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The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 97 is the ninety-seventh issue in the revised run of The Official Star Wars Fact File remake series.


Battles & Events[]

  • Battle of Endor (4 ABY 29-32)

Droids & Machines[]

  • E522 assassin droid (ASS 3-4)

Humans & Aliens[]

  • Clone Commander Bacara (BAC 1-2)
  • Mina and Lux Bonteri (BON 1-4)
  • Kanan Jarrus (KAN 5-8)
  • Anakin Skywalker (SKY 7-8)

Planets & Locations[]

  • Echo Base (HOT 5-6)
  • Mos Espa Way (TAT 33-34)

Weapons & Technology[]

  • Carbon freezing (CAR 1-2)

Starships & Vehicles[]

  • Yoda's vehicles (YOD 1-2)

Notes and references[]

  1. The archived snapshots of DeAgostini-Logo Star Wars Fact File - DeAgostini Shop UK on De Agostini's official United Kingdom website (backup link) show that the 2014 re-make edition of The Official Star Wars Fact File was published weekly, starting on January 8, 2014, with a week off at the start of each year as well as a three-week delay for issue 61, as stated here. Thus, it can be determined that The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 97 was published on December 2, 2015.

External links[]
