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- Mission to Ahakista
- Capture of Ahsoka Tano
- Capture of Ahsoka Tano/Legends
- Mission to Al'doleem
- Mission at Alzoc III (Empire Reborn)
- Mission to Alzoc III
- Battle at Amaxine Station
- Confrontation on Ambria
- Duel on Ambria (980 BBY)
- Skirmish in the Ancient Crystal Cave
- Duel in the Ancient Grove
- Battle in the Ancient Halls
- Raid on the Archive
- Hunt for Aurra Sing
- Duel on Cadomai Prime
- Liberation of Calodan
- Confrontation on Caprioril
- Capture of Eeth Koth/Legends
- Showdown on Carajam
- Battle on Carlac
- Battle on Carlac/Legends
- Mission to Cato Neimoidia (Kenobi and Skywalker)
- Confrontation in the Caverns of the Hidden One
- Duel on Centares
- Duel on the Chancellor Fillorean
- Duel on Chelloa
- Battle of Christophsis
- Battle of Christophsis/Legends
- Second battle of Christophsis
- Duel on Cloud City
- Duel on Cloud City/Legends
- Skirmish on Cloud City
- Duel on Commerce Guild trading station
- Raid on the communications tower
- Fight on Concordia
- Fight on Concordia/Legends
- Duel on Cophrigin V
- Mission to Corellia (New Republic)
- Showdown on Corellia
- Duel on Coruscant (30 BBY)
- Duel on Coruscant (Inter–Sith Wars Period)
- Duel in the Coruscant Underlevels
- Battle of Coruscant
- Battle of Coruscant/Legends
- Mission on Coruscant
- Showdown on Coruscant
- Duel on Corvair II
- Battle of the Cowl Crucible
- Cylo Hijacking
- Skirmish in Cylo's research base
- Assault on Cymoon
- Duel at the Czerka mining facility
- Incident on Dac
- Duel on Dagobah (3 ABY)
- Duel on Dagobah (3 ABY)/Legends
- Duel on Dagobah (700 BBY)
- Duel on Dagobah (non-canon)
- Ambush on Daluuj
- Duel in the Dark Council Chambers (Galactic War)
- Duel in the Dark Temple
- Fight for the Darksaber
- Capture of Darth Revan
- Mission to Dathomir (Cal Kestis)
- Duel in the Dathomir landing meadow
- Battle of Dathomir
- Battle of Dathomir/Legends
- Second Battle of Dathomir
- Skirmish on Dathomir
- Battle on Death Star I
- Devaron massacre
- Mission to Devaron
- Duel on Dica
- Showdown in the Draay Estate
- Skirmish on the moon of Drazkel
- Duel between The Dreamer and The Monster-Slayer
- Mission to Dromund Kaas (New Republic)
- Dromund Kaas operation
- Duel on Dromund Kaas
- Duel in Darth Nul's archive
- Duel on the Voyager Dawn
- Battle of Ebaq
- Duel on the Ebon Hawk
- Capture of Eeth Koth
- Hunt for Eeth Koth
- Battle of Elphrona
- Mission to Elphrona
- Mission to the Emperor's Fortress
- Battle of Endor
- Skirmish on Endor
- Skirmish on Endymion
- Mission to Escander
- Duel on the Esus Mesa
- Duel aboard the Euphony
- Duel on the Executor
- Battle of Exegol
- Mission to Exis Station
- Battle in the Fallanassi village
- Attack on a farm village
- Battle on Fedalle
- Battle of Felucia (Great Jedi Purge)
- Mission to Felucia (Great Jedi Purge)
- Mission to Firrhana
- Invasion of Florrum
- Invasion of Florrum/Legends
- Skirmish on Florrum
- Skirmish on Florrum/Legends
- Duel at the Font of Power
- Battle of the Forge
- Duel at the Forge
- Battle of Fortress Vader
- Showdown in Freetown
- Mission to the frozen moon
- Mission to Habo
- Battle on Had Abbadon
- Skirmish on the Halcyon
- Duel in Hammertown
- Honor duel on Hapes
- Battle of Haruun Kal
- Skirmish at the Hidden Jedi Temple
- Siege of Hisseen
- Operation on Hissrich
- Mission to Hrakert Station
- Skirmish on Hubin
- Duel on Hutta
- Battle of Hypori/Legends
- Mission to Jabba's Palace (Clone Wars)
- Mission to Jabba's Palace (Clone Wars)/Legends
- Duel in the Jedi Council Chamber
- Duel at the Jedi Praxeum
- Duel in the Jedi Temple ruins
- Duel in the Jedi Temple Underlevels
- Duel at the Jedi Temple
- Duel at the Jedi Temple/Legends
- Duel in the former Jedi Temple
- Duel in the ruins of the Jedi Temple
- Incident at the Jedi Temple
- Raid on the Jedi Temple/Legends
- Raid on the Jedi Temple