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Bossk arms

Trandoshans like Bossk were reptilian sentients.

"How do I look?"
"Sss. You look exactly like a middle-aged scoundrel with a thing for reptiles getting sweaty over a new client."
Winloss and Nokk[1]

Reptiles (adjectival form reptilian) were a class of lifeforms exemplified by the dewbacks,[2] the Rodians,[3] the dalgos,[4] the Trandoshans,[5] and the entity known as Orphne.[6] The planet of Dagobah was home to a number of quite common reptilian creatures.[7] One particular category of reptiles were the lizards, examples of which included the Tauntauns,[8] the mysterious Zillo Beast,[9] the brezaks,[10] and the varactyl.[11][12] For those seeking extreme pets, reptiles offered some exciting choices such as the rancor and roggwart; however, nobody could tame the most fearsome reptiles, including the zillo beast and dragonsnake.[13] Some species, such as Hutts, were considered reptiloid.[14]


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