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The MPH power droid[2] was a model of power droid.

One MPH power droid was present in 10 BBY[3] at Camp Forward during the Mimban Campaign.[4] MPH-11[1] was an MPH power droid that worked in the spice mines of Kessel for the Pyke Syndicate[5] that same year.[3] Along with the other droids enslaved in the mines, MPH-11 was freed during a revolt started by L3-37.[5]

Years later, around 9 ABY,[6] Peli Motto owned a MPH power droid to help her run Hangar 3-5 in Mos Eisley.[7]

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Behind the scenes[]

MPH power droid first appeared in the 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story.[5] MPH-11 was first identified in the accompanying reference book Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo[1] but the actual model was only identified in a video posted to the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel in July 2019.[2] MPH-11 was played by Jimmy Vee[8] while another droid on Mimban was played by Hassan Taj.[4]



Notes and references[]
