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Darth Arkous was a Sith male Dark Lord of the Sith and a member of the Sith Empire's ruling Dark Council during the Galactic War against the Galactic Republic.[3][5] As a veteran in the Great Galactic War, and a strong Imperial loyalist that planned the Assault on Tython. It was later revealed that Arkous had an ulterior motive for the attack on Tython: the retrieval of a Rakata artifact. Since the Korriban Incursion, Arkous was reported to have an interest in a shipment of Isotope-5 from Makeb.[3]


Darth Arkous on Vaiken Spacedock

Darth Arkous on Vaiken Spacedock

In 3637 BBY, Darth Arkous summoned an Imperial strike team to assist in the Empire's assault on Tython. Officially, he claimed it would be a crippling blow against the Republic and the Jedi. Unofficially, he dispatched Lord Goh to recover Rakata technology hidden within the Jedi Temple. The attack on Tython was to coincide with Colonel Rian Darok's attack on Korriban, which also hid Rakata technology. When the Empire received word of the attack, Arkous sent the strike team to retake Korriban to keep up appearances, while at the same time, the Republic retook Tython. Arkous attempted to reestablish contact with Goh only to learn that a Republic strike team had killed him. Following the reclamation of Korriban, Arkous gave praise to the Imperial heroes.

Arkous later rendezvoused with Darok on Manaan. Together, they journeyed to an underwater base to meet with a Selkath geneticist named Gorima, to find a way to graft the Rakata technology onto test subjects to create invincible supersoldiers for the Order of Revan. However, Arkous' former assistant Lana Beniko, having collaborated with SIS agent Theron Shan, sent a strike team after them. When they confronted Gorima, Arkous and Darok were watching from an observation room. With Gorima's experiments having successfully made the grafting procedure non-lethal, the two conspirators made their escape, leaving a depth charge to destroy the facility and send their enemies to their deaths, unaware that Shan was present to rescue them before the facility could reach crush depth.

Arkous later sent a coded message to Lana, explaining that he was planning on recruiting her to the Revanites, but his plans changed when she met her new allies. He warned her not to interfere with his plan, cryptically stating that the Revanites are everywhere. Lana and Shan tracked Arkous and Darok to Lehon (or "Rakata Prime", as it was then known), the former capital of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, where the Revanites had salvaged fragments of the destroyed Star Forge for Gorima to advance his experients in the building of an "Infinite Army." The Republic and Imperial pursuers, joined by the vengeful Wookiee smuggler Jakarro and his protocol droid "partner" C2-D4, confronted Arkous and Darok on the roof of the Temple of the Ancients, and killed them, despite Shan's hopes that they be taken alive for questioning. However, it soon became clear that neither Arkous nor Darok were the leader of the Revanites, but followers of the true master of the Order of Revan. The master was soon revealed to be Revan himself.[2]

Lana Beniko was declared a traitor to the Empire and charged with murdering Arkous, a fact she could not contest due to the influence of the Revanites, and was forced to go underground with Shan and Jakarro.[2]

Powers and abilities[]

Darth Arkous was an extremely powerful Dark Lord of the Sith. He was of noteworthy skill in lightsaber combat and he was also capable of using Force choke.

Darth Arkous was also capable of using telekinesis and has demonstrated prowess in the use of Force lightning.

Behind the scenes[]

Arkous first appeared in Game Update 2.7: Invasion of the 2011 massively-multiplayer online roleplaying video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. The update was released by BioWare on April 8, 2014.[6]

Arkous was featured as a central character in the Imperial storyline of the "Forged Alliances" story arc, a prelude to the main storyline of the 2014 Shadow of Revan digital expansion. He would later reappear in further entries of the story arc, including the "Depths of Manaan" flashpoint introduced in Game Update 2.9: Galactic Strongholds Early Access, released on August 19, 2014.[7]

Arkous made his final appearance in Game Update 2.10: Forged Alliances, released on September 9, 2014.[8] He, along with Darok, his counterpart in the Republic Forged Alliances story arc, make up the final boss fight for the "Legacy of the Rakata" flashpoint that was introduced in the update.

After completing the "Korriban Incursion" flashpoint, Imperial players of any gender have the option to flirt with Arkous, asking him to "take some time to mark the occasion" of driving back Republic forces from Korriban. Arkous turns the player down, stating that he is busy. There are no further opportunities to pursue a romance with Arkous in the game.[9]



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Notes and references[]

  1. According to SWTOR mini Forums: Dear Story Team, What Year Are We Currently In? on The Old Republic's official website (backup link), Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel takes place from early to mid 3638 BBY, and further Game Updates that were released in 2013 take place in the latter half of that year. The post also states that Game Updates released in 2014 can be placed in early and mid 3637 BBY, Shadow of Revan takes place near the end of that year, and that the events of Game Updates 3.1 through 3.3 can be placed in early and mid 3636 BBY. Therefore, the events of Game Update 2.7: Invasion, which was released in 2014, can be placed in 3637 BBY.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — [TACTICAL] Flashpoint: "Legacy of the Rakata"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Imperial Mission: "Forged Alliances, Part I" on Vaiken Spacedock
  4. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — [TACTICAL] Flashpoint: "Depths of Manaan"
  5. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Codex: "Darth Arkous"
  6. SWTOR mini Producer's Road Map 2014 on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  7. SWTOR mini Producer Letter — Galactic Strongholds on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  8. SWTOR mini Game Update 2.10: Forged Alliances on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  9. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — [TACTICAL] Flashpoint: "Korriban Incursion"
  10. SWTOR mini Forums: Dear Story Team, What Year Are We Currently In? on The Old Republic's official website (backup link) and Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia date the finales of Star Wars: The Old Republic's class storylines in 3640 BBY, and place the subsequent Battle of Ilum at the end of that same year.
  11. According to SWTOR mini Forums: Dear Story Team, What Year Are We Currently In? on The Old Republic's official website (backup link), Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel takes place from early to mid 3638 BBY, and further Game Updates that were released in 2013 take place in the latter half of that year. The post also states that Game Updates released in 2014 can be placed in early and mid 3637 BBY, Shadow of Revan takes place near the end of that year, and that the events of Game Updates 3.1 through 3.3 can be placed in early and mid 3636 BBY. Therefore, the events of Game Update 2.10: Forged Alliances, which was released in 2014, can be placed in 3637 BBY.

External links[]
