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"These things could be dangerous if they ever learn to think straight."
"Shoot straight."
―A Nebula Front mercenary and Arwen Cohl[6]

OOM-series security droids, also known as OOM security battle droids, were security droids of the Trade Federation and Confederacy of Independent Systems used for the purposes of defense and detection.

Security droids were characterized by red markings on their shoulders and upper abdomen, which distinguished them from other variants of the OOM model. They most commonly worked in squads led by an OOM command battle droid. Trade Federation security droids fulfilling their most common role as guards on capital ships carried the standard weapons (E-5 blaster rifles) used by similar models.

The ubiquitous model was an advanced version of the B1-Series battle droid used in the Trade Federation's Droid Army, equipped with specialized programming. However, the targeting and coordination of the security droids was little better than that of their cousins, and often failed to consistently hit their target.

The OOM security battle droid model saw varied use after the Clone Wars.


The OOM security battle droid were characterized by red markings on their torso and shoulders. They were equipped with the E-5 blaster rifle as their primary weapon. The OOM security droid lacked in accuracy and coordination. This made it fail to consistently hit its intended target, making it easy to destroy.[7]

Standing 1.91 meters, the security droids were produced by Baktoid Combat Automata.[1]


"Drop your weapons! I said drop 'em."
―A security battle droid confronting Jedi intruders[8]

The OOM security battle droid was first designed as a security droid. It was manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata as part of the OOM droid line. OOM security battle droids were created for defense and detection. They generally operated in squads led by an OOM command battle droids on Capital starships.[7] One such group was the squad lead by OWO-1.[7] Like the OOM commander battle droid, the security droid was an advanced version of the B1-Series battle droid.[1]

OOM Battle Droids

A squad of OOM security droids and the OOM Commander OWO-1

They were used by the Trade Federation during the Subjugation of Naboo. Aboard the capital ship Saak'ak, security droids patrolled the hallways and attacked the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. Security droids also accompanied Viceroy Nute Gunray, OOM-9, and Queen Amidala through the streets of Theed but were then destroyed.[7]

OOM security droids were added to the Confederacy of Independent Systems when the Trade Federation committed its forces. Security droids then saw service on capital ships such as the Invisible Hand.[8]

After the Clone Wars ended, many security droids were shut down. Some droids were reactivated by gangs and Separatist holdouts serving as guards.

Behind the scenes[]


Security droids take part in the Battle of Utapau.

OOM security battle droids first appeared with the release of the Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace film. The OOM designation originates with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, first alluded to in the Arms & Equipment Guide. There, it is described as having the same processor as the OOM Commander, as exemplified by OOM-9 in The Phantom Menace, and is first designated "OOM Series" in the "Artificial Armies" online supplement for the Star Wars Miniatures Clone Strike expansion.

Prior to the release of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, security droids were claimed to have possessed intelligence and independence like the command droids, although they were still subordinate to the latter.[9][10] Both command and security droids at the Invasion of Naboo were also described as possessing low-grade electronic brains, unlike the pilot and infantry droids.[10] However, these claims conflict with other sources that state all those droids possessed only control signal receivers and simple processors.[11]

The OOM security battle droid made a non-canonical appearance in LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game. They appeared on the very first level and also could be played as. In The Clone Wars series the security droids were given incorrect areas for red markings as well as having a backpack which OOM droids didn't have.


OOM security droids rots

OOM security droids on board the Invisible Hand.

Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

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