevonnie tend to be more compact and humanoid, while more volatile fusions like Sugilite, Alexandrite, and Malachite tend to be larger and more monstrous. Fluorite, at six-component Gems, has a decidedly non-humanoid appearance (more closely resembling a caterpillar).
  • According to Garnet in the "Fusion" short, Fusion Gems often have extra body parts. This is true for all Fusion Gems that are composed of different and non-hybrid Gems.
    • Garnet has an extra eye, Opal has two extra arms, Rainbow Quartz has two extra eyes, Sardonyx has two extra arms and two extra eyes, Malachite has two extra eyes and no actual feet but has two pairs of arms that act like them, Sugilite has two extra arms and three extra eyes, Alexandrite has four extra arms, and an extra mouth, as well as likely having extra eyes under her visor, Smoky Quartz has one extra arm, Sunstone has two extra arms (though their number of eyes is unknown due to their visor), Rainbow Quartz 2.0 has two extra eyes, Obsidian has six extra arms, two faces, and one extra mouth; Rhodonite has two extra eyes and two extra arms, and Fluorite has multiple extra body segments.
    • No Same-Gem Fusions have extra body parts.
    • For Human-Hybrid Fusions, it seems to depend on the components and their relationships, like Different Gem Fusions or Gem-Hybrid Fusions. Stevonnie has no extra body parts, while Steg has two extra arms.
    • Lemon Jade, despite being a Same-Gem fusion, has two extra eyes and two extra fingers. According to Rebecca Sugar, this is due to them belonging to different courts, however, "Eyeball" (a Gem implied to originally be from Pink Diamond's court) fuses with other Rubies in Yellow Diamond's court to simply form a larger Ruby, suggesting that there may be more at play contributing to Lemon Jade's unusual appearance. The two Jades are radically different varieties of Jade (while Mega Pearl is also a same-Gem fusion composed of two different varieties, the iridescent variety of Pearl and the pink variety of Pearl appear much more visually similar than the two types of Jade.
  • The statue forming the Crystal Temple appears to be a statue of Obsidian, showing the respective gemstones of their components: Pearl (forehead), Amethyst (chest), Ruby, and Sapphire (left and right palms), and Rose Quartz (navel).
    • Obsidian is depicted with many arms, though some are missing due to the temple's age or the damage done to it (the Centipeetle Mother in "Gem Glow" destroys a hand with its acid spray). However, in all episodes except for the Pilot (which is non-canon), Rose Quartz's gem has not been shown due to its location being either the entrance to the Beach House or the Crystal Temple itself.
  • Fusions tend to combine the complexions of the Gems that form them.
    • However, there are notable exceptions:
      • Alexandrite's complexion is redder than Garnet.
      • Rainbow Quartz is darker and more purple than Rose Quartz or Pearl.
      • Smoky Quartz is darker and browner than Steven and Amethyst.
      • Sardonyx has a darker red hue than Ruby.
      • Sugilite's purple hue is much closer to Amethyst's hue than Garnet's hue after her post-"Jail Break" regeneration.
      • Sunstone is more orange than either Steven, Ruby or Sapphire.
      • Obsidian is black and orange, but the combined color of all of the Crystal Gems is a grayish purple (approximately #ce9cba)
  • Confirmed by the Guide to the Crystal Gems, the fusion of two different Gems was rare until Ruby and Sapphire formed Garnet.
    • It is implied that Ruby and Sapphire are the first known Gems of different gemstones to fuse.
  • Same-Gem fusion was shown for the first time in "The Answer".
  • The "fusion dance" displayed by Gems is very similar to the Fusion Dance shown in the anime Dragon Ball Z. However, the Gems dance to fuse rather than completing a set of poses like in Dragon Ball Z.
    • During NYCC 2016, Kat Morris was asked about how characters are sometimes able to fuse without dancing. She replied that it is "more than the dance, it's about a mutual understanding."[11]
  • When Gems turn their bodies into light during a fusion dance, the light is a solid mass, as shown in "Back to the Moon", when Amethyst was lying on Sardonyx's shoulder while she was still forming.
    • First shown in "Are You My Dad?", if multiple Gems fuse around (or carrying) organic beings like humans, the beings are trapped and engulfed within the fusion. Topaz is especially proficient at this.
  • The unstable fusion Malachite can be seen as an allusion to abusive and/or dysfunctional relationships.
    • In "Alone at Sea", it is shown that despite the unstable nature of Malachite, Lapis missed being fused with Jasper. However, she is eventually able to realize that her relationship with Jasper was unhealthy, as she later rejects Jasper's attempts to fuse back into Malachite.
  • It is unknown whether Malachite, Alexandrite, Rainbow Quartz, Rhodonite, Fluorite, or the Cluster Gems have unique fusion weapons.
    • Alexandrite and Malachite have been shown to use their components' weapons in combat. Alexandrite has even used the weapons of other fusions of her components.
  • Steven is capable of fusing with humans as shown in "Alone Together" because he is half-human.
  • The majority of Crystal Gem fusions shown are voiced by musicians: Garnet by Estelle, Opal by Aimee Mann, Sugilite by Nicki Minaj, Stevonnie by AJ Michalka, and Sardonyx by Alexia Khadime.
  • The Snow Monster (a corrupted Ocean Jasper) is the first and so far only, living (unshattered) Gem to be physically forced into fusion by another Gem (in this case Jasper).
  • In a The Best Show podcast that Rebecca Sugar was featured in, it was implied that fusions do not inherently know their identities, but rather decide what to call themselves.[12] However, Smoky Quartz's dialogue and the behaviors of other fusions such as Sunstone seem to contradict this claim (Rebecca Sugar herself states that the podcast does not constitute finalized information, so that could serve to explain this inconsistency), though their knowledge could simply be a result of past similar fusions (such as ones with Rose Quartz) having existed.
  • To date, all different-gem fusions involving a Pearl are in some way multi-colored, and as such are named and designed after multi-colored gemstones.
    • Opal - Color play via diffraction.
    • Rainbow Quartz - Metal coating.
    • Sardonyx - Multi-colored bands of various colors.
    • Alexandrite - Color change due to exposure to different forms of light.
    • Rhodonite - Primarily pink with veins of black caused by manganese oxide.
    • Obsidian - multicolored iridescence caused by inclusions of magnetite nanoparticles.
  • Fusions that are introduced in the show before their individual components (such as Garnet, Rhodonite, and Fluorite) have single-instrument themes, as opposed to fusions introduced after their components, which have multi-instrument themes that combine those of their components.
  • Steg is the first fusion to be 100% male.


veFusion Gems
Crystal Gem Fusions

Full-Gem Fusions
FusionTemplateGarnet3 FusionTemplateOpalMovie FusionTemplateSugilite FusionTemplateSardonyx
FusionTemplateAlexandriteFusionTemplateRainbowQuartz Newobsideon NavboxCrazyLaceFixed

Hybrid Fusions

FusionTemplateStevonnie FusionTemplateSmokyQuartz Rainbow Quartz 2.0 Gem Nav Sunstone Thumbnail fixed FusionTemplateObsidianS Steg Nav

Homeworld Gem Fusions

FusionTemplateMalachite Ruby quintuple fusion gem FusionTemplateJasperMonster
FusionTemplateTopaz JadeFusionNavbox

Crystal Gem/Homeworld Gem Fusions


Unaligned Gem Fusions

RhodLink FluoriteLink1 Big Bird Nav icon WatermelonTourmaline navbox BluebirdAzuriteNavbox

Forced Fusions

FusionTemplateCluster Cluster Navbox
