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The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

A Human male was a pilot in the Imperial Remnant in 13 ABY. He flew with the legendary 181st Imperial Fighter Group, led by Turr Phennir. The Human male was one of three pilots that Phennir brought to the planet Adumar in that year on a diplomatic mission to convince the government of the nation state of Cartann to join the Empire. Four New Republic pilots were also in Cartann City, arguing the New Republic's case.

While staying in Cartann, the Imperial pilots daily engaged local pilots in aerial duels to the death. Racking up many kills, they gained considerable honor, in accordance with local customs. During their time on-world, Cartann declared war on the other nations of Adumar. The Imperials fought for them when forces of the Yedagon Confederacy attacked Cartann. The New Republic pilots flew with the Confederacy, and the Human male was the third Imperial pilot to die, his TIE interceptor brought down by a laser salvo from Wedge Antilles.

Behind the scenes[]

In X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar, one of Phennir's men is described as being a tall, red-headed man. It is unclear if that man is the pilot described in this article or one of the two other men on Phennir's ambassadorial team.

