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"Do you see the conditions I'm living in? That insipid senator put me in here! She deserves to die for leaving me to rot in this squalor!"
―Ziro the Hutt, on Padmé Amidala[3]

The Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center,[4] also known as the Republic Correctional Facility,[5] was a high-security prison located on the planet Coruscant[4] in the Federal District in the planet's northern hemisphere.[6] Inside was a large panopticon of cells where high-risk prisoners were held as well as generic cell blocks, a mess hall, a workout area, guard monitoring stations, a cremation center, and an infirmary.[4] The prison was active during the High Republic Era. After turning against the Path of the Open Hand in the Night of Sorrow and deciding to finish his prison sentence, Axel Greylark—after recovering from his injuries aboard a medical frigate over Coruscant and spending another day aboard to speak with his mother Kyong Greylark and friend Jedi Knight Gella Nattai—boarded a shuttle for transfer to the Central Detention Center.[6] The prison was guarded during the Clone Wars[4] by 3,200 clone shock troopers of the Coruscant Guard and was maintained by 64,000 staff members. A chief warden reported directly to the Supreme Chancellor.[1]

People who were held at the Central Detention Center during the Clone Wars included Ziro the Hutt,[2] Cad Bane, Moralo Eval, Bossk, Boba Fett,[4] Aurra Sing, Poggle the Lesser,[3] and Risha Synata.[7] Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi went undercover into the prison as Jedi-killer Rako Hardeen to uncover a plot against Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.[4]

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