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Star Wars Insider 25 is the twenty-fifth issue of Star Wars Insider magazine. It was published in Spring 1995.



According to Toy Book magazine, licensed toys generated over 70 billion dollars in revenue worldwide last year. The toy industry's big show, the 92nd annual Toy Fair took in New York City this past February and every major toy company had on display their latest and greatest creations for the upcoming year, including their licensed products. What new Star Wars toys will you be seeing soon? The Insider visited Toy Fair to give you an inside look at this year's hottest toys!
Artist Dave Dorman gives us a glimpse of the great leaders of the Empire, from the films to the recent novels, in this original work of art.
C-3PO, the golden robot with the British accent, has become one of the most popular characters from the Star Wars saga. The man behind the gold mask (and voice) of the droid we all love is none other than actor Anthony Daniels. The Insider recently spoke with Daniels about his Star Wars memories, his current projects and the possible return of C-3PO in the Star Wars prequels.
The voice of James Earl Jones has become a recognizable sound all over the world. In addition, this talented actor has achieved a recognition and respect few in his industry can claim. In this exclusive interview with the Insider, Jones discusses his early days as an actor, his work in films such as Field of Dreams and The Lion King, and of course, his most famous voice role as the evil Dark Lord, Darth Vader, in the Star Wars trilogy.
  • "Get Ready for the Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye at Disneyland" by Jon Bradley Snyder


The Real Characters at LucasArts
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Notes and references[]

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  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Star Wars Insider 25
  2. The "Star News" and "Straight from the Horse's Mouth" departments of Star Wars Insider 25 collectively indicate that this issue was published between March 11 and April 1995. Given that Star Wars Insider was published quarterly during this time, and that Star Wars Insider 24 was published at the end of 1994, this indicates a March 1995 release for issue 25.

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